Fair Folk? Fair Folk? Who wants some Fair Folks?


Junior Member
Alright, so Graceful Wicked Masques has been out for a few days in both physical and intangible forms. Much anticipation (at least, on my part) has been rewarded with a book that maintains the lion's share of the original weirdness while organizing the information in a surprisingly clear and comprehensible form...

So, who's always wanted to play as the 'Folk? Anyone interested in running such a game--feasibly in Creation or more ambitiously deeper into the Marches?

I can't be the only Raksha lover out there...can I? :(
If I were not so busy, then I'd be interested. The Fair Folk are awesome, and from what I've been told and read GWM is superb.
I preordered mine and it still hasn't shown up!

Once I've gotten a chance to read through it I might be interested, though I've got a lot of other projects I ought to be working on...
I'm sooo very interested, but according to my FLBS my copy (and the only copy they ordered) has misplaced itself somehow. So until they find it I am forced to suckle at the proverbial teat of the assorted spoiler threads out there.

And I find the milk is so very, very sweet.

I think I just creeped myself out...
Exalted does seem to have shipping mishaps. When Amazon told me that my copy was being shipped on the 18th of March rather than the 4th of February, I canceled, broke down, and bought the PDF from DriveThruRPG.

(So, there's interest, at least. The book doesn't disappoint, trust me.)
Love it, although still working on deciphering it. I doubt I would run a game very well of it, although with my chaotic mind I might do well enough. LOL
Fair Folk are my absolute favorite. Something about them just catches all of my addiction center.

I am currently reading through the book at a snail's pace (god damned responsibilities). But if I get the goods together I might run a game if I find myself so behooved. And if someone was going to run one I would be there with bells on. Creation or Wyld or both, mixed or Raksha only I would run or play.
Sounds good. I probably don't have a firm enough grasp of GWM to make anything near a well-optimized character, but there's no way a game like this couldn't be fun.
One of the things Haku is NOT allowed to do is play the fey... because Haku likes to make dirty perverted fey who can and will rape creation born with tentacles... :shock:
Haku said:
One of the things Haku is NOT allowed to do is play the fey... because Haku likes to make dirty perverted fey who can and will rape creation born with tentacles... :shock:
Well, then.

We'll certainly keep that one in mind...

...So, no one wants to run a lovely game of the Fair Folk? :(
The Haku is set to run a fey game via chat as such is not valid for coercion, sorry.. :oops:
Ok, if I jangle something around in the coming week, it would probably be an all Fae game, most likely in a court. It would most likely focus on outside threats, other Fae, Unshaped, and the creation-born, but inter-court conflict is never to be ignored.

I will look into the courts, but if they are any suggestions right off give the word.

Also if the group comes to a consensus on what they would like to be doing as a group of Fae I wouldn't mind rolling with that.
I kind of like the move from the old directional courts to smaller courts built around the Four Philosophies.

Could I suggest playing up the stranded angle of stragglers/newborn Raksha hidden away in their Creation-locked Freehold? Maybe a show of them playing at being a family of sorts--those who are stragglers from the Crusade being one generation and those spawned since being another.
I'm interested, if a slots still open. Though will back down if some of the newer faces want to jump onboard instead.....

(not sure on concept yet, still making my way through the book....)
It would be a maybe to the stranded freehold thing, I would much rather have it be Wyld based to take full advantage of the Fae, where the stranded freehold brotherhood would be more creation-centric and limited.

So far I really don't know who all is slotted, we will see who all responds when I finally lay down some semblance of the law.
I think it might be more interesting to have us based in the Wyld, for all the Gaiman/Borgstrom-esque shaping duel fun that can be had there, but with the possibility of excursions into Creation. I think my character idea would work for either one, though.
Maybe split the difference--a Freehold only about a half a day from the true Wyld? So it's not so much distance and strandedness keeping them there so much as the complex series of Oathes that founded the Freehold.
Sorry, my Spring Break was sucked up in more totality than I had anticipated.

Here is what I have so far-

- Freehold in the bordermarches. Cultural and Physical longitude and latitude (or whatever the Creation equiv is) I am willing to work out with the interested parties. I feel that a Freehold in the bordermarches allows the players and ST to get the most out of being Raksha. Raiding Creation and other Freeholds, inter-freehold politics, unshaped troubles etc.

- I am thinking only three players. It is a nice number in my opinion for the story to be centered around the individuals, past that and it starts to be too many cooks in the kitchen. I know PbP can lend itself well to larger parties, and if it seems like there is room we will work from there.

All of that is semi-mutable depending on what I get from the interested parties. So if everyone prefers the idea of Raksha trapped in Creation then we might shift that way.

PMs or posting here, whatev.

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