Fairbank High


Typical Reject
Bio Skeleton~




Look(No Anime)~


Other Interest~




My Character~

Name~ Tyler-Kaye Westbrook

Age~ 16, Junior

Personality~Tyler is very reserved, although by first glance most assume she would be bubbly and sweet. She only speaks when spoken too, and is as polite as a sixteen year old girl can be. Some say she is older than what she lets off, but they wouldn't really know because no one knows Tyler. She shuts people out, especially other men, and is always doubting herself. She is one of the most indecisive people a person could ever come across, and usually has to have someone else make decisions for her.




Bio~ Tyler is a very quiet girl who has many secrets. She lives alone with a single mother who is verbally, and sometimes physically abusive. The girl spends most of her days alone in the library, straying from anyone who even tries to speak to her. She has major trust issues due to a troubling past, and has absolutely no friends.

Other Interest~ Piano, Cello, Singing, Writing(poetry/songs)

Talents~ Singing mostly, most things musical.

Crush~ Undecided

Sexuality~ Pansexual
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Name(Full)~ Sean O' Donnell


Personality~ A bit Emo, shy, outgoing once you get to know him

Look(No Anime)~



Bio(Optional)~ Sean had always been shy and he never really had friends so he usually kept to himself so he never was that social

Other Interest~ Photography, being alone , Cars

Talents~ Playing guitar, and singing

Crush(Optional)~ Undecided

Sexuality~ Straight
Assassin4545 said:
Name(Full)~ Sean O' Donnell

Personality~ A bit Emo, shy, outgoing once you get to know him

Look(No Anime)~



Bio(Optional)~ Sean had always been shy and he never really had friends so he usually kept to himself so he never was that social

Other Interest~ Photography, being alone , Cars

Talents~ Playing guitar, and singing

Crush(Optional)~ Undecided

Sexuality~ Straight
Thanks! Accepted!

Benett Howler




Benett was clumsy yet a jester for everyone. He likes when everyone are laughing at his jokes or at him but he know when to stop his nonsense jokes. Benett also tend to hide his true feeling unless it's necessary (yes he always use his 'mask' on).

~Look(No Anime)~


~Brief Bio~

Benett was born in Michigan with his parents. He was grew in a friendly environment, it was a sweet past that he had until it's all crushed when his family moved into New York. He was bullied by his classmates because he was labelled as a freak but nonetheless he has 2 trusty best friend to back him up.

~Other Interest~





-Playing guitar


Benett is a multi talented student that no one has ever notice apart from his friend. Benett was good in singing and a well known Hacker through the internet. He was able to hack the CIA database without being caught although he never used it for evil. Benett also known for his artistic value, which unrarely being hung on an exhibition.


Selena Nanami Funakoshi



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GreenSea said:


Benett Howler




Benett was clumsy yet a jester for everyone. He likes when everyone are laughing at his jokes or at him but he know when to stop his nonsense jokes. Benett also tend to hide his true feeling unless it's necessary (yes he always use his 'mask' on).

~Look(No Anime)~


~Brief Bio~

Benett was born in Michigan with his parents. He was grew in a friendly environment, it was a sweet past that he had until it's all crushed when his family moved into New York. He was bullied by his classmates because he was labelled as a freak but nonetheless he has 2 trusty best friend to back him up.

~Other Interest~





Benett is a multi talented student that no one has ever notice apart from his friend. Benett was good in singing and a well known Hacker through the internet. He was able to hack the CIA database without being caught although he never used it for evil. Benett also known for his artistic value, which unrarely being hung on an exhibition.




Thanks! Accepted!
Name(Full)~ Spencer Foster

Age(Teens)~ 17 Junior

Personality~ Sarcastic, non-confrontational, shy, stubborn, easy-going, open minded. She is also OCD.

Look(No Anime)~

Bio(Optional)~ Spencer grew up in the foster system. When she was 13 she was pulled from her home due to people finally noticing bruises appearing on her arms and legs. As she was getting older, writing helped her through most things. Spencer was placed in a foster home where the father gets drunk every night and the mother belittles everyone of the kids. She is the oldest out of 5 others. Jason is 3, Tori is 5, Rachel is 6, Noah is 8 and Jarod is also 8. She works at a small diner from 4 until 8, trying to put food on the table.

Other Interest~ Writing and cooking.

Talents~ Writing and singing.

Crush(Optional)~ Tyler-Kaye Westbrook

Sexuality~ Lesbian
Name(Full)~Erin Lena Bates

Age(Teens)~17 -12th grade-

Personality~She's very shy and quiet. But once you're her friend she's really outgoing and flirty.

Look(No Anime)~

(got a tattoo on her 16th birthday)

Bio(Optional)~Erin was born in Canada originally, but moved to live with her grandmother and is now a new student at Fairbank High

Other Interest~

? Reading

? Drawing

? Video games.

Talents~Erin doesn't like to brag about it but she can really sing. She goes in every show she can just to be able to sing in front of an audience. People often doubt her because she's so shy and quiet.


Sexuality~ Heterosexual
[QUOTE="Aryn Harris]Name(Full)~ Spencer Foster
Age(Teens)~ 17 Junior

Personality~ Sarcastic, non-confrontational, shy, stubborn, easy-going, open minded. She is also OCD.

Look(No Anime)~

Bio(Optional)~ Spencer grew up in the foster system. When she was 13 she was pulled from her home due to people finally noticing bruises appearing on her arms and legs. As she was getting older, writing helped her through most things. Spencer was placed in a foster home where the father gets drunk every night and the mother belittles everyone of the kids. She is the oldest out of 5 others. Jason is 3, Tori is 5, Rachel is 6, Noah is 8 and Jarod is also 8. She works at a small diner from 4 until 8, trying to put food on the table.

Other Interest~ Writing and cooking.

Talents~ Writing and singing.

Crush(Optional)~ Tyler-Kaye Westbrook

Sexuality~ Lesbian

Thanks! Accpeted, and I love your signature! 

Dannygirl900 said:
Name(Full)~Erin Lena Bates
Age(Teens)~17 -12th grade-

Personality~She's very shy and quiet. But once you're her friend she's really outgoing and flirty.

Look(No Anime)~

(got a tattoo on her 16th birthday)

Bio(Optional)~Erin was born in Canada originally, but moved to live with her grandmother and is now a new student at Fairbank High

Other Interest~

? Reading

? Drawing

? Video games.

Talents~Erin doesn't like to brag about it but she can really sing. She goes in every show she can just to be able to sing in front of an audience. People often doubt her because she's so shy and quiet.


Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Thanks! Accepted!
Name~ Octavia Free

Age~ 17

Personality~ Octavia is very cheerful and tries to keep a rational mind when things get crazy. She's very responsible for her age and acts like an over protective sister to her friends. Though she's always keeping a smile she will crack down on anyone who steps two far out of line.


Bio~ Octavia grew up with her single father and younger sister in New York.Her father was gone most of the day leaving Octavia to take care of her sister alone. After getting into high school her dad got remarried and things got better for all of them.

Other interests ~ Cooking,going for walks,and fashion.

Talents~ Octavia is a wiz at cooking but brushes everyone's comments off as "It's in my blood,nothing special.".

Sexuality~ Bisexual
foxglove said:
Name~ Octavia Free
Age~ 17

Personality~ Octavia is very cheerful and tries to keep a rational mind when things get crazy. She's very responsible for her age and acts like an over protective sister to her friends. Though she's always keeping a smile she will crack down on anyone who steps two far out of line.


Bio~ Octavia grew up with her single father and younger sister in New York.Her father was gone most of the day leaving Octavia to take care of her sister alone. After getting into high school her dad got remarried and things got better for all of them.

Other interests ~ Cooking,going for walks,and fashion.

Talents~ Octavia is a wiz at cooking but brushes everyone's comments off as "It's in my blood,nothing special.".

Sexuality~ Bisexual
Thanks! Accepted!

Name~ Selena Nanami Funakoshi

Age~ 16

Personality~ Selena has a Polite and Honest attitude. At the same time, she is assertive and true to her beliefs due to her upbringing. She is also known for being very direct and does not shy away from her problems.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/stella_nox_fleuret_cosplay_by_crystalmoonlight1-d4pe16c.jpg.ba4e4d44ee62e23604f4076d461aad19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26119" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/stella_nox_fleuret_cosplay_by_crystalmoonlight1-d4pe16c.jpg.ba4e4d44ee62e23604f4076d461aad19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio~ Selena was born into a Upper-Middle Class Family to loving parents. However, when she was still a child, her parents went through a divorce and she is now living with her Mother. Currently, she is estranged from her Father and wants nothing to do with him because he chose another woman who he has only been remarried to for six years, over his daughter, his own flesh and blood. One day, when she was spending time with her Boyfriend, her estranged Father, who had finally tracked her down, demanded to talk to her, but she refused, knowing of his abusive nature. Because he had broken into the house while her Mother was not home, her boyfriend would attempt to defend her, only to be shot and killed right before her eyes. Her Father would claim that the boyfriend snuck into the house and claimed that he was only trying to protect his daughter. But Selena told the Police the truth of what happened. Now her Father is locked up for the next twenty-five years and she outright refuses to visit him, hoping that he will die in jail for taking the one thing she held dear in her heart.

Other Interest~


Sport Shooting

Auto Mechanics

Drag Racing

Street Racing

Car Tuning


Since her childhood years, she has been practicing Fencing and Karate. Selena is a naturally gifted fencer and has won over thirty awards in many competitions, being one of the best Fencers in the world, having achieved Olympics Status. Although she does want to compete professionally, she just sticks to Tournaments because she wants to focus on school. In addition to Fencing, she is also a practitioner of Shotokan Karate. Having practiced Karate since the age of twelve, she now holds a Black Belt in the Second Degree in her Dojo and has participated in numerous competitions on an International Scale. Her Instructors in both Fencing and Karate praise her for being an excellent student and a fast learner.

Crush~ Lost complete interest in Romance

Sexuality~ Straight​



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[QUOTE="Kawashima Thunder]

Name~ Selena Nanami Funakoshi

Age~ 16

Personality~ Selena has a Polite and Honest attitude. At the same time, she is assertive and true to her beliefs due to her upbringing. She is also known for being very direct and does not shy away from her problems.


View attachment 70264

Bio~ Selena was born into a Upper-Middle Class Family to loving parents. However, when she was still a child, her parents went through a divorce and she is now living with her Mother. Currently, she is estranged from her Father and wants nothing to do with him because he chose another woman who he has only been remarried to for six years, over his daughter, his own flesh and blood. One day, when she was spending time with her Boyfriend, her estranged Father, who had finally tracked her down, demanded to talk to her, but she refused, knowing of his abusive nature. Because he had broken into the house while her Mother was not home, her boyfriend would attempt to defend her, only to be shot and killed right before her eyes. Her Father would claim that the boyfriend snuck into the house and claimed that he was only trying to protect his daughter. But Selena told the Police the truth of what happened. Now her Father is locked up for the next twenty-five years and she outright refuses to visit him, hoping that he will die in jail for taking the one thing she held dear in her heart.

Other Interest~


Sport Shooting

Auto Mechanics

Drag Racing

Street Racing

Car Tuning


Since her childhood years, she has been practicing Fencing and Karate. Selena is a naturally gifted fencer and has won over thirty awards in many competitions, being one of the best Fencers in the world, having achieved Olympics Status. Although she does want to compete professionally, she just sticks to Tournaments because she wants to focus on school. In addition to Fencing, she is also a practitioner of Shotokan Karate. Having practiced Karate since the age of twelve, she now holds a Black Belt in the Second Degree in her Dojo and has participated in numerous competitions on an International Scale. Her Instructors in both Fencing and Karate praise her for being an excellent student and a fast learner.

Crush~ Lost complete interest in Romance

Sexuality~ Straight​

Thanks! Accepted!
Name~ Hugo Banks

Age~ 16

Personality~ With anxiety and insecurities,Hugo is a ticking time bomb of emotions. He's actually quit nice on the inside if you look pass the thorny exterior and often rude behavior.


Bio:~Hugo grew up with a relatively normal family who loved and cared for his only son but school wasn't so nice. Hugo was tormented by classmates to the extent of moving schools three times. Fairbank was meant to be a new start,it being his third try at a new school. But with his other experiences it might be his last if things don't at least brighten up a bit.

Other Interest~ Movies,collecting pins,comics.

Talents~ Hugo is dangerously good at remembering useless facts if that can be considered a talent other than that he's good at breaking and entering.

geofframsey said:
Name~ Hugo Banks
Age~ 16

Personality~ With anxiety and insecurities,Hugo is a ticking time bomb of emotions. He's actually quit nice on the inside if you look pass the thorny exterior and often rude behavior.


Bio:~Hugo grew up with a relatively normal family who loved and cared for his only son but school wasn't so nice. Hugo was tormented by classmates to the extent of moving schools three times. Fairbank was meant to be a new start,it being his third try at a new school. But with his other experiences it might be his last if things don't at least brighten up a bit.

Other Interest~ Movies,collecting pins,comics.

Talents~ Hugo is dangerously good at remembering useless facts if that can be considered a talent other than that he's good at breaking and entering.

Thanks! Accepted!
Name(Full)~ Natrix (Nate) Sunday

Age(Teens)~ 17

Personality~ Stubborn, friendly, hot headed (can be violent), blunt.

Look(No Anime)~ <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.948552fbdb093dcbf25de56505ee9ea1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.948552fbdb093dcbf25de56505ee9ea1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.38ec41d681514fc08eef27aa07fc6e02.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="26128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.38ec41d681514fc08eef27aa07fc6e02.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio(Optional)~ Natrix was raised by his father, with his older brother and younger sister, who he lived with until his father died, and all three were sent to live with their mother in this town. He has always been a trouble child, and caused no end of problems in his old town. He has many secrets.

Other Interest~ Books, music, gory horror.

Talents~ Archery (self taught), film making.

Crush(Optional)~ Undecided

Sexuality~ Straight



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buildingaspaceship said:
Name(Full)~ Natrix (Nate) Sunday
Age(Teens)~ 17

Personality~ Stubborn, friendly, hot headed (can be violent), blunt.

Look(No Anime)~ View attachment 70317 View attachment 70318

Bio(Optional)~ Natrix was raised by his father, with his older brother and younger sister, who he lived with until his father died, and all three were sent to live with their mother in this town. He has always been a trouble child, and caused no end of problems in his old town. He has many secrets.

Other Interest~ Books, music, gory horror.

Talents~ Archery (self taught), film making.

Crush(Optional)~ Undecided

Sexuality~ Straight
Love it! Thanks and accepted! 
GUYS. I think I'm going to start this soon since we have almost an even amount of both genders.

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