Family Matters

X3 Infernal Infinity

Kawaii in the Streets, Sempai in the Sheets
Pretty much gonna make this simple because I know everyone involved it perfectly capable of making there own awesome character sheets.

::Just include these simple things::




*Sexual Orientation:





*Favorite Things:

*Least Favorite Things:



Your room/house:

(*indicates optional info)
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The Family Dog

Name: Remy Blackhart

Age: 1

Gender: Male


View attachment 67316

Personality: Hyperactive, Remy loves attention like any good dog. He's only young and still needs training.

Bio/Backstory: A pure-bred husky, Remy was purchased by his family from a breeder. His unique colouring set him apart from his brothers and sisters.

Relationships: His humans.

Favorite Things: Pats, food, walks, food, chewing things, running around, attention.

Least Favorite Things: Thunderstorms, cats, ambulance/fire engine sirens.

Quirks: He's a dog, he's like... all quirk.

Your room/house:

Xen Blackhart

Cute But Deadly

Would you like a cupcake...? I made them special... ^_^


  • Age:

    Never ask a lady her age, yea...?



    Sexual Orientation:



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Justine Blackhart

  • Age: 19

    Gender: Female

    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual



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  • Cyrus "Grandpa" Badwulf

    Age: 62

    Sexual Orientation: Asexual, years of marriage will do that to you. Shes dead (finally).


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  • Age: 23

    Gender: Male


    Esau is usually just interested in his own amusement. He is never loud, though he can be angry, but his voice is almost never heard raised. He is often seen as mildly arrogant and mysterious. It's not hard to get him to chuckle, though whether he's laughing at the joke or laughing at the teller is often hard to discern. When people ask him stupid questions or are rude to him, rather than getting flustered he simply will give a pitying look and sigh. Esau is calm, collected, cold, calculating and above all, callous.


    Esau is the next-door neighbor to all of the Blackharts
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Name: Stafforde Blackhart

Age: Wouldn't you like to know? <_<

Gender: Dude

Sexual Orientation: Happily Married to his Waifu (Khu)



Personality: Quirky and fun loving,


Stafforde Blackhart is a quirky individual. He is generally calm and composed, though his beloved wife unnerves him greatly, and he stammers a lot around her. Stafforde has always claimed to be a wizard (this is not true, he's really only been granted a wizard's magical essence manifested into a human form through an accident entailing a rubber band, a semi-aquatic time machine, and a catcus named Louis, but those are minor details.), and claims that his wife's love causes him to stay in the form he is in. This has never been verified, since he has never been seen as anything other than what he is now. He comes from a family that he speaks of frequently, but goes to visit them occasionally. He left home to test his mettle in the world and somehow ended up in Purgatory, where he met his wife and has stayed there ever since. He studied for a high-class college, but dropped out when he left home, simply because it was boorish to him. Stafforde's knowledge extends to Astronomy, Psychology, Psychiatry, Physiognomy, Language Arts, and, among several other minors, Knitting. He despises Mathematical Sciences, as he has trouble with simple long division and advanced equations are right out.


Son-in-law to Cyrus Badwulf

Married to Brenda Blackhart

Father of Justine and Xen Blackhart

Owner of Remy Blackhart

Father-in-law of Dean "That Strange Water Boy" Blackhart

Favorite Things:

His family

Being magical

Not dying by his Waifu's hand

A nice cup of black tea, with cream and sugar

Time alone to read a good boom.

Playing Video Games with his daughters (he's not very good at them, though)

Least Favorite Things:

Creepy neighbors

When "That Dog" makes a mess on the floor (or anywhere else <.<)


Is a confirmed Tsundere around his waifu, all other times, he is rather calm and collected.

He is a confirmed cat person (as in, he prefers cats to dogs), though Remy is just about the only dog he will tolerate.


Your room/house:

"However the wife wants it, I have pretty much no say in the matter."

He does have a library that he likes to 'hide out' in, reading is a pleasure to him.

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Brenda Badwulf Blackhart - Housewife extraordinaire



Name: Brenda Badwulf Blackhart

Age: *whistles* "Oh would you look at the time, I best start cooking supper!"

Gender: Female

Personality: The sweetest little housewife. Except if you piss her off or drag your dirty shoes on her newly washed floor. She'll throw cups at you and then get mad you for breaking her cups.

Born to Cyrus Badwulf and a deceased mother, Brenda grew up mostly on her own. Her father wasn't home much, often dissappearing to his shady job, but as she grew older, she learnt to accept that. She has a close relationship with her dad, genuinely thinking he's super cool despite his drinking habits and lack of presence. She's always been a daddy's girl. Brenda grew up in a rich home, having people to cater to her all the time. When her mother suddenly passed away, she realized, she didn't know anything about anything. Telling her father; "Dad, I want to go to college", she miraculously got in and graduated with decent grades. She met her husband during her college time and they got married not too long after. She found it cute how he stammers around her, and she's grown into a habit of endless teasing and poking his buttons.

Despite her college degree, she decided, being a housewife was what she really wanted. She'd be the mother, she hadn't had herself. She loves her darling kids and dog, and will do anything for them, but if they mess up her pretty house, they'll get a scolding. Her cooking isn't great but her knifethrowing skills are spot on.


Married to Stafford

Daughter to Cyrus

Mother to Justine and Xen


*Favorite Things: Wearing pretty dresses, jewelry, teasing her husband, their dog, and their strange but handsome neighbour,

*Least Favorite Things: People making a mess off the house, people who says bad things about her cooking.

*Quirks: When noone is around, she can be found twerking around the house to herself. (??????)

Your room/house:
She shares the master bedroom with her hubby.
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I don't have a complete obsession over water. I mean, I won't like, fuck it. If I did, I wouldn't have needed a wife or a husband.
Dean Blackhart

  • Nicknames: Neptune or Blu

    Gender: Male

    Age: 21

    Sexual Preference: Bisexual


    • Quick with his words, he sometimes ends up saying something that offends or insults a person, even though he didn't mean it that way. By doing this, he only has a few friends that accept the way he acts.

    • Quiet and observant

    • When given an energy drink or any type of sweets, he'll be more hyperactive then Remy (How dat possible?)

    • Goes-with-the-flow type of person.

    • Submissive

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