[Fallout New Vegas: Perfect Shuffle] [Fallout New Vegas: Perfect Shuffle] Big Lincoln


Name : Lincoln Washington

Species : Super Mutant

Age : Unkown, his estimation is 80-90 years

Gender : Male

Appearance -


Although he is a super mutant he has an ordinarily slim build and surprisingly his strength is equal to his larger brethren.

Allegiance : Has none, roams around randomly and with little purpose other than protecting himself and his best friend Juan Carlos.

Juan Carlos pictured below


Main Skill : Big Guns

Preferred Combat style : Big Guns/Melee

Preferred Firearm : Minigun

Preferred Armor : Light

Karma : Neutral

Biography :

Lincoln Washington was once known as 1st Lieutenant Marshal Coke of the Washington D.C enclave branch. After a vicious battle between a group of militant Super Mutants and Coke's platoon he was captured and brought back to the hideout of the mutants within a highly irradiated vault. Within the confines of the vault he had been brought to he was exposed to the FEV virus and from the vault emerged a nameless, amnesiac and confused Super Mutant. After several years of looting and fighting Coke became separated from his fellow mutants during a large battle between the Brotherhood of Steel and his group. He roamed alone in the wasteland of Washington D.C for several months, scavenging and looting before finding himself in the Arlington Library. Within the Library he found himself fixated by the books and by the words that felt so familiar to him, yet he couldn't make sense of them, growing frustrated he vowed to understand the markings upon the ancient paper.

He began self educating himself on the old computers that still worked even after so many years of neglect, and slowly his old self and his old intellect pushed through the alterations of the FEV and he regained a semblance of his old self, although he wasn't as intelligent as he had been as a human he regained his ability to speak the dialect of the wasteland dwellers and read the words of the books. Reading of American history he idolized both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln and chose to take one name from each of the two, naming himself Lincoln Washington.

Leaving the Library he stumbled upon a dead Brotherhood of steel paladin, on the paladin's body he found a mini nuke and the radiation of the small bomb comforted him and made him feel physically refreshed, part in thanks to the bomb and part out of the feeling of comfort the radiation brought he named the bomb and painted a face on the side of the warhead with the blood of the paladin. He now carries the bomb with him everywhere he goes and shows visible fear if he sees a Fat Man launcher platform as he believes that they are a threat to Juan Carlos.

After over a decade of wandering westward with Juan Carlos at his side he has formed a friendship with the bomb, often asking it for advice and many times simply making small talk with the bomb. It is evident that Lincoln has developed the same form of insanity that plagues many other Super Mutants although, thankfully his form of the insanity is limited to a platonic relationship with a nuclear device.

Over the past decade Lincoln has wandered further and further west until reaching the Mohave desert, after so many years of interacting with wastelanders he can actually hold reasonably intelligent conversations with people along with possessing bartering and negotiation skills. Although he has regained much of his pre mutated self he is still very much a super mutant and can succumb to instincts at times, although he has begun to master such outbreaks he is still quick to anger and quick to pull a trigger if he feels disrespected or threatened.

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