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Fandom Fandom Roleplay


Infernal Baron
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hello, everyone! I'm searching for some fandom roleplays!

  • Clock Tower​
  • Dead Rising​
  • Dead Space​
  • Mortal Kombat​
  • Murder Drones​
  • Power Rangers​
  • Predator​
  • Pro Wrestling​
  • Resident Evil​
  • Saw​
  • Silent Hill​
  • Spider-Verse​
  • Terminator​
  • +20 ONLY. I prefer to roleplay with partners who are in the same age range as myself.
  • GRAMMAR. I'm a literate roleplayer in my mid-twenties who's been in the game for over a decade, so while I'm new to the site, I'm experienced in the practice of writing, participating in, and even directing roleplays. I have experience writing for multiple characters and entire sections consisting of characters I control. I take great care to go back and check my posts, ensuring they're easy to read and don't break immersion. I want to ask for the same courtesy. Nothing dampens my creative flow like a post riddled with typos and grammatical mistakes that make the whole thing seem rushed. I write in the third-person, past tense! Let's strive for a high standard together!
  • GHOSTING. I get it; not everyone is willing to say upfront that they aren't interested anymore. If I don't hear back from you in a week, I'll shoot you a poke, and if nothing happens after three days, I'll consider the roleplay dropped. I won't block you, however, so if you'd like to pick it up at a later date, you can still reach out to me, and we'll see where we go from there.
  • REPLY RATE. I'm in a position where I can churn out replies frequently. Depending on my muse, I can reply once a day or even several times if you match the energy. If my living arrangement changes, I'll be sure to let you know.
  • COMMUNICATION. Do we all like more communication? I'm confident that 90% of ruts in roleplays can be resolved if partners talk to each other, so I will do so if I'm suffering writer's block or need pointers on how to proceed. Likewise, I'd like for you to do the same!
  • PLATFORM. I'm entirely open to DMs and threads. It's all about my partner's preference and what makes them feel most comfortable and engaged!
  • OOC. I'm perfectly fine with casual chatter. By all means, let's engage in discussion, whether it pertains to the roleplay or not! I'm open to shooting the doo-doo if that's all you're in the mood for.
  • PAIRINGS. I play males for my main characters, but I am capable of playing both genders and/or non-binaries for supporting characters. I prefer M x F pairings! Romance isn't a requirement; platonic is in the cards if that's your cup of tea! I can do whichever you lean. For this roleplay, I'm primarily leaning on OCxOC, but I could be persuaded to do a Canon, depending on what it is.
  • LENGTH. It'd be great if you could give me enough to write a reply with, but not too little so that it looks like you wrote it with little thought. I, for instance, typically write longer posts if I'm setting the scene, describing the environment, delving into a character's thoughts, and so on--these can range from a few paragraphs to several. For dialogue, my posts will be shorter, roughly a paragraph or two in length. While I'm not going to impose a hard word limit for replies, I'd appreciate it if you could give me more than a single sentence and show that you actually cared enough to write something substantial.
  • PLANNING. Please be willing to contribute ideas of your own. While I have an overall direction for this plot, please know that nothing kills the vibes more than a partner who just says, "I'll do whatever you want." Because everyone has their preferences, wants, and such. Throw your ideas into the hat! You never know what we might cook up.
  • TRIGGERS. When you message me, please let me know of any triggers you may have so that we don't run into any complications. I, for example, don't mind topics involving blood, horror, murder, stalking, kidnapping, and so on, but I understand that there are people who aren't. Please tell me what you aren't okay with so we can smooth out any speed bumps.

Please DM me if anything catches your interest!
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