Fallen Earth [Sign-Up]


Not A Llama...
If you read the Idea thread you have a basic idea of how the rp will be like so I won't waste your eyesight on reading too much repeating information about the rp.

Basic rules:

- No godmodding

- No bunnying









My Sign-Up:

Name: Talhar Brahl

Age: 26

Gender: Male


( Without the weapons )

Occupation: Hunter; Skinner; Tanner/Leatherworker

Personality: Carefree, loving, cheerful

Family: Lives with his wife in a selfmade cottage within the villagewalls.

Pet: A dog


- Nobody starts off with weapons, when the time comes...use creativity to find weaponry to defend yourself.

- The settlement/village is basicly built on the remains of the ruins of an american upstate, small village.

- There are several guards/sheriffs that protect the village from marauding predatoranimals and other meanies.

- Have fun!

- The first major encounter/event will happen very shortly after creation of the RP.
Name: Johnny "Guitar" Vale

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Occupation: Guitarist, entertainer

Personality: Carefree, hates fighting

Family: His parents and siblings are deceased

Pet: A small kitten named "Gibson"

Pet Appearance:
Been listening to the radio in New Vegas,eh,Cide?

Name: Benjamin "Wild" Bosman

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Disregard the weapons.

-Outfit: http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/8673/snipertv7.gif

-Mugshot: http://www.blogcdn.com/www.joystiq.com/media/2009/05/sniper_longbow_580.jpg Plus a scar on his right cheekbone,right under the eye.

Occupation: Hunter,survivalist.

Personality: Often cheery. Cold and vindictive when pushed. Australian accent (I won't be typing it. If you want his voice,YouTube some sound clips for TF2's Sniper)

Family: Mother: Deceased. Father: Deceased. No siblings. No spouse. No children.

Pet: A hound.

Pet Appearance: http://images.wikia.com/fallout/images/b/b4/Fallout_NV_Legion_mongrel.png White eyes,instead of red. The fur is neat looking,but rarely washed as to confuse game.

Notes: He's slightly experienced,but Ben mostly relies on his hound,Lupa,to take down game. Lupa is a hunting hound,and therefore not much help against a humanoid or anything larger than a deer.
Name: Samuel Gulliver

Age: 22

Gender: Male


Occupation: Scavenger

Personality: Untrusting, perceptive and quick-whitted

Pet: robot named "Kibble"

Family: father, missing brother and his baby sister
Name: Jun "Slayer" Hatles

Age: 22

Gender: Female


Occupation: Hunter/blacksmith/scavenger

Personality: untrusting of others, usually keeps to herself, but does protect those in trouble

Family: Deceased

Pet: wolf

pet appearance: http://hugereviews.com/images/Anime/Wolfs_Rain4.jpg' alt='Wolfs_Rain4.jpg'>
Everyone's approved, some notes that I have already said but I'm going to repeat them here to make sure.


- Bettsyboy's robot starts out small and is "upgradeable" at engineers/inventors at certain settlement, the starting settlement does not have an engineer since it's just a low-class survival village that only focuses on food and protection.

- Nobody starts out with actual weapons, use your imagination to defend yourself with whatever is at your disposal.

- Do not roleplay as all your enemies, you can ofcourse "use" them in your posts to a certain degree, but don't go killing them off in your posts. Leave that to me or Cider so we can make sure not everything goes the easy way.

- People are allowed to join the roleplay after creation of the RP aswell ofcourse, don't hesitate to post your sign-up here and if I happen to miss it, inform me of it and I'll check your character sheet as soon as I can.

- If you have any questions regarding the roleplay, ask.

- Have fun and let your imagination go wild.

Cheers. ^^
Name:stark taverson





Occupation:engineer amd handy man

Personality: protective of the towns people and untrusting of new people keeps to himself in his workshop trying to event new things to make it easier on the town

Family: 1 brother james taverson split up from stark awhile back

pet: back german shepard

Dread approved but there isn't an actual military anymore and the apocalypse happened before our time so it'd be weird for you to be a military engineer.

Just change it to "Engineer" and you're set to go. :)

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