Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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[QUOTE="Britt-21]Question: how many guy characters are there? And who are free? I need to know lol

Taken? Like in a relationship?
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Or going into one
I just need a good footing on who would be lavenders future lover lol

Two are currently in a 'relationship'. And two are being crushed on and vice versa. ( Someone correct me if I'm mistaken. )

But there's about 10-12 boys active, I'd say. Somewhere around there.
Hmm okay

I also found out one of Arviss character is gay so he's off the potential list lol
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Hmm okay
I also found out one of Arviss character is gay so he's off the potential list lol

True that. :P And I'd take Zephyr off as well.
xD !! Well then looks like lavender will have to wait for her love to come to her

Try Adrian, he's in the same guild as your character, so. :P
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Girl I'm on my phone and my finger is getting tired of scrolling xD what page is ryu on?

Second page.
Flame God Slayer Magic[/URL]. The basic abilities are the same, and it allows the same ingestion of flames as its cousins. There are a few significant differences however. The first is that in addition to using pyrokinesis, this style of magic also stresses the study and practice of kejustu in compliment to the flames. The second major deviation is the coloration of the flames. Unlike God Slayer Magic, GodsBane Magic is not always black in color. Instead, the color of the magic is tied to the user's aura and soul (Bright red in Ryu's case).

The flame attacks taught by this style are functionally identical to those taught by its Dragon Slayer and God Slayer counterparts. In addition to those, certain kenjutsu techniques are also Taught.

When fully mastered, the strength of its magic is on par with that of God Slayer Magic. However, such a mastery takes decades of training, and Ryu is still far from completely mastering this type of magicmagic. As such, his flames are only around the strength of a Dragon Slayer's.[/border]


Ryu practices Kasai Uzuken-ry? (?????, Flame Vortex Sword-Style), which is taught exclusively as a part of Flame GodsBane Magic. Rooted in the concept of ichi no tachi, or "to strike in a single blow", practitioners of this style use a combination of immense speed and agility, batt?jutsu (the art of sword drawing), and acquired, observation-based pseudo-clairvoyance that permits a practitioner to anticipate an opponent's movements. Both offensive and defensive maneuvers are executed with minimal movement in order to increase a practitioner's ability to counter-attack and to conserve energy. The style commonly has the user keep one hand on the sheath at all times and also stresses two-step attacks in order to ensure that the practitioner is never off guard while executing said attacks. Arguably, its most well-known trait is the surreal speed practitioners of this style use in battle (known as Shinsoku, or godspeed), allowing the user to accelerate, maneuver, and strike at speeds most eyes are unable to properly follow. This allows the user to close considerable distance in seconds and strike down enemies before they can react in time.

Techniques are as follows:

  • G?katsuisenshi (?????, Hell Fire Hammer Strike) - From a position higher than one's opponent (usually initiated by a powerful jump), one uses the momentum of the fall to strengthen a two-handed sword swing that brings the blade down on the opponent's head or shoulder.
    G?katsuisen ? Zan (??????, Hell Fire Hammer Flash: Disaster) - Beginning in the same way as G?katsuisen, the user positions the sword as to initiate a downward stab to the head instead of a downward swing.

[*]G?kash?senshi (?????, Hell Fire Soaring Strike) - The opposite of G?katsuisen, G?kash?sen is a rising attack meant to strike the jaw from below. For additional power, one uses one's free arm to apply force to the back of the blade and utilizes a powerful upward jump during the attack.

[*]G?katsuish?sen (?????, Hell Fire Hammer Soaring Flash) - A combination of G?katsuisen and G?kash?sen, G?katsuish?sen begins with the powerful jump and supported upswing of G?kash?sen, giving the leap enough power to pass one's opponent in mid-air, and on the returning drop, G?katsuisen is performed.

[*]G?kas?senshi (?????, Hell Fire Nest Strike) - A massive flurry of strikes delivered to the opponent. The sheer speed of the slashes makes this technique difficult to counter or defend.

[*]S?g?kasenshi (?????, Twin Hell Fire Strike) - Seemingly a simple Batt?jutsu strike, S?g?kasen is the first of Kasai Uzuken-ry?'s two-step Batt?jutsu moves. After the first strike with the quickened sword, the user wields the empty sheath along the same path as a blunt weapon. After the sword strike lands, the sheath strike delivers a pulverizing blow capable of crushing bone and shattering wood, but if the sword strike misses, the sheath strike acts as powerful insurance, preventing an opponent's attack and delivering a crushing blow when it's least expected.

  • S?g?kasenshi ? Ikazuchi (???????, Twin Hell Fire Strike: Thunder) - An alternate form of S?g?kasen wherein the sword is wielded while still inside the sheath. The first strike is made with the sheathed sword and, once it makes contact, the sword is drawn using Batt?jutsu for a second strike. While the original S?ry?sen is designed to make two strikes, S?ry?sen Ikazuchi appears designed with the assumption that the first strike will be blocked.

[*]Kuzug?kasenshi (??????, Nine-Headed Hell Fire Strike) - A dashing attack that uses Shinsoku (Godspeed) to simultaneously strike all nine vital spots on the foe's body from a normal kend? stance, as each of these nine points are the main targets for different swordstyles. The nine heads of the targets are in counterclockwise while looking towards the target from the user's view:

  • Karatake (??/??, Tang Bamboo/Tree Trunk Bamboo) Aimed at above head with downward strike: ? (ichi, one)
  • Sakagesagiri (?????, Inverted Kasaya Cutter) Aimed at right shoulder diagonally: ? (ni, two)
  • Miginagi (??, Right Mower) Aimed at right arm's center from the side: ? (san, three)
  • Migikiriage (???, Right Cutting Upward) Aimed at right arm's bottom/right wrist diagonally: ? (shi, four)
  • Sakakaze (??, Inverted Wind) Aimed at groin area from below via upward stroke, or straight from front: ? (go, five)
  • Hidarikiriage (???, Left Cutting Upward) Aimed at left arm's bottom/left wrist diagonally: ? (riku, six)
  • Hidarinagi (??, Left Mower) Aimed at left arm's center from the side: ? (shitsu, seven)
  • Kesagiri (????, Kasaya Cutter) Aimed at left shoulder diagonally: ? (hatsu, eight)
  • Tsuki/Shitotsu (??, Thrusting/Thorn Stab) Aimed at center of chest, at breastbone: ? (ky?, nine)

[*]Futae no Kiwami(lit. Double Layer Limit, Mastery of Two Layers, or Two-fold Extremity) - The Futae no Kiwami is a technique that focuses on allowing the full use of one's strength and power to be fully utilized at its maximum output. Though its utilization can be used with all of the body, the use of it through extremities, especially the fist, is often the first part to start with when to be studied and mastered. The Futae no Kiwami's principle aspects come from understanding that all matter bears a level of resistance, and that a single blow's impact is wasted upon meeting this resistance. From this, two blows are to be acted to fully transfer this impact. With the fist, the first blow, using the proximal interphalangeal joints of the hand, meets to absorb the object's initial resistance. Then, with folding the hand immediately to switch over to the proximal phalanx knuckles, delivers the final strike to the weakened object; in addition, the two hits are to be delivered at nearly the same time, with a few milliseconds interval. The result is the complete destruction of the object, which has no more resistance to sustain itself and collapses into dust.



{slide=Personal Information}


Ryu is a quiet and reserved person, always striving to be respectful and kind. He is softspoken and will very rarely raise his voice above a normal speaking level. He spends a lot of his time training in isolation, and as a result he is not very comfortable in social situations. In combat however, he is much more at home. He is able to maintain a calm collectedness even in extremely demanding circumstances. Those who have fought alongside him often find his ordered psyche to be reassuring during battle.

He is very loyal to those he considers friends and has an ironclad sense of morality. If he sees an act of injustice, he finds it extremely hard not to get involved. He adheres to the code and ideals of the samurai, and is rarely seen wearing anything other than his traditional kimono.


Most of Ryu's life has been dedicated to his study of Flame GodsBane Magic. He started his training at a young age and left to train with his master. At the age of 16, his master instructed him that the final training must be self-taught, and that Ryu should leave to train on his own. He did as he was instructed and has been a wandering the country since, continuing his training, and helping those he meets on his travels. He joined Fairy Tail a little over 2 years ago, but rarely visits the guild house, opting instead to take on whatever jobs he might encounter as he wanders.



Helping others


Order and Balance

Fighting and watching fights (although you'll never get him to admit it)


Chaos and Disorder




  • Surreal speed and agility (Shinsoku, "Godspeed")
  • Complete mastery of Kenjutsu
  • Expert Swordsman and Martial Artist
  • Calm and collected demeanor
  • Immovable will and conviction





[QUOTE="Britt-21]Oh thank you xD I guess I as scrolling too fast... His age is 19 and lavender is 23 xD

I guess you shouldn't look at the age difference between Sora and Lysander then. c:
Or Lloyd and Kelica only a 16year difference xD but there is nothing romantic there right now.

But Valken and Millie are 26, Kelica is 21 and Chris, 24?

If you want a difference look at Gilad and Alicia... 40 odd year difference?

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