In the distant future, humanity has established a vast interstellar empire, colonising hundreds upon thousands of worlds and rapidly expanding across the stars. Then one day, humanity encounters an alien race known as the Vaskrans, who attack a human mining vessel and follow it back to a human world, which is then invaded by them. Humanity retaliates, eventually succeeding in repelling the invasion, but sparking a new war. Several years after the start, the war is in full swing, with battles waging across the galaxy.
In this RP, I control the captain and other characters aboard a human starship forced to make a blind jump after getting heavily damaged by a Vaskran fleet. It eventually ends up right above an uncharted world, getting pulled into its gravity and crashing into the surface.
Meanwhile, you more or less create the fantasy world and all of its inhabitants. For the most part, you'll play as the ruler of the nation the ship crashes into.
PM me for details.
In this RP, I control the captain and other characters aboard a human starship forced to make a blind jump after getting heavily damaged by a Vaskran fleet. It eventually ends up right above an uncharted world, getting pulled into its gravity and crashing into the surface.
Meanwhile, you more or less create the fantasy world and all of its inhabitants. For the most part, you'll play as the ruler of the nation the ship crashes into.
PM me for details.