Fairy Tail: A Fandom OOC

4-5 Year timeskip later?

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  • Do not vote for this, this is simply a thing to show I'm changing it to 2yrs k tnx

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Mitchs98 said:
Ooh! Also.
I'd like to announce @Kyuubey and @LeSoraAmari as mods/co-gm's for this. I used to didn't think I needed any help, but recently the RP has continued to expand and grow more and more active. So much so that I may or may not need to set up different tabs for each are/guild once characters branch back to other areas. With summer rolling around I suspect things will only pick up more, including the amount of new people. Soo. Yeah.

I meant as far as your arc. And that was a post in response to something Huor posted but deleted in concerns to Fairy Tails leader. It wasn't random ^-^.
I will do my best! Sir!
Mitchs98 said:
Ooh! Also.
I'd like to announce @Kyuubey and @LeSoraAmari as mods/co-gm's for this. I used to didn't think I needed any help, but recently the RP has continued to expand and grow more and more active. So much so that I may or may not need to set up different tabs for each are/guild once characters branch back to other areas. With summer rolling around I suspect things will only pick up more, including the amount of new people. Soo. Yeah.

I meant as far as your arc. And that was a post in response to something Huor posted but deleted in concerns to Fairy Tails leader. It wasn't random ^-^.
I see. :v

Speaking of which... I probably won't post unless interaction is absolutely needed on my part (which as far as I'm concerned isn't). Just because I seem completely inactive does not mean I quit, for future reference~
Mitchs98 said:
@Zuka btw. I won't be doing the arc thing until Monday more than likely. So you don't have to spit Kelica out yet.
Good let me know when you want it, I'd love to see Chris, Hibiki, Lyra, Sora and Lysander do some hunting first :)

Mitchs98 said:
Yo members be getting jacked, yo.
Oh well. I'll just keep Alfie on the roof like the statue he is and post only for Ophelia.


Got some insight on the arc by reading the last few pages, but how's Ophelia gonna know her members are getting jacked when she's standing around on a roof and waiting for a mist that's prolly not gonna come for a few months? :o
Mitchs98 said:
Ferra: Magonlia Train Station

Ferra arched a brow, a small amused smirk on her face as Millie freaked out about poor old Horus. She seemed to ignore and not really comment on her giving the news of her and Talon dating, at-least to Ferra they were, even after the bird left. Oh well. That worked for her! Less chance of being humiliated in front of a good portion of her guild and having everything ruined, after all. She couldn't help but smile at her and Valken, however. She was proud of herself for getting them together, and glad for the both of them that it worked out. They did well together and made a cute couple. Besides, Valken needed someone to keep his edgy sarcastic attitude in check. She kinda rudely ignored Emmerich until Valken introduced her to him though, the fact of how he did it irked her. Sure, she liked food. She liked food a lot. But if she didn't eat a lot she'd get sick, and could possibly die. She wasn't entirely sure, she never let it get that bad. It was an unfortunate side effect of her semi-useless magic. Regardless, she smiled and waved at Emmerich. "Hai! Nice to meetcha'" She replied. Annd then they went into the whole who could outdrink who thing, and thus she decided to only halfway listen.

Ferra herself had tried drinking, but she found the taste of alcohol horrible. Infact it was Valken who had roped her into it shortly after her thirteenth birthday, which just so happened to be the legal drinking age in Fiore. She'd puked and summarily tossed the bottle at Valkens' face. Never again. Well, maybe eventually she would. But never again for now. And then Valken started making out with Millie in public. Well then. Yet another thing she could never see herself doing, with anyone, ever. Hugging someone? Sure. Quick kiss on the cheek? Cool. Outright making out like you owned the place? Nope. She blushed slightly and looked away, kind of uncomfortable with watching it. Then some weird chick that apparently knew Valken walked up. An ex, maybe? A stalker? A guild member Ferra somehow didn't recognize? So many possibilites, and being a stalker was probably right.

Soon enough Lloyd came up, followed by Maya and another person she didn't recognize. See, she was right about Maya randomly stalking up! It fit perfectly, and that's exactly what she did. "
Hey Master Lloyd! I've been looking all over for you since yesterday. I met some people yesterday and they wanna join. Annnd yeah! The festival was awesome. The food was great..ooh there was also these really awesome magic infused corndogs too.." She replied, trailing off and drooling slightly with a blank expression as she recalled the golden breaded heaven that was the corndogs. Shame the stand was destroyed, she would of bought every single corndog they had. She then turned to Vex when he finally introduced himself and Horus, "Nice to meet the both of you!" She told them cheerfully. Even though he wasn't directly talking to her, she felt her speech was relevant.

Maya soon introduced Arietta, the girl that was with her that she didn't recognize. "
Nice to meet you Arietta, I'm Ferra!" She told her. She found the fact of her being another wizard saint to be pretty cool. She wondered if she was as strong as Millie, or maybe even stronger! It'd be cool to watch them spar one day, probably. Annd then Maya started interrogating Valken. Ooh boy, she wasn't going to miss this. Their little scene gained her full attention, everything else she drowned out in favor of watching Valken cower like a baby in front of Maya. Dare she say he called her ancient earlier? Nah. She'd save that for later if he decided to embarrass her in front of Noah and Talon. If he did, ooh then he would get it.

She frowned slightly when he blamed Noah and Talon for the predicament he found himself in. He knew full well he over-escalated things. She found herself stifling laughter regardless. It was always hilarious to see him get all nervous around Maya after acting all cool to the others. "
Seeee. I told you Maya would be mad." She told him. "And don't blame anyone but yourself, you know full well you caused it." She added. "But yeah! Like Valken said Noah and Talon wanna join the guild. Can they?" She asked, looking between Lloyd and Maya. She was momentarily distracted by Arietta playing with Maya's hair, but soon turned her attention back to Maya and Lloyd on the subject of her new friends joining.
I have decided Ferra and Valken's relationship is my favourite non-romantic. I can totally see Valken trying to feed her alcohol and them playing pranks on each other for years haha
@Chat Noir @Mitchs98

..... we should totally play on Ferra's idea your character was Valken's ex....

even if they never dated just have our interactions seem like they did xD
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Kyuubey said:
Should I eat him first?
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.56d43824cfb0c3f698f8bfa85ae52cb3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/image.jpeg.56d43824cfb0c3f698f8bfa85ae52cb3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Colt556 said:
I have decreed that this is the arc's theme.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca453437b_images(70).jpg.5b44a3b4344c5ac3093b828bdbb9b002.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="129150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca453437b_images(70).jpg.5b44a3b4344c5ac3093b828bdbb9b002.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Zuka said:
Mitchs98 said:
Only the panicked members that aren't getting captured running to her. And. Just have Alfie's prediction be wrong, and that the mist abbaration that sucked Kelica up(huehuehue...kill me) be a fluke/random thing. Problem solved. There will be a few timeskips for this arc, so, she won't be on the roof forever.
Same. Tbh.

Valken: Hey, Ferra. You can drink now! You should tottally try this. *hands bottle of aged whiskey*

Ferra: Ookay. *drink, puke, riot at Valken*

They remind me a lot of Natsu and Grey, tbh.

Dear god so many Natsu and Grey pairings.

Do it. Do it. Do it.
That's cause Natsu and Grey is the best pairing imo.

Also @Chat Noir you should totally have her walk up like "Valken baby, you missed me? Remember that mission we did years back?" just to screw with his head, because he knows everything so he will pull his hair out because he can't remember xD
Mitchs98 said:
Only the panicked members that aren't getting captured running to her. And. Just have Alfie's prediction be wrong, and that the mist abbaration that sucked Kelica up(huehuehue...kill me) be a fluke/random thing. Problem solved. There will be a few timeskips for this arc, so, she won't be on the roof forever.
I see. :v

Thanks for clearing that up~
Zuka said:
That's cause Natsu and Grey is the best pairing imo.
Also @Chat Noir you should totally have her walk up like "Valken baby, you missed me? Remember that mission we did years back?" just to screw with his head, because he knows everything so he will pull his hair out because he can't remember xD
I think so to. Those two are funny as heck. Lol.

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