Fallen Angels


Junior Member

That's the sign you read when you land.

Crap. You know what's happened.

You're a Fallen Angel. You commited a crime in Heaven and now you have to change your ways on Earth..or not.

Will you choose a new better life or will you go back to commiting crimes? Will you love? Hate? Kill?


1)Site rules apply

2) No 13+ material

3) Don't swear too much, a little is ok

4) No killing other Angels



Age: (100-200)



Apperance: (Pic or description)



Crime commited in Heaven: (murder, theft, etc)



Name: Rowan Blackthorn

Age: 170

Gender: F

Personality: She is mean and doesn't trust people. When she does enter conversation she tends to control the whole thing. She loves having the lsast word on the subject.


Skills/Powers: Telepathic, Telekinesis

Crime commited in Heaven: Murder another angel

Other: n/a

Roleplay will be up after I get a few more players
View attachment 11020

Name: Aloire Nedors

Age: 138

Gender: Female

Personality: She acts like a nice person in front of a crowd although when she would be alone with one certain person she could hurt them or destroy them by heart, and if that certain person tells someone else about this secret of hers she would do everything to destroy them.

Apperance: She has short golden hair with bangs that reaches her eyes, attractive yet piercing red eyes and wings shaped as hearts to work her skill (though hidden when she interacts with humans)

Skills/Powers: Manipulation of ones heart

Weapons: A gun

Crime commited in Heaven: Aloire stole an important relic and refused to give it back

View attachment 11021

Name: Black Mutani

Age: 198

Gender: Male

Personality: He is a kind of person who would love to see everyone suffer and rejects to talk to them except his brother.

Appearance: He had bright red hair and orange eyes that causes too much attention

Skills/Powers: Red flame (short for fire although it can only be used it he isn't wet)

Weapons: NA

Crime commited in Heaven: He and his brother disrespected the rules that was given and instead made it a game

View attachment 11022

Name: Blank Mutani

Age: 198

Gender: Male

Personality: On the other hand he had no feelings that he could show except for pure hatred, once you crossed the line he wouldn't regret to kill you.

Appearance: He had brown hair and dark hazel eyes, looks nothing like his brother.

Skills/Powers: Shielding

Weapons: Two guns at the right and left side of his belt

Crime commited in Heaven: He and his brother disrespected the rules that was given and instead made it a game.
Name: Luke

Age: 199 (Looks 19 or 20)

Gender: Male

Personality: He is quiet and laid back. He don't talk much. When he was thrown from heaven and ripped of his wings he took in a pet wolf. He hates crowds and is pretty much a lone wolf

Apperance: after he got his wings ripped from himself----View attachment 11055

Skills/Powers: He can control fire with his hands and his mind. He is good with a gun because he lives in the woods so he hunts a lot.

Weapons: 10 gauge lever action Shot gun he leaves at home and a desert eagle he keeps on himself

Crime commited in Heaven: He killed his brother and ripped him of his wings because his brother ripped the wings of the girl Luke loved off.

Other: His wolf---View attachment 11054

Also are our characters all going to meek up or what? Because I would love if Rowan and Luke where like best friends :DDDDDD
Name: Sierra

Age: 101

Gender: F

Personality: Instinctual, Solitary, Loyal, Funny

Apperance: View attachment 11122

Skills/Powers: Power of the 5th element ,Spirit.

Weapons: A sword and a bow and arrow.

Crime commited in Heaven: She murdered another Angel then ripped their wings from their body.

Other: She looks young and is usually treated like a child.

Name: Rui

Age: 127

Gender: Female

Personality: Rui is a quiet female who does her actions simultaneously. She is quite careless and calm even to the worst of scenarios. To her unspoken words and sounds, she also doesn't pay attention to her surroundings. For a fallen angel as her, she is a girl who could be bribed with sweets, depending on the favors requested.

Apperance: Eyes of the blue, plain sky. Her hairstyle is much of a wreck, though, the quality would be very pure and soft white hair. She is pretty average in height. As a fallen angel, her wings look as if it were toasted by fire with burnt stains within the feathers and a little portion of the skeleton.

Skills/Powers: First-hand combat and Good creating skills(Creativity..? xD )

Weapons: Combat/Tactical Knife

Crime commited in Heaven: Arson to the Grand Heaven Palace.

Other: She would always have sweets on her.

//Is this okay? > w <;; - Is this closed..? .____.

Oh, seriously? o u o? Oh. Thank you very much~! > w < So, practically, I am the last one, making me able to post? o w o Ah. I'm sorry if I ask a lot of questions.

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