Fall of Religion


The real Warchief of the Horde
(CLOSED ON 10/25/12)

http://www.rpnation.com/showthread.php/4106-Fall-of-Religion?p=144268#post144268<-- The thread

'Fall of Religion Character sheets

Fall of Religion is placed in the modern day world. A group of people known as the A
theoi want the fall of religion so that they may dominate and force their religion upon the world and will be willing to kill the gods, end the world, and kill whoever to get what they want.

Character Sheet:

Character's First Name -

Character's Last Name -

Character's Nickname - (optional)

Character's Gender -

Character's Age -

Good or bad:

Character's Occupation - (Job)

Character's weapons:

Known abilities:

Religion linked to: (What religion is your character associated with, major ones please such as Greek/Roman, christian, Hindu, Norse, Egyptian)

Character's Personality -

Character's History -

Character's Family - (Parents, Siblings, Spouse, Kids, etc.)

Character's Appearance - (It doesn't matter to me if you have a picture or not. I would prefer a picture, but if you cannot get one, a nice, detailed description of them would be just fine.)

Theme song:(song that describes your character very well)

Questions, Comments, and Concerns -

Character Sheet:

Character's First Name -Nickoties

Character's Last Name -Chanter

Character's Nickname - Niko

Character's Gender -Male

Character's Age -16

Good or bad: Both

Character's Occupation - Thief

Character's weapon: Knifes, Fist fighting, darkness

Known abilities: Shadow neck slash, Broken seal, quick draw, dark energy wave

Religion based on: Greek

Character's Personality - He is depressed and thoughtful when he is alone but with people he is full of himself and acts tough because no one likes him

Character's History - Niko remembers nothing of his childhood other then no one liked him, his parents disowned him, and had no friends in the world except for the sky which he doesn't even remember how he started talking to. He grew up faster then he could see. He had chosen the thief and did that for the longest of times. One time as he was exiting a town to go to his cave 3 bandits of great strength stopped him in his tracks. On the edge of death Niko had a vision of his past, at age 4 Niko was exploring a nearby woods when he saw a dark figure made purely of shadows. Then the next thing his remembers is waking up in his bed with tattoos on his chest and arms. After that vision he remembered the situation that he was in. A crack in the tattoo on his crest arose, releasing a dark energy that covered Niko, healing his wounds and giving him unparalleled strength. All Niko could do during the fight was cry in sorrow of his wasted life and vowed that he would find that figure. No matter the cost .

Character's Family - None known, The sky

Character's Appearance - View attachment 7919

Theme song: Young By Hollywood Undead

Questions, Comments, and Concerns -

i'll join, but just wondering, what does the 'religion based on' in the character sheet mean?

Ok what I mean by Religion based on is if they have any link to religion, like Niko has a connection to Greek religion. Get it?
oh, ok. Thanks for clearing that up. I need to go to class so i'll post my character sheet as soon as it's over.

just thought of this, i can't post on the weekends. super sorry. I'm gonna post my character on monday.
Character's First Name - Loryn

Character's Last Name - Carter

Character's Nickname - none

Character's Gender - female

Character's Age - 19

Good or bad: good, though most people would believe otherwise if they judged her before getting to know her

Character's Occupation - she owns an occult shop. (she sells candles that are supposed to bring luck, oils that improve health, ect.)

Character's weapons: athame (cursed dagger)

Known abilities: manipulation over the elements, she is best at manipulating fire but can manipulate the others (earth, water, air) on a smaller level. she can cast minor spells.

Religion linked to: Wicca (witch-craft)

Character's Personality - Loryn is hardworking and determined. She usually accomplishes whatever it is she sets out to do. She tends to be on the quiet side, and she's very observant. Loryn is kind to those who are kind to her, otherwise she doesn't really pay other people much mind. Though she practices witch-craftt and dresses in a gothic style, she's not all moody and depressed like some would think she is.

Character's History - Loryn Carter was born Molly Lucas, but when she ran away from home at the age of 15 she changed her name to avoid being found. (Not that her parent's would actually care enough to look for her.) Loryn was raised in a devout Catholic family, but as she got older, she discovered that she didn't really agree with Catholic views and began studying other religions. She found Wicca, a religion that completely embodied her thoughts and ideals about life. She began practicing witch-craft, much to her parents dismay. Her parents took her to many priests, each one telling her that Wicca was the "Devil's Religion" and that she should stop practicing it and come back to Catholicism. After a while, Loryn got fed up with her parents trying to deter her from her beliefs and she ran away. She left home with only her backpack and a small amount of cash but soon she was able to make a good amount of money for herself by doing palm-readings and seances in different towns as she passed through. Now at the age of 18 she owns her own occult-shop, where she sells candles, oils, amulets, and she does palm-readings.

Character's Family - She hasn't seen her family since she ran away, she has a younger brother named Trevor who was 7 when she left home.

Character's Appearance - View attachment 7946

Theme song: Exodus by Evanescence

Questions, Comments, and Concerns - Comment: Please note that my characters views and beliefs do not express my own. .... I am firmly Catholic. Also, I don't mean to offend any Wicca by mentioning a priest calling it the "Devil's Religion", but a heard a priest actually call it that once and it worked well with Loryn's back story. Though I am Catholic, I accept all other religions. People are free to believe what they want. :)
Character's First Name - James

Character's Last Name - Monroe

Character's Nickname - (optional) "Short Change Hero"

Character's Gender - Male

Character's Age - 16

Good or bad: Majority of the time, Good, but if inflicted with "Scarlette Fever", he'll go nuts.

Character's Occupation - Past leader of the Short Change Gang, many people believe him to be dead.

Character's weapons: 2 Twin Diamond Katana Swords, one red, the other blue. Numerous pairs of Nunchucks, and a twin set of 44. Magnum Revolvers

Known abilities: Control Electricity, Telepathy, telekinesis, breathing underwater. And flying. Shadow travel. These powers are elevated if he is stricken with Scarlette Fever.

Religion linked to: That's obvious, as his father is Zeus, and grandfather is Poseidon.

Character's Personality - Wise beyond his 16 years. Smart, and has almost no fear. He'll protect his friends, at almost any cost, even his own life.

Character's History - James Johnathon Monroe, was born in Tokyo, Japan. After around 13 years of living in his homeland, he, his twin brother, two older sisters, and a dear friend of his were sent to America. Eventually, his dear friend, Raven Kasper, had sacrificed herself for him. James was then lost, and then came back, stronger than ever, the new leader of the Short Change Gang. After a year or two with that, he and a Greek Demon, Wako-Shaka, got into a fight, and to many, neither of them lived. James did, somehow, losing his left arm in the battle.

Character's Family - Father- Zeus. Mother- Neime Monroe. Sisters- Naomi and Tiera Monroe, both two years older than him. His twin brother is Jack Monroe, who is deceased. His niece, Raven Meredith Monroe. He has more family, but I shall not say them.

Character's Appearance - His hair is a light shade of blue. He's very pale, and slim. He about 5'8. He's muscular, like Bruce Lee, not the Terminator. He'd be dressed in a black trench coat with a hood, and it'd be up. His left arm would either be missing, or mechanical. Underneath his left eye, is a scar, that's been there for two years. His eyes are dark blue. His wings are black, with white feathers at the bottom. He has cowboy boots, and sometimes a cowboy hat.

Theme song: Short Change Hero-The Heavy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1QUZzeZoPQ

(This is the "James" You've heard about Brax. I won't be able to reply to you until Thursday, or so, as I'll be hours away from my computer. So, yea. )


Character's First (girl) Name - Makato (pronounced Mac-AH-toe)

Character's First (boy) Name- Yasu

Character's Last (girl) Name - Fujimoto (Fuu-GEE-moe-toe)

Character's Last (boy) Name- Matsumoto (Mat-SUE-moe-toe)

Character's Nickname - (DEPENDS ON WHO SHE IS SPEAKING TO) Mae and or Yasu

Character's Gender - Female, but has a magic ability to change into a Male

Character's Age - 17

Good or bad: Completely 100% pure evil

Character's Occupation - Clockworks, making clocks (but really a thief)

Character's weapons: A long sword, a small, golden pocket clock, and or her fists.

Known abilities: Invisiblity*, magic*, Time Seal+*, Shift!, and Shadow Blade>.

*=It is only in affect when she is dressed as her boy form, Yasu. Her abilities are unable to occur for an unknown reason while she is a girl.

+ = It is a rare ability she has developed while learning her magical powers in the form of Yasu. It closes time as it freezes, only letting her do something for one minute, usually not having the ability to attack someone in that point of time. Everything resumes as the time 'opens' once again.

! = She changes into a boy, this power only can be spawned during the hour of 3:00 to 3:59, otherwise known as "Demon hour".

> = Something that occurs during midnight, it is unknown, but she feels like her body is possessed with something dark and evil.

Religion linked to: Atheist, originally Christian (lawl I'm not so sure if this Atheist religion is real... no offense)

Character's Personality -

MAKATO-- She is completely INVISIBLE, no one seems to notice the short blonde-haired girl as she scurries from place to place, she has a devious and FAST PACED mind. She can't stand people who are happy; her always being angry and short tempered. The mysterious aura always seems to empty out of her.

YASU-- When
he's around everyone is LIVELY and HAPPY to be with him. Although he is a bit NOISY everyone seems to enjoy the time well-spent with Yasu. Truly, he is a evil minded boy, without thought you can feel the aura pour out of him when he's angry.

Character's History and About - (sorry you're looking at the girl who wrote a 10 page essay for only a 1 page required essay...)

"Life after death?" she scoffed, "Nonsense. Once you die, that's the end. Everyone forgets and leaves you to rot in the ashes."

She is a silent demon, left a perfect home anyone could have wished for at the age of 10, believing there was something better out there. She was wrong, she starved, and had no shelter. She was lost, alone, no one to support her. When she was 13 she uncovered a book, called "Cursed", it warned her not to open it; however we all know she did. She was possessed with a demon, that controls her whenever it develops the power to, usually at midnight on days where she is out and about. Including the fact to be possessed by a monster, she was bound with changing into a boy around 3:00 AM and only able to change back at 3:00 AM on a different day. She didn't believe that to be a curse as much as the thing inside of her. She prefers being a boy much rather than being the female she is. But the problem was, when she was a boy, she could not control herself, only speak to the conscience of the boy using her body as it was. She only could speak so freely, because it seemed that she had to fight the demon that sides her even thought it's not her body that she's in, technically. When she is in her boy form, apparently she could do Time Magic, which inflicts time and space. The purpose of that is simple, freeze time for a bit to get a short advantage in your fight. Also, when she is a boy, she has a completely different personality and not many people know that she is actually a girl.

Character's Family - None

Theme song: (Skyfall, Adele (kind of fits not the best, if you actually want something that fits... I'm sorry. but this Asian girl here only listens to Japanese music :D I don't think some of you understand Japanese so...)

Questions, Comments, and Concerns - My character is confusing, so give me a shout out if needed!


View attachment 7954


View attachment 7956
Character Sheet:

Character's First Name - Alastair

Character's Last Name - Ruton

Character's Nickname - (optional) Silence or White Priest

Character's Gender - Male

Character's Age - 32

Good or bad: Good

Character's Occupation - (Job) Ex-Priest / Bounty Hunter

Character's weapons: Cross Sword and Cross Daggers

Known abilities:

Enhanced coordination &flexibility - caused by his years offree running as a child.

God's light - creates a mass pillar of light around him, butrequires him to recite an ancient prayer. With his vow of silence this attackisn't as effective.

"Veni, Sancte Spiritus, etemitte caelitus lucis tuae radium.

Veni, pater pauperum, veni, datormunerum veni, lumen cordium.

Consolator optime, dulcis hospesanimae,dulce refrigerium.

In labore requies, in aestutemperies in fletu solatium.

O lux beatissima, reple cordisintimatuorum fidelium.

Sine tuo numine, nihil est inhomine, nihil est innoxium.

Lava quod est sordidum, riga quodest aridum, sana quod est saucium.

Flecte quod est rigidum, fovequod est frigidum, rege quod est devium.

Da tuis fidelibus, in teconfidentibus, sacrum septenarium.

Da virtutis meritum, da salutisexitum, da perenne gaudium,

Amen, Alleluia."

God's shield - by stabbing his cross blade into the groundand reciting an ancient prayer; he creates a holy shield around himself and oneother person. With his vow of silence this defense isn't as effect as it canbe.

"Pater aeterne, offero TibiCorpus et Sanguinem, animam et divinitatem dilectissimi Filii Tui, Domininostri, Iesu Christi, in propitiatione pro peccatis nostris et totiusmundi.

Pro dolorosa Eius Passione,miserere nobis et totius mundi.

Sanctus Deus,

Sanctus Fortis,

Sanctus Immortalis,

miserere nobis et totiusmundi."

Golden Writing - able to write his speech in golden writing inthe air.

Religion linked to: (What religion is your character associated with, major ones please such as Greek/Roman, christian, Hindu, Norse, Egyptian) Christianity

Character's Personality - strict,serious and highly religious

Character's History - Alastairgrew up in the Vatican and the church was a very big part of his life. On his18th, he became a priest and took a vow of silence after he had insulted hisparents about not allowing him to live his life. During his childhood he was afree runner until his parents found out, which brought up the argument withthem that had led to him taking a vow of silence after he was scolded by Father Markov. He chose to atone for his sins by joining the church, which he served inthe church faithful for 14 years until the night his family was killed by avampire or what he believed to be a vampire. The church forbade him from stopping the "vampire" attack from killinghis family and instead of listening he went to try to save them. He arrived too late, but he managed to kill the culprit. When the church found out he haddisobeyed their orders he was excommunicated and now he travels the world trying to help people in the name of god.

Character's Family - (Parents, Siblings, Spouse, Kids, etc.) No living family members

Character's Appearance - (It doesn't matter to me if you have a picture or not. I would prefer a picture, but if you cannot get one, a nice, detailed description of them would be just fine.)

View attachment 7971

image thanks to ririkuto

Theme song:(song that describes your character very well) The mission - Van Canto

Questions, Comments, and Concerns - Seems interesting and well thought out

Character Sheet:

Character's First Name - Nicholas

Character's Last Name - Wilson

Character's Nickname - The Wizard

Character's Gender - Male

Character's Age - 637

Good or bad: Neutral

Character's Occupation - A trinket shop owner, selling little bits and pieces, magical artifacts, etc. He is also a renowned alchemist, capable of creating potions that give both life, and death; sickness, and health. And everything in between.

Character's weapons: One indestructible wand, bound to him through space and time. If he were to die, the wand would become not. Nothing.

View attachment 7982

Known abilities: Any and all types of magic.

Religion linked to: Wicca

Character's Personality - Quiet, mystical, generally straightforward

Character's History - Instead of explaining his entire history, I shall explain his most recent history. He arrived where he is now about 85 years ago, having been exiled here by his former commanders. He didn't dwell upon it for long, and made a new life for himself within a day. He also sells potions and charms, seals of protection or destruction etc.

Character's Family - None

Character's Appearance - View attachment 7981

Theme song: Trivial magic such as music have no appeal to him.

Questions, Comments, and Concerns -
LOL not at all! So, what do you have in mind as an actual story line? I imagine it has something to do with us all uniting to stop the common evil?
Yes and no to your question, that will happen but there will be major twist to it more-a-less. Just ave to find out I guess :P .
It helps to actually practice the religion. Technically, people call me atheist, but I'm Wiccan. Except I don't do sacrificial rituals. With living things anyways...
Character Sheet:

Character's First Name - Daniel

Character's Last Name - Fisher

Character's Nickname - Fishy, Dan, Danny

Character's Gender - Male

Character's Age - 21

Good or bad: morality is a point of view, no-one really considers them self to be "evil" he is grey, a true neutral

Character's Occupation - Owns and runs a butcher shop across the road from Loryn Carter's shop.

Character's weapons: "The devil's handgun" http://www.gophoto.it/view.php?i=http://www.officialpsds.com/images/thumbs/Desert-Eagle-Gun-psd3354.png#.UIAPhMXR7YQ (a weapon said to have the soul of a thousand demons within it, sealed once in a sword, which was melted down and made into other weapons, first into a longsword, then a rapier, then into a 6-shooter, where they found that the bullets actually came back once they stopped moving, re-appearing in the weilder's pocket, and when it was melted down again and made into a desert eagle, it had almost no recoil, and it came with 2 magazines, once a bullet stopped moving, it re-appeared inside the other magazine, ready to be loaded again and fired, the bullets have the power to kill more than just flesh and blood mortals.

Known abilities: able to wield "The Devil's Handgun" without being driven mad by it, may not seem like much, but just being around that thing is dangerous enough.

Religion linked to: Deist (ex)islamic

Character's Personality - Friendly, sarcastic and often evasive when it comes to sensitive issues and MASSIVELY chill, he always have calm, relaxing music playing in his shop.

Character's History - originaly from Saudi Arabia, from a small christian family, his mother was raped by an Imam and her husband was executed, knowing he'd have her killed if she said anything, she fled as soon as Daniel was born, fleeing to Israel, from there she moved to London, where she remained for a further 16 years, before she was raped again by a group of robbers, she then killed herself, Daniel came home one day and found his mother's body on the ground, he broke down right then and there.

His cried of pain were heard by a passing Imam, who took him to the local mosque and converted him, that is, until he was contacted by a strange being, which showed him that this imam was the brother of the one who raped his mother, the brother of his father, his uncle, and the ones who raped and forced his mother to her death were sent by him! he was then told to dig up the back garden, he did, and he found a small box with a gun in it, the gun talked to him, and for one single night, he obeyed it's every wish, that Imam, the ones he sent, and over 2 dozen more died that night, everyone who had a hand in it, when the police came about, there were no witnesses, no bullets, no casings, and the weapon was nowhere to be found, with no weapon all they had was a motive, and that alone wasn't enough, not with the kind of heavy-caliber wounds the "victims" died from.

after this, Daniel moved away, keeping his weapon with him always, but a year ago, about a week before he opened his store, he was contacted by something else, and suddenly, although he could hear the weapon's commands, he heard them only as words, for him to obey or discard as he so chose, and so, he became it's master...

since then, his life has steadily improved, he often looks across the road at the occult shop run by the cute goth-looking girl, pondering if he should ask her out on a date, but always shaking his head and saying "nah"

Character's Family - His Saudi "father" is still alive, he has many relatives but he doesnt know their names, what they look like or where they are, since by now they would have scattered to all corners of the world, or been killed.

Character's Appearance - http://i301.photobucket.com/albums/nn76/Paulalee735/Anime/Aniime Blonde/l_b9062501816ebc128264acc30c763b86.jpg standing at 6ft 2in, he has tattoos all over his body, but not on his face or hands, he still has a coupe that go up to his neck, his left ear is pierced in 3 places, his right ear in 1, and has 2 studs in his left eyebrow.

Theme song: normally -

when things start happening/when he makes an apperance -

when sh*t just got real -

(god i love this song)
Questions, Comments, and Concerns - not any atm
Character Sheet:

Character's First Name - Ruy

Character's Last Name - Martinez

Character's Nickname - (optional) Green Eyes

Character's Gender - Male

Character's Age -24

Good or bad: Neutral

Character's Occupation - (Job) Chemist, usually does inorganic chemistry and hates carbon chemistry.

Character's weapons: Vials of compounds, can range from Acetone Peroxide to mass amounts of Lawrencium, occasionally uses the rapier in a joust.

Known abilities: Is a genius in science and philosophy and can unnerve people into giving him that one opportunity to through his make-shift bombs and poisons.

Religion linked to: (What religion is your character associated with, major ones please such as Greek/Roman, christian, Hindu, Norse, Egyptian) Athiest

Character's Personality - Ruy is a man of sarcasm, he's quite hot-headed but knows how to make a straight face. He'll usually find ways to contradict your religion, as is his hobby, he has a huge hate for `religious zealots devoid of the thinking process we have gained with our brains`

Character's History - Born of two Christians this one did the odd thing, at the age of eleven, after 6 months of thought and bags under his eyes, he declared Atheism, stating the neutral led to the realistic path, he still respected his parents and went to church, but often tried to find ways to question the teachers into anger, such as trying to ask why we don't follow the things in the Old Testament, except the ones we do. He won most of these verbal debates until he was forced to sing hymns among other things. This is where his loathing for religious zealots happened, his eyes would always look glazed in the pews and he did small things, nothing noticeable he was a smart kid, in fact he studied all the way to a minor in Chemistry before high-school. So he was in college by tenth grade. He is an interdependent chemist, bomb-maker, poison-maker, and the occasional assassination, minor thugs came, but soon a man carrying a cross came to him and made fun of his shop and his posters, he was calm for the most part saying things like 'each to their own I guess' and other small talk until he said that he was probably going to Hell, he snapped on this one, this is only a part of his argument :"So my life is devoid because of a thought? So if that is true than if you do not follow the exact wording of the Bible your life is devoid as well, so your life is devoid and so is mine, but since we both agree on a negative that makes it a positive, so we are both not devoid, but remembering life ends we go back to zero, so when we die, we die", he snapped and threw a very deadly poison at his eye, giving him a tumor, he's now a black market salesman and a respected one at that.

Character's Family - (Parents, Siblings, Spouse, Kids, etc.) No spouse or kids, parents just kinda let him go after he was eighteen.

Character's Appearance - (It doesn't matter to me if you have a picture or not. I would prefer a picture, but if you cannot get one, a nice, detailed description of them would be just fine.)

Theme song:(song that describes your character very well)

, the overall mood of it just kinda works.
As I may very well use James with Scarlette Fever, I might aswell do this.

Character's First Name - James(The Spirit dwelling within him at this time is Jitandra)

Character's Last Name - Monroe

Character's Nickname - Angel of Death

Character's Gender - James is Male, Jitandra is genderless.

Character's Age - James is 17, Jitandra is as old as Scarlette Fever itself.

Good or bad: Bad. Really, really bad.

Character's Occupation - None

Character's weapons: Twin Diamond Katana swords with red electricity dashing about them.

Known abilities: The effects of Scarlette Fever are as follows: They amplify a Demigod child of Zeus' powers by ten fold. It turns all electrical attacks red. It brings about an electrical barrier about them. It also makes them regenerate super super fast.

Religion linked to: Greek

Character's Personality - When insane, or controlled by Jitandra, James loses all sanity. All reason. All logic. Every emotion he's ever had is gone. It's a spirit of madness controlling him. He's insane, much more then Joker. He'll laugh a lot and taunt his foes until they themselves are almost insane. He's ape shit.

Character's History - The insane version of James appeared in the fight of James VS the Demon Jihatsu, to where James went nuts, to fight and kill the demon. He has only gone ape shit once.

Character's Family - I believe I've said this already. Jitandra is related to such demons as Jihatsu, although they hate eachother. And any other demons that try to spark insanity, regardless of what religion they fall under.

Character's Appearance - Same as before, just with a red tint to EVERY little detail. There's also red sparks dashing about him.

Theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erccjxIBErU&feature=related

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