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Fantasy Familiars: The Unrest between Body and Soul


Legendary Golden Support
"a demon supposedly attending and obeying a witch, often said to assume the form of an animal"
OOC Chat

Well, that's what they call them anyway. Or at least, what they used to call them. Not anymore, thank goodness. We're civilised people and we've learned that familiars... they're not demons. And we're not witches! We're just ordinary people with a soul so strong that it summons a Familiar to help us for as long as we live. So let me tell you more about Familiars.

Welcome! This is a fantasy RP that revolves around teenagers and young adults, and their Familiars. Familiars are sentient, talking companions that are made up of a part of the Ally's (human person who owns the soul) that resemble animal or mythical forms. Familiars are loyal to the Ally and serve no one else unless asked to by the Ally and their service ends when the Ally dies or the Familiar's physical form dies. All Familiars can speak the human tongue, but tend to have trouble talking in their animal tongue.

Familiars, and Obtaining Them
Familiars are awoken on their Ally's 15th birthday or later though the latter is rare, and never earlier. If awoken before their 15th birthday, the Familiar will not have developed fully and may not remain loyal to the Ally, or may not be stable enough to hold itself. Sometimes Familiars are awoken later if the Familiar takes longer to develop, but timing is key.

It is tradition in the Kingdom of Redsea for a child to receive their Familiar on their 15th birthday. This is a ceremony known as "Awakening". The child will visit the King's appointed Archmage, who will guide them in awakening and releasing their Familiar. All Familiars start in an egg with a unique design and no two eggs are ever the same. The right egg for the right child is selected by the Archmage's Familiar - a prismatic dragon by the name of Awela. Once the right egg is brought forth, the Archmage will guide the child in powering the egg with the child's soul energy, which will awaken the Familiar within the egg.

Familiars can take the form of any animal in existence and are always a representation of the child's soul. For example, tigers represent courage, hawks represent freedom, snakes representing slyness, or doves representing home and family. Some children may get mythical beasts as their Familiar and represent a very strong soul. Some mythical Familiars can be dragons, phoenixes, pegasi, unicorns, basilisks, wyverns, or celestial dogs. Fishes are not able to be Familiars.

Types of Familiars (Ranked from Most to Least Common)
Domestic Animals (Small Dogs, Cats, House Birds, Rabbits)
Large Domestic Animals (Horses, other Equines, Cattle)
Large Dogs
Small Wild Birds
Wolves and Coyotes
Big Cats (Lion, Tiger, Cheetah, Jaguar)
Lesser Cats (Lynx, Serval, Ocelot)
Reptiles (Snakes, Lizards)
Birds of Prey
Giraffes, Zebras, Rhinos, Hippos
Amphibians (Frogs, Toads)
Crustacean (Crab)
Bears (Polar, Black, Brown, Panda)
Birds of Paradise

Mythical Familiars (in no particular order)
Celestial Dog
Pegasi/Winged Horse

Allies are always humans. Allies may display a part of themselves that their Familiars directly reflect, and may not reflect some aspects of their Familiars. For example, an Ally with a vulture Familiar may not be quick to take chances as vultures do with food, but may be patient like one and perfectly okay with waiting and circling something.

There are no people without a Familiar, except those who lost theirs. It is deeply shamed to lose a Familiar and an Ally must take utmost care of their Familiar. Just as Familiars serve their Allies, Allie must return the duty.

Kingdom of Redsea
Redsea is a fantasy kingdom located to the west of her planet, Iiertera. It is a monarch, with a King and Queen constantly in power. The kingdom deeply emphasises on harmonious relationships between the nobility and commoners, and between Ally and Familiar. However, Redsea's nobility tends to sell their Familiar's services to commoners, though they keep this from the King and Queen. Familiar lending is a growing practice amongst people, creating unrest in Familiars as they begin to realise that their duties are no longer to their Allies, but to whoever they're temporarily traded for.

The common people are made up mostly of farmers, animal-rearers, butchers, traders, hunters, and other common village work. Commonly, all children complete basic education in reading and writing, and their Familiar determines if they continue school or not.

The Plot
Familiar lending is a growing practice in Redsea. Allies lend their Familiars to other people in exchange for some money depending on the Familiar and some collateral, and are being used as tools to ease the lives of people instead of serving and guarding their Allies. Familiars are becoming unsettled with this and beginning to rebel against such a practice, sowing unrest amongst the kingdom and threatening to leave, should the King and Queen not end this practice. However, the monarch earns money through this practice as people earn more and pay more taxes, and as such turn a blind eye to the problem. If people don't step up on the side of Familiars in exchange for their ease in life, they may just start a full on war against the Familiars, who are more than determined to fight back.
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Interested! Interested! Interested!
So very interested!
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What's the age range for characters?
thanks! Iโ€™ll try to make mine as soon as I could :)
maybe?~ :3 XD

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