False Heroes


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Percimus submitted a new role play. @Percimus, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Character Sheet Template

Name: your character's name.

Age: your character's age.

Gender: Your character's gender. (non-binary welcome.)

Description: a few sentences describing physical appearance. Images are also welcome.

Personality: your character's personality.

Type: ordinary or Enlightened. You're very welcome to play an ordinary (trying to eke out a living among Enlightened would be interesting) and if you so choose then ignore the next two sections.

Power (if applicable): what is your Enlightened's power? Be creative--there are hundreds of options and thinking outside the box will make this more interesting.

Price (if applicable): what is the price of your Enlightened's ability? Please note that the stronger the power, the more severe the price will be, so please try to keep things balanced.

Occupation: does your character have a job?


(I'll post mine now, I suppose.)

Name: Kasemir Alde

Age: 24

Gender: male

Description: Usually a bit of a mess. A bit nervous in his movements; not terribly strong, and a bit on the thin side. Exhaustion caused by powers is usually evident.


Personality: Gentle, but on the nervous side. His forgetfulness makes him apprehensive but he only ever wants to help. He's quite good at domestic tasks and when he can offer nothing else he'll make dinner or clean up a bit for you. He tries to keep his friends together, especially in trying times, despite being painfully introverted at times.

Type: Enlightened

Power: teleportation

Price: teleporting is exhausting and the longer the distance the more difficult it is to get it exact; the true price, however, is memory. The more he uses his powers over his lifetime, the worse his memory gets. By this point he's taken to keeping journals of everything, with a large shelf of filled ones in his apartment and an in-progess one always on his person (although he frequently finds himself asking to borrow a pen). He relies on a sheet he keeps tucked in the current journal to remind him sometimes if he's met you before.

Occupation: odd jobs for various people downtown, sometimes a little sketchy
Name: Xavier Jacrezz

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Description: He tries his best not to stick out too much, but it's hard because of his hair colour. More on the side of a small build.


Personality: He's quiet, not really butting into anyone's business unless absolutely needed, but does open up more around people he knows and trusts. Acts really cold and standoffish just out and about so people don't bother him, but is super nice, caring, and will not hesitate to stick up for anyone of his friends or even total strangers if he feels like it.

Type: Enlightened

Power (if applicable): The little voice inside your head(he can talk to people inside their heads). He can't control what the person thinks or read any of their thoughts, and they can't send things back to him. Like one way telepathy.

Price (if applicable): Major headaches if he uses his power a lot and he's lost most of his voice. He doesn't talk much because of this, but when he does his voice is quiet and raspy. The headaches he gets are bad enough to keep him in bed for a day even with medicine.

Occupation: Errand/delivery boy for several shops so is always walking around.

13 first and last
Name: Sun/ Luna

Age: 18

Gender: Male/ Female

Appearence (see pic)

Description: Sun Luna gender was first female but slowly a male manifested after becoming a Enlighten.

Personality: Split Personality, Female side is more normal and male is more insane

Type: Enlightened

Power: Super speed, edurance, and intelgence. More of her powers are unknown than known.

Price: Her mind was split in two causeing extermely hard memory control. The super speex causes her to have short term memory loss and her edurance causes her to have a unnatrual muscle reactions.
Name: Farra Rei

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Description: Long blue hair, with bright violet eyes. Very pale. Tends to wear a black jumpsuit.


Personality: She's sarcastic and impulsive. Farra could honestly care less about your problems, and doesn't like to be told what to do; unless money is involved, of course. Ruthless and determined, no amount of pleading and crying could deter her. If you're not on her good side, good luck. If you ARE one of her own, she is attached and protective.

Type: Enlightened.

Power: Psychic. She is telepathic, can erase memories, and silence voices. She can also place ideas and thoughts into ordinary human's minds.

Price: Telepathy- She loses her voice or is weakened for an equal amount of time as how long she used telepathy.

Memory erasing- She doesn't really erase memories, she transfers them to her own mind. After a transfer, she will pass out and live in the memory as the person whom the memory was taken from.

Voice Silencing- Farra will suffer from a "migraine" for however long the person's voice is silenced. The person's voice is now in her head, screaming relentlessly to be released.

Idea and Thought Planting: Migraine and loss of energy.

Along with their individual tolls, they each exhaust her and cause her to need to consume over 5,000 calories per day.

Occupation: Assassin for hire.

Eight, first and last combined.
Name: Katerina Hunter

Age: 21

Gender: Female!

Description: will provide image.

Personality: Kat, is always smiling and putting up a good face. She hides her powers with ease and has been taught since a child if she used them their would be consequences. She is loyal to her family and friends being the only child. She is an overachiever in all that she does. Her only vice with her personality is she's learned to trust no one.


Power (if applicable): Psionic Blasts. Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack if consciousness or a link.

Price (if applicable): while using her ability she always gets nose bleeds and if she's linked with someone if they experience pain her nerve ending experience the same pain. Also, to cause memory loss or pain hair changes from a burnet to a silver.

Occupation: she is a bar tender/ waitress.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.ea651e97b253b281bf647cf79bc38f32.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14469" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/image.jpg.ea651e97b253b281bf647cf79bc38f32.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Rose DeMarco

Age: 20

Gender: female

Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-manga-taggs-anime_vampire_girl_1_finished-img.jpg.6603b41a941738bb64c85a7d49392bf2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/images-manga-taggs-anime_vampire_girl_1_finished-img.jpg.6603b41a941738bb64c85a7d49392bf2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Being introverted, Rose is soft-spoken and tends to say very little. In any crowd, she’s often the loner in the background, but that is where she would rather be. One way to even have a chance to get to know her is try to initiate a conversation with her, but even that can be a challenge. The only other way is if she comes to you, which is rare.

Type: Enlightened, though the only way to tell is to assume that based on where she lives.

Power (if applicable): Rose has the ability to charm people with a highly potent siren song, usually using it for rather... nefarious purposes.

Price (if applicable): Every time she uses her siren song, Rose’s looks become noticeably unnatural, and she will temporarily become a literal statue when she is inactive.

Occupation: Because of her chosen appearance, she managed to find a job as a cashier at an anime store.

Four and Seven



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Name:Alec Azrith Lariat

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Description: tends to wear glasses on frequently. average height (about 5'11), slender muscular build


Personality: Calm, gentlemanly, and thoughtful Alec was raise to show respect to those who deserve it, he isnt above getting dirty for those in need but isnt inclined to start a conflict without cause. He is reserved most of the time and enjoys a good read. Bigotry is a pet peeve of his and he is quick to act against it. This can sometimes led to Alec being rash and impulsive. He tends to be mellow but can be frustrated by childish behavior After his rather trying childhood Alec is typically a source of wisdom for some.


Power: Kinetic Manipulation of Osteoferrousus. He can manipulate his bone structure to utilize the metals in his body and transform the bone into that metal. His body generates large amounts of the metals needed through the foods he consumes The manipulation can transform the bone at his will (He can turn his femur into chain whips for example) and he can remove it from his body at the lost of limb. His body of course can receive the augmented bone back with it use is exhausted.

Price: Alec must have routine blood transfusion done every two weeks since his bones produce more metals than they do blood. While he can manipulate the bone outside his body, it is of course OUTSIDE his body and thus if taken or destroyed he must find it or risk losing the bone in question. Losing blood is also very dangerous as he has very little to begin with. Also manipulating his bones for long periods greatly increases his metabolism and requires that he consumes twice his normal calorie consumption if he goes over his limit. He also receives a steady amount of pain when using the power, even when not active he has a steady hum of pain that he has some what become accustomed to.

Occupation: Medical doctor/researcher in physical therapy.
Name: Alex Miller

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Personality: Most of what Alex presents to other people is a lie. He can come off as cocky and arrogant though he is always horribly conflicted about nearly every decision he makes. He comes off as outgoing and confident though he keeps his secrets close and never lets anyone get close enough to learn his secrets. He seems impulsive though he dwells and broods pain-stakingly over everything that he does after he does them. He likes to think that he comes off as cool and always collected though in reality, he is haunted by his past and terrified of the anger that always seems to be bubbling just beneath the surface.


Power (if applicable): Biokinesis

Price (if applicable): Alex can heal and harm others, but what he does to others he must do to himself. If he wants to break a bone, he has to break his same bone. He can heal a cut, but he must take on the cut. He can't cause death (unless the injuries are successive and he takes the time to heal himself between the injuries of others).

He also refuses to use his powers.

Occupation: Law student

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Name: Yuri Volkov (four and six).

Age: 22.

Gender: Male.


Personality: Yuri is a rather "lazy" person. His voice is almost always a bit too low, his speech is typically a bit slurred, his eyelids are typically half shut, and generally he always seems half asleep, but anyone who knows him also knows better than to take him at face value. Yuri is also incredibly intelligent, not as intelligent as an Enlightened with enhanced intelligence per se, but he is pretty high up there. He recognizes, understands, and utterly detests the absurdities and injustices of the society in which he lives (both obvious and subtle). He also has a large and intricate vocabulary that surprises most people and shows a depth of understanding that would seem to surpass his young age, so why is such an intelligent young man working a near dead-end job? In all honesty he has a bit of a tendency to be rather nihilistic. Sure money is nice to have and he can buy some cool things but he isn't really all the concerned with trying to make a six-figure salary, he really just wants to be happy.

Type: Ordinary.

Power (if applicable): N/A.

Price (if applicable): N/A.

He works in a music/comic book store.
Name: John Grey.

Age: 4 years old.

Gender: Male.

Description: 4ft tall, blue eyes, black hair and scars along his back and front.

Personality: Cheerful, energetic and always trying to see the good side of things.

Type: Enlightened.

Power (if applicable): Biotechnic Manipulation.

Price (if applicable): what is the price of your Enlightened's ability? Every time John used his power he experiences incredible pain. The more he uses it the worse it gets to the points where he can pass out.

Occupation: Orphan.
Name: Mami Mortmann (4 +7=11)

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Description: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Nutty.full.1612405.jpg.c97723759837ccf26e4249159e9d3362.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="14769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_03/Nutty.full.1612405.jpg.c97723759837ccf26e4249159e9d3362.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: To put it simply, Mami is an idiot. He is loud, forgetful, and headstrong, but he'll always try his best in any situation you throw at him. He's optimistic and naive, and he never back downs from any challenge. Despite this, he realizes that he easily forgets things with no chance of ever remembering, and keeps a photo album of everyone he's ever met. As of the moment, he has completely forgotten that he is an Enlightened human, and is taking the form of an ordinary teenager that he believes to be himself. Other aspects of the current Mami include his desire to help others and his tendency to have an appetite that is akin to that of a blue whale.

Type: Enlightened

Power (if applicable): He can mutate and rearrange his cells to transform on will, whether it be animals, humans, or even a mass of slimy organic matter. Mami is limited to only organic transformations, and cannot become anything such as iron or metal unless he takes from the minerals inside his body to form inorganic materials.

Price (if applicable): He destroys parts of his memory whenever he uses it, and his body degrades little by little in an extremely painful process that requires him to restore himself by absorbing or consuming living or previously living organisms. If he doesn't take in enough organic material or living organisms, then he'll fall apart into dust one day.

Occupation: Delivery boy.



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Name: Laurene Snyder (7 & 6)

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Personality: Laurene is bold and courageous, willing to jump into areas and to conclusions that nobody else is willing to. One of the only things that she is afraid of is spiders, but when you can kill them from across the room without moving a muscle, it's not that big of an issue. However she doesn't like to advertise her powers so she rarely uses them around other people, which is the only reason she can get away with living in the Normal part of town. Almost no one there knows what she is.

She lives by herself, having ran away from home a year ago.

Type: Enlightened.


Psychometry: The ability to "read" an object by touching it. This is as small as reading someone's surface thoughts to as big as knowing all the structural flaws in a building.

Telekinesis: Laurene is an incredibly powerful telekinetic, being able to lift a car with little trouble (though it exhaust her very quickly). When she goes berserk however, she becomes capable of crushing a tank to the size of a large beach-ball.

Price: Anytime Laurene uses her powers her eyes turn orange.

Psychometry: The only price for this power is time. The more she wants to know, the longer she has to be touching the object. Using the examples in the description, Laurene would only have to touch you for a few seconds to read your surface thoughts, but to find all the structural flaws in a building she would have to be in contact with it for an hour (at the least)

Telekinesis: Moving anything more than a small stack of books physically exhausts her. The larger and heavier the object is and the longer she tries to move it, the more energy it takes from her.

Berserk: Laurene's powers are unstable and extreme emotions such as fear and anger can make them go berserk. While rare, when this happens her powers increase tremendously and she doesn't tire as quickly, but more often than not she can't control them. Once over, Laurene passes out and remains unconscious for a large amount of time. When she wakes up she has no memory during and leading up to the berserk. The period of time forgotten varies between a few seconds and several days. This has only happened to her three times so far, the last one being a year ago before she moved to Janus City.

Occupation: Amateur Detective. Laurene has actually become fairly well known in her neighborhood and at her school for her detective skills. She always wears sunglasses when she's on the job (to hide her eyes when she is using her Psychometry). She is honestly hoping for a murder case in her area so she can show her stuff to the police, though she would never admit it out loud.
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Name: Daniel Wilbourn (bunch of letters here, around 18 I think)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Description: Curled hair, blue eyes and a sharp chin, that's how most people would describe Alexander. While not extra-ordinarily muscled, nor extremely tall, he is quite thin, which makes him seem larger than he actually is.

Personality: Alexander isn't the most social of people, but he can hold a decent conversation. He tends to go on to do random things instead of what he was supposed to do, to the anger of his parents.

Type: Enlightened

Power (if applicable): Massed insect control, over a circular range of with about 300 meters in diameter. He can hear, talk (through synchronized wing/leg movement of insects) and feel through them. He has the same control over all beings with extremely simple minds. (So if some insect-human hybrid showed up, with the intelligence of an average person, he wouldn't be able to control it)

Price (if applicable): The longer he uses his power to override the instinctual behavior of the animals he controls, the more he transfers his own personality in these. For example, he might watch stoically as his girlfriend of three years broke up with him, but his bugs would behave in an angry, erratic way. Daniel doesn't notice this himself, and will usually forget about it after a few months.

Occupation: He sells handmade clothes, as his power is very useful to produce spider silk in large quantities.

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