Faerie Lust

So I got my hands on a friend's copy the Fair Folk 1e book and I have to say that the Nobles are made of rockulocity and epictatude. I was kinda sad to see that their essence pool is lesser than or equal to DB's, but I haven't reviewed their charms enough to know how limiting that really is. But we can talk about that later, I was more interested in the mention of Fae-blooded. But there weren't rules for Fae-blooded. So I humbly come to you curious as to the span and location of the fluff and rules for anything-blooded, 1e and 2e.
All types of Godblooded, Fae Blooded included, can be found in the 1E Exalted Player's Guide. It's a quite solid book in its own right, including Merits, Flaws, Godblooded, Dragon Kings, comprehensive Mortal Rules, a number of Martial Arts style, the basis for the 2E Mass Combat Rules, and Exalted Power Combat, which is basically a precursor to 2E's combat rules.
That is the one with the fan submitted exalt on the cover right? My friend has that one too, I will look through that. 2e conversion shouldn't be too hard. Much thanks.
magnificentmomo said:
That is the one with the fan submitted exalt on the cover right? My friend has that one too, I will look through that. 2e conversion shouldn't be too hard. Much thanks.
I've been playing in a campaign with a Godblood, a Ghostblood, a Faeblood, a Demonblood, and a Solar Halfcaste.  Practically no conversion work required, excepting that you have to use Merits and Flaws, they aren't optional for God-bloods.
I looked through this and I like. I think I will allow merits and flaws in my next game (on approval basis obviously). One more thing, I may have just missed it, and I know at least Half-Castes can, but can the various God-Blooded Exalt?
There's a canonical Ghost-Blooded Exalt. Black Ice Shadow is a Chosen of Endings.
*shrugs* I rather doubt that they'd Exalt Sidereal without extenuating circumstances, but I don't see why it'd be any more or less likely than any other god-blood Exalting, personally. Probably if they had loads of Fae merits, I wouldn't allow it, largely on the premise that they're already quite powerful in their own right, and thus aren't as likely to get selected by the shards...I'd probably also not allow someone who did such to buy any such merits after exaltation, either.

But then, unless they exalted Eclipse or Moonshadow, I wouldn't allow a God or Ghost-Blood to buy god or ghost Charms after Exalting either (and even those two would need teachers as per normal). Largely because it'd be too easy to exploit, and I'd rather someone choose to play such because of concept instead of because it can get them more Charms.
Agreed. The possibility of cheesedickery is pretty high. But then again fae-blooded don't get any charms, it's all special merits.
Well, naturally, which is why I stated that I wouldn't let them buy those merits after Exalting. With a kick-ass background and good justification, I might allow one (maybe two, depending on which merits) merits at chargen, but that'd take a lot of work. And Transcendent Dream Shape would be right out, period. I'd probably be wary of Draught of Passion and Ravish, too.

But really, that's up to the individual storyteller, I suppose. I'm picky about allowing what I view as exploitation anywhere near something I'd run, so I might be more strict than others.
I was thinking lunar would be most appropriate. The lunar's affiliation with the wyld and creation, and fae-bloods being the union of the wyld and creation.
um, I thought Fae folk were the wyld and lunars hated the wyld...then again, Luna'd prolly think it was funny and do it anyway
I can see the benefit to the Sidereals in having various types of Godblooded Exalted into their order to help give them an insight to the culture and way of life of that group of creatures.  The Godblooded have the power to effect Creation in more ways than mortals do, and they are more numerous than the full Exalted castes, except for possibly the Dragon-Blooded.
Smeggedoff said:
um, I thought Fae folk were the wyld and lunars hated the wyld...then again, Luna'd prolly think it was funny and do it anyway
Luna has a definite association with the wyld. Her phases control the tide of wyld, along with her changing nature. I even think that one of her aliases is a wyld barbarian.
While Luna hangs out with the Wyld, every now and then (kinda like the cheerleader that hangs with the pot-smoking auto-shop kids) she isn't part of the Wyld.

The Shards, created by Autocthon, move across the Loom of Fate, and need to be able to find their fated, thus a heavily Wylded FaeBlood, would be very unlikely to Exalt as it has become so severed from the Pattern Spider's strands of Creation.
I can agree with that. Then I think they can become full fledged Raksha if they do things right then. I mean all the other God-Blooded get an in, why not fae?
Thing is, only Ghost-Bloods get a real in without outside help. I won't say that a Fae-Blood couldn't be turned into a full Fae with the help of some full Fae, but as it goes, only Ghost Bloods can actually (by canon rules) increase their essence on their own (which does of course kill them). Endowing just about anyone to Essence 4 will make them a God (or possibly Demon with a Demonic version of that Charm...will have to see what their book has to say), not just a God Blood. The God Blood just has better odds of getting someone to do so for them. Otherwise, they cannot raise their Essence above 3. (Don't believe me, check page 49 of the Players Guide, sidebar titled God-Blooded Experience.)

I also haven't seen anywhere where a Half-Caste has any better odds of Exalting than any other mortal or god-blood, either. I do recall that they supposedly cannot Exalt into another type of Exalted, but can't find an actual reference for that either. I'm beginning to wonder if that was a house rule or something. Anyone have page references?
I know about the ghost-blooded being the only ones able to do it alone, but I think fae-bloods should be able to alone as well if they are in at least a bordermarch, with a fair amount of xp cost. But that is just my feeling. Also I can't find the Half-Caste promotion always mentioned, but never sited either.
Page 86, last paragraph on the left side of the page, has the oft quoted, never sited, reference to Half-Castes completing their caste. Had to go looking for that one myself. As far as other God-Blooded go, there are no restrictions to what they can Exalt as that I could find, unless the ST wants to impose some.

I recently ran a God Blooded game where everyone just Exalted (see Decurion's post above). Had one Solar Half Caste (obvious where he was going), but the rest got to choose. Ended up with a total of 3 Solars and 2 Lunars. One wanted to go with a Sidereal, but decided not to, since it would have been quite interesting to work in, and our other players were kind of hesitant to work that into the game. Oh well, maybe sometime later I can run a Sidereals game for the guy.

I will note that since all characters started as God Blooded of 5 Inheritance, that I will not be imposing the XP surcharge they talk about in the rest of that section. And I don't think anyone had more than 3 Charms from their appropriate heritage before Exalting, even with the game having gone a year or so real time as God Blooded. Our Eclipse Caste is very happy that she got to keep her Principle of Motion though.

I haven't decided how I'm going to be handling it if someone wants to continue to advance thier Charms or benefits from their previous Heritage, but if I allow it more than the book puts forth, (which it strictly prohibits learning something unless your Exalted self can learn it under normal circumstances), it will be heavily surcharged.  Our Lunar just had her Graces forged, allowing her to learn Raksha Charms, so this could prove interesting. And her mother (the two of whom don't get along well) now holds said Graces.

As for the Fae-Blooded becoming Fair Folk proper, the biggest hindrance is the Heart's Grace, that makes a Fair Folk a Fair Folk. Without that being forged, either they themselves doing it by ripping it open, or someone else doing it, which I don't think is allowed, they're sort of stuck. I think I would allow it with a suitable XP expenditure while in the Wyld, with lots of time and maybe some guidance from an elder Raksha. If I remember correctly, that is. Been a while since I read that section of the Fair Folk book.
Anyone with the forging the heart grace charm can forge heart graces, but the problem is that Creation-lings can't have a heart grace. What I would do is have the original Fae-Blood character be incinerated in a blaze of Wyld glory and his will form a new Fae. It wouldn't exactly be the same character, more like his will incarnate.
MoEP Abyssals pg 10:


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