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Fandom Fallout: Vegas Rollin'


Formerly Funny.
"What should we do with 'em, boss?"

"Dump 'em, no-one wins that much at the tables and walks with it."

Ah, here again. Welcome to 2293. It's a pretty good year, to me. To you, not so much. People from all walks of life show up in the Mojave, and most of them head for the strip, like you did. Whether you're a soldier on leave, a rich businessman or a little on the shady side, they haven't treated you like they do in Reno, and they've dumped your beaten and broke body on the outskirts of the strip. Some are luckier than others, but you need to make sure you did before you whine about that.

I hope you guys are looking forward to struggling in a wasteland.
The wind was cold. The world was on its way to winter, and no-one was prepared. Lucia felt this as she shivered in the bristling air, blowing hot air into to her hands and rubbing them against the thermally useless vault suit. She sat up from where she was, an old tent in the old Mormon fort. She gave Alise a kiss on the head before closing the tent. She waved at Julie before pulling open the big door that led to freeside. She called over one of the king's guns for hire, so she could travel through freeside with a bit of safety. They walked slowly, heading towards the Van Graff's. When they finally reached the doors, Lucia stepped through, winking at Jean-Baptiste before heading over to Gloria herself. She was aged now, had seen so much failure within her family over the last decade. A crime syndicate? Not anymore. "Can I get one hundred energy cells, and this repaired?" She asked, putting her laser pistol on the table and a big bag of bottle caps. Gloria took the caps and threw them over to baptiste, who counted them at an immense speed. He re-tied the bag, then threw it over to Lucia, who barely caught it. "Here's the cells, but the repairs might take an hour or two. Go have some fun at the Wrangler or something." Gloria stated, making Lucia nod. She walked back out the door, and crossed the road to the Atomic Wrangler Casino. She sat up at the bar, and put down forty caps. A bartender slid her usual whiskey over to her.
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Leaning against the wall of a long abandoned building, Clara brought a bottle of beer to her lips, sipping at it as she watched Freeside's residents wander around. More specifically, she was staring at her dealer, who refused to see her until she had more caps. It was hard enough scraping the minimum from a bunch of dirty jobs, but now she had to work even harder to sate her addictions. Pulling the bottle away from her mouth, she sighed, placed it down, and rubbed her arms to keep them from going numb. With the cold wind starting to get to Clara, she pushed herself off the wall and walked along the road to the nearest bar: the Atomic Wrangler. Sifting through the caps in her small bag with her right hand, she went inside, taking a seat near the stage.

The stand-up comedian ghoul was never funny to her, even more so when one day she ended up being insulted by Hadrian. He claimed it was humor, but Clara certainly didn't find it humorous at all. She would have threatened him with a knife to his neck, but at that moment she was high and with slurred movements it wouldn't have been so successful. Running a hand through her hair, she turned her head to examine the bar, eyeing a younger woman in a vault suit. Curious and money-hungry, she got up and sauntered near the bar, keeping a respectful distance.
Benedict wandered outside of the strip looking up and down the alleys and streets. He was looking for a sign, a literal one, not a metaphorical one. He was looking for the Atomic Wrangler. He had heard a rumor that there was a robot there that was being used as a prostitute. He wanted to check the validity of this rumor, and if necessary end it. It was his duty. Finally spotting the place he walked in confidently. He wasn't in his power armor so people wouldn't be intimidated. He also still did not know the fate of the Mojave Chapter, he didn't want to be recognized as BOS unless he was sure people wouldn't attack because of it. He was instead wearing a bomber jacket. He looked around at the patrons before making his way to the bar. He ordered a whiskey while he planned out how to go about his mission. He would probably need an ally.
Lucia took a sip of her drink, and looked over at the man beside her. She beckoned him over with one finger as she leant towards him. "Hey, whatcha so focused about?" She asked, pushing her slightly green hair behind her ear. She smiled at him before taking another sip of her drink.

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"Hey Picket, play track five for me," Daniel whispered as he crawled closer to the edge of a cliff. When he eventually made his way to the cliff he could see the ongoing deeds of a handful of raiders. Three raiders, and one older man, supposedly the man was supposed to pay a tax to farm this land; to which he refused. "Play it loud Picket, I'm about to kick some ass," Daniel muttered before removing his plasma rifle from it's holster and aimed down the sights. "What's that sound, is that music? Old man what the fuck is that, some sort of tri-," the raider's chem induced rant was interrupted by three plasma shots, two in his chest and one between the eyes. Before Daniel could take another shot the other two raiders began running,Daniel stood to his feet in anger and muttered,"Typical." Daniel fired five more shots, four ran up the leg and back of one raider and the other shot hit the last raider directly in the back of the head. As soon as the last raider fell dead the old man looked up towards Daniel and asked,"Who are you stranger?" Daniel only smiled and tapped the red E encircled by stars on his left breast plate.

"Listen I don't really need any protection but I'll give you five caps if you tell me where I can get some cold drinks," Daniel stated before pulling a handful of caps out of his pocket. "Alright, go through that gate there and take a right. It's across from the Silver Rush, it's called the Atomic Wrangler, you'll like it. Now lemme get those caps," the King bodyguard demanded. Daniel handed the caps over and began walking towards the gate ever so steadily. Daniel paused while the gate was being opened for him,"Picket if anyone attempts to pickpocket me or even lift the blanket off the cart, shoot em with your good arm.... and for god's sake don't get broken again."

Now standing at the door of the Atomic Wrangler Daniel took a gander up at the sign before walking inside, it wasn't the same as the bar he had at Virden Bunker but hopefully he could still get a cold drink. Daniel walked forward and took the stool seat at the far right of the bar, he waved the bartender over and ordered a Nuka Cola, after getting it he looked to his left to analyze the other patrons. A woman that looked like she hit the chems too hard, a vault dweller in a worn suit, and some guy in a pretty cool looking jacket. It could be worse, one of them could have been BoS, heh maybe that's the chosen one come to save the day and the other might take some psycho and rush me, Daniel thought.

The problem with the Atomic Wrangler was the people. Robyn had been sat at the bar for mere moments when she had been approached by a ghoul looking for his psycho fix. "I'm off duty Jerry. Go find someone else."

"Oh c'mon Robyn. Do me a favour.. I know you've got some of the good stuff." She still didn't look up from her glass of whiskey. He put his hand on her arm gently. "I'm really struggling here... Help a-..." Her hand moved to the knife sheathed at her waist.

"I don't want anymore trouble than I need. Jerry. You go find a local boy or come to me when I'm not in the middle of their turf. I respect the boundaries."

He raised his upper lip in a sort of snarl and slunk away. He knew better than to start a knife fight in here. He knew that a ghoul murder would be little more than a momentary distraction to those around them.

There was quite a crowd today, too. Robyn looked down the bar and took a note of those around her. Not many people caught her attention nowadays, not in such a tame an area as this, but someone donning a Vault-tec jumpsuit was always of note. She eyed the girl suspiciously and quickly moved her attention onwards. A guy in a fancy jacket, another woman keeping a respectful distance... Chems... She thought, looking at this observer. It wasn't obvious but there was something about her that screamed addict. Maybe it was the eyes, or the way she lurked... She just had that look about her.

Robyn sighed, turning her attention back to her drink. She should get a move on really... She needed work.
Eventually some more people came in, and by God did Clara's lust for money and chems go through the roof. She had taken some jet earlier, but apparently that wasn't enough as her neck and arms were crawling. Her hand reached up to scratch her neck as she sat closest to the one who just came in. Fishing into her small bag for some caps, she asked for a beer and placed a small pile on the counter. Her nails tapped on bar's surface, glancing over at the other patrons every once in a while. She took notice of the woman in the vault suit again, and now that she was this close she realized that she had seen her going in and out of the old Mormon fort every once in a while. Strange, that Clara was just seeing her now, perhaps she just wasn't paying attention before. That or she was getting high or drunk somewhere in Freeside. The man in the bomber jacket wasn't that interesting for her to care, and neither was the other man with the Nuka Cola.

Her head turned to another woman, who looked pretty intimidating, something she admired in a gal. If she weren't craving for a fix, she sure as hell would have backed away from such a weird bunch by now. However, maybe it was the 'power of attraction' that transfixed her to this spot. Clara didn't believe in such things as destiny, but she had to admit, it would make for a good story. Taking a swig of her beer, she continued to scratch at her neck, her stare now fixed on a wall.
Lucia was a lightweight. A very lightweight lightweight. That sounded funny to her as she thought of it in her head. She'd barely finished her glass and the room was a little off. She stood up and ignored the man she had just spoke to. She took another gulp, and decided to walk a little further down the bar. She shook her hand as she passed the guys, and shook her head as she passed the chem addict, but she hazily sat down with the strong looking girl. "Hello missy. Could you possibly carry me home? I don't live far and would pay graciously." She said, throwing out a hundred caps into the girl's lap and a couple crumpled NCR bills. "Oh, and could you take me to my daughter at the Van Graff's? They were holding onto her for me for a little bit."

Daniel waved the bartender over and leaned in close on the bar and whispered,"Who's that in vault suit?" The bartender chuckled and replied,"Oh her, sorry it's crossed my mind, nothing a few caps wouldn't fix though." With a smile Daniel reached in his pocket and pulled out an odd number of caps, eleven, and placed them on the counter. The bartender sighed and scraped the caps into his pocket and whispered,"Well, Lucia's sort of a regular around here you could say. She's a doctor with the Followers of the Apocalypse. As for the vault suit... I don't know what to tell you she doesn't seem like the vault dweller type, maybe a souvenir from the Vault 21 hotel?" Daniel sat back in his seat, while the bartender went back to work, and eyed the woman in the vault suit. Followers of the Apocalypse... could have sworn I've heard about those people from somewhere. Doesn't make much sense, why in the hell would someone wear a vault suit if they weren't a vault dweller. That's like someone wearing raider gear if they weren't a raider themselves, just asking for trouble.
Benedict downed his drink quickly and turned his head to the woman speaking to him. She was wearing a vault suit. He scoffed quietly looking down at his empty glass. He knew she probably wouldn't be talking to him if she knew he was a paladin. Most vault dwellers mistrusted them, and most of them mistrusted vault dwellers. They often sat on top of technology that they shouldn't have. Soon enough the woman had had enough to drink and began wobbling down the bar. He chuckled softly at how little she could handle before catching a few looks in his direction. A woman sat down next to him, ordered a beer and began tapping her fingers on the countertop. "I get the feeling you want something from me." Benedict's deep, husky voice rang out as he glanced at the woman next to him. It may almost sound to some like he had gravel in his throat, but that's just his natural voice. @NotTooBad @yuckeroni
Robyn had finished her own drink by the time Lucia sat beside her and dumped the money in her lap. She scooped it up hastily and gave the girl a look that clearly said: are you mad?

Glass pushed away and the combination of caps and bills secured on her person she swivelled on her stool and locked eyes with the presumed vault dweller. "Are you mad?" She said in a whisper. "There are people here who'd kill for that sort of money. You can't just dump it in someone's lap in here. It makes both of us targets." It was becoming a snarl. Robyn caught her temper on the rise and wrestled it back down.

She closed her eyes and counted to three: No need to scare off a paying customer..

The redhead secured her pack and stood up, resting a hand on the knife at her side and placing the other on the girl's back. "Let's get out of here..."

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Raising a brow, Clara turned her head towards the man next to her. "Do I want anything from you?" She repeated, placing her beer on the counter carefully. The hand that was still scratching her neck finally ceased, moving it in a way so that she could cover whatever marks she left. "I think the question is, what can I do for you. For a price, of course." She winked at him, grabbed her drink and finished it, then turned her self around in the stool so that she could observe the rest of the room. Her attention turned to the now tipsy vaultie who was with the intimidating woman whom Clara was beginning to enjoy.

It now seemed to her that the woman in the vault suit had just piled a seemily large amount of caps onto the redhead's lap, which only fed Clara's addiction even more. She looked away for a couple of moments, only to turn back and see that the merc was getting up to leave. She took her hand off her neck and rested her elbows on the bar as she bit her bottom lip. "Y'know, I'm not sure I'm all that into my offer anymore..."

Now that she thought about the idea a bit more, she was starting to think it was both completely idiotic and amazing. Her erratic thinking process was of course influenced by her dependency on chems and caps, however she didn't put much thought on the consequences of being caught. Not like she cared, anyways. Being dumped into this cruel, brutal world wasn't exactly her wish anyways. Clara had stolen many times, mostly without fail, but they were usually small targets. Plus she had gotten rusty, and to her this was like a jewel heist. Boy was she going to do anything for a short high.

@PenguinFox @NotTooBad @Dinocorn
Dinocorn said:
Robyn had finished her own drink by the time Lucia sat beside her and dumped the money in her lap. She scooped it up hastily and gave the girl a look that clearly said: are you mad?
Glass pushed away and the combination of caps and bills secured on her person she swivelled on her stool and locked eyes with the presumed vault dweller. "Are you mad?" She said in a whisper. "There are people here who'd kill for that sort of money. You can't just dump it in someone's lap in here. It makes both of us targets." It was becoming a snarl. Robyn caught her temper on the rise and wrestled it back down.

She closed her eyes and counted to three: No need to scare off a paying customer..

The redhead secured her pack and stood up, resting a hand on the knife at her side and placing the other on the girl's back. "Let's get out of here..."

"Carry me to victory! Woo Hoo!" Lucia said, laughing as they went off. She looked at the obvious stripper nearby (who's clothes were a dead giveaway) who had started staring in her direction. "Look away, missy. My spurs are gonna jingle jangle into your stomach if you keep staring like that." She said with an intimidating look, before giggling again. She looked at the woman who was taking her back, and smiled a little bit. "Did you hear what I said? I said 'jingle jangle'. Jingle jangle jiggle!"

Mike Turned on his PipBoy-3000. This thing will never break. Jack thought to himself. He went to the Tabs until he found the Radio section.

"Hmm I wonder What to listen to." Jack Mumbled. He decided to put on Radio New Vegas. "I'm Your Host Mr. New Vegas, And We have a Great Song For you next and it goes Jingle Jangle."


This Song was one of Jacks Favourite Songs. His Parents used to love it. He started to Hum to it."Oh Lily Bell!" Jack Sang Quietly. Jack Continued to sing and Slipped out a Flask of Whiskey. He took a couple of Sips and Slid it back into his Vault Suit. Jack Started to feel tired so he got up and Closed the Tent Entrance over and Started to Sleep a little.
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Benedict chuckled at the woman's words. "It was a good effort on your part ma'am, but I shall decline. That is not the reason I am here. I'm here for a robot. Would you happen to know about it?" he asked casually, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible. If she knew about it, his question would probably seem very strange. After all, the robot was being used as a prostitute. It probably sound like he wanted to use it's services. That however, couldn't be further from the truth. He was here to put it out of commission, destroy it if necessary. @yuckeroni
Robyn followed Lucia's gaze and eyed Clara suspiciously, she needn't follow up this look with words; she knew her presence was threatening enough.

As the pair moved slowly out of the room she daren't relax but she did return the girl's smile. "I did, beautiful use of some great lyrics ma'am." Robyn kept her left hand firmly on Lucia's back, momentarily moving her hand from the knife to push a chair aside.

"So what're you doing here, if you don't mind my asking? Just killing time?"

Daniel sighed and placed the empty Nuka Cola bottle onto the bar. I wonder where Mr. New Vegas operates from, it should be a large enough transmitter to send out a distress signal. But with all these Securitrons I don't think even I can get through them, and he has to be somewhere on the strip that's where his signal is gonna be the strongest. Daniel had heard Mr. New Vegas on more than a few radios but he could never pinpoint where exactly the radio tower was, maybe it was on the strip. Maybe Mr. New Vegas is just some stupid robot, maybe he's even a Securitron, plenty of those around to take the places of people. Standing from his seat Daniel brushed himself off and scoffed when he realized he spilled a few drops of nuka cola on his armor. After wiping it away he licked his thumb and rubbed the bright E on his chest until it was as clean as before. "Picket stay stationary here until I get back," Daniel muttered before turning for the door. "At your command, Captain Daniel Eden Smith, God bless the Enclave, God Bless America." Picket responded back blandly before turning back to watching the crowd like a sentry.
Mike woke up with a long Yawn. "How long was I out?" He asked himself. He turned on his Pipboy then turned off the Radio. No More of that. Mike Thought thought. He looked at the Clock on his Pipboy. "Not even that late. Maybe I'll Head to the Wangler, Apparently they have a Comedian." With that Mike got up and Opened his tent flap and Headed to the Gate of the Mormon Fort.

The night was very cool not too cold but Humid. He remembered The Ghoul that became a Prostitute. He Chuckled at the Thought of it.
Some People have their kinks. He continued to walk down the Street until he got to the Atomic Wrangler. He pushed open the Door and walked over to the Bar. "Can I have a beer Please?" Mike said to the Bar Tender.
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Dinocorn said:
Robyn followed Lucia's gaze and eyed Clara suspiciously, she needn't follow up this look with words; she knew her presence was threatening enough.
As the pair moved slowly out of the room she daren't relax but she did return the girl's smile. "I did, beautiful use of some great lyrics ma'am." Robyn kept her left hand firmly on Lucia's back, momentarily moving her hand from the knife to push a chair aside.

"So what're you doing here, if you don't mind my asking? Just killing time?"

"Miss, I do remind you that I am heavily intoxicated. I can't not tell my left from my left right now, and I cannot indulge any secrets for the sake of my family. What I may tell you, however, is that you can call this a test of trust." Lucia hastily replied, looking over at the woman. She cheerily pointed to the door and smiled "Thadawayy, less gooo.." She mumbled, her head dropping a bit. She ended up resting her head on the woman's shoulder, smiling as they moved along.
Robyn smirked and raised an eyebrow at this response - Interesting.

"Not to worry; I didn't intend to pry." She guided Lucia through the milling patrons and finally the pair reached the door; as they reached this a stranger passed through, Robyn took note of his Pipboy as he passed but gave it only the most fleeting of thoughts. SHe had a job to do, and distractions weren't worth the hassle. Taking most of her employer's weight now the redhead shifted slightly to balance better and she pushed through the door, leading them beyond.

The street was chilly, and the winter sun was glancing off of the ground and various buildings, shining harshly in pedestrians faces as they walked, mostly without purpose, towards their destinations. Robyn adjusted herself again, pulling her tinted goggles down from her forehead and placing them over her eyes in the hope this would improve her vision somewhat.

"The Van Graff's, yeh? To pick up your daughter?" She muttered.

Mike Payed the Bartender and Grabbed the Beer. "Thanks." Mike Opened the Beer. Tastes like it was made Yesterday. He sipped on it and looked around. I think People are looking at my Vault Suit. He then Proceeded to Walk over to the Seats in front of the stage. He set his beer down on the small table beside him. "Too Bad I can't go to the Strip. Maybe I'll go to Mick and Ralphs and get a fake Passport. Plus I need to Stock up on Ammo for this thing." He looked down at his Hip. His Fathers 357 Magnum was in its Holster. Maybe I'll Put a new Scope on it. The Magnum was looking beat up. Mike Started to Watch the Comedian.
"Well, I call her my daughter but the daughter in question right now is my laser pistol. I don't trust these lot to keep a hold of it overnight so I headed over to the wrangle jingle jangle to wait a while." She said, adjusting areas of her vault suit. "I do have a real, you know, daughter, but it's an odd story. It'd be better for me to give you the full story when I'm sober. On a more important topic, the 'one size fits all' of Vault-Tec's old bullshit is seriously hurting my chest. When we get in there, tell them that the gun is called 'Cyanide'." She added, spelling the letters out with her fingers, before she realised she drew seven C's, and not a Y,A,N,I,D and E with the one C. Oh well, she flapped her hand to say 'No big deal.' and continued to move with the woman who was surprisingly helpful given who could've been in that bar.

"Right.." As they walked she was finding it rather harder than she would have liked to walk in a straight line. She knew she was sober, but this woman was seemingly throwing her off balance more than she would have hoped. "So I'm escorting you to pick up your pistol.. Cyanide.. and then I'm taking you 'home'...? And then you want me to stick around for something else, too?" Robyn could scarcely believe her luck. A job that just keeps on giving? For a client who can drop 100 caps in a strangers lap? Talk about right place, right time.

"One size fits all is always bullshit... Why are you wearing that damned thing anyway? Don't you find it draws attention?" She stopped outside the Van Graff's and took a deep breath hoping she wouldn't still be in trouble for the last... misunderstanding... she'd experienced in this place.

Dinocorn said:
"Right.." As they walked she was finding it rather harder than she would have liked to walk in a straight line. She knew she was sober, but this woman was seemingly throwing her off balance more than she would have hoped. "So I'm escorting you to pick up your pistol.. Cyanide.. and then I'm taking you 'home'...? And then you want me to stick around for something else, too?" Robyn could scarcely believe her luck. A job that just keeps on giving? For a client who can drop 100 caps in a strangers lap? Talk about right place, right time.
"One size fits all is always bullshit... Why are you wearing that damned thing anyway? Don't you find it draws attention?" She stopped outside the Van Graff's and took a deep breath hoping she wouldn't still be in trouble for the last... misunderstanding... she'd experienced in this place.

"It's a family heirloom. You ever heard of the tales of The Vault Dweller, or The Chosen One? I'm The Chosen One's granddaughter, and the great great granddaughter of The Vault Dweller. I'm also the daughter of James Bishop, so I'm kind of a known name. Kind of." She replied, looking at the woman properly now. She removed herself from the woman and stepped towards Simon, who was used to her antics. "For a more formal introduction, my name is Lucia-Jane Bishop, and I am pleased to meet you." She replied doing a drunken bow, but standing normally again quickly as she began to fall. "What about you? I'd like to know the name of someone I'm offering a job to."


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