Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

  • No, gtfo.

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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also, I wonder... Lavender's chest is just as large.... would mika like that too....?
also, I wonder... Lavender's chest is just as large.... would mika like that too....?

Only one way to find out :^).
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-27_14-44-31.png.007aafd449f61a763e0bd3e81f7512f2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129262" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-5-27_14-44-31.png.007aafd449f61a763e0bd3e81f7512f2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-5-27_14-44-31.png
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[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Name:"Yo Seto Kyon here but you can call me the Harem king."

Gender:"I'll give you a hint I'm the kind that has a one eyed snake between their legs....and only the snake."

Race:"I'm a Harem King that's my race." Human

Height:"6,6!" 5,5

Weight:"500" 123

Guild and Guild Mark Location:"My butt." Doesn't have one

Appearance:View attachment 288232

Class(C, B, A, S, etc.):"S of course!" A-Class

Magic:Being the Harem King Seto has set out to learn and master many forms of charm magic with few exceptions. As he is a white knight to his Waifus he has learned some sword magic as well.

Sweet look-A magic that causes people he's fighting to hold back depending on how hot or cute they find him. If they think he's ok they'll only pull back 5% if they think he's pretty hot 10% but if he seems like a god of hotness 50%

Charming Kiss-An attack like charm where the user takes damage equal to how hot they think Seto similar to Sweet look. He can also blow a kiss sending a heart straight at his target.

Hateful Slash-This attack depends on how much the target hates him if they only dislike him then it's like being punched in the arm. If they dreaded having to see him it's like being hit with a truck. If they hate his guts then they will feel the wraith of a hit from a train.... with jets on it.

Rapid Ravage-Focusing Seto slashing multiple times at his opponent

Excalibur-A wooden sword with magic enfused into it, the sword may not be the strongest hitting something but it grows in power the more people that are in love or just plain like Seto

Healing Kiss-Seto kisses someone he wants to heal but he takes the physical pain of the attack he heals.

Personality:Seto is the type who people wonder if he can even frown since he's always smiling about something. He's always looking for the bright side of any bad situation and rarely gets mad. He claims to be the Harem King and vows he'll protect all his Waifus from harm not letting anyone hurt them. He trys being someone who people admire and the type pf person who can bring a smile to a crying waifu's face.

Bio:Seto Kyon was an aspiring mage when he was little he wanted to be the greatest mage of them all. His specialty was sword magic and by specialty I mean he could do a few weak spells. His parents admired his determination to learn and so they asked around for someone to train him. But no one was teaching sword magic. Seto didn't give up he practice day and night by himself until a woman came to his town she carried a wooden sword and a red sword. Seto raced to the woman and begged for her to teach him.

She of course refused saying she didn't teach every punk that asked. But Seto didn't know the meaning of the phrase give up. So he asked again and again until finally the woman told him if he went to the mountain top of his town and brought back the flower on the very edge of the top. It may not sound that bad to and outsider but the woman and Seto knew the mountaintop was home of a bloodthirsty monster the same monster she had came to the town to slay. So she expected him to back down but instead he agreed running off towards the mountain she didn't believe him of course no body was that stupid. But she followed him anyway to make sure and when he was really about to climb the mountain a fire burning in his eyes she finally agreed to teach him.

So they trained for three years during the time she had told him her name was Rose Mary. Along with that if they were gonna train more they'd have to leave so he asked his parents they agreed and he was off. Rose never did manage to fight off the monster on the mountaintop so she said they would be back, and back they were to a town in ruin. Homes were destroyed the market was trashed and in the center of the town stood a huge six armed monster well now it was five since in a fight Rose had sliced one of its arms off. She had concluded the monster came down from its home in search of revenge for its arm Rose apologized to Seto for bringing such a beast to his home. Seto ran to his house thinking maybe just maybe it was ok but he was sadly wrong. Like the others it was destroyed he could see what remained of both his home and his parents. He fell to his knees tears ran down his face he took his sword in hand and ran for the center his teacher and the monster already fighting he leaped at the monster in anger. It swatted him away then turned to deliver the final blow but its claws didn't stab through Seto they stabbed through his master Rose.

She fell to the ground as she coughed out some blood she slowly handed Seto the wooden sword. Her red one now in pieces he took it he was so full of rage towards the monster then Rose said someone that brought more tears but despelled his rage. "Sorry I couldn't protect you." He let go of his rage and aimed his sword at the end of the day Seto stood over the dead corpse of the beast holding his master in his arms. From that day forth he vowed to be someone who inspired people someone who could protect all those he held dear someone who always smiled for those who couldn't he vowed to be the Harem King.

Likes:His waifus, his wooden sword, adventures, fighting alongside friends, jokes, bad puns, sweets, people who don't give up

Dislikes:the phrase give up, sour stuff, when he can't cheer someone up, having nightmares about "that time", having no waifus=no laifu

Skills:Silver tongue, Swordsmanship, Being oh so sexy

Other:He tenses up when something reminds him of "that time"

This is great

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