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Fandom Falling Apart (Multifandom RP) [OOC CHATTER]

Hmm, a tank or healer?
I have some options, but I'll ask for an opinion on who to pick.
Baldwin, the Leper
Baldwin is ridiculously tough and strong. He relies on taking an action to prepare his attack, and strike with devastating force with his giant sword.
His downfalls are speed and accuracy, not to mention he does absolutely nothing in the back. Baldwin is the slowest of the options I have here.
Reynauld, the Crusader
Reynauld is tough and hits hard, but he can't soak up as many hits as Baldwin or the guy coming next. Reynauld deals decent damage with his longword (even better vs the undead), but he was some versatility as a healer, mental debuff remover, and he can strike multiple enemies at once unlike Baldwin.
Barristan, the Man at Arms
Barristan is tough, but has the weakest damage out of the bunch. His strength revolves around soaking up the damage for his allies, and counter attacking.
Junia, the Vestal
Junia can't take too much damage, but even as a healer she has access to surprisingly powerful attacks. Junia is at her best healing her allies or the entire party (her heals are unlimited), but if Junia has nothing to heal she has pretty good attacks.
Alhazred, the Occultist
Alhazred is the most RNG dependent of the bunch. Alhazred has decent attacks, but he can't take much damage at all. His powers rely on debuffing for his allies to attack, and his heal is weird. One second he heals somebody to full and the next he does absolutely nothing and gives them the Bleeding status.

EDIT: I lied. Barristan actually has the lowest HP and defensive stats of the three tanks. He's a tank/support hybrid who boosts his allies with buffs.
Reynauld and Baldwin both possess defensive buffs and taunts wrapped into one but Barristan is the only one with an actual counter attack, not to mention he will actually soak up any damage for an ally he chooses to guard.
Oh, did I mention that Barristan gains a defense boost if he guards somebody?
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All I got on the mind right now, is probably another damage dealer... or maybe a character with light healing and damage on the side.

Also GearBlade654 GearBlade654 my opinion is going with Barristan... seems kinda interesting to team up with that kinda set.
Not sure who I'll do for my next character, due to the influx of NPCs that the parties will be fighting along throughout the roleplay.
I might do Brigitte (the newest Overwatch hero), since everything about her already fascinates me, plus she fills a middle ground between the two most-needed roles at the moment. Other possibilities are TF2 Heavy (tank), TF2 Medic (healer), or Solid Snake (stealth).

Also, what would you guys like to see for the next universe? Submit your own ideas, but also vote on this Strawpoll! What should the next universe be?
PS. Universes are not locked to one person; several people can create characters from the same universe.
I'm really sorry that it took me so long to make such a short post...

A combination of work, friend obligations, and procrastination is mainly to blame for my lateness. I stick by my promise that I'll post more frequently when the missions start. I won't let anything (except maybe work) get in the way of me posting!
So I see that healers are somewhat needed? I think I know what to make Face McShooty's kit like; laughter is the best medicine after all.
Baldwin would probably say something like this:
"The madman gains no solace from his ravings, only eternal suffering."
And simply get the classic Face response, causing Baldwin to break his poetry speaking as he tries to comprehend what just happened.
"Waiting! Waiting too long! Need the face shot; right here! Boom! Between the eyes, in the face! Need it!" would be his immediate response. xD
Oh, one last quirk (if you don't mind, AshuraaHunter AshuraaHunter ):
If Baldwin hits Abusive AND he's in a party with Face, he has an auto chance of 50% to attack Face-and DELIBERATELY not go for the face.
Basically, the normal Abusive is overriden and Baldwin aims anywhere on Face except the face just to anger Face.
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"Not the face; that's an arm! Up here; in the face! Shoot! Not anywhere else; does that look like the face?! No! Right here! Face!" Love that quirk to Baldwin's abusive, by the way. xD

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