Anime & Manga Falling Out Of Love With Anime


''Queen of Queens"

<em>DON'T KILL ME, ANIME LOVERS!!!</em> I remember how it all started... Back in 7th grade, one of my closest friends (P) from my old school got me into anime. At first, I only got into it to understand what my weaboo friends were talking about. But then I got into it. I was almost at like, weaboo status, even though I had only watched like 3 animes. Then we reached the end of the school year. I was getting ready to part with my friends, and was slowly falling out of my obsession with Anime. I had started getting into modern day society shit, like Celebrities, Mainstream Music, etc. During the last few weeks of school and the first week of summer, I was really just embarrassed with how Anime had changed me into a squealing weirdo. I started hanging out with my friends in the neighborhood, who had never even heard of Anime, and transformed back into my old self. Every time I saw Anime for the next few months, I would cringe. I literally was starting to hate it. I still talk to (P), over texts, and I haven't told her about the whole 'not liking anime' thing. The reason why being, P was one of my first best friends. I was a very socially awkward girl before P, so it was hard to part with her. And I'm scared to death that she will hate me for not liking Anime anymore. I try to talk to her about the things Im currently into, and she doesn't really say anything. So, every time she talks about Anime, I just don't say anything either. (Sorry if this was all over the place. I just needed to get this off my chest.)

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It's cool, there's tons of other good things in life besides anime.

Some anime has become quite well received and accepted by the mainstream, namely the Miyazaki movies. In fact I've met quite a few normal people (meaning not weeaboos) who are super into Miyazaki movies. But yeah don't be a weeaboo.
I personally have went through the dropping of anime too, though I still watch I'm not a "Fanatic" as some would say. Konosuba and Re:Zero are on my list now.

Some tips if you want to stay connected to community/friends through anime: Watch the stuff people talk about. Seriously, if it's popular, it's for good reason.

As for being abandoned by an anime lover? Unlikely, due to the nature of the communities and people in anime are generally. I'm overgeneralizing, but unless you mind perverts, the anime community is as loving as it can get in this melting pot (Or any other place)
As long as you still have something other than anime to bond over, no anime fan (who isn't a drama queen/king) is going to care that you're not into anime. My friends don't like everything that I like, and I don't like everything that they like. As long as you don't put anyone down for liking anime, they're not going to feel that strongly about changing your mind.

There are a lot of squeeling fans of anime. There's also a lot of squeeling fans of pop culture, music, games, literature, etc. It's pretty common with teenagers, and even sometimes with adults if they're of the disposition to get very excited about things. There's also mature fans of all these things, who simply enjoy things without forcing everyone to like it too. You're better off dealing those types of fans , but regardless of how mature a fan is, as long as you respect that they like what they like and that it's important to them, you'll get along fine with almost every fan you meet.

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