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Fandom Fandom RP Hunt!


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Roleplay Availability
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Hello all!
(I’m trying to figure out this formatting thing on here so let me try!)

If you haven’t seen me around before, you can call me E or Grant, I go by both, and I’m a 19 year old fandom rper who’s been rping for probably around 5 years? I haven’t really kept track lol. I write from semi-lit to literate, and I average probably around 3-5 paras per reply depending on the rp. I’m comfortable writing here, on discord, tumblr, email, wherever you like! I enjoy talking OOC about whatever fandom(s) we have in common, but if you don’t enjoy that, please lmk and I’ll hush!
Mostly what I ask of a rp partner is that you are respectful of my content boundaries, which we can go over both of ours in DMs, are 18+, and make an effort to match my length, as I will do the same for you.
All that said, if you’re missing a response from me, please give me a bump! I’ve been overloaded these past couple weeks and sometimes things slip :-/

With that out of the way, let me get into my current rp cravings, i.e. the reason we’re all here! I’ll include plot ideas where I have them, but I’m open to doing something else for any and all of them, it’s just to get the ball rolling! Character’s I prefer to play will be italicized and fandoms who I’m open to playing other characters/pairings will have a * by them, in case you have any you’d like to suggest! I play more than I have listed, so please just ask!

Epic: The Musical
Telemachus x OC
I’m surprised with myself for this one, given the Wisdom saga wasn’t my favorite on my first listen through, but I’m really interested in playing Telemachus against an original character. I would love to do something with the dynamic of him meeting a commoner/citizen of Ithaca and getting into shenanigans together. This can be romantic or platonic, gender of the original character does not matter, and my ideas are vague here but I’m very enthusiastic to plot
together in DMs!
Ouran High School Host Club*
Tamaki Suoh x Haruhi Fujioka, Tamaki Suoh x Kyoya Ootori, Hikaru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka, Kaoru Hitachiin x Haruhi Fujioka
I’ve been rewatching Ouran and desperately would like to play any of the above ships! I don’t have any ideas in particular for most of these, but regular Host Club events or maybe tweaked episode plots could be fun to do!
Baldur’s Gate III
default!Dark Urge x Enver Gortash
I keep asking for this because Durgetash is one of my favorite ship dynamics ever! My plot ideas here fall into the obvious categories of pre-amnesia(how they go along in their first meetings or maybe their planning of the elder brain-takeover), post-game(either after the final fight or after the reunion party they reunite), and canon divergent where they find each other earlier.
Gravity Falls*
Stanley Pines x Fiddleford McGucket, Bill Cipher x Stanford Pines
Gravity falls has been SUCH a craving for me lately, I fell victim to the BillFord to FiddAuthor to FiddStan pipeline, and the first and third have wound up as my favorites! Again, not a whole lot of ideas, but I would just love to brainstorm for this!
and then my long shot, Check, Please!*
Alexei Mashkov x Kent Parson, Jack Zimmerman x Eric Bittle, Shitty Knight x/& anyone
I still looove this webcomic, and would love to do any of the above ships. I have the most ideas for Patater, mostly involving rivalries between the teams leading to some combo of angst and pining, but some outside of that. For Zimbits, I’m happy to do something prior or after their becoming established! There’s a lot we can do there for sure. And then, well, Shitty is the best character hands down, so I’m happy to play him against anyone.

That’s about it! Even if I haven’t caught your attention, I appreciate you reading, but if I have, please comment here or DM me and we can get to planning!​

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