Fallen in Dusk (Angel rp sign ups)

Assassin Of Fate

New Member
What has happened to this once beautiful world...? Why is the ground so barren, the soil dry, the trees bare of leaves, all life seemingly gone? The sky so grey, filled with clouds that bring no rain... It is ever so lonely on this once extravagant planet once called Earth. But what's this? There's beings, more beautiful than heaven itself. Why are they here? What are they doing? Are they here to heal this planet? Who knows...

In this roleplay, you are a fallen angel, sent down to heal the barren Earth. It is your choice whether to follow the directions you were given by God, or be a loner and stray from the group, or even just fight angainst God Him/Herself. The roleplayers will decide the fate of Earth... (Sorry this is really crappy... )

Character Sheet


Age (look-wise):



Weapon/tool (Optional):


Looks(picture preferred):

Other (Optional):


My Character

Name: Mizuhime

Age(look-wise): 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Hime is a shy and kind fallen angel, who will protect her companions at all costs.

Weapon/Tool: Weapon: Twin scythes. Tool: Watering can that's filled all the time with water that makes plants grow out of the ground.

Power(s): Hime can make water appear out of thin air and can control that water and any water around her.



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