• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom Fairy Tail Guilds of Fiore CS(Always Accepting)



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
1. Fairy Tail is an OP universe, OP magic is allowed within reason. This does not mean to make yourself a God. Magic will be heavily monitored. If someone is godmodding against your character, please bring it to the attention of myself and the GM's rather than resorting godmodding yourself.

2. Custom Races are allowed, just PM me first. I decide on a case by case basis but generally speaking Elves, Kitsune, Homunuculus, golems, and things similar are acceptable. All I generally want to know are their specific abilities/characteristics to decide if they're too powerful.

2.5 A hard rule on size regardless is A. Not being the size of a building or B. Microscopic. Or any other sort of extreme. They must be humanoid and believeably so. No arguing specfics. Use common sense.

3. If using a picture for your character that's not your own making, please try to source it and give credit to the creator. If unwilling/unable, simply stating on your sheet you didn't draw it will suffice.

4. Six Characters max per person, only exceptions are special NPC's or plot devices.

5. Do not put all of your characters in one guild. 2 characters per guild per person max. 1 guildless per person max, this is included in the six character limit.

6. Please, try to keep member ratios even. Check the Guild Roster page(Other tab) if you are unsure of current numbers.

7. Try not to copy canon magic too much, more specifically family lineage magics. In the case of Dragon/Devil/God Slayer magic contact me as stated.

8. Any sort of majorly powerful antagonist must be discussed with me prior to creation to avoid potentially wasting time and the sheet being denied.

8.5. Ditto on any arcs or side-arcs. PM me with details prior even if it's not a full idea. I'm fine with people creating their own thing provided it's discussed first.

9. Like this post to ensure you read the rules.

f you make a guildless character, please consider making a character in a guild as well. While not required, it is preferred so guild numbers stay up. Only one guildless character will be accepted per person if they do not make a separate character with a Guild as well.

Please remember to try and keep guilds somewhat even. Consult the Roster for current numbers and accepted characters.

Lamia Scale needs members. Other guilds limited until Roster is more even.


Dragon/Devil/God Slayer Magic MUST BE APPROVED before making your sheet. Any further Slayer variants will have a hard time being accepted unless they're plot characters. We have enough Slayers.

Template, all fields required except Other remove all text surrounded by ( );



Race(PM Me for non-canon races):




Guild Mark Location:

Appearance(Picture Required):

Class(C, B, A, S):

Magic(Please give a semi specific description of what they can do, this includes spell titles. Make stuff up, etc.):






If your sheet has a like/cookie by myself, it's accepted.​
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Name: Wilson Hunt

Age: 39

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Height: 7ft

Weight: 290lbs

Guild: Sabertooth

Guild Mark Location: and Golden left Pec


Note: this is not my work couldn't really figure out who the creator was. If I can manage to I will

Class: Guild Master

Magic: Feast magic: this is a magic that allows Wilson to absorb his foes energy through close enough proximity. It drains several types of energy. Magical so he can boost up his own magic reserves while weakening his foes, physical, so he can easily weaken his foes, and even vitality. Which he can use to regain his own stamina while draining there's. He has several spells but most are just to active different ways of using his ability. His magic comes out in the form of a dark red aura that generally surrounds whatever part of his body he wants. Any boost he obtains from his magic last dependant on how much he uses them. If he gets a boost and does nothing but sit around all day it'll last about a day. But everytime he battles or exerts himself he loses time on his boost. Having battled a single serious fight can cause him to lose his boost within an hour or sooner. Having several fodder fights can drain his boost by half. Leaving him only several hours of boost. Basically every hour of battling cuts his time down by at least two hours. More if the battles demanding. His boost can last from 8 hours - not doing anything all day, to 1 hour - having a serious battle or several constant battles within and hour. This magic is a result of Wilson's bloodline. Descended from a long line of tribal huntsmen he was born with the sole purpose of hosting a being named the primordial beast. Believe to be the first beast long before creation came around. It's the predator of magic, constantly devouring the energies of the world. It's particularly obsessed with finding the source of magic and devouring it, which would in turn remove all magic from the world. But by the gods will the Hunt family was blessed, or cursed if you look at it a certain way. With special bodies capable of hosting the primordial beast. A task handed down from generation to generation. Requiring the previous host to kill themselves in front of the next host. But even with their bodies capable of holding such a powerful being they still need special seals to help restrain the beast. Otherwise it could overpower their will, and take over their bodies. Possibly even destroying them and being set free in the process. If a host of the beast is killed and doesn't have a replacement host around then the beast will be freed and return to it's mission to devour the source of magic.

Berserk mode: This is not something Wilson willingly uses. As a matter of fact his whole purpose in life is to avoid this occurring at all. But unfortunately he has lost control on several occasions resulting in great lose of life. Whenever Wilson's seal is removed he gains godly power, and loses control of himself. He begins rapidly draining the energy around him, and attempts to attack all those near him. He is still limited to draining only one kind of energy, but the rate of absorption far exceeds his normal speeds. On some occasions he even becomes so powerful that his own attacks tear his body apart. Even the pure energy he radiates begins to burn his body up. This has resulted in several near death experiences. The best course of action in this scenario is generally to either return his seal, or avoid his range at all cost until he burns himself out, or dies. The latter is generally safest as most attacks have little affect against him at this point. He becomes an insatiable force of destruction as the primordial beast attempts to take control, and free itself from its prison. Luckily it is possible for Wilson to stop this and regain his senses long enough to reseal the beast, but the more the seal is released the harder it becomes to contain the beast, eventually it'll become impossible should the seal be removed enough times.

Lions Mane: this is a kind of Aura armor that makes him appear similar to the king of beast. It's only really good at close range but if he grabs and enemy it can suck their strength weakening them quickly.

King's shield: this is a spell that allows his aura to form a shield on his arms. It can be used to block magical attacks and absorb their energy to weaken, or even disperse them. The bigger he makes it the bigger the spells it can defend against. Although it's useless against physical attacks.

Beastly grip: this is another ability that affects his hands. His hands are covered in his aura shaped like the claw of a beast. He uses them to drain vitality from his foes.

Tyrants tax: this ability allows Wilson to form a area around him with his aura. It's much bigger than most of his abilities and requires a bit more focus. But it drains considerably slower compared to his closer ranged abilities. It also doesn't discriminate between friend a foe. Anyone who's caught in Wilson field will end up paying for it. The raidius of this field is 30ft.

Drawbacks: Wilson cannot drain more magical energy than he uses, and can only use his feast magic so long as he has magical energy. So if he uses all his magical energy draining physical energy he cannot replenish it with his feast magic. He also has to get in close for most of his faster draining abilities. The area of effect spells draining much slower and depending on the enemy too stay in the area Wilson activates it. His magic is also only a drain and boost ability. Draining his foes and boosting himself. It is not a offensive magic. He can only drain one form of magic at a time.

Wild Hunt: Wilson summons a aura beast, twice his size. So about 20ft, which can drain its foes much faster than any of his other spells. However it's tethered to Wilson by an invisible chain only he can see. It cannot run more than 700ft away from him, and it moves at impressive speeds. Making it easily able to catch slower targets. Unlike his other spells, this spell drains all energy from a target. But it also drains Wilson's magical energy much faster than his other spells, and unlike those. He can't regain any magical energy the beast devours. So once he runs out of magical energy his beast disappears. Even if he stops the beast before his magical energy is completely drained he cannot summon it again for another 8 hours. Wilson still receives all other energies from his victims as a physical boost.

Personality: While he was young he was very kind and often misunderstood, he changed much over the years. He's protective of those he thinks of as his family, and tends to be very aggressive towards anyone who would hurt them. He's a very serious man, and doesn’t take foolishness well. He doesn't care what you do when you’re off the job. But he expects all his own guild members to always be prepared for the worse case scenarios. He himself almost always has his defenses up. He can be quite strict about certain things, and always has a intimidating glare on his face when around others. .

Regardless of how he acts though he loves his guild members, and only wishes the best for them. He rarely shows a soft side, but when he does it's generally around the guild members. Often he’d have been drunk when it happened. So he tends to pretend it didn't happen the next day. Mostly out of shame at showing a moment of weakness. Wilson doesn't speak much either unless it's important, or to reply to someone else. He isn't likely to start a conversation without some importance behind it. He's also a kind of battle maniac. He doesn't show it outside of battle. But when confronted by a strong foe a wild smirk can be found on his normally stern expression. He doesn't believe in turning down a battle either, nor does he believe in using his full power to take someone on, or rushing into a fight. He generally tries to keep a calm and assess the situation the best he can.

Bio: Wilson was a only child in the Hunt family, and was usually alone growing up. Mainly due to the fact that he was terrifying. He didn't have any friends until he started hanging around the sSabertoothguild. He was often either challenged to fights, r avoided completely due to his appearance. With his massive size, and predator-likely just about everyone reacted one of those two ways. But then he started hanging out around Sabertooth, and not long after he began training with them. He immediately took to the training, mainly the physical stuff. It seemed he had a lot of natural talent for it. So he trained, and trained until he became a member of sabertooth, and then trained some more. His main goal being reached S rank.

Over the years Wilson grew larger and stronger. His power and feats growing more and more impressive as the years went on. It wasn't long before he had surpassed his goal. Now with his goal reached he aimed even higher. At one point it turned into a bit of an obsession. Having become and rank the road to SS was a difficult one. He faced many challenges and hardships. He tore his body apart, all in the hopes he’d become stronger. This intensive training truly caused him to grow tougher, colder even. He experiences things that made him see the world as a much harsher place. So he challenged that harsh world with his power. After many years of the most intense training, he finally reached SS rank. Having matured in many ways. Mentally, physically, and of course ability-wise It wasn't long before Wilson found himself at the head of Sabertooth, as their guild leader. He made it a point to always keep his guild members on their toes. Never wishing for them to be caught off guard, or unprepared should something happen.

Likes: his guild, and family, Fighting, Tough/challenging stuff, Drinking with friends, Training, Fighting new people,(as long as they don't waste his time) Eating,(he'll eat anything if he's hungry enough) The color blue, Testing out new moves on his family members, well trained and competent mages/soldiers

Dislikes: People insulting or talking bad about his family(guild included) Big talkers(people who can't back up their words) people who overreact,(they get on his nerves) Weak or flimsy anything (gotta have good quality) disobedient or unprepared soldiers/mages


Hand to hand combat master: unlike most Wilson relies mainly on his fighting skills. Primarily his Hand to hand combat. He's very talented, and we well trained here. He can adapt to a fight, and spot his opponent weak spots if he battles them long enough. He's also inhumanly strong and durable. His speed and agility are also impressive for someone of his size. Although mainly because he's practiced to where he can react almost immediately to his opponent's moves. He's also very skilled at learning new techniques, even knowing where a few of the pressure points are. Something that he usually doesn't use unless he has to. He's also talented at baking. Although that's just a hobby really.

Hunting, & tracking: Having spent a lot of time tracking dangerous foes, or wild beast Wilson has become very good at tracking people. As well as hunting them down. He's very familiar with plenty of ecosystems, tracks, basically, most things needed for hunting.

Other: He has a scar on his mouth due to a battle he had with a powerful dark Mage long ago
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Katherine Mae






Guild and Guild Mark Location:
Sabertooth on her right shoulder blade - Its blue like her Nexus


(I randomly found this so like... I didnt make it lol)

S Rank


Smoke Magic

Smoke Magic: This magic is obviously about smoke which emmits from her lantern. Most people would just think it's a regular lantern which glows but in reality it's a smoke magic which sits inside and awaits to be released. (If you'd like me to nerf most of the timers let me know) The smoke is also it's own entity and Katherine has no control on what it does. Except that she is able to keep the smoke away from her.

Purple Smoke: Hallucination - This smoke is what it sounds like. It will cause the Enemy to see hallucinations. Whether it's played off their fear, anger, or sadness, the smoke is it's own entity. All Katherine does is release the smoke with magic power out of the lantern. The smoke does the rest. This lasts about from 10 minutes to 20 minutes. If you are a weak enough class, it could last up to 30 minutes or more (depending on the amount of magic power that is used). Can be cleasned with a healing magic. **Just Like the other smokes you're about to read**

Blue smoke:
Sleeping - Dont let this blue smoke fool you, once inhaled it will start to take effect and make you drowzy and soon will drag you into a deep sleep. Depending on the amount of magic power used, the time can be increased. Though the base time with normal magic power will last about 10 minutes. Giving time for Katherine or her allies to escape.

Golden Smoke: Paralysis - Keeps any foe from moving once inhaled. The base time for lasting is 10 minutes. But if more magic power is used, it will increase the time.

(MAX time for these abilities is about an Hour(If i'm allowed, I can knock it up to 2-3 hours))


- Nexus is an energy which is created by magic power. It is a powerful magic and if not contained correctly, things can get out of hand. When activated, the irises of the user's eyes will turn into the colors of the nexus (Which is a very bright blue) Nexus is also worked with Energy rather than something physically created.

Nexus Shield - Creates a shield which can deflect just about anything. Though it can be broken over time if the user is in a corner and the shield is being continuously beaten on. It also only works to cover the direction the user is facing. This means the user can be attacked from behind or from the side. A powerful Enough blast can break the shield but does a little less damage to the user. With just a little bit more energy, Kathy can create a dome shield to protect herself and multiple people and also contain something in or keep something out.

Nexus Blast - This sends a blast of Nexus at the enemy. This can be used close range or from far away. Upon impact the blast will cause an explosion and knock the foe back. This attack can be blocked but the foe has to be powerful enough to block it. It is Dodgeable and able to be reflected onto the user. This takes a small chunk of magic power. But if used in rapid use, it will drain the power much quicker due to the SPS (shots per second). (Ranged or Close)

Nexus Artificial Enhancement - Katherine channels her magic into all main pressure points within her body and enhances her speed and durability. Her skin becomes as hard as rock but her weight as light as a feather, enabling her to run at incredibly high speeds. This can take a good amount of magic power depending on the user but this is used to escape within a bad situation. Not Recommended for all-time use.

Nexus Hunter - This creates a bow out of nexus and comes with a set of 5 nexus Arrows. This Takes a medium size of magic power to use but if practiced enough with, the user is able to use it at least 3 times in one fight. Each arrow that is fired will track the enemy like a missile unless dodged appropriately. Will explode upon impact.

Nexus Flight - This allows the user to fly with Nexus, the energy emerging from the user's back like wings and allowing the person to fly. These cannot be shot down unless the user is hit directly. If aimed for the wings, it will not do anything.


Katherine is one of those women who are very difficult to amuse or surprise. She's very blank and VERY VERY VERY rarely smiles but she does sometimes have expressions though, they are quick to fade away before anyone could notice. She is also sometimes very carefree and doesnt really care what she does (Only if it's stuff for her personally. Not others) . If she is close to someone she will open up a little more and be more expressioned rather than expressionless. The wizard is also very calm and her voice is soft. Sometimes people arent able to hear her but if needed she will bring up her voice just a few notches. If Katherine were to make bets or promises with her friends, she will keep her word. No matter what. No matter how long. While in fights she is surprisingly very calm and despite the amount of comments or threats she gets: She doesnt let it get to her. Injured? Calm but still on the pain-filled side, depending on the severity. Taunted? Calm. Katherine is also patient, she doesn't let anything bother her too badly. So annoyances aren't really bothersome.

Those who are close to her would know that her love for sweets is strong, and usually any sweet that's given to her, she'd eat. It's a weakness that she has. Despite all the eating of such an unhealthy addiction, she doesnt gain any weight, it's melted off of her like butter! However, besides that, she takes naps if she really feels that she is in need of one, likes to read from time to time, as well as take rides out on Lionel around the city that Sabertooth guards. The fresh air and the breeze of flying through the air is one of the best things she loves to feel. Walks are a way for her to also calm down if she's too angry.


Born to a small family of wizards, Katherine was the second youngest out of 3 siblings. One was an older brother,the first middle child had been a sister, and the youngest was a little brother. As the youngest she was teased or left to play on her own due to her siblings being older and doing more adult things like going out to fight monsters or going out to find guilds to join. Granted, her siblings loved her and so did her parents. But that didn't change the fact that her siblings really didn't play with her much as a child, especially her youngest which couldnt play at all yet. During this time, she'd go on ahead and take adventures through the woods, be a little bit daring and do some dangerous adventures. One day she came across a cave to which had the young girl curious on what was inside. Upon going in, she found a lonesome egg just sitting there. It was fairly big and it was not normal. To her, the egg was about the size of a soccer ball and seemed to be hatching. Kathy stepped closer and watched as the creature emerged from the egg after cracking it and revealing a baby dragon within. From this day onward, he had imprinted on her and she took care of him, naming him Lionel. At first it was hard to hide him but eventually she introduced him to her family who happily accepted the small dragon and helped little Kathy raise him.

One day she went out on another adventure with Lionel, at this time, she was six years old while he was two. The pair was running through the forest, little Kathy happy and playing with her new best friend. However, they came up to a ledge that dropped down fairly deep. Knowing Kathy, she peeked over it and noticed that it was a steep hill that she had never ran into before. More than likely because she never ran this far. Before Kathy and her friend could move to a safer spot, the floor gave out underneath her and she was sent tumbling down the steep hill with a loud scream, causing her friend to panic and try to fly after her with his small body. Though when she finally hit the bottom where rocks had layed, she was severely wounded, and obviously not breathing after landing on rocks. Lionel was a small dragon, he didnt know what to do for her! All he did was try to jump on her chest to get her to breathe but that wasnt going to happen. He was too weak! Knowing that he was helpless, there was nothing he could do. Even if he flew back, it would take him a bit to go back home and bring her parents.

The Sad dragon curled up on her chest, his poor little heart breaking over his best friend now being dead right before his eyes. Before he knew it, Kathy's body started to begin covering itself in cracks, exposing a blue energy within. This confused Lionel and he looked at them before he was suddenly engulfed in a large blue light, making him cover his eyes with his wings. The feeling of his friend's breathing made him quickly uncover his eyes and look at her, watching as she stirred and came to. He excitedly jumped up and moved so she could sit up and he instantly tried to comfort her, going on her shoulders and nuzzling her as she slowly started to cry. Lionel couldnt do much but he did what he could to make her feel better. After all she just fell and landed on rocks. When he made sure she was okay, he noticed all her wounds were gone and the only things left were the dirt and leaves in her hair with her torn clothes. Kathy was fully healed!

After she finished crying, she slowly got up and looked at where she had once been, not sure how to get back up and not sure why she was still alive. But with the help of Lionel, she made it back to their home, her parents worried to death due to her appearance. Once her father took a good look at her, they both knew what happened and he took measures to help out the young one. Lionel obviously didnt know but he knew there was something different with his best friend. During this time, her parents helped her get through the kinks and the craziness of her magic, helping her use it for good. If it was ever used for evil, it would not be good. As she got older, she continued to train and made sure it was in her routine. Lionel even found out his own magic which almost destroyed the house!

Kathy moved out once she was older and now works for Sabertooth, a guild she found friends in, especially a friend who had just as destructive power as she did. Becoming his anchor and helping him through what she had once gone through. Or well...Almost.

Surprisingly: Sweets
Soft music
Drinking her favorite alcoholic drink - Maitai. She loves the tropical taste.

Being called Titles in which she has not earned
Light wizards instantly placing a bounty on her head just to see who could beat her
Being in meaningless fights
Getting surprise parties
Being Flustered

Hand To Hand
Hiding things she needs to hide, like Stashes of sweets.

She has a pet Dragon in which can change sizes. From Huge to Small. Is able to be used in battle if she needs a little help. All he does is breathe flames like a dragon but that's it. His name is Lionel.

5e0730db858d23721073e6a186aa441b.jpg (This is what her eyes look when Nexus is active)​
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" Yo, you guys want some rice balls? I mean I don't know what
they put in this but damn is it delicious, I swear try one, just one bite!
I'll even let you have some of this green tea."
- Santi Salbatore [/font]

(Didn't draw any of these FCs, obviously.)
(May update after completion of Arcs.)
Santi 'Ned' Salbatore

Never Dead Ned, The Zombie Swordsman, Freaking Pervert!


Chaotic Neutral.




260lbs (A lot of muscle.)

Wanderer (Guildless)

Guild Mark Location:
Doesn't have a marking, but he does have a wickedly gnarly
tattoo of a realistically drawn Tanuki on his upper back, it's
comically depicted drinking from a porcelain mug that's filled
with orange juice.

Casual Appearance:

Armored/Serious AF Appearance:

Class(C, B, A, S):


Regenerative Healing Factor (Crazy veins / Black Heart):

The root of all his unorthodox feats comes from Maradis's Gift, an imperishable relic
that's saturated in a monumental amount of dark magic. This realistic heart resembling
artifact prevents Santi Salbatore from dying, by regular means that is!

Lacerations, Gashes, that he suffers from will be swiftly reconstructed back into a healthy
status, several spindles of veins/fibers will automatically seal open wounds, as well as re-attach
lost limbs (Unless they're too far away, it'll take a while but he'll regrow them if that's the case).

Although this horrific 'zombie' man cannot be normally killed, that doesn't mean he's unable
to die! As his heart is the source of all his healing, it's also the source of his weakness.
By removing the unnatural organ from his body, Ned will no longer be able to heal and
will ultimately die. (Mainly cuz his heart is gone.)

(Ex: If you chopped Ned's head off, his neck would spurt out a multitude of stringy veins that
would reattach to the bloodied stump before reeling it back in. Depending on how far an
appendage is, it could take up to 10 seconds or nearly a minute for it to get pulled back to him.)

Accelerated Swordsmanship:
Never Dead Ned has a pretty big advantage when it comes to swinging his
sword, largely in part due to his supernatural conditioning, not to mention his
black heart.

Both of them have allowed him to efficiently use his weapon at a pace deemed almost
incomprehensible to a normal person's perception! Because of how fast he can strike
someone, whenever his blade strikes against the wind, an ear-wrenching pitch is typically
heard just moments afterward.

(Ex: The sheer momentum of Salbtore's swing could rival the pace at which lightning travels,
one of the accomplishments in his days of wandering was being able to nonchalantly split a
bullet after it had ejected from the muzzle.)

Full Pain Suppression:
One of the many benefits of his deal with Maradis has made it so Ned can no longer feel
pain, anything that would be felt as excruciating to another would be seen as just a minor
inconvenience to him!

Luckily, this does not limit his sense of feeling at all since his nerves
quickly react to any trauma done to them, practically negating any pain that was done
to him whether it be an axe hacking off a limb or a sword being plunged through his gut.

(Ex: Nothing really can be said here, there's really not a darn thing that can actually make Ned
feel pain. Twisting a blade in his guts will just leave the area without any feeling, same goes
for injecting him with poisons and so on, no matter the scenario he's unable to be put under
any pain.)

(Except for when he's kicked in the groin, comedy purposes.)

Supernatural Conditioning:
Essentially, Ned is stronger, faster, and overall better than the ordinary 'joe' by an exceeding
amount! As a result of Maradis sprinkling her 'magical-ness' over him like colorful sprinkles on a
yummy sundae,

he's capable of hoisting up things that are mind-boggling heavy as well such as
fully adult trees, even his incredible speed has allowed him out-maneuver many foes in during a

(Ex: One of his feats involves lazily kicking a Giant Sequoia tree, uprooting it, and sending it careening
backward from the force. For most physical S-ranks knocking down a tree would be scoffed at! Although,
until they take into account how much a Giant Sequoia weighs.)

One of or if not the most aggravating individuals to ever grace The Kingdom Of Fiore, Ned is a
particular combination of traits that mold him out to be what most people hate. An egocentric,
provocative, and annoying jackass of a human being! Salbatore will take every opportunity
given to 'sweep' a woman off their feet but instead of a long-term relationship it's more of a
'fling' as he's not the type of person to be restricted, believing himself to be a perfect specimen
made for the likes of all women.

His flirtatious remarks and other wacky antics have led him to troublesome situations that may
or may have not resulted in people getting seriously injured or worse, despite knowing full
well the consequences of his actions he often decides not to worry too much about them.
Life is too short for seriousness in his honest opinion, living by other people's standards
just serves to waste the precious time he could spend doing something considerably fun.

(Mix between Vash The Stampede, Deadpool, Kintaro from Golden boy, and Tohru Adachi.)

"Ah, you wanna hear about my life eh? Exciting as it is, I gotta keep it quick! The mistresses are waiting."

"So you're probably wondering where I grew up? Fair enough, what's a story without a beginning
am I right? Well I grew up on the outskirts of Magnolia Town where I lived with just my ol' Pa, my dearly
departed Mother had kinda passed away not too long ago after I was born and it left us two running this decent
Radish farm, a lot of hard work was involved in upkeeping these stupid radishes but I guess it was worth it since
it brought in a good profit!"

"Successful as it was, it never really did keep my interest because of just how boring it is... Never could really keep
my attention unlike the ladies did. Let me tell you, i've seen some fine ladies throughout my travels but the ones
in Magnolia Town? They're something else, just looking at their supple figures could make a man's heart melt
just like a stick of butter under the hot Sun. Aside from the delicious alcohol served there, those damsels are one
of the main reasons I went to visit Magnolia's tavern!"

"Charming as I was and still am, many of the girls there didn't enjoy my advances except for a few. One, in particular,
was a real eye-catcher, a fiery-haired 'raven' by the name of Mystique, I think it was a French name? Anywho, I was
chatting her up and was trying to catch a glimpse to see if the carpets really did match the drapes, low and behold
I come to figure out I was flirting with a notorious criminal's girl, how did I come to realize this? Let's just say that
when I asked if I could do some 'penetration', I winded up getting penetrated myself, except with her husband's

"Unlike how I am now, I didn't have any of those fancy-pansy healing magical abilities and that damned blade of his
managed to puncture through my heart, leaving me for dead as he fled from the guards. All I can really remember
afterward was lying in a puddle of my own blood, a whole lot of darkness shrouded my vision at the time but I still
heard the panicked noises in the background, my death must've really caused a scene huh? So what feels like an
eternity has passed before I hear a seductive voice grace my ears, at this point, I'm starting to think I went to Heaven
because when I opened my eyes I caught a glimpse of one of the most stunning girls i've ever seen."

"Guess I was soon proven wrong because of the fact she had two horns stickin' out the top of her head like a mountain
goat, furthermore those dragon-snake things or whatever the shit they were made it look more like I was sent straight
to Hell instead of Heaven. Eventually, this scaley-woman reveals herself to be some sort of Evil spirit sorceress? She said
that her name was Maradis, she also alluded to the fact that she resurrected me from the 'land of the unliving'. Flattering
as it'd be to say she wanted to bring me back to life just to see this handsome mug of mine, that'd be false sadly! Apparently,
Maradis wanted me to swear an oath to her, a bit of creepy cultist shit if you ask me yet I couldn't say no, I mean who would to
a fine piece of ass like that?"

"So, me being me, I accepted but not without complimenting her first! I believe I said something like 'nice tits' or very similar to it
but those words were the last thing I said before she clocked me really hard in the face, Maradis was definitely a fiesty spirit!
babe! After my comfortable coma nap, I woke back up in Magnolia Town and just shrugged off the whole Maradis encounter like
it was some sort of fantasy until people started lookin' at me funny! Honestly, I felt like it was because of my runny nose but
as soon as I look down I discover that one guy's sword still sticking right through me, that no-good bastard left his junk right
in my trunk!"

"Must've been pretty amped at the time, couldn't help but go track down that one bastard that skewered me like a hog and
return the favor! Ha, you should've seen his face, it's like he saw a freaking ghost! Kinda sucked killing him though, his own
death pointed me in the direction of becoming a Swordsman and branching off from that ridiculous radish farming business
to pursue my own adventures, claiming independence and booty at the same time, pretty awesome right? Since I wasn't able
to die because of Maradis replacing my heart with her weird ass voodoo magic, I was able to not worry about the more
dangerous things in life!"

"Claiming this new life of mine with an iron-grasp, I swiftly carried off and scurried from town to town as a lone wanderer,
only a hired sword lookin' to make some money. To this very day, I still travel around from time to time looking for contracts
to fill but not as much now, that Mermaid's Heel guild has made me settle down for a while. They must've saw all the potential
I had and hired me for manual labor, other things too! Declining them would've been my first choice until I figured out that they
only had women in their guild, not to mention drop-dead gorgeous ones! Being the devilish rogue I am, It would've been rude
of me to say no."

"So here I am, a somewhat guildless swordsman living the life here in this fine town! Drinkin' away the problems that worry
simple folk and surrounding myself in beautiful damsels, how could it get better than this?" Y'know i-"

"Bitch, you spilled that mug all over my drink! Do you know how expensive this shirt was?!"

"I-i'm sorry, I d-didn't mean too pl-"

"Oh, you're sorry huh? Well, you'll be in just a second!"

(Start of Introduction Post.)

- Bodacious babes.
- Adorable animals (Racoons, Squirrels, Etc.)
- Rainy days. ("Helpful at getting the blood off my armor.")
- Occasional 'cat naps'.
- Gorging himself with food and drinks!
- Boasting.

- Anything he considers to be 'boring'.
- Disgusting monstrosities. (Might be different if the monster is female.)
- Those that steal his glory or women.
- Anyone who hurts Sinny the Tanuki. (He'll go 'John Wick' mode.)
- Professionalism! (Having to be restrained by social constructs.)
- Very posh individuals, mainly royalty.

- Berserk/Rage Empowerment:
Taking things to heart isn't exactly his 'style', declining his advances or simply telling
the goofball to shut his dumb mouth will often make the scarred fool burst into a
teasing snicker. But, this blithe demeanor he grasps can be easily knocked from his hands
if someone were to harm an innocent woman, child, or even worse, his beloved Tanuki.

By some ungodly circumstance if any of these three were to occur in front of him,
Santi will 'explode' into a feral rage that'll tremendously boost his conditioning,
making him an extremely terrifying opponent to beat.
(100x worse if the Tanuki is harmed.)

- Extremely Persistent:
Perhaps the earliest skill he's ever learned was his nearly unbreakable resolve, an
intruiging skill that's led to many of his successes in life! Nonetheless, this overwhelming
tenacity of Neds has also contributed to his death, including several other altercations
later on in his history, nearly all of these were instigated by his own haughty ways,
considering he doesn't know when to 'shut up'.

- Navigation:
Many a year have dramatically increased his ability to traverse the Kingdom of Fiore
without much of an issue, there's rarely a time he'll lose his own way, making him a
pretty good companion to travel with if you're able to withstand his irritable

- Blade Proficiency:
Experience as a traveling 'blade' for hire has exponentially developed his aptitude of
Martial Arts. While not by much, Ned is a very difficult swordsman to fight against as
most of his opponent's attacks tend not to interrupt his own! Furthermore, his
skillful blade-work can fluently change if someone were to slice off one of his arms
or both of them for that matter.

- Physical Laboring:
Guess this could also be regarded as his 'earliest' skill because of his background.
Being someone who was raised up at a farm, there was plenty of things that needed to
be done! Scything crops, lifting hay, chopping wood, you name it and he's probably done it!
These seemingly boring chores have helped chisel Ned's body, giving him a rather large
figure with some bulging muscles to boot.

With his strapping frame and his history of hard work, it makes Good ol' Ned a very
desirable worker.

- For some weird reason, there are people that keep calling him "Ned" despite not having
it in his full-name! One day someone just called him "Undead Ned" and it just stuck to him
like glue apparently.

- Carries two black-powder eight-shot revolvers on the interior of his long coat for situations
that require him to take out those pesky ranged enemies that like to shoot at him from
several yards away. ("You may be asking yourself, why eight instead of six? Two extra rounds makes it
two times as fun!"

- Santi has a pet Tanuki named "Sinny", it has an odd obsession with consuming ridiculously
high quantities of coffee.

- Ned is Messei's third cousin, they're relatively close as far as their friendship goes! He tries to schedule
visits with her every-so-often, unbeknownst to those in her guild who don't know of the kinship the two

- Because of his lack of seriousness, Santi will often act like a complete pansy and will frequently get his
butt kicked even though he's someone who is regarded as a fairly powerful, plus high ranking S-Class
who wouldn't have that much trouble in combat.

- Associates himself with Mermaid's Heel (Reference) albeit, he's not directly involved with them as he's
sort of like an unpaid outside worker that regularly helps out members of the Guild.

- Tries to avoid fighting women, if anything he'll start trying to flirt with them while they're
using him as a living pin-cushion.

Casual Theme:
Flirting Theme:
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Lucius Darkflare







Guild Mark Location:

(Note: Does not have a huge majestic sword)

S Rank

Dark magic:
The Darkflare family have been dark mages for generations making each one a master of the typically nefarious form of magic. Each family member always puts there own flair into the magic, in Lucius' case, a good portion of his spells have a somewhat eldritch vibe to them. In true eldritch fashion, all power comes at a price, and for Lucius, some of his more powerful spells hurt him to various extents depending on the spell. All of Lucius magic is a lovely shade of dark purple which matches his outfit.

Dark Barrage:
Lucius summons six small magic circles which zip around firing low damage projectiles at a target at high speed. This particular spell is more of an annoyance than anything else, however the circles tireless such for their target as well as their unpredictable movements makes the spell useful as a distraction.

Grasping Shadows:
Many shadowy limbs rise up from the ground beneath the target, grabbing onto them and forcing them to the ground, restricting their movement, the clawing of these hands can also cause some damage to the target. This spell requires a great amount of concentration to keep up, leaving Lucius vulnerable to other forms of attack.

Gift of Despair:
Numerous, creepy eyes open up around a target, looking into one of these eyes will cause the target to experience their greatest fear. This spell can be countered by either not looking into any of the eyes, or having enough mental fortitude to resist the grasp of the spell.

Shadow shift:
Lucius turns into a flume of dark energy, allowing him to travel short distances at incredible speeds. In this form, Lucius cannot be hurt or deal any form of damage, however, if multiple people get sucked into the spell, both they and Lucius can be seriously hurt.

Midnight inferno:
Lucius releases a blast of dark purple flames which burn with unholy energy and at an extremely cold temperature, creating a hazard which can deal a large amount of damage if contacted. When casting this spell, some of the flames will spit out at Lucius, dealing a small amount of damage to him.

Tempest of souls:
Lucius summons a might vortex of energy around himself that damages anyone within it, some even say that the souls of those who have died to this spell remain trapped in it, doomed to be summoned to drag more souls into eternal torture. Lucius will continue to take damage the longer the vortex remains active, he also must remain in the eye of the vortex otherwise it will dissipate.

Call of the Old Ones:
Lucius uses a great amount of energy to create a rupture in reality and allow those and the other side to reach out. The spells summons a large eldritch tentacle which wildly flails at anything within its reach. The downside to this spell is that the tentacle has no way to discern between friend and enemy, meaning it will attack anything ruthlessly, including Lucius, unless forced back through the tear, either by the man who summoned it or through dealing enough damage to it.

Grasp of the Void:
Lucius most powerful and terrible spell, he expends all his energy to create a tear in reality which slowly grows, sucking anything and everything in. How long it grows for depends on how much energy Lucius puts into it, but once it stops, it will then explode. The size of the explosion depends on how much stuff it sucked up. Casting this spell can have an extremely dire effect on Lucius, and if used at the wrong time, could kill him.

Lucius has a tendency to be very out right about situation and to speak his mind (a jerk), he doesn't like most people and finds it hard to trust anyone outside of his inner circle, however inside that cold exterior and mostly interior is a small spark which still feels human emotions, that being said, that could just be a culmination of his anger, who knows? Aside from that, Lucius in generally quite quiet unless he feels the need to rip someone a new one, which is most of the time.

What doesn't help his distasteful personality either, is that he has a rather strange moral compass, he despises corruption of any kind and actively seeks to root it out, however, he also has no quarrel doing terrible things to get there, such as murder, torture, blackmail, etc.

Lucius is also gifted with a high-level intellect and is extremely skilled at understanding the applications of magic, and how it could be used to improve something. This makes him somewhat of a tinkerer, generally preferring to create lifeless, unjudging magical servants rather than allow his social ineptitude to show.

Even as a child, Lucius had what most would call daddy issues, his father was a cold and cruel man who, in spite of the death of his wife, never made an effort with his children in any conventional sense, choosing to focus on the legacy he would leave behind. To him, Lucius was little more than a trophy, and he was determined to prove that he had a worthy heir to his Lordship, due to this, Lucius was put through rigorous magical training, but no matter how much he excelled, it was never good enough for his father. Over time, this cause Lucius to become rather pessimistic and adopt a lot of the personality traits from the man he despised most, his father.

One day this all changed. Due in one of his fathers' numerous magical experiment,s there was an explosion, leaving Lucius injured and his father a pile of ash on the ground. Once he recovered, the young man suddenly came to the realisation that everything that was once his father's, was now his, all that money, and power, and influence. The problem was though, Lucius was now a broken man, all he had left was his younger brother, who their father had completely ignored, and his best friend/butler whose family have served Lucius' for generations. After spending a few months locked inside their homes library, Lucius took the time to gain some perspective of the world, but where most people would see peace and happiness, the young lord saw only corruption and malice. It was at this moment that he swore that he would do everything within his power to remove that corruption and malice from the world, not for his sake, not for the peoples sake, but for the sake of his brother, so he would never be used or abused by power hungry people as their father had done to Lucius.

Now having left the confining corridors of their home, Lucius, his brother Malygos, and butler Alexander, all live in the middle of nowhere as Lucius hated human interaction. That being said, Lucius never tends to spend much time at home, he spends most of his time hunting down bad people and 'dealing' with them, whether they're a dark guild or a corrupt noble, Lucius does everything in his power to bring them to the harshest justice of all, the justice of the grave.

- Intelligent people
- Silence
- Being alone
- Sugary things

- Idiots (Anyone of normal or lower intelligence)
- People who attack those weaker than them
- loud people
- Overly happy people
- people in general
- Birds

- Fencing
- History - Ancient language/civilisations
- Intelligence (Smart enough to know he's an ass)
- Extremely bad at cooking
- Money

Has a black cane with a large purple orb on top which Lucius casts his magic from. It also turns into rapier for close quarters combat, though Lucius does prefer to keep distance between him and his opponent.
Super cute younger Brother- Malygos Darkflare: Age: 14
Overprotective mother-like figure Honourable Butler: Alexander Von Ehrennacht: Age: 25​
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(This image is not mine but I can’t be arsed to find the owner)

Solomon the Divine
“Holy Ghost”







Guild Mark Location:
Over his Adam’s apple


-Holy Light-

The user can employ a wide range of light-based magical spells, from unleashing beams of pure energy to more complex spells such as debuff-cleansing blessings. The user can summon their own light energy through their magic or manipulate already existing light. It is to note that all of the user’s light-based magic is holy and thus causes significantly more harm to any type of undead, demon or evil creature/magic.

(Offensive Spells)
Smite - A beam of concentrated light is emitted from the user at a target. The beam travels slower than normal light due to the density, however it is still fairly instant. It deals a heavy initial kinetic attack upon contact with a target and continues to deal heat damage through prolonged exposure.

Angelic Armament - The user may summon a weapon or armour-piece made of condensed light. Due to the condensed nature of the items, they are quite effective at slashing and piercing attacks or block heavy amounts of damage, but they are not well suited to bludgeoning attacks and decrease mobility noticeably.

Furious Halo - The user manifests discs of condensed light and launches them at a target. These discs are heavier and more physical, thus moving as slow as a normal disc. Due to the density, these rings are even hotter than Smite and therefore are capable of slicing through targets with greater ease. These can be controlled from a distance.

Pillory of the Damned - The user says a short incantation and luminous shackles appear on the wrists, ankles and neck of the target. While inflicting searing burns, this spell also weakens the effects of the targets magic, reducing their magical capability and restricting their movement.

Banish Evil - The user says a short incantation and a 20ft radius golden rune appears over a target area. Anything caught within the area of an evil, undead or demonic nature begin to be burnt away by intense holy magic. The spell lasts 20s and can destroy the average zombie within seconds.

Pillar of Justice - A monolithic construct of gold and silver with an orb at the top rises from the ground behind the user. Acting autonomously, this tower will use Smite at any target the user chooses. Keeping this construct active enacts a small passive mana drain. Only two of these constructs can be active at once.

Vengeant Sun - The user manifests condensed light energy into a ball in their hand which gives off intense heat to the surrounding area. This sun can absorb physical materials to generate lava within it, which when launched will explode upon contact in a hail of lava.

Holy Crusade - An incantation is spoken from the user and magical energy is distributed behind them. An array of condensed light spears are formed numbering anywhere between 1-1000 depending on how much magical energy was used. The incantation will also be increased or decreased accordingly. Each spear can be shot at a fixed target and possess decent penetrative power.

Divine Judgement - A lengthy incantation is spoken from the user and magical energy is poured into the sky. After a brief wait, an extremely powerful version of Smite is called down from the skies to blast down on a target area. The initial kinetic blast upon contact is enough to cause a 100ft wide crater and the heat energy delivered can transform parts of the ground below into lava. Divine Judgement lasts 10s once begun. This spell is quite draining on the user.

(Defensive Spells)
Faith Shielding - A wall of condensed light is formed to protect a target from harm. Multiple can be placed at once and this spell is quite mana-cheap.

Ward of Protection - A stronger light-based shield forms over the target’s body like a transparent suit, protecting them from harm. A passive mana drain is required.

Talisman of the Lord - The user says an incantation and distributes magical energy all around as a halo appears above them. Activating automatically, attacks within a 5ft radius of the user are blocked by a self-forming hexagonal light shield which dissipates after use. A minor passive mana drain is required.

Righteous Retribution - The user says a short incantation and a light-based magical rune appears in the air. This spell reflects a single magical spell back at the target caster, where the user is drained of the same amount of mana the original caster used to cast the reflected spell.

Bastion of Heaven - The user says a long incantation and pours magical energy to a target location. A giant 50ft tall ornate wall made of gold and silver rises from the ground, extending 100ft in either direction. This wall can withstand a tremendous amount of physical and magical damage before being destroyed. This spell is quite draining on the user.

(Utility Spells)
Religious Zeal - A passive buff, the user is made immune to light and heat based magic. Magical attacks of such a nature may still affect the user given enough power.

Truthseeker - A passive buff, the user is able to tell when a person is lying. Additionally, the user can detect evil entities such as demons and the undead without fail.

Light Bending - The user can shape and bend light to their will. This can range anywhere from accelerating light from one location to another, stopping light from reaching a location, or distorting it to confuse others.

Clairvoyance - Similar to Light Bending, the user can pull light from far away locations towards their own eyes to perceive locations from a distance. This ability is useful for spying, but particularly sensitive individuals may sense the spell however it is still hard to detect.

Scry - The user can send light to a target location to send a visible image of another location over a long distance. Similarly, the user can form a visible image of another location in the same way.

Purify - A golden rune appears in the user’s hand and a glowing aura appears around the target person within a 5ft range. All debuffs are dispelled from this person. If the target is undead or demonic they are dealt searing holy damage instead.

Cleansing Ray - A ray of light shines on the target person and their minor injuries are healed. Continuing this spell for another 10s can heal moderate injuries and render critical injuries more stable.

Godspeed - The user infuses light magic into their own body, becoming able to move at a fraction of the speed of light. While costing a minor passive drain, the user becomes easily one of the fastest mages on the battlefield.

Hyper-Jump - Similar to Godspeed, the user is infused with light magic to increase their speed even further and instantly travels to a target location in a similar fashion to teleportation. This movement is automatic and cannot be adjusted mid-movement. The user must have a location in mind for this to succeed. This spell is not teleportation and will fail if the user’s route is blocked off.


A very versatile psychic magic used primarily to deceive and debuff an enemy. The user can conjure illusions, confuse by altering one’s perception of reality and even begin affecting one’s senses. It is to note that the user’s more effective techniques are applied through eye contact, but it does not have to be direct. Mirrors and even clairvoyance from outside sources work.

(Offensive Spells)
Snake Eyes - Upon looking directly into the user’s eyes, target people are physically paralysed. This does not affect a person’s magic.

(Defensive Spells)
Image Double - The user creates an illusion of themselves in the vicinity to confuse enemies. This illusion can move at the user’s will but will dissipate upon being touched or by straying out of a 10ft range of the user.

(Utility Spells)
Shielded Mind - A passive buff, the user is immune to psychic-based magic. Magical attacks of such nature may still affect the user given enough power.

Scenic Warp - The user bends the target user’s perception of reality to make the nearby vicinity appear differently. The initial mana cost depends on how different the scenery becomes and a minor passive mana cost is required.


The user is highly sensitive to vibrations and can conjure/manipulate the kinetic energy involved with vibrating atoms. While the user often uses this as a form of sound manipulation, they are capable of generating powerful penetrating destructive energies through vibration discharges. It is to note that more powerful attacks will require solid matter to pass through, weakened by passing through liquids and more so via air, countered with vacuums.

(Offensive Spells)
Rupture - The user passes kinetic energy through a surface towards a target. Upon making contact with the target, a powerful vibration force is discharged and the target surface is burst open as a result.

Almighty Push - The user expels a forceful amount of kinetic energy from their hand in an even distribution towards a target location. Entities caught in the force are rapidly pushed back as if hit with a powerful gale.

(Defensive Spells)
Nullify - The user can swiftly pass kinetic energy into a physical attack to lessen its power or even stop it outright. This can weaken attacks through the air or block them outright upon physical contact. Does not work against particularly powerful spells.

(Utility Spells)
Sharpen - The user continually vibrates a target weapon almost imperceptibly at high speeds. This weapon now possesses incredible slashing and piercing power. A minor passive mana drain and physical contact with the target weapon is required.

Transmission - By pulling the vibration of molecules caused by sound from a target area, the user can hear sounds from locations over a long distance. Similarly, the user can project sound to a target location in the same way.

Ghostly Phase - By vibrating the user’s body at high speeds, the user can pass between the molecules of solid entities and effectively phase through things. This spell has a large passive mana drain requirement and should not be kept active for long as well as a moderate initial mana cost.

Solomon is a serious individual, patient yet highly unpredictable. His demeanour is pleasant enough, albeit not particularly friendly, yet his behaviour can be agreed to be rather strange and off-putting to most. To start with, his humour consists of having others see him holding strange items or doing odd activities simply for the purpose of surprising them. His goals and motives are fairly unclear as he only even mentions God when asked about them, yet he remains in the Sabertooth Guild and seems loyal enough. While he’s done nothing suspicious or conspicuous enough to warrant distrust, most can agree that he just feels like a quite the mysterious character. Of course, his power generates a decent amount of fear but he actually rarely uses it excessively. Soft spoken with fairly little presence during social events yet very passionate about his religion, Solomon truly is the “Holy Ghost” everyone makes him out to be.

Solomon has always been a wanderer since very young. Having grown up in a religious temple, he undertook his pilgrimage at a very young age and has been travelling for many years to spread the word of God and test his own faith. His trial was a lonely one and full of danger, for unknown lands could prove very hostile towards an outsider. Solomon had faced bandits, robbers, hostile guilds and all manners of dangerous creatures along his journey, using their defeats to further his devotion to God. Throughout his travels the young man did make a few friends, but never allowed them to travel with him for long. Coming close to death several times during risky battles, Solomon worked his way up the ranking system through word of his impressive deeds reaching far and wide. Rumours of a travelling man of God slaying scourges of the land soon became pleasant folklore.

However Solomon's travels soon came to an unexpected end when he met a certain Guildmaster of the Sabertooth Guild. Insulted by one of their member's slander against his lord, he challenged the man to a duel of honour and faith. Instead of allowing the duel, the Guildmaster, Wilson, turned the fight into a guild-inclusive trial to test Solomon's worthiness of joining the guild. The young pilgrim turned out to be quite the talented fighter despite his otherwise passive nature and managed to defeat a large number of the guild's members before ultimately being defeated by Wilson himself. Having expected a fight to the death upon the honour of his faith, Solomon decided to repay Wilson by agreeing to join the guild.

Other believers
Surprising people with his strange humour

Slanderers of the lord
Evil creatures
Specifically anything demonic
Losing in the name of God

Engraved Katana - A normal katana with a name engraved on it.

Silver Keys - An array of 12 long-bladed daggers that can be held between the fingers or thrown. The blades are made of pure silver.

Katar Master - Mastery in the art of katar combat, otherwise known as claws.

Sword Expert - Very proficient in the use of his katana, but has not mastered its use yet.

Dagger Expert - Very proficient in the use of his Silver Keys, but has not mastered their use yet.

Agility - Solomon is quite agile and can dodge/reposition himself very skilfully. This aids him in avoiding attacks and moving into advantageous positions of attack more effectively than others.

Religious Knowledge - Due to a lifetime practising the divine, he is very knowledgeable about not only his own religion, but other religions practised in the region.

Come hither my child
If challenged to a duel with any relation to his religion, he will refuse to use anything but his Holy Light magic even if it means death.
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Name: Chuya Hikari

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Height: 5'4

Weight: 95 lbs

Guild: Blue Pegasus

Guild Mark Location: Center of Lower Back.

Class: Rank B due to Magic being limited and focusing on her swords.

Magic: Chuya has the inherited ability to infuse the six main elements of Earth into her swords to increase damage, or to bypass certain elemental immunities. The six elements are as follows:

Fire - Leaves a trail of 500° flames when swung around for a second after swinging.

Water - Leaves a trail of water droplets that can catch and extinguish many flames.

Earth - Leaves a trail of grey dust that causes those to inhale it, Excluding the user, to cough as if they were suffocating for as long as they are in the cloud of dust.

Wind - Swift, but not lethal. Used for inflicting light wounds on opponents who she doesn't wish to kill.

Light - A single Slash from this is comparable to touching the surface of the sun. It can only be used once a day however, and only is active until it hits something.

Void - A single Slash from this causes the affected target to implode and vanish into nothing. Like the Light slash, it can only be used once a day, but this has a recharge time of a week.

Personality: Friendly, Compassionate, and always loyal to her guildmates. She never fights on unequal terms, and never escalates a fight or use her elemental sword techniques unless it is necessary. She also can be mischievous at times.

Bio: Born in a small town under the care of a family of sword wielders, Chuya never wanted to be living under her parents who constantly give her instructions or rules when she goes out, which resulted in her running away. She currently has not been with many people since then, but trains to become the strongest sword fighter ever.

Likes: Training, Her collection of swords totaling a set of four on her waist, Food.

Dislikes: Being bossed around, Liars, Thieves, Cheaters.


Dual wield fighting (Swords)
Running speed is twice that of a normal human.
Somewhat greater strength than a normal person. An example is that her slash at full force can split a tree in half .

Thanks to Type-Moon Wiki for the Image
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Lexi Text.png
(The images used in this CS are not mine)​

  • Full Name: Alexa Caiheart

    Nickname: Lexi

    Age: 15

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Height: 4'11"

    Weight: 127 ibs

    Guild: Sabertooth

    Guild Mark Location: On her right cheek... And no not the butt kind
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There is too much evil in this world, and not enough purifiers who are strong enough to rid them from this beautiful place. I vow to be THE purifier, the one who's strong enough to rid them. The one who'll burn them out of this world.
Dante'' Sol

  • 583346Name:
    Dante' Sol





    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Blue Pegasus

    Guild Mark Location:
    Golden Orange, located on his left forearm
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Shyilia Farynn





Forest Shamans are a race of beings similar to sprites or other beings of the forest. Much like them they tend to live in large forests, their villages warded by powerful magics against the outside world. Visitors are allowed in though very rarely. These particular beings are incredibly in tune with nature, their magic often being shaped after it. Physically speaking they are quite weak, though they make up for it magically. Shamans are inherently capable of communicating with animals and plants to a degree, though not on the level one may with a human. And even then their understanding is weak unless it's an animal they have an affinity with, I.E a Squirrel or Bird for example.




72 lbs


Fairy Tail

Guild Mark Location:


Guild Master




Shyilia posses minor wind magic, really its only use is to aid her mobility. Utterly useless otherwise.


(The onion like creatures running around.)

A magic she studied to go in line with her nature magic though not quite so. With this magic Shyilia is able to form and toss magical seeds that burrow into the ground, essentially becoming a land mine. If an opponent walks over them they will explode with a minor explosive force and likely thrown back. If Shyilia chooses to she is able to grow them into Moonions, small creatures only slightly shorter than her at 3 foot tall. These creatures run around and attack whoever she chooses or otherwise do her bidding. They are entirely sentient and have their own language of shorts which only she and other specially trained individuals can understand, to anyone else it just sounds like random clicks and grunts. These creatures aren't inherently strong, rather they are incredibly fast and durable.

Upon death in their Moonion they explode with a much larger force, enough to make a small crater and do some decently serious damage than if they're stepped on in seed form and revert to said seed form, though remain unarmed and dormant for a few seconds. Shyilia is able to detonate them at will whenever it's more strategical to do so. Typically speaking Shyilia has a Moonion following her around at all times, usually to carry her things and not used for combat.

Shyilia is able to summon and control around thirty of these beings at once comfortably. These beings alone aren't that durable at all, though they will require more than a stray fireball to kill they won't take much effort at all. The main threat here are numbers and the effect destroying them causes.

Shyilia has three special abilities with this magic.

Mega Moonion
After a brief period of the Moonions clumping together Shyilia forms them all into a large Moonion roughly one and half stories tall. Proportionally, their strength and durability increases however their speed is decreased greatly. Likewise, the size of their explosion increases to the capability of being able to destroy the average one story building.

Mortar FlurryExpending a medium amount of magic at once Shyilia is capable of rapidly firing roughly fifty seeds that explode on contact with whatever they hit, these seeds explode with stronger than average force though not as strong as a Moonio's death. Great for area denial due to threat of being exploded as well as the smokescreen that it causes.

KamikazeShyilia tosses her maximum amount of seeds out at once(thirty) at the cost of a large amount of her magical reserves. All seeds lie dormant until the final seed is thrown and touches the ground. Once done they all shine brightly before suddenly erupting into a swarm of orange glowing Moonions. They all then rush their targets in an effort to explode as close to them as possible, the size and destructive power of each explosion tripled. Regardless of coming into contact with the enemy or not they're guarunteed to explode in 20 seconds. Best not to stay too close to them.

(Basically this, but flat with two inch spikes along it.)
On the defensive side of her magic Shyilia is able to create Shieldions, up to ten. A specialized floating variant of her plants with a flat and spiked forward facing shield. These plants are extremely vulnerable from behind while inversely fairly durable from the front taking a good few hits to destroy. Unlike her normal plants these will not explode on death nor replant. If destroyed they're simply destroyed. They take twice as long to regrow as their counterparts and are a bit more draining on her magic. They are also decently slow and have no real purpose offensively. Though it's probably not a good idea to bash onesself into the front of them.


Shyilia is somewhat shy by nature, being shorter than just about every race in exsistance you probably would be to; and Shyilia is actually on the tall spectrum of things for her race. She's not so much shy as she is easily, though often briefly, startled by sudden movement around those she doesn't know or things of the like. Especially movement made by those taller than she is, which is typically why her race stays in a massive forest normally warded off by magic unless given permission to enter. She is typically kind when spoken to however, often smiling and speaking back so long as the other person isn't rude or anything.

She doesn't stutter often or anything of the sort, though when she's incredibly anxious she has been known to. The more she gets to know a person the more open and carefree she'll act, she just has to get used to them and be assured they won't crush her or anything.


Shyilia's life was a rather averagely peaceful one. She's lived quite the long time, having lived before and through the Zeref war. Though her forest and village was briefly disjointed during the battle it was quickly and easily repaired by its people with minimal losses. Shyilia was a vigilant guardian of her village, devoting her life to the safety of it and her friends within. Though she was curious of the outside world, a few of her kind going to and from it from time to time bringing back various trinkets and telling stories as well as the odd traveler here and there they allowed passage or aid to.

Roughly twenty years ago one such man by the name of Wilson Hunt came into her forest to train and meditate. Noticing such a thing may prove destructive she of course investigated. She watched him for several days before eventually approaching the mountain of a man, questioning what he was doing and why he was here. She was told of his goal to become strong to protect his friends, family, as well as others. Of needing to strengthen his body and discipline to do so. This inspired the girl quite a bit, in the end when he chose to depart she came with him.

She stayed near Wilson for about a year to get the lay of the land before making her way to Magnolia Town and joining Fairy Tail. She quickly became friends with the leader of the guild Lucinda, a kind middle aged woman who happened to love nature as much as herself. Over the next nineteen years she trained, grew to be friends with those there, and eventually earned the trust and total friendship of the guild leader and earned the position of S Class. Much to her surprise it was even decided she'd be her successor as Guild Master due to her sheer devotion both as her friend and to the guild itself.

She was honored of course and accepted, though didn't want anything bad to happen to her leader. Not at all. She loved the woman dearly as a friend. Though not all stories have happy endings unfortunately. Though she didn't die, Lucinda was forced to step down from her position and job altogether due to magic deficient related heart disease. Luckily treatable, though not curable, and could prove fatal or worsen at any time.

Thus, this is her first year in the position of Fairy Tail's Guild Master. The first month officially after the paperwork to be specific. Though nervous, she's determined to do her predecessor and friend proud and lead Fairy Tail as best she can.


  • Nature​
  • Her Moonions​
  • Wild Fruits and Plants​
  • Singing​


  • Being found when she's hiding.​
  • Needless destruction of nature.​
  • Tall people trying to intimidate her.​


  • An expert at navigation, especially in a forest. There's not a single forest she can't navigate.​
  • Shyilia is exceptionally good at singing. Though she usually doesn't sing for strangers she has sang for her guild on multiple occassions, both in her peoples' native tongue and otherwise.​
  • She's amazingly good at hiding. Perhaps not the best at stealth, however amazingly good at hiding nonetheless.​
  • Shyilia speaks and understands nearly every common language there is fluently.​


This staff is roughly Shyilia's height, standing at 4'3. It essentially has no purpose other than a whacking stick and being a family heirloom. Kneecaps and groins beware.
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Faris Dwi Amara

  • 577035Name:
    Faris Dwi Amara

    Chain Knight




    193 cm

    65 kg

    Fairy Tail

    Guild Mark Location:
    Left thigh

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People are always like "are you a morning person or a night person" and I'm just like buddy I'm barely even a person.
Miles Redd

  • Image result for mikoto suoh fanart
    Miles Redd
    "Crimson Blight"




    Hair Color:

    Eye Color:

    Red on the left side of his neck

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Christina Trost






Lamia Scale Dragon Claw

Guild Mark Location:
Right outer thigh in Black




Craftsman Magic - A magic of creation. This magic includes many different kinds of craftmanship, but with Christina's skill, she is only able to use a decent amount at the moment till she is able to unlock future skills. She is able to create things mostly from thin air with magic energy and can turn them to a solid for a certain amount of time. Sometimes she is able to make the magic solid and permanent to patch something like a wall... Lets start off with the basics.

Animation - This skill gives Christina the ability to animate anything that is inanimate. If she wishes to use an army of trees against her opponent, then she will. The objects she chose will stay animated for as long as she is awake and putting magical power into them. If she ever passes out, her magic will remove itself right out of the object she animated and will become what it once was. The same will happen if she no longer puts magical power into the object. Objects that are possessed will radiate a black aura. Her limit for animating can vary, depending on what she is animating. (ex: Spoons? About probably 100. Trees? About 5 max. Buildings? Just one. But she never goes that far.)

Bow and Whip Construct - Christina is able to create a Bow or a Whip with this magic and make it solid for a certain amount of time. The whip does not have any special attributes aside from extending its length. Her bow has one attribute and that is unlimited crafted arrows. The price for unlimited arrows is constant magical power added into those while still putting magical power in the Bow to keep it solid and not fade away. (If confused, msg me :) )

Platform Creation - Christina is able to create solid platforms with this spell and can use these to her advantage. However, these platforms are Static and do not move. This is mainly to get to places she could not get to on her own without some sort of tool. Depending how much weight is placed on top of the platform, it could cost more or less magic power.

Duplication - Being able to create duplication's is quite the skill, but it has a limit. The amount of duplication's Chris is able to summon is 5 the max. These duplication's are are perfect to a T and do not radiate aura as Animation does. Depending how much Magic is used, the Duplicate can simply just be a empty shell or it can be almost the real thing, aside from not able to bleed. The more realistic the duplication, the more magic power is required. She is able to summon 5 at once, or one at a time. (Duplication's of herself btw)

Armor Construct - Armor Construct is mainly for defenses, mostly because Christina doesn't possess any kind of armor that could protect her from heavier and stronger spells. The armor can only take so many hits before it finally deconstructs.

Christina is very straight forward and isnt afraid to speak her mind. Sure, others get offended but its best that people know that the truth hurts. Whenever Christina encounters men who are highly attractive, she cannot help but let herself feel shy around the person. It's one of the the main reasons why she keeps a blindfold, so she's unable to avoid falling for anyone, becoming very close, or becoming a shy mess around them. Despite how soft she could be on the inside, on the outside she is as strong as she could be, letting everything bounce off of her. From threats to being flirted with. Seeing that she feels that they're not really something to worry about and sees them as bluffs. She even shows little to no emotion, her face being blank most of the time but again. Since she wears her blindfold, the only expression that would be visible is her lips. If they frown, if they smile, or if they're blank. Whenever she comes in contact with an S class Wizard, she usually tends not to push buttons and try to ask for a fight. Now that her outside is covered, the inside is soft, sweet, delicate. After losing her brother, she decided to put these feelings on lock down so no one else could access them. But, luckily for her guild, she has a soft spot for everyone and they know it. She wants to be more open but is very scared she'll get her once again.



+Night time.
+Watching the sun rise, and set.
+A good opponent.
+Children, especially infants.

-Her Blindfold being pointed out.
-Being asked if she's blind.
-Being Taunted.
-Exposing weaknesses to the enemy.

Christina and her twin brother were orphans, abandoned inside a cave far from civilization to insure that no one would hear the siblings cries out for the comfort of their parents. With the non-stop crying and babies red to the face, a wondering woman was passing by, only to hear the crying babies and came to inspect the cave in which the cries came from. Losing a baby of her own had been painful, and now seeing the twins abandoned in the cave and crying for their mother made her heart ache. Being a mother who lost her child, she took this opportunity to embrace these children, raise them as her own. Taking her words into actions, she began raising Christina and her brother, Eric. Teaching them to walk, teaching them to talk and also introducing the siblings to magic. Doing everything in her power to try to teach these young ones. By the time Christina and Eric were 15, they were out adventuring and having fun with their magic, playing around and being happy teenage kids. With their mother fairly at a distance picking herbs. But that all ended when Christina and Eric had been approached by a rogue mage who had no care in the world for life as he tried to attack the children. With Christina's Craftsman Magic and her Brother's supporting magic (He buffed allies at most and wanted to support his sister) some people would have thought the pair would be strong against the wizard...

But they weren't.

The wizard out damaged them massively, and when their mother rushed to their aid in attempt to protect them and help them, the Rogue managed to get a lethal hit on Eric, causing him to collapse. Their mother -As much as she resorting to this- killed the Rogue mage to stop him from attacking her children and when she went to check on her babies, Christina had been holding her brother close to her, crying as he was slowly dying in her arms, tears running down his face as he looked at both His sister and his blood stained mother. He apologized and Christina refused to let him, telling him that he was okay and that she loved him and didnt want him to leave. The wound had been critical and if they tried to get him to a healer, it would be too late. Their mother gently pressed her lips against Eric's head, apologizing and telling him that things will be better soon.

Christina looked at her brother, tears in her eyes as she cupped his cheek "I love you dear brother..." his reply had been the same, saying he loved both Christina and their foster mother. Rocking Eric softly, she began to sing the lullaby that their mom always sung to them, Eric joining in and very slowly his voice began to fade till his eyes finally closed and his body went limp.

Since that tragic day, Christina hated rogue wizards but had done her best to not become a murderer and decided to join a guild to stop any evil force from taking another innocent life from the earth.



Christina loves Piano music.
She's also a badass baker and stress Bakes. Though, no one knows this secret as of late. (surprisingly since she cant cook)
She keeps photos of her brother on her person
Her Blindfold is magic-bound so she can see



This is 2B obv from Nier Automata

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Name: Mitsuki Yamada

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Half Human- Half Fairy, (and no that's not a comment on his sexuality)

Height: 5’8

Weight: 129lbs

Guild: BP

Guild Mark Location: his tummy


Not my art, not sure if its fan
made or not. Will search and edit if I can.
His eyes are actually a brilliant sparkling star like color.

Class: A

Magic: Hormone magic: Very simple magic. Mitsuki can manipulate the hormones in his, or other peoples bodies. Either making them feel one emotion, example rage, to an extreme degree for no rational reason, or even causing them to swap genders. While this magic can be used to cause some chaos, it has no real offensive capabilities. At least none Mitsuki has found himself.

Empathy link: This magic also gives him a form of reading emotions. So he can always tell what someone is feeling when he's close to them.

Star God Slayer Magic:

A form of God Slayer magic that allows him to use star energy to fight. Unlike other slayer magics it's completely useless during day. There's not really anything he can consume to get the same effect as absorbing the light from stars. So he has to make sure he doesn't use up all his magical energy during the day. But his magic compensates by packing a mighty punch. He could even take a B rank out if he got one good shot in. Although the better the shot the more energy it takes. So he as to be conservative during day. At night however he has a passive regen ability that restores his magical power. It's strong enough that even if he uses a bit of his magical power he can still have a full tank of magic juice by morning. Which depending on the severity and number of battles can last him all day. Although at night while he's using his abilities it regenerates slower. Still faster than during day, but slower than when he can stop to take in the light of the stars. Luckily his star energy is unique in the only other Star slayers can absorb it. It's not like any other light, or energy attack.

Star Veil: This is a spell that allows Mitsuki to toss a veil in front of himself to block an attack. It's strength depends on the level of magic he puts behind it. Putting about half his magical power behind it can block most attacks efficiently. But that only leaves him with half his magic to counter attack with. So he has to be careful with it.

Fall star barrage: this spell allows Mitsuki to toss several weaker star blast into the air and at his opponent. Kind of like a meteor shower.

Star Gods Shout: Mitsuki builds up star energy in his mouth, then he shoots it out in a massive wave of energy at incredible speeds. It hits hard and fast, but he can only use one, or two of these within a day.

Star gods fist: He covers his fist in Star energy and strikes his foe. This attack makes his punches much deadlier.

Shining Star: Mitsuki can use his stat energy to make himself sparkle like a star. Of course this can only be held for so long, and it leaves him with little way to defend himself unless he drops it. But it does make great cover, and temporarily blinds his foes.

Star spears:, Mitsuki makes rods of star energy that he can use as spears. They aren't unbreakable, and generally fade within an hour of being made.

Stardust: this is a spell that covers the area in stardust making it nice and pretty. The particles of stardust also zap anyone who touches them. It can be blown away with a strong enough gust, but it'll most likely end up flying somewhere else and someone could get hurt.

Constellation crush: this is Mitsuki’s ultimate spell. He can create constellations with his magic that attack his foes according to his commands. Of course this spell uses up almost all his magical energy. So there are definitely no big spells after that.

Personality: Mitsuki is a cheerful person. He loves everything, including love itself. He enjoys dreaming and hearing about others dreams. He loves seeing new sights, and all sorts of new interesting things. He dislikes any form of aggression, and is a strict pacifist! That is unless he gets cornered and has absolutely no other option but to blast some fools! Uhm, I mean unfortunately take them down. Mitsuki never seems to have a care in the world. He is always wandering around on his own. Enjoying the sights the world has to give. He sometimes gets bored, so he decides to make his own little mischievous fun. He always tries to leave things the way they were when he arrived. But the places he visits are always a wee bit different after a visit from the Star Child.

Mitsuki is a gentle guy, and even arguments tend to upset him. Whenever he can't stop an argument he tends to get upset and hides in odd places to mope. Although he is pretty easy to cheer up. Just show him some love and he's good! Besides being mischievous, Mitsuki also enjoys spreading the love! He likes setting people up with their matches, and watching love blossom. As well as falling in love! Although he isn't very good at commitment. He never stays with anyone person, or in one place for long. After all he is a free bird! He does as he desires! All in the name of love!

Bio: Mitsuki is known as the Star child. He was born to a tribe of Nomads, and as such has always traveled. His mother was a very beautiful woman, and she became pregnant during one of their rest periods, and ended up leaving before Mitsuki was born. Of course this meant he didn't have a father growing up. But this didn't bother him much. He had plenty of family in his Nomad tribe. Although admittedly this was mostly women, and it definitely had an effect on him. He ended up being much more feminine than most boys, and very sensitive. Eventually he grew restless. He couldn't stay chained to the group any longer. So he said goodbye to his family, and went off on his own.

His adventures end up taking him many places, and he always meets new and interesting people. He's even learned some magic on his trips. He even found a odd book in a mysterious market place one day that taught him Star God Slayer magic. So far he lives a content life, but he does find himself somewhat missing the company of a large group. Like his tribe…”Hmmm, maybe I'll join one of those places with all the mages..what is it called again? A….a, hmm ah! Yeah! A guild! Maybe I'll join a guild. But maybe I'll have a bit more fun on my own first, hehehe. After all, love is in the air!”

Likes: beautiful things,


Flavorful foods,

The stars,

Meeting new people,

Helping people succeed in their dreams.





Love, his, yours, love in general

Dislikes: Stinky stuff,

When people don’t want to be his friends,

Bland foods,

Seeing people hurt,


Seeing someone who has lost their ambition and dreams,

Break ups,


Skills/strengths: Long range attacks: Mitsuki prefers to fight from a distance, and has become very good at it. His aim, and the distance from which he can fire are incredibly impressive.

Escapism: he's run away plenty of times and has learned many tricks. He is pretty much a master of escape.

Adaptive: while he usually isn't the most strategic guy. He somehow manages to adapt to situations regardless. It takes him a while, but after battling a foe for long enough he can usually adapt to the fight, and pull out a win.

Versatile: due to his love of beauty, and the fact that he thinks his magic is so beautiful. He has practiced it every chance he's gotten. So he's become very talented at manipulating his magic to his liking.


Close range combat: he's terrible at it, not so much that he's incredibly weak. More than he has no martial arts skills. He'd also be to busy protecting his face to throw a punch.

Pacifist: he refuses to fight, or hurt people if he can help it. He might use his magic to escape he's he feels like he can't get away he will not attack.If he does end up attacking he usually ends up feeling terrible and apologizing.

Day time: He cannot use his passive regen during the day. It only works during night time, so his magical regenerates at a much slower pace. About normal speed for a A rank.

Other: He keeps a Mirror, at all times, as well as a rag just in case he needs to clean himself up a bit.

Miscellaneous: While he's bisexual he leans heavily towards men.

Unbeknownst to Mitsuki, his father was actually a fairy, and that's the reason for several of his personality traits and his different colored eyes.
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Yama text.png
(Thanks to the site Zerochan for the images used in this cs)

  • Age: 25

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Height: 6'3

    Weight: 182 ibs

    Guild: Blue Pegasus

    Guild Mark Location: Light Blue. On the back of his right hand
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  • 577679
    Tokihana Ellion






    Fairy Tail

    Guild Mark Location:
    Back of her right hand

    Tokihana is a girl surrounded with a glow of energy. Her vibrant red hair and amber eyes seem to reflect the passion that she constantly exudes. A side ponytail presents itself as her most preferred style of choice with a host of other hairstyles being taken up as she sees fit. Likewise she has an impressive wardrobe and enjoys changing up her outfits on a regular basis. Despite the more feminine garb she usually wears she still has a tomboyish charm about her.

{{Addendum: For the magic it requires the consent of the player of the other character. So if your character becomes friends with mine I'd need your OOC consent to make use of their magic.}}
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Emilia from Re:Zero. All used art comes from Zero-chan and the Anime itself.

  • Name: Astrid Chrystelia.
    Age: 20.
    Gender: Female.
    Race: Half-Elf.
    Height: 5'5".
    Weight: 125 lbs.

    Guild: Blue Pegasus
    Guild Mark Location: She has the guild mark on her left forearm in a lilac purple colour.
    Class: A
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Lucia Mirari





131 lbs

Lamia Scale

Guild Mark Location:
Belly button area.


B-High A(Explained below)



Offers moderate stopping power and fire rate for less mana cost. Also suffers from shorter range.
Sniper Rifle;
(Top Rifle)
High Stopping Power, High Mana Cost, Low Fire Rate. Excellent Range and able to pierce thin surfaces with minimal loss in power.
Lucia uses both fire magic and a special brand of Gun Slinger magic for a effective combination. For the most part she defers to using her guns, mostly using fire when she needs a extra explosive kick. Her own style of fighting works best when intoxicated, her magic getting various buffs from it. Her fire magic is mostly used to fire jets of flame from alcohol from her mouth, though it's primary(and really only) use is to give her bullets a firey punch. Of course, doing so consumes more magic. Outside of guns and spitting flaming vodka her fire magic is useful for little more than a nice warm light.

Her power is measured on a scale from buzzed to completely drunk, power slightly higher than the average A rank at maximum.
Detailed below is a brief explanation of Lucia's magic. Seeing as she almost always drinks her magic will almost never be less than B Rank.


Standard magic power of a B rank, moderate fire rate, no special effects added to attacks. Point, shoot, pew.


Power scales higher, a little stronger your average B rank. Fire rate remains the same, special techniques become usable;

Burst Fire: Fires 3 blasts at once, greatly reduced power to each shot. Minorly reduced power if all three hit. Consumes double the mana normally needed to fire.

Charge Shot I: Lucia is able to charge blasts to be as strong as all 3 blasts in a Burst Fire round, however it takes time to charge.

Bounce Shot: Fires a shot that ricochets multiple times, losing power with each bounce, until hitting an enemy.


Power remains the same, fire rate is up a bit. Another technique is unlocked with no innate special effects yet.

Tracking Shot: Lucia fires a shot that does no damage in favor of moving fast. If the opponent gets hit all of Lucia's following shots will track the opponent until incapacitated or ten seconds pass, whichever come first. Shots will only stop when hitting solid matter. Firing one of these uses a decent chunk of mana, so timing and aiming is key.


Everything remains the same, nothing gained.


Power scales to A rank, shots gain a slight guided effect wherein they will try to re-guide themselves slightly to the target once. Two new techniques gained;

Charge Shot II: Power of charge shot strengthens to fire a shot stronger than average A rank. As with Burst Fire, mana costs scales appropriately.

Rapid Fire: Severe decrease in power in exchange for the ability to fire upwards of ten shots per second. More of a suppression ability than actual use in combat. Minor continous mana drain while in effect.


Fire rate is up. Shots try to correct selves twice before maintaining bullet path. One new technique gained;

Exploding Shot: Fires a shot that explodes with moderate power on contact with a solid surface. Slightly weakened against people. Mostly effective when fired from the sniper rifle to breach areas at range.


Everything remains the same, two new techniques gained;

Flare Shot: Fires a arcing shot into the air that leaves behind a blanket of blue. The outline of anyone caught underneath will be visible to everyone through any surface not warded by magic for two minutes. Situational, often a double edged sword.

Snare Shot: Fires a low powered shot at the targets heel. Upon making contact it slows the target down considerably for ten seconds.

Shots gain a light explosive effect with or without Exploding Shot being activated. The effect is slightly multiplied if it is however. Explosive effect still follows the same rules as Exploding Shot.


One new technique gained.

Beam Shot: Fires a moderate strength beam continuously for a few second, doing continual damage to whatever it hits.


Power scales to be stronger than average A Rank. Shots have the effect of Tracking Shot innately. Obviously cannot maintain 'Piss Drunk' status for long. Longest build up to get to this capacity. Average time to stay on her feet is roughly 6 minutes, down for the count for a while once she passes out.
Lucia is very much a random individual with a somewhat child like personality. She's almost always goofing off, making jokes, pranking people, or otherwise being a general annoyance. She's pretty much never angry nor does she really ever get sad, or rather she does but it takes a lot for her to express it openly. She pretty much always has a smile on her face as well. She's also huge flirt, though most of the time she doesn't entirely mean anything she says of that nature. Usually she does so as a means to bribe for what she needs for a mission or even in general to get what she wants.

She's generally very protective over fellow guild members, often putting her own life on the line to keep them safe, even more-so those that she considers to be her best friends. She loves all of her members, but let's face it when it comes down to it there's people you'd choose over others if you had to, hard decision or not.

Lucia was born into a family of gunslingers. By family lineage that was their forte. Though they weren't famous nor descended from anyone famous by any means, it was just their thing! Her family was a good one. Kind, supportive, and a hell of a lot of fun! As soon as she could hold and fire a gun they began her training. Though it didn't quite stick as much as they wanted as she was normally too busy playing pranks and goofing off to focus, but they didn't fault her for it. Around the age of fifteen she finally got a bit more serious...only a little, really. It was also around that time she found her love for alcohol and found out that her magic, for whatever reason, was stronger when inebriated. Of course for the first while testing her limits and testing her powers she ended up sick many times and there were quite a few accidents, luckily it was nothing serious.

At the age of eighteen she joined Lamia Scale, her power around that of a C-Rank mage. Though as her time with the guild went on her power grew, not exponentionally by any means, but it did grow. Guild life however didn't change her one bit. If anything it only bolstered her old carefree personality even more and gave her a whole new hosts of friends to annoy and have fun with. She does her best to respect the guilds' rules and try not to break stuff too much, but well...more drunk she is the wilder she gets, and some things just can't be helped. It's, sadly, the main reason she has to live in a low cost room in the guild hall due to most of her funds going to repairs and booze. She doesn't mind though! As long as she has her friends and they continue to accept her she's decided she didn't care one bit about something so meaningless as riches or fame. All she needed was a family.


  • Hard Liquor​
  • Pranking People​
  • Guns​


  • Pranks Failing​
  • Bad Sports(Basically anyone she upsets with her antics)​
  • Having her booze stolen/tampered with/drank without permission.​


  • Liver of Steel thanks to her magic. Luckily still able to get drunk she doesn't tend to suffer ill side effects for long at all.​
  • Decent accuracy even while sober.​
  • Looks damn good in a fedora.​

Always has a belt around her with flasks of booze and other flammable materials strapped to it. Also has a bag with a few bottles of stronger substances such as vodka.

Not my artwork.​
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[class name=bg] background:#fff; color:#000; padding:20px; text-align:justify; transition:2s; [/class] [class name=bg state=hover] background:#000; color:#fff; padding:20px; text-align:justify; transition:2s; [/class] [class name=name] font-size:40px; text-align:center; [/class]

[div class=bg][div class=name]SERINA[/div]

  • caligula-effect-thumbnail.jpg
    NAME: Serina Oralee

    NICKNAME: Grace, Chaos, Diva

    AGE: 20

    GENDER: Female

    RACE: Human

    HEIGHT: 5'5"

    WEIGHT: 54kg

    GUILD: Lamia Scale

    GUILD MARK LOCATION: Left shoulder

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Lamia Scale's
Master of Mischief

  • Patricia C. O'Shae

    Patricia C. O'Shae.jpg

age | 27
gender | Male
sexuality | Heterosexual (probably)
race | Human

occupation | Mage
"There aint nothing I can't cut."
Alias: "Horus the War God"
"Horus the man of a hundred scars"

Height: 6'8"

Weight: 253 ib

Personality: Horus is a monstrous fighter, extremely violent and heated, but his actions always are for the best. He lives for battle and enjoys a good fight more than anything, and even sometimes will hold back to make that fight last longer. Although against someone he respects he only fights with his full power, even for some removing his seal. Although he is brutal, contrary to popular belief Horus has never once killed anyone. Instead, he stops fighting once his enemy can not fight any longer, and does not feel obligated to deal a killing blow. Don't get it twisted though, it's not that Horus has a code against killing. He just doesn't see the point in ending someone's life without reason, and well, he hasn't been given a reason yet.

Horus is cold and stern on the outside, but once you get to know him you see he's actually quite the fun loving individual. He loves to drink, talk, gamble and game almost as much as he loves to fight. He is also very loving and kind, although will never admit it because he believes it makes him look weak. Horus is a strong believer in strength, pure strength, and power. As such he refuses anything that might make him look weak. He holds great respect for those who are strong enough to beat him, and even greater respect for people whos wills he can feel. Horus is definitely not a "nice guy", per say. He does not do things for the betterment of the world, he does not do things that would save lives, he does things that he wants to do for whatever reason. He follows no real code but just follows whatever he wants to do without being bound by what others say.

Likes: Fighting, combat, learning new things, strength and power, magic, cute things, small things, old style clothing and old style music

Dislikes: Evil, people who talk too much, anyone who insults his allies or his guild, disrespect, people who talk without being able to back up what they say

History: Have you ever been to Alvarez?

Truly been to Alvarez? Not the Empire that the press sees, full of food and wonder and magic. But the true Alvarez that no one gets to see. The one forgotten and destroyed, where law is nothing but a myth and morals are nothing but fables. This is the true Alvarez, a world that many people, soft-hearted in their ways, can not understand. This world so lost desolate and broken that it'd make hell itself look like heaven to those lost and broken, this world so twisted and mixed into a strange sense of irony since this was the land people were bound to see as the legacy of a god that was meant to be and yet was never meant to be seen. It's said that no one leaves this world, not to even talk about surviving this world, and yet here we are to talk about one man that lived through such monstrosities. The beast of Sabertooth, only known as Horus, was raised in these lands.

Horus has no knowledge of his mother, but the one thing he can remember is his abusive father. The man who came home every day, drunk as he could possibly be, and would constantly abuse and belittle young Horus. He'd always say, in the middle of these beatings, "This is what you get!" as if he had deserved such horrific actions to be put upon him. Horus never got to know why his father drank so much, nor did he get to know the extent to which he hated him, although growing up he'd speculate his father blamed him for the death of his mother. The reason he never got to find out the truth was because well, you can't find something like that out after their death. Horus was born poor, he had no skills, he had nothing but his brute strength and the body he built up living in the destroyed remains of Alvarez. He was beaten by not only his father but multiple times by those he lived around, by gangs, guilds, you name it. The entire world he grew up in toughened him up to become the brute he is. But he didn't just survive by his body alone, Horus was born with a disease categorized as Excess Ethernano Disorder, or E.E.D for short. This means he was born with an unfathomable amount of magic energy in his system. So much so that at certain points it would leak out of his body as a sort of golden aura, although this was suppressed in his body for years and years. He had spent years doing nothing but taking the abuse, from his father, from anyone. And so one day he decided he had enough.

That day, Horus let out all the emotions he had been holding back and for the first time fought back against his father. What resulted was an explosion of magic energy that destroyed not only his home but the area around it. The Ethernano levels in the area spiked to incredible degrees. This grabbed the attention of multiple people, the kingdom of Fiora, the magic council, but luckily (or unluckily), the first people to get to him was the Illegal Guild known as DevilTail. DevilTail was one of the largest Illegal Guilds in the newly formed Alvarez Empire, their presence was known to such high degree but the fact that they were yet to be caught left many to believe that those in power were corrupt. Regardless, DevilTail embassador Zuichi Lao found the young boy, on the ground, covered in burns and bruises from his own magical potency. He took the young boy in, and after examining his body, was able to deduce that the boy had a gift. Horus was a monster, a madhouse of power. Power that he intended to mold.

For the next few years, Lao taught Horus how to use his magical power. But found that he had almost no skill in actually using magic. He was born with insane magic reservoirs but had no idea how to control the current. Not only that but that said lack of control put him and those around him in danger due to how *explosive* it was. So until he was able to control it better, Lao gave Horus an eyepatch that acted as a seal, holding back most of his magic power so he wouldn't destroy his body and those around him. With that set in place, he was allowed to learn Magic. But even that was a difficulty, he couldn't learn anything too major or too difficult because he just had no skill with it. That was until Horus himself simply began using magic without being taught it, but it was the most basic form of magic that was applied to every magic, as such it being its own magic seemed irrelevant. That magic was Enhancement Magic, magic that allowed him to "Enhance" anything. Although being the basic child he was, he used it to enhance his physical body. Horus would then continue to learn and use magic, become extremely proficient in Sword magic and Requip Magic.

Over his growing years as a teenager, Horus was brought on missions and quests by the guild master. Each mission, each battle, it engraved a scar onto his body, giving him the nickname "Horus of a hundred scars". The biggest being a large scar he got over his left eye while fighting the Wyvern known as Changsik. That was the first fight that ever caused him to remove his eyepatch, and was his most exciting. The one thing he learned through all these bouts, however, was his love for combat. Horus loved to fight, he loved combat, the feeling of getting beat to a pulse gives him such a rush that he ends up smiling. Although it would only account to fights of the soul, one-sided fights or fights that don't mean anything don't interest him at all. As monstrous as he was, Horus wasn't stupid. He was able to quickly realize that his adopted caretaker, as well as the guild he was in, was dangerous. They were evil, while he personally never part-took in their truly evil actions, he was a bystander to the slaughter and crimes they committed. At first as a child, he tried to convince himself that they were doing it for good reason, that they weren't bad. But that naivety quickly disappeared as a grew up, and he recognized them as pure evil. They were not bound by family or care, but by power. But..., not the kind of power that he was into. As such, after ten long years with them, he tipped off the magic high council as to their whereabouts. When they were being arrested, those who wished to tried to leave, but him... He let himself get arrested. Slightly out of guilt, and also to see where the future would take him.

Horus was tried, along with his arrested guildmates, for crimes against humanity. But it was proven that, while he was a member of the guild, he never partook in any of their truly evil actions. As such he was given a shorter term, although was still expected to die in prison. Most prisons, however, could not hold him, the first prison that tried attempted to remove his eyepatch, which resulted in a horrific disaster. The second prison didn't have chains strong enough to hold him. As such he was transported to the penitentiary in Fiore, which was the only holding area good enough to hold him prisoner. That prison is where Horus was held for many years, living out his late teenage years and early adult years through that prison. It wasn't until recently that things interesting began to happen.

Visiting the prison, strangely enough, was Wilson Hunt. He was the Guild Master of the Sabertooth guild in Magnolia, and upon meeting him, they instantly hit it off. They both held strong respect for power, they each loved strength and fighting, training, you get the gist. As time went on their relationship hardened towards respect, especially once Horus explained his situation. As such, after speaking with the magic high commission, as well as the prison warden, a deal was made to put Horus on Probation as long as he followed the rules of Wilson and became a member of the Guild. Joining Sabertooth was... a challenge for Horus. It was good to use magic again, to fight, to train, to once again be free. But everyone was scared of him. He was huge, he was large, and held an intense amount of brute force. But even if it was him watching from the sidelines, Horus loved the guild. The relationships built there, the friendships, their strength, and their passion, he fell in love with it. It was a different kind of strength, a strength in bonds and in love. And it's something to this day he wishes to find out. Now in Sabertooth, he's had many quests, to name them all would make this much too long, but just know he quickly climbed the ropes and became an S Class Mage of the Sabertooth Guild.

Magic: Horus has an intense amount of Magic Power. As a child it was uncontrollable, but as he's grown up and gained experience he has learned to manipulate it so he wouldn't kill himself or those around him. Most of his power is sealed by his eyepatch, of which if removed would cause pure magic to leak out of his body in a constant stream. Although even while removed he's learned to control at least a bit of it.

  • "There ain't nothing I can't cut": This isn't a sword spell or an enhancement spell, simply put it's a technique he uses once he removes his eyepatch. He focuses his magic energy into his hand or whatever he's holding, says the ward, and drops it. It releases a wave of golden magic energy that destroys all in it's path.
- Sword Magic/Requip: Horus learned to use Requip, and as Bi-Product Sword magic, when he was younger. Requip allows him to change what he's wearing, holding, etc, to some sort of armor that has been stored beforehand in a pocket dimension he has access to. He stores all of his items in this pocket dimension. However, he uses Sword Magic mainly, allowing him to use a multitude of blades for combat.
  • Requip - The most basic Requip spell, this allows him to access his Requip Dimension and take what he needs from it.
  • Requip: Visored - Easily his most memorable Requip, here he Requips a long Nodashi blade, it's hilt wrapped in bandages and it's blade chipped. This is the first weapon he ever gained, and as such is what he uses constantly. Although the blade is chipped, it is surprisingly not dull on cutting power.
    • Moonlight Slash: This is a technique used through Visored, which allows him to expel his magic energy in large waves, or in arcs, of pure magic. This magic has a cutting edge and cant cut apart what it comes into contact with, or if not cut act as blunt trauma. He can also surround his spell passively around his blade to increase its power. Moonlight Slash can also be used on every one of his Requips.
    • Dragon Breaker: Also known as Guard breaking technique, after clashing with some sort of defensive spell, Horus releases a shockwave of magic energy through his blade to break that guard.
    • Sky Splitter: Sky splitter is a piercing spell. By focusing magic power on the tip and edge of the blade, the user rushes forward with incredible speed and pierces through the enemy. Or taking another form, Sky Splitter could be used as a slash or multiple slashes, appearing behind the enemy after slashing them one or more times.
  • Requip: Quetzalcoatl - Quetzalcoatl is one of his lesser-known Requips. This weapon is more a mix between a snake’s vertebral column and the pick-like protrusions of a long sword than an actual blade. It gains a snake-like head about the size of a small car, with it's snake base being made out of segments of large circles with sharp picks sticking out of them, each one connected to each other by magic power. Horus is also slightly transformed, gaining a fur cowl around his neck. The cowl appears to be the fur of an ape, and the ape's skull can be seen over his left shoulder, while the rest of the fur extends to cover his right arm. This blade holds less cutting power, and is more so for brute-force and attacking from a range.
    • Hado: Here, Quetzalcoatl raises it's head, opens its mouth, and concentrates a large amount of magic in its mouth. It then releases it as a wave of magic or as a blast.
    • Inuichi Osu: The segments of his blade glow purple and float, before point their sharp ends toward an enemy and stabbing them. This is technically a sealing technique, but most people die while being sealed due to their wounds.
    • Orochi: Orochi is a binding spell, by wrapping the weapon around an enemy Horus can stop them from moving.
    • Blunt: Horus sends his blade forward, and it slams it's head against whatever it touches.
    • Rise: A defensive spell where either the entire weapon or its segments wrap around him to protect him.
  • Requip: Amaterasu - Amaterasu is the Requip used almost as much as if not more than Visored. Visored is more so used because he likes being reminded of his upbringing, but Amaterasu is his most balanced requip, as such it's used the most. It is balanced on most fields, which allows it to be used against practically anyone. Amaterasu is larger than Visored, but not as large as Quetzalcoatl or King. Like King, it sort of resembles a cleaver, but more so resembles a trench knife, with its edges backward base. When sheathed, this blade is covered in bandage wrap. When unsheathed the bandage wrap stays at it's hilt, allowing him to manipulate his blade by throwing it and bringing it back.
    • Rebound: One of Amaterasus spells is called Rebound. By itself it does nothing, but when coming in contact with a magic spell, he is able to swing his blade and reflect it back at it's user.
    • Red Scare: A passive and active spell, passively Amaterasu absorbs the kinetic energy and shockwaves it feels through combat, and it can then be released as a wave of magic or through a slash of the blade. This spell is called Red Scare because when activated, his blade glows red.
    • Crashing Blade: Here Horus jumps into the air, swinging Amaterasu, and slams him down on the ground with immense force. Amaterasu then, in all directions, releases a wave of magic energy that breaks through the ground and attacks anyone near him.
    • Redirect: Redirect is a spell of Amaterasu that allows it to Redirect a magic attack to another area.
  • Requip: Kenna - Kenna takes the appearance of a long katana, much like Visored, but not chipped and completely black. At the end of the blade, it is curved upwards and has 3 protrusions on them. At the hilt of the blade is a chain that's oddly connected to his wrist, and much like the bandage on Amaterasu, can extend. Kenna is, oddly enough, not a sword based purely on strength. Horus realizes that he can't only ever use brute force, so this Requip was made for him to close the breach of his power and technique. Kenna is a sword like all his others, able to cut with intense power, but more so with precision. And unlike his other swords, it can duplicate itself.
    • Shadow Blade: Kenna itself and creates 5 shadow blades around itself in a row.
    • Shadow Puppet: Here, Kenna copies itself and Horus, creating a shadow double that acts independently of Horus. Although only two at most can exist at once, and his shadow doubles are not as strong as the original.
    • Shadow of the first war: This spell creates a hundred shadow katanas that are controlled by Kenna.
      • Morning Kill: A sub spell where he stabs an enemy with all the blades at once.
    • Shadow Killer: After stabbing Kenna into the ground, multiple large shadow blades come out of the ground. They can even come from the enemies own shadow.
    • Shadow Piercer: Unlike his slash attacks, this attack is more concentrated. He surrounds Kenna in a shadow and thrusts forward, sending out a thin line of darkness that pierces enemies. He can then branch that darkness off into spikes that protrude from the line, stabbing anyone close to it.
    • Shadow Bind: The chain on his hilt goes into his shadow, and outcomes multiple large chains of black shadows that surround and bind the target.
  • Requip: The King - King is currently one of his favorite Requips. King is a large blade that is easily as large as him, if not a bit larger, and takes the appearance of a cross between a cleaver and a battle axe. King holds the most cutting power out of all his Requips, currently at least, and is a weapon he saves for only a few people to see. The only one to have ever seen it, was the Wyvern Changsik, and the current Sabertooth Guild Master.
    • Ryodan: Ryodan is easily one of Horus's strongest spells. Here he grips the hilt of King with both hands, and brings it down. This releases a shockwave of thinly woven magic energy, capable of cutting almost everything it touches.
    • Pure: Pure is a spell used on King which compresses so much magical energy into the blade that it allows it to cut through anything. (not literally anything but you get what I mean) It's cutting edge is so potent that it can even cut through magic.
- Enhancement Magic: This is technically an application of Magic, but he uses it as it's own. This allows the user to Enhance the attributes of anything. Although for him he only enhances the power of his body and his weapons. He has no idea how to use it on others. He uses this magic passively most times but does have specific spells he uses.
  • Blunt: Blunt is where he focuses all of his magic into his body to defend against attacks. At full power, he must stop moving to use it, but it can be used on a smaller edge when it comes to blocking one specific body part. This increases his durability and endurance and makes his body extremely hard. Although he can not attack while this is active.
  • Blake: Blake is the exact opposite of Blunt, where he focuses on attack. Here his speed and physical power are greatly enhanced. It's what he uses for his most powerful attacks. But he can not defend while this is active.
  • Sonido: A high-speed movement technique. Here he enhances his speed and reaction speed to insane levels, allowing him to close distances almost instantly.
  • Brute: Brute is a spell that enhances his willpower, allowing him to push forward despite the odds. It also makes spells that manipulate his mind harder to use.
  • Berserk: Berserk is only able to be activated while his eyepatch has been removed. Here, he focuses all his magic at the center of his body, using both Blake and Blunt at the same time. This spell turns his skin red and makes his pupils disappear. Due to the amount of energy is being handled, this spell is incredibly strong, and easily his strongest spell. But at the same time, it distorts his body. His body, even though it's strong, breaks apart. Quite literally his bodies cells cannot handle it and begin to destroy themselves, causing limbs to fall off, organs to fail, etc etc. It also messes with his mind, makes it hard to decide between who's a friend and who's a foe, while also steadily killing him. He has never used this spell before, simply because he has yet to find a fighter who can handle it.
- Hand to hand combat: Although he is a swordsman, there have been one too many times that he has lost or not been able to use his swords. This has prompted him to learn a form of swordless style, which he calls Saludo. Saludo emphasizes the use of the users entire body for combat, as well as the surrounding environment.
- Swordsman: Horus is an incredible Swordsman, although most times it might not seem like it, since his "swordsmanship" has to do with him just swinging his sword around and his brute strength getting him through. Although against stronger opponents is when he starts actually showing his skill. He follows a sword style simple known as "The Path of the Monster", which was taught to him by Lao.
- Willpower: Horus's strongest skill, is his Willpower. His willpower is immovable, incredible, if there's such thing as mind over body, he is the embodiment of it. If he wants to do it, he will, that's his mindset.
- Can drink an intense amount of alcohol and keep his senses.
- Due to how much he fights he's learned a thing or two about medical things. As such in an emergency, he acts as quite a skilled temporary doctor.

S Class | Sabertooth Guild
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Anime Fedora copy.jpg Anime Fedora copy.jpg
The Ace of Fairy Tail

  • Aedon Strom
    Aedon Strom 2.jpeg

Viola Amara

  • 577035
    Viola Amara







    Fairy Tail

    Guild Mark Location:
    Right thigh

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Akagi Estella Burstwick
Executioner of Sabertooth




170 cm

73 kg


Guild Mark Location:
Upper back; left side. Her scars are encroaching upon it, but it is otherwise left untouched.

70373985e6bed19bb7bd11122be7ac74.pngShe would be the common pretty lass, if it weren’t for the fact that her body is marred by scars and wounds, with the most obvious being the loss of an eye, hidden rather conspicuously under an eyepatch. She is often seen in a black cropped tank top, shorts, long coat, gloves, and combat boots. She doesn't have a lot going for her in terms of fashion, it seems. Still, she doesn't seem to mind, and sees her simple sense of fashion as something so others can recognise her easier. She has stark, silver hair, and a steel-grey eye. Her most prominent scars are what seem to be ugly splotches on her missing eye, somewhat hidden behind her eyepatch, over her heart, also hidden by her clothes, and a sprawling chaotic, warped mess over her back. There are more scars, and most of them are on her hands, arms, and feet, but they are neatly hidden behind bandages or clothing. The skin of her scars is twisted and marred, and resemble burn marks and electrocution marks respectively, but darker in color. She is also quite lean and muscle-bound, though it is less obvious for her arms.


Requip: Gate of the Moonless Knight

Akagi’s unique brand of Requip, allowing her to immediately don the armor of the Moonless Knight- an armor clad entirely in black. It resembles something akin to a certain masked rider’s armor, and features blades under its arms that can open outwards. It has some silver trims on its armor, and has narrow, glowing red eyes. If one pays attention, it is noticeable that the armor’s left eye is dimmer than the right, reflecting its user’s state of vision. It seems to be powered by Darkness Magic, and through sheer force of the destructive magic is capable of several feats, including, but not limited to (names are given post-execution, out of being in-character as a hero of justice...or something):

-’Flight’: Through a blast of darkness, Akagi is able take extremely high or long leaps into the air, simulating flight…of some level. This factor also allows her to close horizontal distances quickly- instead of boosting upwards, she just has to boost forwards.

-Grim Graveyard Galaxy Vortex: A diving kick from a high altitude, powered by Darkness Magic, both to send her diving forwards at high speeds, and to create a spiraling destructive force at the sole of her foot. This is, bar none, the Moonless Knight’s signature move, and for good reason- it is powerful and few can withstand the combination of forward momentum and drilling motions.

-Soul Recall: Akagi exudes a destructive aura around her, blowing back anything within 5 metres. It mostly knocks the wind out of any unprepared opponents, but can cause severe wounds to those who are...less used to receiving physical blows.

-Annihilating Soul Recall: A version of Soul Recall that instead has Akagi focus the blast entirely from the palm of her hand. This tends to hit harder, has triple the effective range and is more devastating to anything it does hit, but is limited by its smaller reach. However, she tends to use it when she has a target in her grasp, in which case, the impact is at its highest, rendering those with less endurance unconscious, and those who can withstand it wracked with pain.

-??????: A hitherto unnamed spell. There is no record of just what it is, but its aftereffects have been observed- the surrounding area having the appearance of being gouged out by something of extreme power. The patterns are not in any noticeable shape, and are instead observed to be erratic and violent. The intent, however, is clear- whatever the spell is, it is meant to completely eradicate whatever it is targeting.

For the most part, the Moonless Knight armor seems to channel the spirit and abilities that would not be out of place in the skill set of its originating design’s own. It also possesses high durability, allowing its user to tank through most attacks, physical or magical. Coupled with its user’s already superhuman durability and strength, it only serves as what can be considered overkill by its own right. Its defensive properties seem to be based on Darkness Magic as well, and can be further augmented by samesaid magic. Its primary function, however, is to protect its user from the problems of using Darkness Magic as a propulsion device, namely, self destruction. Using this armor distorts the user's voice, making Akagi's sound more masculine. Its eyes noticeably light up with her speech.

Darkness Magic: Akagi’s main magical focus. Built entirely on sheer destructive force and little else, this brand of magic is seemingly made for her. Akagi doesn’t seem to have much going for creativity when it comes to wielding her magic outside of her Moonless Knight get-up, and merely uses it for mundane activities and the application of sheer and simple force. Her ability to wield such destructive magic to carry out less destructive acts belies her true skill in wielding such dangerous power. She has no names or unique spells related to her that isn’t just a representation of the phrase ‘if all you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail’. She is capable of using the abilities listed under Moonless Knight, but they tend to take a hefty toll on her body, by actually physically destroying her. It is one of the primary causes of her scars, namely the one on her back.

Akagi presents herself as something of an eccentric addition to the Sabertooth crew. Casual, easy-going, and amicable, she seems almost less like the depiction of what someone would make of the moniker of Executioner, and more like someone with the moniker of ‘office lady’. She is good-humored, easy to get along with, and is usually seen either chatting with the younger guild members, having a good time, and discussing almost average every day stuff. She has been noted to approach newer members and ask them about their day and experiences, just so they can warm up to someone else in the guild, and make them feel at home. She also tends to fawn over strapping, handsome men and adores huge soft toys that she can hug. All in all, she just doesn’t come off as the person that has the reputation of being what essentially boils down to the Sabertooth’s one-man army, the one that they send when things go south to force it to go north. She is prone to outbursts of ham and cheese, if only to entertain her peers, and performs some truly well-choreographed posing and declarations of justice and all that. She seems genuinely amused by her own antics, and if it brings a smile or something akin to bemusement to her peers, all the better.

Still, she is one of the higher ranking members of the ex-top guild of Fiore for good reason. Her ability and skill aside, her heart is in the right place when it comes to the guild and its guildmaster. Duty-bound to Hunt, and to the guild for taking her in, Akagi, the Executioner, will execute her orders to the letter. While she doesn't lose her usual vim and vigor, there is something darker about how she goes about doing things. While Akagi shirks the responsibility of being a leader of any sorts, she also doesn’t tend to respond well to instructions by others other than, maybe, Hunt, and is prone to doing her own thing. She shrugs it off as she’s just bored, but it is more than likely she doesn't want others involved in her more…direct approaches, and getting caught in the collateral damage of her spells. That, and most of the time, she just obliterates the opposition. Often, there is little to be found of whatever threat she was sent to dispose of once she’s done with them. Where others will not tread, the Executioner will go forth. She holds no remorse, and no mercy. She is capable of holding back, that having been said, and does so when her target in question doesn't deserve her brand of justice.

She has expressed on multiple occasions that she is not going to take over Hunt as guild master after his retirement, if that day ever comes. She believes herself to be his and the guild's weapon, not a master. To that end, she will serve as the Executioner, and never as the Judge or Jury.

Even older members of the guild would be hard pressed to remember a time when Akagi wasn't part of the guild. Whoever she was, fourteen years prior, she just kind of appeared out of thin air, wearing nothing but a shabby drab cloak over her body which was marred with scars of unknown origins. She didn't talk much, and instead shied away from the others, but she was always watching, observing the rest of the guild members as they went around their duties. A certain gleam came to her eyes as she watched how happy they were, how much of a family they seemed to be. She stuck around, and, for some reason, somehow became close to a certain Wilson Hunt, before he was ever guild master. For whatever it is, she just saw him as what she imagined a hero would be. Muscles, scars, and a heart bigger than his prolific figure. It was little surprise that she looked up to him, and tried to follow his example, tailing after him wherever he went. His face underneath his scarf didn't bother her much. All she saw in him was his heart, and his devotion to the guild and the people of Fiore. It was enough for her. Her usual cold, watchful attitude gave way to the first vestiges of the warmer Akagi of today, and she began to open up, if just a little bit, to the rest of the guild.

Her happiness didn't last long. Barely a few months passed in before her 'caretakers' finally located her, when she finally had the courage to wander out of the Sabertooth's guild's gates. She was immediately retrieved and returned back to her 'home'. She was once again reintroduced to her place in the world- as a weapon of mass destruction. This was the true origin of Akagi- born and raised as nothing more than an unfeeling weapon, fed and taught Darkness Magic to be wielded in its most purest form. Their methods were not exactly what one call classroom ethics, and the scars she hides under her cloak are evidence of such. On any other day before she met the Sabertooth guild, Akagi would have lowered her head and obliged to whatever her teachers would have her learn.

Not today, however. Unwilling to use her own magic to hurt the people of Fiore, she took matters into her own hands, and lashed out at her 'caretakers'. Of course, it wasn't enough. One lone prepubescent teenager against a group of dark mages- the result was obvious. She lost one of her eyes and nearly had her heart stop on her that day. As she lay on the floor struggling to breathe and steady herself, she was ready to give it her last all-in. What would a hero do? What would Wilson do? Well, she wasn't him, but there was only one thing she could do in this situation, if she wanted to keep Fiore safe. She was going to take them all down with her.

That didn't come to pass. Wilson Hunt himself crashed through the doors, like the hero that he was. Her heart swelled, and she could only watch from behind one teary eye as he crushed her 'caretakers' to the ground, and brought her back to the Sabertooth guild. It was there that she remained. For a while, she followed after Wilson's footsteps, training her own body to match his, under any circumstances, even putting herself under his grueling training, on top of her own. Her resolve was true, and so was her strength. Eventually, however, she broke into her own kind of style. She rose quickly over the years as a mage, shooting straight up to A rank by virtue of only her hard work and effort she put into keeping the name of Sabertooth at the top. It has been estimated that she has put in about 26% of the total effort the entire guild has contributed to Fiore. For the next decade and a half, she was there with Sabertooth, all the way. When Wilson made guildmaster, she was said to so overwhelmed with joy that she was crying. She was there when the newer members joined up, and was always the first to show them the courtesy that Sabertooth had extended to her years ago. Her go-to ideal is that if Wilson trusts them enough to bring 'em in, then they're good to go.

While she has clearance to become an S-rank, and has physically cleared the requirements and exam to become one, Akagi vehemently refuses to join the S rank, out of duty. She believes that being an S rank would draw too much attention to her, and her feats would be all too more believable if she were at that rank. She remains an A rank mage, and comfortably so. It would seem that, however, Wilson trusts her enough to undertake missions alone, or assist other S-rank mages.

Large soft toys
Ham and cheese

Dark mages

Extreme Conditioning: Tougher than the normal human being, faster, and stronger, she can hold her own without the use of magic. Capable of lifting other beings many times her weight, she is not someone to be taken carelessly in a fight, especially in the close quarters. She drives fear into the hearts of some purely because this isn't magic that’s driving her- it’s pure guts and hard work that she’s thriving off on. The fact that her body doesn’t break down and that she is physically incapable of understanding what the meaning of ‘surrender’ is is testament enough of how much she worked to attain her condition.

Combat Specialist: She holds expertise in many hand-to-hand combat styles. She primarily adopts a boxing style, but she adds so much more unorthodox behaviour into her style that it is almost distinct from basic boxing. Due to her strength, she does not shy away from devastating wrestling moves.

Odd Jobs: She is quite learned in miscellaneous jobs, running from cleaning to babysitting, and seems to be the go-to for filler when it comes to smaller jobs. If, that is, she's free. She picked up on these skills during her B-to-A years, having toiled for Sabertooth.
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  • 578111Armin Sterling
    The Knight-Errant of Lamia Scale





    156 lbs.
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