Fairfolk's status and the birth background...


Ten Thousand Club
Can a Fairfolk commoner have a high score in the birth background?

Because it does seem a little odd for a heroic commoner who awoke to selfwill almost by chance to have  4 or 5 dots in the background...
Can a Fairfolk commoner have a high score in the birth background?
Because it does seem a little odd for a heroic commoner who awoke to selfwill almost by chance to have  4 or 5 dots in the background...
they can, it just more rare..

Most Commoners are made by the nobles, so low birth is the norm as they see the commoners as just dressing to their self play, but some could have high birth being created to serve as stewards or aids to the noble (or heroic commoner) who made them, and some could come wholecloth from the wyld itself, those would be more likly to have a high rating

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