~Fairy Tail~


Dirty Dan





Guild Rank:

Magic Ability:





Body Size:


Special Attributes:

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Name: Adria Fox

Age: 16

Gender: "Female, could you not tell?"

Appearance: "Why, do you even care?"


Guild: "Fairy Tale, only the best!"

Guild Rank: S-Class

Magic Ability: Lost Magic, Arc Of Embodiment.

Arc of Embodiment is a form of Lost Magic that allows the caster to materialize, and subsequently use to their every whim, anything they can imagine. Any of their creations give them great versatility both in and out of combat. They can range anywhere from everyday objects and weapons[2] to more complex creations,[3] even living ones.[1] These creations are also given special properties that goes accordingly to what they are.[4][5] It has been stated that there are several limits and conditions to this Magic, which as of yet are currently unknown.

Background: Adria used to live at home with her parents in the country, she had always fantasized of being in Fairy Tale. After all her parents are both Mages and good ones too. One day she had heard that they had - well I guess you could call them try outs. Her parents had asked her not to go becasue they knew Fairy Tale's reputation, but she had begged and they let her go. She showed what she could do for the head master and he was impressed and accepted her almost immediateley, he was so happy to have a girl with her abilitiess in the guild. That was when she was 13. She has her weaknessses, but if there told she would have to kill you.

Personality: "Its not like it matters!"

Adria is kinda an attitude queen, but only to those she prefers not to talk to. There are few people she likes but when she does like you - well, let's just say you better be thankful. Adria prefers not to be around very many people.

Height: "Taller then you!"

About 6'4

Weight: "I hope you know thats really rude, to ask me that!"

180 pounds.

Body Size: "Are you blind?"

Shes not one of those girls who starve themselves but she's not fat either, she's in between; average.

Inventory: "Well, I always have a book or two with me. I enjoy literature."

Special Attributes: Caring, mean, tuff, sweet.

Other: Her guild mark is along her colar bone.
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Name: Yumi Moon

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: S-class Mage

Magic Ability: Memory-Make is a Caster-Type Molding Magic. A Magic which grants the caster the ability to manipulate memories. It also gives the user amazing memory capacity, being able to memorize opponent's heart beats, footsteps and Magic. The caster can also create "memories" of themselves which are similar to holograms. This Magic also allows the user to create new Magic spells by combining spells from other Magic which the user has memorized before. Furthermore, the user is able to negate Magic spells used by the opponent which the user also had already memorized by "forgetting" the spell. Unlike Ice-Make or Wood-Make, the caster does not need to place their hands into complex positions but merely places their fingers on the temples of their heads as a focus point and a chain of memories could be seen visible behind the user. She has mastered this magic fully and is highly skilled in it. (This was the magic Rufus Lore used i hope you don't mind me copying it)

Background: Yumi was born into a family with no magical talent but she was different and it could be seen from a young age. Yumi took a massive interest in magic so her parents got her a teacher at this point he was eight. After Six years of teaching Yumi her teacher vanished but not before killing her parents and almost killing Yumi because of this Yumi had to have her eye taken out. After the death of her parents Yumi went and joined a guild it was fairy tail where the guild master offered her a chance to have a second eye again but she turned it down. Withing one year of joining fairy tail she made it to S class and within three years has impressed the magic council on many accounts so much so that they have questioned if she should become a wizard saint or not but this is still being decided.

Personality: Yumi often displays herself as a cool-headed, though lazy and bored individual. she is described as being rather depressing, showing dislike in many things yet little interest in activities that she does enjoy or even his own future. Furthermore, Yumi has shown that she is a pessimistic, believing that "heroes" do not exist; rather, she believes that surviving in the world would only come out of the individual's own power. she is quite intelligent. Yumi can often be far more twisted then she leads others to believe. she is cruel when she wants to be. During battle, Yumi often sports a wide grin and a tendency to laugh giddily about the dangerous event. Nevertheless, Yumi retains a carefree attitude during battle.

Height: 5'5

Weight: That rude you can't ask a girl that.

Body Size: Small and skinny.

Inventory: Nothing

Special Attributes: Her guild mark is on her eye patch and on her left wrist. She also has Immense Magic Power even by S-Class Mage standards, Yumi has been known to possess an immense amount of Magic Power which she can release as a thick, potent aura around her. People in the immediate vicinity can be brought to their knees by its power, even S-Class Mages, and its force can be felt at great distances.

Other: She might end up being one of the ten wizard saints doesn't that make you "Happy".
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Name: Simon Le'Merle

Age: 14

Gender: Male



Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: Mage

Magic Ability:

Seith Magic (??? Possession) - Caster Magic

Due to his working knowledge of Seith magic, Simon has the ability to utilize souls to achieve his ends. He does not have the powerful personality or strong body of other known users, so his gentle nature drives him to instead fight the influence of harmful spirits and allow the lost ones to pass on. He has shown the potential to either learn to trap spirits within corpses as his father did or to use it in some original fashion; only time will tell what he develops this skill towards.

Gravekeeper's Tongue - Caster Magic

Inborn into Simon without his knowledge is a strange ability to perceive and speak to the dead. He seems to simply be able to do this simple part of necromancy without focus, meaning that he is almost always aware of the presence of spirits.


Fairy Tail was not the first guild that Simon was associated with, surprisingly enough. Many years ago, his own father was a horrible mage separate from the guilds. This man, referred to only as "The Worm King" by his adversaries, terrorized many small settlements with his Human Possession magic. For some time, he had been a threat too shrouded in myster to take on, as his army of the dead prevented the unprepared mages he came across from returning to the guilds with information. After a reign of several years spent terrorizing the countryside and increasing the size of his forces, he was eventually brought down by the work of high-ranking figures in Fairy Tail. The battle was something spoken of for quite some time, but none of the men or women involved reveal what they discovered after: The Worm King had at his stronghold a boy of seven years old. The boy showed the potential for magic, though he was completely inexperienced in the arts his father taught him, and he was far more gentle than the tyrant that raised him. With nowhere else to go, the young boy was allowed to come with a certain mage that had a soft spot for him, as opposed to leaving him alone in a castle surrounded by corpses. Others simply believed that they should be the ones closest to him in case the boy took after his father and agreed to house him as well. As expected, the boy was unsure of this arrangement at first, but after some years of learning about what had happened, he finally accepted the reality of his situation and opened up to those that slew his father. As time passed, he came to understand the vile deeds of the man and eventually accepted that there was no way he could have saved him.

In the following years, he bloomed into a gentle, loving soul that showed potential on a level that one would expect from the son of a necromancer. He began to care deeply about those that took him in, enjoying each one in turn as they went on missions and left him with the others. They felt some guilt over the situation but after a few years to come to terms with the issue, they became something of a small family to him. In this time, they tutored him in magic, to help develop his potential in a way that would avoid producing a second Worm King. He found some passing hobby and occasional employment as an "exorcist-in-training" around the town.

Finally, the day came not even two weeks ago that he was accepted into Fairy Tail as a mage. The few high-ranking members who knew of his origin persuaded the guild master to give him a chance, and with their word he was inducted. Aside from them, however, none in the guild know of his past outside of the fact that he is a young man staying with some of their comrades. To them, he is just a bright-eyed member eager to take on his first assignment and learn more.


The members of Fairy Tail have had the pleasure of meeting Simon after his troubled years, finding the company of an ambitious and gentle lad. First and foremost, he is a soft-spoken young man who prefers to ask questions and listen to others before he speaks of himself. In fact, he's rather secretive when not around those that he deeply trusts. He has a tendency to get swept up in things with a startling degree of frequency, perhaps due to an inability to turn others down when they come to him. Generally speaking, Simon tries his best to avoid confrontation when other paths can be taken, though he understands and respects battles that have been arranged by some system of rules. More than anything, however, the young man has taken after his hosts and works very hard to overcome his past. To him, there is no goal more important than escaping the shadow of his father and making a name for himself as part of Fairy Tale.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 107

Body Size: Thin

Inventory: Simon maintains a small number of tomes found in his father's study, hiding them from the view of any he does not trust as close friends. During his free time, he intends to study them to learn more about the derivative of Seith magic practiced by his father. In addition, Simon has a skull from some random source that he uses in practice.

Special Attributes: Guild Mark placed over his left hand, for the world to see.

Other: He is more than "Happy" to be a part of this new family.
Name: Makira Merten

Age: 19

Gender: Female


Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: S-class Mage

Magic Ability: Sound Magic is the ability to bend sound waves to your will. This can lead to passive or damaging attacks. Sound waves can also be influencing from many years of practice. The castor can sing notes or a song to bend the will of the listener, however sometimes it is less powerful on more experienced mages. This powerful magic is hard to master and is also very rare. The only people that poses the power are descendants of a royal family long ago. This magic also has limitations. Not enough sound, the user cannot preform magical actions and since the users body is infused with sound, there body becomes frail and weak. Also to much energy stored inside the body will cause a massive self destruction.

Background: Miki was an orphan. She lived with a stepmother that used her voice power to gain her money. One day, her mother found a duke who fell in love with her instantly. Her step mother insisted on keeping her, but Miki started refusing to sing. She said that she did not want to be exploited for money that they didn't need. Her mother whipped her for this, seeing it as an act of disobedience. Miki never cracked under the threats her step mom placed on her, so her step mom threw her out of the house. Miki wandered for days in search for a home. The guild master found her crying in an alleyway alone and took her in. She has lived there ever since.

Personality: Miki is a tough girl that likes to stand up for her rights. She is confident and strong, but harbors a soft inside. She secretly bottles all her fears and other things up inside her hard shell, making her venerable on the inside.

Height: 5' 8"

Weight: 120

Body Size: Lean and slightly muscular.

Inventory: Small pack with food and some potions. She has a cloak for cold weather.

Special Attributes: Gild mark on shoulder, the mark's color is a light silvery teal.

Other: Is "Happy" to have found the guild at a young age.
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Name: Raven Hunter

Age: 17

Gender: Female


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/29dae3c02775c4b9956f17ab80d9b76a.jpg.8a90f3bd2fcba9b8e86e4eff8fc23a22.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21211" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/29dae3c02775c4b9956f17ab80d9b76a.jpg.8a90f3bd2fcba9b8e86e4eff8fc23a22.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: Mage

Magic Ability:

  • Fire Magic: The ability to control and create fire. The strength of her magic relies more on her state of mind or emotions, rather than pure magic power. Raven tends to pair it with her physical abilities (Like firebending, for you Avatar fans out there). Raven can't necessarily control her magic 100% of the time. If she's over-stressed, or in a large amount of pain, it can go haywire and hit people she doesn't mean it to. It also is pretty draining both physically and mentally, and for some strange reason isn't always hot. Raven's had multiple incidents where her fire was room temperature (Or even luke-warm), and didn't burn or damage her opponent at all.

Background: Raven grew up on a farm with three brothers, wrestling, fighting, the works. She was a "Happy" and very energetic child, spending her time in the woods, working on her parent's farm, or fighting with her brothers. She descovered her magic at an early age, after lighting a scarecrow on fire after a bad argument with one of her brothers. She never really needed or used her magic at this time, but always fantasized about one day joining a guild.

The year she turned 12, their parents left them in charge of the farm, leaving to go deliver that year's harvest to stores and markets. Raven and her brothers waited. And waited. And waited. Two weeks past, and they started to worry. Why were they taking so long? Had they been killed by thieves? Did they break down on the way and were stranded?

They waited for a month before giving up. Raven's oldest brother took over the care of them all, as well as the farm. They all helped, of course, but there was only so much two teenagers and two kids could do.

After a few years, Raven set her own path and left. She had been wandering the streets of Magnolia, and had seen Fairy Tail. She'd heard rumours about it, and figured it seemed like exactly the place she wanted to be. They took her in and taught her how to use her magic, and Raven's been a full member ever since. Most of the money that she makes gets sent to her brothers, to help them and the farm. The rest goes to the rent for her apartment, and food.

Personality: Raven has always been more of a boy than a girl, never playing with girls her age as a child. She always hung out with her brothers, or their friends. Raven is quick to challenge, and slow to give up. She also can (And will) eat her weight in food three times a day, and has a habit of doing things that people tell her not to just to bug them.

She's easily willing to help or support those who can't themselves, and is really quite kind and gentle to people she cares about, though she has a hard time showing it. Very self sacrificing, and will do anything to save or protect people she cares about. Raven can also be a little overprotective at times, because of her parents, but tries to keep herself in check.

Height: 5'10

Weight: 139 lb.

Body Size: Quite muscled, boyish build, but still strangely feminine.

Inventory: Two leather pouches on either hip (Usually filled with food, mystery vials, and a waterskin tied to one of them), and a knife.

Special Attributes: Fantastic physical aptitude, and is in amazing shape.

Other: Her guild mark is high on her chest, close her shoulder (Black in colour). She has quite a few scars and burns, though she never brings them up and avoids talking about them.



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Name: Nythil Allaway

Age: 23

Gender: Male


Guild: Guidless

Guild Rank:

Magic Ability: Flame God Slayer Magic incorporates the element of fire into the user's body, allowing them to produce black flames from various parts of their being, which are mostly used as a means for offense. The user is also able to consume external sources of fire in order to replenish their strength and rid themselves of fatigue, thereby making them immune to fire-based attacks, much like a Fire Dragon Slayer. However, a Flame God Slayer is able to eat the flames produced by a Fire Dragon Slayer. (copied it I know but it's the best way to put what i can do.)

Background: at age 3 Nythil was an orphan and left to fend for himself before the Allaway family picked him up and began to raise him. The Allaway's are a family of metal workers, most people call them blacksmith's but they prefer the term metal workers for they not only do blacksmithing but they also do other works with metal such as art and metal binding. by the age of 9 they noticed that Nythil had an ability to control fire. So the family began to teach him the ways of blacksmithing using his fire ability to his advantage. Only after seeing the magical council was it they found out that Nythil natural ability was ancient magic, in which Nythil was taken and began training with them till he was 15 and soon found love within in the council. She was another trainie also around the same age as Nythil. Beautiful was a word that came up short to how she looked, everything Nythil ever thought a girl should be this girl was it, her name was Aryn. He loved her with all his heart, she was his everything till she was killed by bandits. Nythil was tied to a tree with magic sealing abilities, he watched in horror as they killed her.After the horrid scene of watching his girlfriends murder, he went into depression and began to drink. Leaving the family behind he sought new adventure and a new life.

Personality:At the moment sad and depressed. But he is normally a happy go lucky drunk.



Body Size: strong build, but still a bit skinny.

Inventory:Has a back pack with sleeping attire and things to keep clean, a jar with moonshine also a thing to make a tent.

Special Attributes: capable blacksmith (not a master but capable.) flame ability user (not a master but capable), weapons he uses a short sword which is hidden underneath his shirt. (again not a master but capable). besides that he knows tai chi and brawler style ways of hand to hand combat. (again not a master but capable.)

Flame god slayer: powers in order

Bellow of the gods: Nythil breathes a massive fireball of flame at his/target opponent.

Explosion of the sky: Nythil releases a massive ball of black flames at his opponent from his arm by launching it forward in a punch-like motion. Once his flames reach the target, they increase in size, creating a giant explosion. (it has backfired for he still doesn't know how to make it explode properly yet)

Scythe of Destruction: Nythil molds a scythe from black flames, which can then be used for large-scale destruction (he is very skilled at this either and sometimes makes it so big he can't wield it.

Metal working: Nythil uses his fire to heat the metal and mold it to create what it is he is trying to make. Swords and Hammers are what he is good at right now. But he is going into the armor business. One day at least.

Other: Are you not HAPPY with this mi lord?
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Name: Michael Whithand

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: Mage

Magic Ability: Lightning Magic.

Lightning Magic is a branch of Elemental Magic that utilizes electricity, but more specifically, lightning, as a form of offense and defense. Mages who possess the ability to utilize such Magic are able to generate these elements from their bodies, and manipulate them. However, unlike other types of Elemental Magic, users of Lightning Magic are also capable of utilizing lightning from a distance, such as from the ground near them, or down from the sky. Lightning attacks work by electrocuting the opponents to various degrees, and there are spells that are said to be capable of completely paralyzing enemies, due to the extremely high voltage of the electricity employed in their use. Because of the high amounts of light produced with its use, Lightning Magic can also be utilized to blind opponents, albeit for a short amount of time.

*Raging bolt: The user raises their clenched fist in the air and chants the incantation; a large bolt of lightning will then descend upon the target from the air, possibly completely vaporizing them with a strong blast of lightning.

*Lightning Body: The user covers their body in lightning, greatly increasing their speed, and, effectively, turning them into an actual lightning bolt, thereby granting them great flexibility and maneuverability.

*Lightning Punch: The user creates an orb of lightning around their fist and punches their target, thereby increasing the resulting damage

Background: Michael was always his parents little boy, and a prodigy. His parents were rich, his grades on school were always great, the girls always thought he was beautiful and clever. He never had to work to get money or anything on his life, but that somehow made him wonder how would he be if he hadn't been born on that family. In his teenage years, he had all the girls he wanted, started to write books about the uses and advances in magic, but all the praising, money and lust didn't satisfied him. He always felt like he was being overvalued, and that people reactions to him were mechanical and the only reason to why he was so highly praised by everyone was the name of his family. He decided be a more rebel like teenager and study the reactions of the people around him. He tried to use magic to develop drugs (unsuccessfully), used his charm to seduce married women, helped a few friends to rob a bank and got himself in a lot of mess. He got arrested many times, but always freed himself using his family lawyer and name. People started to say how much of a shame he was to his family, and that he should be the "good boy" he was before. Michael accepted this. However, he remembered that he felt some weird pleasure everytime he put himself in some of those chaotic situations. The thrill of chasing and being chased, of doing something wrong and fearing to be caught. He decided to pull out one last scam, making the mistake of trying to pull it on one of the others famous rich families of his country (far off the peninsula where Fiore is located). He got caught and was arrested, and to free him, his family had to pay an enormous ammount of money, more money than they have ever spent. They kicked him out and said that he was on his own now. He took his remaining cash and set sail to Fiore, where he had heard of the mages jobs and guilds, and was interested to be a part of it with what he knew of Lightning Magic and sword skills. He is on his way to Fairy Tail, expecting to be accepted on the guild.

Personality: Michael is curious and a student of all the arts and subjects. He likes to tell tales, paraboles and paradoxes to analyze people responses and see if something about it surprises him. He tries his best to not annoy people with all his questions and dark humour. Sometimes he likes to create slightly chaotic situations to amuse himself with, or tell people wrong life lessons to see if they would follow the things as he said.

Height: 6'2

Weight: 160

Body Size: Average, Muscular.

Inventory: Katana, medium-sized backpack, water bottle, five golden coins that he stole.

Special Attributes: Great swordsman skills; Average magic skills (still learning a lot about lightning magic); Good fighter on hand-to-hand combat, but doesn't have a particular style, and that takes out a lot of his fighting efficience.


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Name: Xobic dex





Guild Rank:

Magic Ability:Water Dragon Slayer Magic:

As the Dragon Slayer of the Water, the user can consume any water to restore their body to its fullest. As well as the standard Dragon Slayer attribute of being able to transform their body into water, in both offensive and defensive styles, functioning as a makeshift weapon only unique to themselves, like Gajeel and Scylla, the user has an advantage over even the most powerful Dragon Slayers, as water is easy to find in the world, unlike light, darkness, and thunder. However, their physical attack power suffers because of this. It is a form of Magic revolving around the use of water, which is placed under the user's command for them to employ it for various purposes. Depending on its use, the physical properties of water can be manipulated to ther advantage; large masses of such liquid are shown to possess remarkable force, being usable to inflict blunt damage upon targets by sweeping them away with water. A similar effect can be achieved using high-pressure currents, which, due to their reduced size, focus the damage on smaller areas. Pressure is also manipulable to a great extent, enough that when it is focused on the outer sides of the water surfaces being controlled, the liquid can become an effective cutting weapon, acting like a real blade. Whirlpools generated on the ground by this Magic, combining rotatory force and slicing power, can easily reduce solid rock to pieces.

The user is also able to erect domes of water around foes, in order to knock them out by depriving them of air. Because they specialize in Water Dragon Slayer Magic, the user can also achieve an extra, extremely versatile avenue of usage for such Magic: turning their own body into water at will. Such a peculiar employment allows them to become impervious to both physical and Magical attacks, which merely pass through them without harming them in the slightest. In addition, the water from their body itself can be used as a medium to cast other spells related to this Magic; whereas casters unable to transform their bodies are apparently limited to using the water from the surrounding area, as well as have its properties altered, with the user being capable of making it boil without causing any damage to themselves. While unaffected by most types of offense, however, even with a body solely composed of water, the user is still susceptible to freezing, which can immobilize them and inflict damage upon them. Possibly as a result of the liquid form granted to them, the user can seemingly breathe underwater, at the same time being able to encase oxygen in spheres of water for others to do the same.

The user is able to manipulate water pressure, allowing their techniques to grasp other objects or cutting through without simply parting around them. Since water is incompressible, it can be used as a semi-solid while being able to move and flow like a liquid. Like Vivian Starrkewolfe, the user is a "Multi-Type Dragon Slayer", meaning that with their sole element, the user can manipulate it to gain more than one more element; the user possesses the ability to alter the physical state of the water they manipulate (between liquid, solid and gas) at will. Changing the phase of water allows for multiple techniques in the course of a battle, from encasing an opponent in ice to hiding behind a wall of mist.

,Muscle Speak

(マッスルスピーク Massuru Supīku) is a Caster Magic which utilizes the body's muscles.

A type of supporting Magic. By chanting some incantations, the user can increase the muscle mass of their surrounding allies. However, to maximize the efficiency of this Magic's effects, the caster's body must also be well-toned. Thus, the user usually needs to exercise consistently on a daily basis.


(巨人, ジヤイアント, Jiyaianto) is a Caster-Type Transformation Magic.When activated, this Magic allows the user to enlarge their body to gigantic proportions, even to the size of the gargantuan Tenrou Island itself as well as the Dragons. In addition, it can also be employed on selective parts of the user's body, elongating them and making it look like the user possesses elastic properties of sort, coming in as a very versatile Magic.Titan’s effects can also be transferred to other people aside from the user, as shown when Makarov could use it to grow Reedus Jonah’s chest to the latter’s request, in order for his Pict Magic to work better. When the user employs their complete Titan form, their muscles bulge in size, with prominent veins becoming visible (though, when Makarov first employed it, he instead gained a slender figure).

Immense Strength: As evident of their gargantuan size and increase in muscle mass, the physical prowess of Titan users is enhanced exponentially while in this state. Makarov, while using this Magic, was able to partially destroy a large airship with a single punch, subsequently damaging it further by lifting a gigantic wave with a single kick. Makarov was also able to stand his ground against Acnologia with this Magic.

Immense Durability: The users' physical endurance is immensely increased while in this gigantic form. Makarov was able to take the blast from Grimoire Heart’s Jupiter cannon head-on with only a moderate burn on his large arm and survive Acnologia's melee attacks.

, Letter Magic (文字魔法 Moji Mahō) is either a Caster Magic or a Holder Magic, depending on its means of employment.utilizes the words written by the user, with the effect varying depending on whats written, or how it's manipulated. In addition to their hand, users can utilize other objects to write the letters. The letters can be written on different surfaces or in the air. Currently, there are five known types of Letter Magic: Writing Magic, Solid Script, Jutsu Shiki, Dark Écriture, and Orient Solid Script. , Writing Magic is an unnamed, Caster Magic.is a type of Letter Magic that allows its user to shuffle the wording of a book when a certain person comes in contact with it. Also, this Magic is known to last for years, Solid Script The user materializes solid words in their depicted form (i.e. writing "fire" would create fire) and then throws them at the opponent. In the Miss Fairy Tail contest, the only known user, Levy, has been shown to be able to turn the words into the actual substance but still maintain the actual word form. The words that she produces actually mimic the properties of the aspect they were based from.For example, Gajeel was seen being able to consume the word 'iron' that Levy supplied him to replenish his energy. Solid Script can also be used to counter similar types of Magic, as Levy has seen to be able to disrupt Freed's runes and Yomazu's Orient Solid Script skill.Levy's analytical nature and aptitude for interpreting languages have allowed her to adapt her Magic to a variety of situations. The letters written with Solid Script are written in English., Jutsu Shiki is a form of Letter Magic in which the user is able to create barriers in certain areas by surrounding it with Magic Runes. Those who step inside these runes will be trapped and forced to obey the rules that the user set up beforehand. Due to the nature of this Magic, it is more suited for trapping rather than for direct combat. In addition, it also takes a significant amount of time to cast. The spells Freed Justine uses can be erased by rewriting them, Dark Écriture

It is a form of Letter Magic that allows the caster to write runes, sometimes without a writing tool such as a pen or a quill, for various types of effects. Essentially, the spells used for this Magic work only on what the caster writes with it; in other words, what they write goes as follows, making it a sort of "rule" in using Dark Écriture.

The properties of the Magic is centered on the writing of the runes; however, if rewritten correctly, the effects will change. The runes can be written on an object, person, or even in midair for the effects to take place.

The runes can be written for different purposes, such as traps, and offensively can be cast upon an opponent to inflict either physical or mental injury. The caster can also conjure an element for usage of this Magic, like poison. Death is also a possible effect. However, simple usage of this Magic that is convenient for the user, such as teleportation or flight, can also be used. Another type of spell is actual transformation, in which the caster is able to transform themselves and be granted a different appearance, even strength

, and Orient Solid Script

It is a Magic very similar to Solid Script, in the sense that it allows the caster to create words midair and use them for various effects. However, instead of English words Orient Solid Script creates words written in Japanese kanji. Spells of this particular Magic can also be performed with either hand movements or an object, specifically a sword.

The kanji summoned has effects relating to its meaning; for example, kanji written that would translate to Defend can have shield-like properties. The effects of certain kanji summoned with Orient Solid Script can be cancelled out with specific Solid Script spells

Background: Xobic was found by Stevarth, the mighty Water Dragon, as a baby. The Dragon opted to raise Xobic and taught him how to talk, write, and his own, signature form, of Lost Magic: Water Dragon Slayer Magic. However on July 7, X777, Stevarth, along with the other Dragons, mysteriously disappeared, leaving Xobic to fend for himself. Xobic then left on a quest to find Stevarth

Personality:Xobic is a very upbeat, who seemingly is as eccentric as just about everyone. . He is rash, impulsive, and determined to do everything his way, whether for good or bad, In battle, Xobic either comes off as his ordinary crazy and unpredictable personality, or his more serious, cold and steely side, and as an intimidating scene. Xobic is a self-proclaimed genius and is very proud of himself, in particular his fighting abilities.

Height: 8' 8"


Body Size:Muscular build

Inventory:giant water jugs,Has a back pack with sleeping,Small pack with food

Special Attributes:Good fighter on hand-to-hand combat,he is a fast learner

Other: HAPPY
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Name: Yami Rose

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.9af59143156590e058b956bb68874f65.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21254" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/image.jpg.9af59143156590e058b956bb68874f65.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: Fairy tail

Guild Rank: S-class Mage

Magic Ability: Dark Magic [Jellal's magic ]

This is just some magic Yami can use.

Heavenly Body Magic (???? Tentai Mah?):

It is a powerful form of Magic that allows the caster to use the properties of many astronomical objects for battle, preferably in offense. The properties of Heavenly Body Magic rely primarily on astronomical objects like meteors[1] or the generation and manipulation of the energy of stars from their own body.[2] The caster can create powerful light blasts or beams of high destructive power, reminiscent of starlight, at their opponents.[3][4] This light is not the only substance used, however. The caster is also capable of using the power of gravity against the opponent for destructive usage; the strength can be comparable to the effects caused by a black hole.[5]The use of such Magic can be used to enhance the caster's own skills drastically for various purposes, such as shrouding them in Magic that can increase their speed significantly.[1]

Jellal's speed with Meteor active

  • Meteor (??, ?????, M?tia): Jellal's body is surrounded by a cloak of Heavenly Body Magic, allowing him to move through the air at incredible speeds. Even if someone could detect his trajectory, it is nearly impossible to catch him. With his speed, Jellal assaults his opponents with quick, but powerful, melee attacks. Jellal wears a special suit under his robes to better utilize this particular spell.[166] During Jellal's battle with Jura Neekis, the speed granted to him by Meteor amazed even Jet, a Mage specializing in speed-enhancing Magic.

Jellal's Grand Chariot

  • Grand Chariot (???, ???????, Guran Shario): While in the air, Jellal places both arms on top of each other, with the top hand having only the index and middle fingers spread out. Seven Magic Seals are then summoned in front of him and connect, creating a constellation of sorts. Each Magic Seal then releases a powerful light blast down on the opponent, forming the same pattern on the ground before exploding. According to Jellal, this spell's destruction capability rivals that of an actual meteor.[168]

Jellal performing Sema

  • True Heavenly Body Magic: Sema (?????????? Shin Tentai Mah? S?ma): An attack in which Jellal bows down and points his hands downwards, with all the fingers closed except the index and middle fingers. He then begins to slowly move his right hand until it points upwards, causing the clouds above Jellal to begin circling, creating what appears to be a cyclone.From the center of the swirling formation, a glowing orb begins to form, growing in size until a humongous meteor emerges, falling quickly to earth towards the intended target. When the meteor hits, the force is strong enough to create a large explosion, which engulfs a wide area and releases a strong hurricane of air, also leaving a large crater in its wake.This spell was used to defeat the 4 members of Oracion Seis.

Siegrain, Jellal's Thought Projection, reuniting with its master

Thought Projection (??? Shinentai): Jellal is capable of creating a Thought Projectionof himself, and is very skilled at doing so, having been able to fool the Magic Council into believing that his projection was actually a separate being from him, and managing to grant it membership to both the Magic Council and the Ten Wizard Saints. His projection is also able to don an attire different from Jellal's own.[176]

Darkness Magic (???? Yami no Mah?): Jellal, due to his "possession" at the hands of "Zeref", is an expert in the usage of Darkness Magic. He was shown using almost exclusively this form of Magic for all of his fight with Erza, in which he proved himself capable of creating the ghostly entities characteristic of this form of Magic, using them to both hit and immobilize the woman with great skill.[171] In addition, as a child, he could employ Darkness Magic in other, more unusual ways.

Dark Force

  • Dark Force: During Jellal's first use of Magic as a child, he has proven himself capable of moving a target around in any desired manner. By moving his hand in the direction he wants it to move, he blows the target away as if he were hitting them. This will seemingly produce an invisible, powerful blunt attack to strike the target; an attack which is strong enough to kill opponents, causing their blood spilling out

  • Dark Grab: Jellal moves his hands towards the opponent, far away from him. This will prompt a pair of strong, dark-colored arms to appear from a nearby surface and grab the opponent, immobilizing or choking them according to the movements performed by Jellal himself, who, after grabbing the target, is capable of controlling the spell with a single hand.[178] In the anime, the spell instead takes the form of a large amount of red glyphs, which surround the opponent, swirling around them and then grabbing them. Such glyphs can also be used to lift the target in the air and bring them to Jellal.

And many more...

Background: Yami was a lonely child growing up. She had no friends, no parents and just a orphanage. But the kids there made her life even more miserable. She was bullied and picked on and everybody thought she was weak. In til she began to study magic, and that lead her on the path of darkness. She killed ten children in the orphanage that day when she used dark force. She was trying to control her anger when suddenly a magic circle surrounded her and then an hour later ten kids were reported dead. She hated herself. She hated herself going on the wrong path. She ran away from the orphanage and found fairy tail. A haven. Even though she has been there since she was ten, she never made lots of friends. Now she uses her magic when the time is right.

Personality: Yami is quiet yet she is fun when you get to know her, she can be irritated easily and once you see her angry, say good bye to your life. She can't get cheered up easily but she loves dancing and music. Also she loves practicing her magic even though it can hurt some people.She sometimes regrets learning the magic and she is not so confident.

Height: 5'9

Weight: 160

Body Size: small yet muscular build

Inventory: one katana and a water bottle, and her money.

Special Attributes: is VERY skilled at her magic.

Other: HAPPY



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Name: Kazul

Age: 20

Gender: Male



Guild: Guildless

Guild Rank:

Magic Ability:
Death Magic

Death Wave - A spell in which the caster releases a deadly black miasma of Death Magic that instantly kills any victims within its range. Its range and area of effect are, however, limited. The spell works on humans, plants and animals alike. Anyone standing close to the affected area will only be knocked out, rather than killed by it

Death Orb - The user creates a black orb in their hand which, when thrown, destroys everything in its path.

Death Pillar - The user swipes both of their arms in a circular motion until the bottom of their hands meet. The hand on top has the index and middle fingers pointing upwards, while the other hand has the little (pinky) and index fingers pointing downwards. While doing this, the user is surrounded by a dark aura. This spell creates an extremely large vertical explosion which can seemingly strike a single target out of others nearby.


Metsu - The user hits their target with energy and completely drains their Magic Power from them. The Magic then hangs in the air, before it ultimately dissipates. The damage dealt is equivalent to the target's Magic Power; therefore, the higher the victim's Magic Power, the greater the damage.

Zetsu - The user fires multiple blasts of air at the target which detonate around said person.

Telportation - By using this spell, the user becomes intangible to physical and Magical attacks and is able to move invisibly through the airspace.

Background: Kazul was born with the ability to perform Death Magic. Kazul was the average kid, always energetic and happy. He had lots of friends and a family that cared for him, everyday he would be outside running around having fun. When Kazul was 8, one night while walking home from the theater with his parents they were attacked by a group of criminals. The held Kazul back from doing anything and he kicked and screamed. He look deep down inside himself to find the strength to break free, and that's when he found out about his powers. He released a death wave and killed everyone around him( Death Wave is a Death Magic ability) . He was devastated. He ran away and never returned, the police found the incident and ruled that it was caused by a dark type of magic. But know one knew he withheld the power.

Personality: Kazul was very energetic and outgoing as a child. After the incident happened he has been filled with guilt and hatred (towards criminals). He is quiet and isolates himself from other humans even thou he craves to have someone there for him.

Height: 6'3

Weight: 200

Body Size: Not huge muscles but over average.

Inventory: Some ordinary food (things you can find around and/or grow), a knife, water jug and a big hooded jacket.

Special Attributes: Has perfected Death Magic after 12 years of training and practice. Very good endurance and high stamina.

Other: 1. Do not make Kazul angry 2. Wears a black vest and black shorts on most occasions 3. He wants to be happy
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Name: Gregor Giovani (otherwise known as GG)

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: inductee/probationary

Magic Ability: Red Channeling

Commonly thought to be a form of blood magic Red Channeling is the ability to mold magical power into physical shapes.

His powers while unrefined have lead to a couple of techniques.

1 Riot Spikes

Forming his power close to his body to maintain it's well defined shape Gregor creates numerous red spikes that pierce out away from his body creating both a natural defense and offense.

2 Vandal Blast

Forming his magic into a sphere Gregor shoots the power in a chosen direct causing the magical energies to explode upon impact the red mana instantly expanding decimating the surrounding area.

3 Wrecker Weapon

Extending his powers outward Gregor can exchange the versatility of Riot Spikes for the ability to create fully realized shapes that range from wings to hand held weaponry and while these can never be overly complicated it does give the mage some reach and offensive power in comparison to his spikes.

4 Pillager Plate

Trading offense for defense the user stops projecting his magic and instead forms his magic close to his skin creating an almost impenetrable armor at the cost of slowing his movements and making it impossible to manifest any of his other Red Channeling abilities.

5 Looter Canteen

Channeling excess power into a suitable reciprocal (such as a bottle) the Gregor is able to store energy for a later date giving him the ability to consume the red liquid to restore his magical power at the cost of his health. After drinking the liquid he is briefly given an excess of power but will later suffer from a debilitating pain as well as numerous other medical issues.

6 Tyrant Triumph

Infecting a single riot spike with this potent spell Gregor can cause anything pierced by it to rapidly convert any stored magical power into more spikes that extend from the victim. These spikes carry the same power and thus if used in a crowded space can eliminate many foes in a matter of moments. The issue though is this power is also the way one is gifted with this kind of magic as those who survive this ordeal can learn the techniques.

While potent Gregor has banned himself from using it simply because of how truly damaging it can be to both himself and those around him. (Also because the Magic Council probably wouldn't like it)


Born in the backstreets Gregor was a punk from the day he could speak quickly learning how to fend for himself in a world that would not stick up for him. Thus it was not surprising when he was soon accepted into a local dark guild where he learned much of the magic he knows today, and for a while everything seemed to be going down the same story so many others had walked down until one day GG simple decided he didn't want to hide from the law anymore. So on his latest stint in jail he made a deal with the authorities swearing to be a good little boy if they got him into a guild. Luckily for him the famous guild Sabertooth had heard of his powers and they accepted the felon meaning to add his skills to their arsenal.

Since then GG has done his best to impress his higher ups taking it upon himself to complete quests far above his level for no reason other than that he felt like it. Potent and on a winning streak he had set his eye on the competition wondering just what the Fairytale Guild has that makes them so powerful.

Personality: Clever and with a short fuse GG has quite the mouth and expresses his opinion of the world quite readily. He has the power to get what he wants and he doesn't get bothered with the morality of it, it's as simple as that.

Height: 5ft 10in

Weight: 180

Body Size: Wiry but strong

Inventory: Motorcycle made by a friend, biker leathers, long spiked iron chain, and a flask he keeps in his pocket.

Special Attributes: Physically strong and fast Gregor can take on most people in a simple fist fight but he finds it difficult to hold back making him dangerous to say the least.

Other: Mind if the motorcycle could climb walls and stuff? I kind of see this as his main method of getting around though he never uses it in combat (don't want to scratch the paintjob.) It would make me really "happy"
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Name: Aldire (unknown last name)

Age: 17

Gender: Male


Guild: Fiary tail

Guild Rank: S

Magic Ability: Metal magic

Iron cannon

shoots a pike of iron out of his hand

Gold glaive

Creates a glaive with a blade of gold.

Silver spear

Creates a spear made of silver

Bronze battle axe

Creates a battle axe made of bronze

Titanium trident

Creates a trident of titanium

Metal massacre

Most powerful spell. Shoots spikes of random metal out of his body rapidly

Background: From the Ochu clan that lives in a village on the outskirts of Magnolia. The clan is full of powerful wizards along with swordsmen and blacksmiths. Aldire was abandoned and taken in by the clan who then trained him to unlock his potential. He trained for 5 years and was trying to get into a guild for a long time. Then 2 years of searching went by and he found fairy tail. He then applied and was accepted for his great talent in manipulating metals. After 3 years of being in fairy tail he was made an S class wizard because of his many achievements.

Personality: Doesnt think things through often. Not a very good planner he likes to rush into battle instead of making a strategy or finding an enemy's weakness. Other then that he is very loyal and friendly.

Height: 5' 5"

Weight: 143lbs

Body Size: Average

Inventory:A variety of weapons made using metal conjured from his magic energy.

Special Attributes: Great athletic skill from training in his home village

Other: He can also turn his skin into metal to act as armor.
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Name:Cynthia De Wild'




Guild:Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: Mage

Magic Ability:Portal Creation!

Some capabilities of this power but not limited too are:

Deflection by opening portals to redirect attacks back at the opponents.

Summoning by opening portals to allow said object/person to arrive.

Binding by opening a portal around target, trapping it in between.

(And much more, but this power takes a lot out of Cynthia, she can only have a portal out for a limited time and can only have a certain amount out at once.)

Background:Cynthia, a child who was born very rich but her parents were murdered for their dark deeds, they were killing hundreds of people just for entertainment. After they're death, she was forced to serve in prison that held full grown, powerful adults. She was merely a child(7 years old) and while there, she meant a mage called, Ace. Ace was a kind gentle soul who wanted to help mankind somehow but he was faulty excuse for killing a entire city with dark magic in a far away land, so he was transferred to this prison. Ace slowly started to teach Cynthia how to do magic, starting from basic spells to very powerful spells. After a few years, Ace sadly, was transferred to some other prison but Ace remained in her head for a very long time. Some time after he left, Cynthia wanted to leave. So her and a bunch of other mages gathered together, planning a way out. All of them died but luckily, Cynthia survived and was able to escape. When she escaped, she heard of this very powerful guild that could teach her a lot. So she traveled to this guild, called Fairy Tail and was gladly accepted. After a year or so in Fairy Tail, the higher ups noticed her powerful magical power and are highly impressed. It is rumored that she can handle herself against some of the strongest S-class mages.

Personality:She seems very distant, she tires to avoid long conversations with nearly anyone unless she is very close to them. She tends to be very aggressive when it comes down to very rude people or people that are very conceited about their strength. She is awfully shy at first but after some time with her, she will show you her true self.


Weight:132 Ibs

Body Size:Very small body, but yet she is stronger and faster than she looks.

Inventory:Many small blades, shaped like small katana's. She normally uses them with her magical powers.

Special Attributes:Extremely skilled with her magic.

Other:Happy! Happy! Whooooooshhhhh. *Portal!*
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Name: Klefa Ceallach

Age: 17

Gender: Female


Guild: None

Guild Rank: None

Light magic

  • Lightspeed: Functions as teleportation magic and allows the user to cover very large distances in the blink of an eye.
  • Light chains: Functions as chain magic and allows the user to shoot long chains from their hands, complete with grappling hooks at the ends

Susanoo: A sword created with light magic

  • Totsuka-no-Tsurugi: Extends the blade of the Susanoo ten times for a single, high-powered slash.
  • Ame-no-Habakiri: Creates small feathers of light with a single swing. The feathers shoot forward after being created.
  • Ame-no-Ohabari: Creates another blade at the opposite end of the hilt. Once like this, it can be combined with Ame-no-Habakiri to create a potentially endless storm of feathers by spinning the double-bladed sword like a propeller.

Background: Klefa was part of the Ceallach family, a rich family of status. Her parents favored her two older brothers and payed little attention to her, leaving one of their houseworkers to raise her. He taught her all the skills she knows behind her parents' back. Later, her parents figured out what was happening and fired him and, without the parents knowing, Klefa left with him. She continued training and, despite protest, went separate paths so she could get even stronger.

Personality: Quiet and shy, preferring to stay out of other peoples' way.

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 105 lbs

Body Size: Slender

Inventory: The clothes on her back and a pocket of money from guild jobs.

Special Attributes: none

Other: She uses the phrase "Aye sir", but not as much as Happy.
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Name:Sallend Fullbuster



Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IMG_6113.jpg.6128e4e9fe7efe5f188dc3a95800ca3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21485" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/IMG_6113.jpg.6128e4e9fe7efe5f188dc3a95800ca3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild:Fairy tale

Guild Rank:

Magic Ability:ice

Background:Sallend is greys littelest sister but they got seperated at a young age so they can learn there magic so after that she returns home to see it all im ruble and everything on fire and she sees her parents gone and thinks gray is dead also

Personality:Sallend is sweet kind love able and preety handy with a sword



Body Size:no idea slender.

Inventory:ice sword and wip.

Special Attributes:none.

Other:sallend hasent seen her brother after he home was attacked.



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Name: Ace Tyros

Age: 19

Gender: Male


Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Rank: S-Class Mage

Magic Ability: Shadow Dragon-Slayer:

A Magic which allows the user to transform their physiology into that of a Shadow Dragon, turning their body into a shadow that cannot be touched by normal means. With this Magic, the user is also able to fade themselves into shadows to move swiftly, dodging efficiently and making surprise attacks. However, if the user is caught while in a tangible form, or by another person in shadow form, they are then vulnerable to attack.

The shadows produced by Shadow Dragon Slayer Magic are able to be utilized in several different ways, allowing for a high level of adaptability; the shadows are able to be released in freeform, as condensed or even molded into the shape of a weapon, taking on the properties of said chosen shape.


- Shadow Dragon's Roar - The user quickly gathers and releases a large burst of shadows from their mouth

- Shadow Dragon's Slash - The user covers their arm in shadows and then punches the target

- Shadow Dragon's Claw - The user generates shadows from their feet and unleashes them against their target with a kick

- Shadow Dragon's Eruption - The user generates shadows from the ground, hitting the target from underneath, throwing them into the air, whilst simultaneously damaging them. Just imagine a volcano of shadows erupting.

- Shadow Dragon's Vortex - The user extends their shadow in length, creating a large, swirling vortex-shaped shadow under the targets, which are then pulled down into the shadow without leaving a trace.

- Shadow Bullet - The user creates a powerful, purplish sphere of shadow with his/her hand, which explodes with shadow energy once coming into contact with a target. Causes devastating destruction.

- Shadow Dragon's Spitfire - The user shoots small bullet-like projectiles from their fingertips made completely from their shadows.

Background: When Ace was just born, his father had Shadow Dragon-Slayer Lacrima placed with his only son's infant body. See, Ace was born to a prominent member of a Dark Guild. Ace's father, Atroten, had attempted to force Ace to become a powerful wizard as to one day help his dark guild strike back against official guilds. Ace's mother, however, fought against him, managing to escape though severely wounded. Ace's mother passed away shortly after reaching the guild of Sabertooth. Ace was raised as an infant in Sabertooth, quickly learning how to use his powers. The only thing he has left of his mother is her sword, Darkbright, which was her only weapon due being a weak wizard. Ace went through strenuous training exercises to make himself a masterful swordsman in order to utilize his mother's only belonging after her escape. By the age of 13, Ace had already become an S-Class Mage of Sabertooth, which was always in the shadow of Fairy Tail. Due to literally being raised in Sabertooth, he views everyone in the guild as family. For that reason, Ace actively trains to get stronger in the hopes that one day he can help his guild be considered in the same ranks as that of Fairy Tail, even though he loves Fairy Tail and everything they stand for. Due to the fame Ace has gained through his years of accomplishing job after job successfully and creating a name for himself, he is considered one of Sabertooth's best wizards.

Personality: Ace has a very laid-back personality. He is never one to tai any situation too seriously, in fact, he barely takes life seriously. This can cause some problems within his guild as Sabertooth has always been one to keep up a serious demeanor. Ace loves to just relax and have fun. He likes to enjoy life for what it is. One might says he is very HAPPY with life. He tends to do his own thing, but can be social as well. He is a very competitive person. He strives to be the best he can be and doesn't hide the fact that he is a powerful wizard. He loves to be challenged and is a very good sport. He can come off as a little cocky sometimes but always attempts to help out others around him become stronger, whether thats with giving advice, or actually training with a person.

Height: 6'1

Weight: 170

Body Size: Ace is not very big, but rather has a lot of lean muscle. He likes to keep his body smaller to sustain his great speed and quickness. However, he is very ripped. (Just imagine gray full buster, he's a lean guy yet he is very muscular)

Inventory: Ace keeps his katana, Darkbright, with him at all times.

Special Attributes: While being an S-class mage, Ace is also a master swordsman at physical peak. He can very well fight without magic and still do well off enough to be a good mage of his guild. His Sabertooth guild mark is on his right chest.

Other: His Sabertooth guild mark is on his right chest.
Name: Jade

Age: 16

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime_girl_render_3_by_nunnallyrey-d6t25kc.png.7a78c03153e82e0d334b8ccdbfb3e49e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21649" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime_girl_render_3_by_nunnallyrey-d6t25kc.png.7a78c03153e82e0d334b8ccdbfb3e49e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Guild: Fairytail

Guild Rank: S-Class

Magic Ability: Wind Magic: This variation of Air Magic enables its users to generate wind, as well as to manipulate the wind around them at their will. Wind Magic grants them high offensive power, allowing them to assault enemies in different ways: the most prominent aspect of such Magic lies in the ability to give the wind cutting properties, manifesting it in the form of fast-moving air blades which are employed at mid-to-long range; they can also generate powerful gusts of wind to inflict blunt damage upon enemies and send them flying away, and even form hurricanes of various scales, which, in addition to their rotational power, seem to retain his wind's signature sharpness. Many of this Magic's spells seem to require special gestures which are performed with one or both hands, depending on the attack's power and magnitude. However, users also seems capable of producing minor, yet accurate, blasts without the need of moving their hands. Users can also employ the wind on themselves, using it to levitate and traverse over long distances, as well as to cover themselves in an armor of wind, boosting both their offense and defense.



Wind Wall:

The user creates a tornado that surrounds a certain area in order to cut it off from the outside world. Things from the outside can enter it, while the ones from the inside will get cut into pieces if they try to get out of it.

Wind Blade:

The user moves their hands in a pattern and fires several blades of wind at their target. In the anime, the user doesn't move their hands in a pattern, instead, the user creates a Magic seal.

Storm Bringer:

An offensive spell in which the user moves their hand in a pattern, manipulating the surrounding wind and releasing it as a tornado towards the target. Once this tornado reaches the target, it spins and sends them flying. In the anime, the user creates a Magic seal and a tornado is created underneath the target.

Storm Mail:

The user puts their arms in an "X" pattern in front of themselves, manipulating wind to spin around them until they are covered by an armor of wind. This armor does not only increase their defenses, but also augments their destructive power. This armor of wind constantly blows wind inside out. In the anime, the user creates a Magic Seal from a spinning object and covers their body in an armor of wind.

Storm Shred:

The caster creates several blades of wind that attack the target.

Emera Baram:

The user first engulfs themselves with wind, then they place their two index and middle fingers in an X-shape in front of themselves and fires a concentrated blast of wind blades at the target.

Magic Wind Palm:

The user claps both their hands together, releasing a highly destructive tornado.

Background: Jade's Parents died when she was a baby so her grandmother took her in, her grand mother never told Jade anything about her parents or who they were. Her grandmother had Wind Magic and realized that Jade had it to so she taught her everything she knew later jade joined Fairytail and was ranked S-Class. She also wants to find out what her grand ma is hiding from her.

Personality: Jade is a hyper girl and very confident. Always ready for a fight and doesn't back down.

Height: 5'4

Body Size: in pic

Inventory: Carries a broom around with her she uses it when she flys. and carries a brown purse that she keeps her stuff in.

Special Attributes: has great speed

Other: Her fairy tail guild mark is on her right thigh (happy)



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I will post my application tomorrow. When this occurs we will begin.

Sorry for the wait.
Hey I fixed the problem with my posting so I will start the role play tomorrow or today. (Whenever I have time to get my app in.)
Not sure if this is till open but I would be "HAPPY" to join.

Name: Frock Isles

Age: 18

Gender: male



Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: Mage

Magic Ability: Bullet magic: The user mimics the shape of a gun with their hands and creates Magic spheres in the air around them, from which the user can fire Magic bullets in rapid succession. These "bullets" are powerful enough to pierce through flesh. Advanced users of this Magic are even capable of performing the attack with both hands simultaneously, as if they are "dual-wielding".



Born in the town of Magnolia he was a child of a fairly average family of mages who created there own independent guild and traveled across earth land as they trained there children in there respective magics. Frocks being bullet magic which came to fairy easy mastery at a young age much faster than both his sibling who never really got the hang of there magic and became mercenaries leaving Frock with more duties as the next family mage. Though this wasn't ideal it was not so bad to hold a lot a responsibility and ironically it gave him more freedom to due what he please and shaped his personality into a mellow don't worry about it you just be ready when the time comes kinda mind set. The years past and he was finally old enough to leave his parents and join a guild though there were stronger guilds in his opinion besides fairytail it was where he grew up and he enjoyed the tales of there mages he was quickly accepted.

Personality: For the most part he has a mellow attitude but if his gut feeling apears he becomes more serious and a little hot headed depending on the current situation.

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 170

Body Size: Muscular


Special Attributes: Due his magic being ranged his is an adept fight who relies on his powerful legs that are a dangerous weapon if they make contact. He also is an novice boxer so he is not as lethal with his hands yet.

Other: Guild mark on right hand
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Name: Akita Electeel

Age: 18

Gender: "Huh. I don't know, let me consult my breasts."

She's female



Guild: Fairy Tail

Guild Rank: S-Class

Magic Ability: Lightning Dragon Slayer

Lightning Dragon's Roar -Destructive blast after gathering lightning in the mouth. Can be used as a ranged attack.

Lightning Dragon's Heavenward Halberd- Lightning forms between the hands of the caster, takes the form of a spear, and is thrown at the opponent.

Lightning Dragon's Breakdown Fist- The user punches the air, releasing a giant, high-speed lightning blast in the shape of a fist, which, upon contact with the target, generates a massive, sparking explosion.

Lightning Dragon's Jaw- The user locks their hands together in a tight fist and swings them down onto the target, both smashing them into the ground and creating a destructive circular wave.

Roaring Thunder- The user rushes at the target and releases a large burst of lightning from their fist, heavily damaging and electrocuting the target, whilst also pushing them away with immense force.

Background: She doesn't talk about it much, but it has been pieced together roughly-

She was raised in a place far from civilization, by a wise old female dragon named Elera, the last of the Lightning dragons. She was apparently too old for hatchlings, so she instead raised a human and taught her her magic and how to read, write, etc. But bad something happened to the dragon. After that, she clams up. She refuses to talk about it to anyone except people she trusts highly.

Personality: Fiercely brave, rash, loyal, and stubborn. Don't try to get her to do something else when she's made up her mind, she won't budge. Don't doubt her strength, she will bash some sense into your skull and maybe electrocute you at the same time. Don't try to fight her, and don't get her angry. You will not live to the light of day unless she likes you or Gramps is nearby.

Height: 5'6


Body Size: Thin, but muscluar.

Inventory: Always carries her twin sickles, Denkou (Lightning) and Tonitrua (Thunder).


Special Attributes: Very skilled with her magic. she featured sharpy canines as a characteristic of dragon slayers, and has a strange orange juice addiction.

"GIVE ME MY F***ING ORANGE JUICE OR I'LL STRANGLE YOU! *grumbling once having retrieved her orange juice*"

Other: HAPPY
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