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One x One Fallout: Orlando//Characters//Maximilian


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Screenshot 2023-07-02 190505.png
Name: Maximilian Schwartz
Age: 21
Role: Repairman

Appearance: Max is lean--more well-adapted to a life of hacking computers and repairing Miss Nannies than one of battle. He bears significant scarring on the right-hand side of his body, especially in the arm, torso, and face. He is dark haired and light-eyed. His right hand is synthetic, and he limps heavily on his right leg, especially in poor weather or when exhausted.


Combat Knife
Laser Pistol
Laser Rifle

Gear: Max never goes anywhere without his trusty tool belt. He tends to wear light armor composed of scraps he's pieced together. He wears a brace on his right leg, and keeps his right hand covered with a leather glove to protect it from the elements.

Born and raised in the ranks of Arthur Maxson's Brotherhood of Steel, Max has a good working knowledge of armed and unarmed combat. After being horrifically wounded as a child in a training demonstration gone wrong where a live grenade malfunctioned and went off in his immediate proximity, he was relegated to the role of a gopher, and ostracized due to his long recovery time. As he grew up, he began to question the brotherhood's ideology--especially their hatred of all non-human sapient species in the Commonwealth wastes. As soon as he saw a chance to get out, he took it, and he hasn't looked back since.

His childhood injuries primarily affected the right-hand side of his body--permanently damaging his hearing and eyesight on that side, as well as mutilating his right hand and dealing serious damage to his right leg. After leaving the brotherhood he constructed a robotic hand for himself and amputated his own right arm from the elbow down to replace it. Despite this body modification, he still suffers from general muscular weakness on that side, and has chronic pain in his injured leg and in other parts of his body where shrapnel entered and was never extracted.

Max is a computer and engineering whiz, and can generally learn how to do basic maintenance on an unfamiliar machine within a few hours of careful study. He utilized the brotherhood's hoarded technology and access to pre-war information to develop his skills in mechanics and hacking.

He makes his living by selling his services as a workman or mechanic, and was attracted to the Orlando Wastes by tales of the old amusement park there and the technology it contains.
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