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Fandom Fallout: Seattle (Characters)

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Rudy Mitchell (TheEvanCat) New


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Name: Rudy Mitchell

Description: Rudy wears jeans and a flannel shirt while wearing NCR-issued brown boots and mud gaiters. He covers his torso in inclement weather with a scavenged grey single-breasted waterproof coat. Other NCR equipment he retained are his combat webbing and khaki rucksack. Rudy uses a Chinese Assault Rifle as his primary weapon.

Background: Corporal Rudy Mitchell has been in Seattle for over five years. He was first assigned to the area under a scouting expedition ordered by New California Republic leaders in exile in the throes of Shady Sands’ devastation, but further economic problems have halted the flow of money and supplies to his base. He lives in a barracks in the former SeaTac International Airport. Rudy, along with the rest of the garrison, has become disillusioned and feels like his day-to-day mission is pointless. Contact has been lost with the NCR down south for many months now, and some even wonder if the country still exists at all.

Rudy was born in San Francisco to a relatively well-off family. He grew up under NCR schools, paid NCR taxes while he worked various odd jobs, and overall lived fairly comfortably. Through proximity to the Shi, a closed group of technologically advanced descendants from a Chinese submarine, Rudy picked up an interest in science and technology. He learned Mandarin Chinese to deliver goods like food and tools to the Shi when they needed outside assistance. Eventually, economic prospects faltered following the destruction of Shady Sands. Rudy lost his job in San Francisco and enlisted in a local regiment.

The regiment was sent north with the mission of securing a new place to expand. But as the support came to an end, Rudy struggled to live in his new environment. With no jobs back home, much less any transportation, Rudy was stuck in Seattle with the rapidly disintegrating NCR presence. His wife left him a year into his tour in Seattle, unsure if he would ever come home. Pay stopped arriving, followed by NCR mail shortly thereafter. Like most soldiers, he had to take up jobs with the local economy to make money. Caravan guard was usually a reliable choice.

New leadership was taken over the last vestiges of NCR authority in SeaTac, and they are offering a change of pace. Some scouts have been sent south, but Rudy remains in the garrison while he awaits further orders. Rumors are that the officers have identified some sort of way to stabilize the situation and are preparing to mobilize the NCR into action.
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Dr. Alingga (ThylmaesaStarshield) New
Name: Dr. Alingga, PhD. (Robotics, Nuclear Engineering)

Description: With soft, wheat-gold skin and a slightly soft goose-egg face, Alingga doesn't look very intimidating - and her compact height certainly doesn't help, much to her chagrin. Her high, pronounced cheekbones sit relatively close to her narrow green eyes, themselves capped by short, straight lashes and a head of short black hair messily chopped down to a point where it's easily manageable, with little care paid to how her hair looks otherwise. Still, she's otherwise naturally beautiful, and fairly curvy -- not to mention being comparatively free of visible blemishes, having mostly grown up in safety... Aside from remnant burn scars on both forearms resulting from careless accidents incurred by recklessness in the lab.

She carries a laser pistol as her one and only armament, cobbled together by her own hand.

Background: Born fourty-seven years ago in San Fransisco, Alingga grew up in a time of great change for the NCR, prior to Shi statehood and shortly after the destruction of the west coast Enclave's command structure. Deemed sufficiently capable of being educated, she was quickly slotted into a harsh, top-of-the-line Shi education, pushed toward Nuclear Engineering as a primary field of study.

Fortunately for Alingga, she deeply enjoyed the complicated mathematics required to excel in her assigned lot in life, to the neglect of physical and social education. She largely lacked the need to talk to people, after all, isolated in laboratories for most of her free time.

As the Shi drew closer to the NCR, Alingga left her home for Shady Sands, granted an honorary doctorate at the local Shady Sands University thanks to her demonstrable skill. While she still pined for San Fransisco, in the young scientist's mind, the NCR represented real, honest hope for the future of the American continent, or at least the west coast. There were paved roads, trains, working power lines -- all things she once thought impossible outside of a few isolated places. As she settled into her new position as a government egghead, Alingga expanded her studies into robotics, once again earning herself a doctorate thanks to how quickly she took to study... And the relative lack of developed expertise elsewhere. The NCR was short on scientists, in other words, and she was willing to help.

Alingga was fortunate enough to be away from Shady Sands when the city was destroyed, gathering supplies for a mysterious robotics project she'd been chipping away at for years on end. The country fell into abject Chaos, and Alingga went into hiding back in San Fransisco for several more years. Only recently had she begun moving again, trekking through Washington in hopes of finding refuge at the local NCR headquarters at SeaTac Airport. In reality, however, Alingga's there for something else; a project only a small number of officers and scientists are aware of.

Colonel Barber: A venerable, repurposed United States Marine Corps Mr. Gutsy, Barber is armed with a single burst-firing laser pistol, flamethrower, and close-range buzzsaw. A strange symbol Alingga doesn't understand the origins of has been repeatedly repainted onto his chassis, which the Gutsy claims to be the emblem of the prewar division he served in: the 1st Marine Division. Alingga, of course, has no way of verifying this fact, but she keeps the emblem maintained in hopes of keeping Barber cooperative.

In theory, she has access to other robots in the local NCR garrison's inventory, including a sentrybot -- though keeping them operation is a constant fight for limited, high-value resources that tend to end up traded around for extra rations if she lets them out of her sight.
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Phoenix/The Ash Ghoul (EdgyCryptid) New
Name: Phoenix, or “the Ash Ghoul”

Description: A pre-war ghoul, Phoenix has the stereotypical features of flayed and pale ashen skin, a missing nose, and patchy hair. The years have also hollowed out their cheekbones and given their eyes a haze, creating a near undead visage. Not quite imposing in height, they remain vicious in stature with a scarred and muscular body often hidden beneath a baggy leather jacket and thick pants. Many hoods and scarves guard them from the cold, and they only carry what can be strapped to their body or stowed in a taped up shoulder bag. Their primary weapons are usually improvised, though they still carry a long sharpened piece of scrap metal and a butterfly knife.

Background: The world changed when the bombs fell. Few remain that remember what came after, fewer still that managed to hold on to their pure American values.

Phoenix was not one of those people.

For a long time, asking Phoenix about what came before was a recipe for a bullet right to the face. The lucky ones died right away. The past, it seemed, was to remain buried, while Phoenix built their legend on a pile of chems and corpses.

Their story begins with the Blight: the vicious band of raiders that haunted the Pacific Northwest for two centuries. It was said that each time the band was thought to be eliminated, it returned with twice the power and thrice the vengeance. Lead by the colloquially named “Ash Ghoul,” raiders and the reckless took to calling them by another name for this reputation: Phoenix.

Phoenix led the Blight to power and infamy time and again, leading it with brazen firepower through each decade and iteration. Never confined to one style, the raiders pillaged, killed, and enslaved through any number of methods – sometimes they swept in with the most basic of bricks, when others were led with the most sophisticated of aerial poisons. Always fluctuating, the victims of the band never knew whether to expect a handful of raiders or an army in the hundreds.

Then one day, the band disappeared, again. Plenty of groups claimed the victory, from other raider bands to fractured members of the NCR to drunkards in hidden halls. Only this time, the Blight had been cured, seemingly for good.

The name continues to inspire fear in the Pacific Northwest, but after many years of peace, its terror has fallen to stories and legend. All that truly remains are the whispers of a monster, the haunting visage of the Ash Ghoul that lingers despite their death to any number of proclaimed executioners. Clinging to the snow and evergreens, the raider leader clutches to minds like a modern cryptid or a frightening boogeyman.

The stories leave much to be desired. The Blight is gone, and its secrets survive with its sole remaining member: the leader themselves. For several years now, Phoenix has wandered Seattle and the surrounding area, horrifying those who know their name and otherwise flying under the radar. With their legacy behind them, they’ve become a wandering survivor like any other.
Name: Dan "Deadeye Dan" Peterson

Description: Dan Peterson is a grizzled man in his late 30s, with a lean, wiry build. His face is weathered and scarred, marked by the harsh realities of the wasteland. A network of wrinkles surrounds his piercing blue eyes, one of which is milky white and unseeing—earning him his nickname. He keeps his dark brown hair pulled back in a tight ponytail.

Dan favors practicality over fashion. He wears a patched-up leather duster over layers of worn clothing, offering protection from the elements and some minor padding against attacks. A bandolier crisscrosses his chest, holding several spare clips for his trusty hunting rifle, which is rarely far from his side. A well-used combat knife is strapped to his thigh, and a battered backpack holds his meager possessions.

Background: Dan is a survivor, plain and simple. He's not inherently cruel, but he's learned to trust no one and rely solely on his own skills to survive. Dan is a skilled marksman, a legacy from his days as a gecko hunter. His accuracy with a rifle is almost uncanny, especially considering his impaired vision.

While he prefers to avoid conflict, Dan is no stranger to violence. He's worked as a mercenary for various factions and settlements, taking on jobs that required a steady hand and a keen eye. He's seen the worst of humanity and has done some questionable things to survive. He tries not to dwell on the past, but the ghosts of his actions sometimes haunt him.

Dan has no real loyalties to any specific faction. He's worked with the NCR scouts, traded with the Brotherhood, and even completed a few less-than-savory tasks for raiders. He's pragmatic, always looking out for number one. The rumors of a weather-control device have piqued his interest. He sees a chance to secure a better future for himself, or at the very least, a hefty payday. He's headed to Pike Place, hoping to find more information and perhaps a lucrative contract. While he remains wary of the brewing conflict, Dan knows one thing for sure: in the wasteland, opportunity often knocks loudest amidst the chaos.

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