Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Mitchs98 said:
I only mentioned it in 90% of the threads I'm in >_>...Wanna join?
Ok. Could you tell me what you're lacking in terms of characters like ranks, guild members, etc?

I like being different but also generic.
Drakerus said:
Ok. Could you tell me what you're lacking in terms of characters like ranks, guild members, etc?
I like being different but also generic.
C and D rank members.
Drakerus said:
Ok. Could you tell me what you're lacking in terms of characters like ranks, guild members, etc?
I like being different but also generic.
Sabertooth needs more members, preferrably C and D ranked.
Kayzo said:
C and D rank members.
....I didn't know there was a D rank.

Time to make a character that has an extremely powerful ability but is low ranked because it has an insanely bad limitation.
Mitchs98 said:
Sabertooth needs more members, preferrably C and D ranked.
Naw, fuck that. C and D ranks can go fuck themselves. Same with B, for that matter. In the show all the main characters were what we would class as A. B at the absolute lowest. A C rank character, or a D rank character would have literally no role to play in any sort of combat-oriented RP.
Colt556 said:
Naw, fuck that. C and D ranks can go fuck themselves. Same with B, for that matter. In the show all the main characters were what we would class as A. B at the absolute lowest. A C rank character, or a D rank character would have literally no role to play in any sort of combat-oriented RP.
They have a use for RP purposes, combat probably not. This isn't the show.
Rhodus said:
Oh God I slept for another 4 hours. This cold is going to kill me. Can I get a brief recap of what's been happening over today if it wouldn't be too much trouble?
Kim and Kelcia were the contestants that went next. Sora is fawning over Lysander. Alicia is questioning why everyones bikinis are so small and thus inferior to her own coupled with the magic acts/sexy dancing. Chris went all Taurus over Kelcia. Isabella and Lloyd are on their way to Magnolia.
Colt556 said:
Naw, fuck that. C and D ranks can go fuck themselves. Same with B, for that matter. In the show all the main characters were what we would class as A. B at the absolute lowest. A C rank character, or a D rank character would have literally no role to play in any sort of combat-oriented RP.
But what if I incorporated the power of friendship?

The magic type I'm thinking of would be almost useless without help from allies but is game changing if pulled off.

I like being the underdog anyways, literally AND figuratively.
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Mitchs98 said:
Kim and Kelcia were the contestants that went next. Sora is fawning over Lysander. Alicia is questioning why everyones bikinis are so small and thus inferior to her own coupled with the magic acts/sexy dancing. Chris went all Taurus over Kelcia. Isabella and Lloyd are on their way to Magnolia.
H-Hey! He's fawning over her too!

- drowns emotions in tub of ice cream -
Drakerus said:
Nobody likes tem. She steals all of your money to go to cool leg and doesn't even give you a discount on their items.
I like Bob though. He's cool.
Saying nobody likes Temmie already makes your statement incorrect. I like Temmie therefor you're wrong!
Kyuubey said:
Saying nobody likes Temmie already makes your statement incorrect. I like Temmie therefor you're wrong!
My DETERMINATION overrides your logic.

purplepanda288 said:
Hello, you better get making your character
Ok. I'll start making my CS now. Gotta go to bed soon though so it might not come up til tomorrow.
purplepanda288 said:
Kim needs a love interest xD
Ryu is still available. I even made a joke about him falling for one of the contestants

Rhodus said:
Also Ryu will probably end up falling for one of the girls participating in the contest and his heart destroyed because he's a goddamn hopeless romantic and relatively naive when it comes to social interaction.

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