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Fantasy Faereach: Chaos [Character Submission]

Happy Red Mage

Red Mage Extraordinaire
Here is an example character for Faereach, feel free to modify as you please. Kindly put the finished product into a spoiler for better sorting. Additional characters should be edited into your first post to save space.

Extra Details: Details on the appearance that aren't part of the picture.
Gender: Female
Age: 200
Race: Dragofairy
Personality: Ech blah o blah mcblahblah
Biography: Ocht blah de blah le blah
Weapons: ???
Types Of Magic: Feel free to be creative but don't make it utterly gamebreaking.
Abilities: This has to make sense.
Extra Info: She likes sushi.
Well, since I'm new I'll only be using one character, and here he is (Feel free to point out any issues with him I may have left)
Appearance: black shaggy hair that runs to his neck, brown eyes, tall, lean build, but slightly muscled from his days working a forge. Tends to wear an everyday t-shirt and pair of jeans, with either a smithing apron when at the smithing district, or red leather armour styled to look similar in design to what the samurai of old would wear
Gender: Male
Age: Due to his race, age is irrelevant, however he's been around for near 18 years
Race: Golem, created by a wizard in an attempt to artificially create a being as near human as possible
Personality: Erik isn't explicitly outgoing, he will talk with people, but never explicitly seeks out conversation unless intrigued by other people. When he is comfortable, though, he isn't afraid of joking around and even teasing his friends. He is also very serious about his smithing work
Biography: Erik was created by a wizard who wanted to prove artificial life, when worked the right way, can become so close to any 'natural' living thing that it would be difficult to tell the difference. When he showed an aptitude for smithing, his creator brought him to Faereach as a good place to start, and figured that the academy would be good for giving him tips on his admittedly limited magical power. The wizard in question passed away some odd years ago, but Erik lives his life blissfully, like his father, he considers him, wanted
Weapons: Despite Erik's ability to craft any weapon, from daggers to halberds to bows, he prefers a simple hand and a half-hilt sword he enchanted with some light shock magic
Magic: Erik has the ability to apply any type of magic he has come into physical contact with to a weapon as long as the enchantment in its original form was offensively used
Abilities: Erik boasts a slight resistance to most magic, especially lightning-oriented, partially due to his golem heritage, and partially because his father wished for him to not run as high a risk of dying when trying to procure enchantments
Extra Info: Likes to read about history in his downtime
Here are my three characters (I still have to make some minor additions and add the other two but all in good time of course!)

Hitsugya Udaza



Extra Details: Usually wears all black, in all seasons, though he does where blue jeans sometimes. He has a Black Dragon tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that takes up the width and length of his entire right shoulder blade. His other tattoo/symbol is another dragon tattoo except on the front of his right shoulder.

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (can't age past that point)

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Is chill as all hell practically all of the time, preferring to keep up his stoic "I don't care, fuck off already" outward expression ever present no matter what. Living a life of recluse and neglect melded Hitsugya into the way he is today; anti-social, quiet, bitter, and secluded from others. He has never been one to go out of his way to make friends but he still remains decent. The couple friends he has he is about the only people he is actually social with but aside from them he is quite quiet. He is a decent guy to be around, humorous at times (rarely ever shows), sarcastic (occasionally laughing at others trivial problems). Though aside from this his temper is uncontrollable, being able to be aggravated easily and put into state of wrath which unleashed his immense power. In truth, there is very little Hitsu cares about anymore but one thing is that he still cares even if he doesn't show it 100% of the time. That being said, Hitsugya is one of the most stubborn Fallen Angels ever met. He has a burning pride to show he isn't weak and therefore whenever he fights or is injured he refuses to accept help from others, wanting to do everything all on his lonesome which might be considered as arrogance but he sees it as proving just how weak he is not. Even in times where he's stared death right in the face he trudges on, willing to throw away his own life for another if given the chance making him a heartless yet selfless person.

Biography: Hitsugya's parents were both Archangels though they weren't very prominent in Heaven. They met while they were both on Earth, helping a life pass on and tending to the well being of those people's souls. Life was peaceful for them except when they began questioning things they shouldn't have and meddling with the black dragon Burraku, which led them to being corrupted and tricked into unbinding Burraku from his limbo like prison. After their superiors caught word of what they had done they were branded as "too rebellious" and therefore referred to as fallen angels and sentenced to death but with their young child, Hitsugya, they refused to have him too be branded along with them and so they revolted and therefore were executed for treason and heresy. Their son, Hitsugya, was then branded evil in the eyes of God and cast down to Earth at birth to live amongst mortals with the black dragon Burraku bound to him.

Upon being found in an alleyway, Hitsugya was put into the hands of authority and placed into an orphanage, 4 years he was there, alone, secluded, until a family finally came and he was taken from the lonely place that he spent most of his young years in. The family he was forced to live with was what you would say overly religious catholics. His step-parents were taken aback when they saw the tattoos on him his small black wings, his step-mother being freaked out by this supposed abomination, and sought to keep his oddity's secret and hidden by making him feel as though he was different. Thinking they could change him they kept him in hopes they could turn the child back onto the path of God, making him cover up his wings and hide his tattoo's that, in their eyes, was the act of a delinquent. The family was horrible to him, beating him every time he did something wrong, punishing him for no real reason, and deliberately making him feel as though he was truly evil and a child of the Devil. Throughout the rest of his childhood he was bullied and neglected by people at his school, leading him down the path of depression and loneliness during his younger years and as a way to relieve some of his stress he took up martial arts, being the only place he could take his anger out and actually practice something that came natural to him. Many competitions and tournaments he won with his talent of fighting but no matter how many good things happened he just ended up being shut down and his family continued the same thing, at least still allowing him to practice it but not allowing him to have any other freedom, besides the times he snuck out to try and practice actually flying. Hitsu soon began becoming better and better at sneaking out, going to the outskirts of the city and attempting to fly to the forest where he would practice for the hours on end throughout the night, trying out new abilities he had and training, until it was just before morning and he had to go back to the hell hole of his daily life. Three months away from his 12th birthday he was jumped by a group of classmates, beating him, shoved him and even strangle him until he was in tears. Nobody came as he screamed at the top of his lungs shouting out the names of his family but no one came. He got so angry that something in him just snapped and he lost all sense of emotion or care and ended up punching the first person he saw in front of him directly in the face and slamming him his head into a brick wall, pushing his nose into his brain, moving onto the next with an outburst of rage and shattered 2 of the kids ribs with such force that they punctured his lungs. He turned to the other kids and brutally murdered them, burning the rest. Nearly killing all of them in his rage he realized what he'd done but he couldn't stop himself. It was as if he wasn't in control of himself at all. A 5 month long suspension was his punishment, half the school year, lucky he wasn't expelled, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, they shunned him and swore at him whenever they saw him, not like it was much of a change but to him it was because he was the one who had done something. Even though he wasn't in control he felt as though it were still his fault that he couldn't control whatever it was that made him do it. Constantly he was haunted by this being -shaping itself as his 'alternate self' in his mind- that he tries so hard to suppress, and still is haunted by it every day which is why he can't ever sleep. One night he had decided to leave it all, let it all go away and seclude himself for real, leaving behind whatever it is he had and sweeping it under the rug as he ran. Now he lives in his own in an apartment alone like always and goes to school on his own.

Weapons: "Who the hell needs weapons when you have your fists?! Come on, fight like a man!"

Types of Magic: He doesn't really use magic solely because he can't and he has no reason to with his Fallen Angel abilities. Though due to the influence of Burraku he can sometimes use Draconic magic but is not able to use it at will, let alone control it very well.

Abilities: Hitsugya has two black wings that sprout from his back allowing him to fly, glide, and jump incredible distances and heights. He has an insanely ridiculous amount of strength and power bundled inside of him, more or less he is alike to a ticking time bomb because of this, but even using over half of that power is enough to kill him 10 times over. Combined with the additional power of Burraku's influence likely even more than that. Thus the reason he practices martial arts as a way to control himself, and his physical strength combined with his already immense power allows him to deal devastating blows while also keeping a high amount of agility. He mostly depends on his physical strength and endurance rather than his other powers. His other powers include his Fallen Angel powers (go into more detail another time), the manipulation/generation of Black Fire and Black Lightning, along with Burraku's Influence which allows him to take on some physical characteristics of a dragon along with being able to use Draconic magic and other abilities of Burraku (one's that I'll reveal later on.).

Extra Info: Works in the smithy part of the city part time while also going to school sometimes at Edgewater Academy. Smokes as well as listens to hard rock, also playing the electric guitar as well. Also no one has really seen what Burraku looks like but it is something like this (Burraku).

Theme Song:

Alexia Nighting


Extra Details: Her eyes are dark violet, making her stand out somewhat, has pale white skin, long ebony hair, and stands at a full height of 5'6". Aside from her small form, she is a lot more agile than most would think. For casual wear, which is when she isn't out or performing, Alexia wears a dark purple hoodie with black jeans. As for her work clothes she wears a barista uniform with apron. Due to her being able to shift parts of her body into that of a raven she covers her raven like wings up with her hoodie.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Familiar

Personality: Alexia is a wild spirit, outgoing, and overexcitable. She's very encouraging in the sense that she can lift another's spirits when they are down. Never able to stay put, Alexia is always very jumpy, going out of her way to talk to others and make new friends while also talking to the others in the carnival. She's usually enthusiastic about everything, sarcastic, and loves humor. Seeing no point in moping about anything she keeps in mind to look towards the stars, not the ground. Alexia's very adaptable to many environments; when others would hate that it's raining or whatever she embraces it like she does everyday and treats it like a walk in the park, preferring to have as much fun as she can as if it were the last day of her life which it might very well be, one may never know. Lastly, she's very stubborn and hates when others try and bring people down.

Biography: Alexia comes from the slums of her home city where most of her childhood took place, some which were the greatest times of her life which she may never forget for as long as she lives, but also full of despair nonetheless. It was hard enough just to scrape by, both of her parents working themselves to the bone just to take care of her and themselves. It wasn't easy the life they lived but even so, Alexia never once was glum and instead embraced the positive things that happened, refusing to let life knock her down in times of hardship and found excitement in everything wherever it may have been and even if there wasn't anything to be happy about she always found a way to cheer others up just by being a free spirit. During her days at school she was shunned and seen as "weird" for having black wings sprouting from her back and her hands turning into raven claws, verbally assaulted on a daily basis for being a Familiar, of course she didn't dare say anything about her being a Familiar. The other kids would call her a freak, odd, monster, bird girl, and sure it hurt but she never let it drag her down and instead stood tall and proud about what she was. Back then her wings had been small, concealable only by a hoodie she had to wear just to cover them up but despite the constant hate she just trudged on not giving a damn about what other people thought, aside from the verbal debates with others she would get into. She had been quite young when her father died of lung cancer from working in such toxic environments, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. Her mother had fallen into a deep depression after that, losing the will to even go beyond the front door of their mediocre house, but Alexia refused to see her mother give up so easily and tried everything in her power to try and cheer her up. That was the day that she had revealed her last ability. Living in the slums, seeing scavengers like crows and ravens was an ordinary sight but Alexia had never once thought she could speak to, let alone understand, birds Most people would have assumed they had gone completely mad but not her, she had thought it a blessing that she could speak to her favorite type of bird; Raven's.

To this day, she still chooses to believe that this gift was a gift from her father passed on to her and in a way he lives on in the form of a raven. Alexia had remembered a particular Raven that hung around the house and that's when she got the idea of bringing it inside. The look on her mother's face when she revealed this news to her was priceless, being satisfied that she had finally given her mother hope that there was something more than just work. Alexia spent her last couple months in her current high school with her mother, saving up money so that one day she could go travel to somewhere else and after a long while of doing so, she did. Moving to Faereach City of Magicks. It wasn't long after that she had a run in with the owner of a coffee store after moving to Faereach, of course having worked most of her teen years from the time she could do so she was no stranger to work. Since having met with him she has been under his employ for quite a while, liking her interesting life as a barista while also going to school at Edgewater Academy.

Weapons: She can shift her hands and fee into raven's talons and use those as weapons.

Abilities: Alexia has two black raven wings that sprout from her back at will, allowing her to fly, to a full wingspan of 8 feet and easily fold up against her back with minimal effort. Her second ability is being able to "speak" to and hear birds, thus the name she was given of bird whisperer, and call upon different kinds of birds while also command them. Lastly, she can shift into a raven and with this ability she can shift certain parts of her body to that of a raven, such as shifting her hands and feet into that of a raven's talons.

Extra Info: Works as a barista at a Coffee Shop owned by a man named Malorn.

Leslie Groth

Extra Details: Long stark white hair let loose most of the time due to being covered by here hood, other times it is tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes are a dark brown, hardened by years of living in the dark. For one to live in the dark for so long she still has colour in her skin, it having not turned to pale white, but even so her eyes have a black hue under her eyes as if she were wearing eye liner but this is due to her having not slept much. She has a fairly muscular physique as well, much more fit than she seems. She wears black jean pants along with a long black trench coat (customized with a hood attached to it) and black fingerless gloves as well. She sometimes wears a black scarf with it but chooses not to, rather preferring her enemies to see her face before they are defeated.

Gender: Female

Age: 19

Race: Human (Bears an Alpha Stigma)

Personality: WIP

Biography: Being born a bearer of an Alpha Stigma, Leslie has been shunned and neglected. Back where she was from she was treated as a Demon and hated by all in the town for having such hellish power even though she had done nothing wrong. Simply by existing others hated her. Despite her increased magical power, or perhaps because of it, Magic Eye bearers are almost universally hated and feared in all known countries. Once a person is confirmed a bearer they and their close family and friends are killed and that was what had happened to Leslie. While the majority of people refer to the Magic Eyes as "Demon Eyes," Leslie has referred to it as a curse, a burden she is forced to live with for the rest of her life. Like all Alpha Stigma's, she wasn't able to control her powers at first and for that was caught by Hunters (supernatural hunters), locking her away like an animal and killing her family. For the longest time she blamed herself, she still somewhat does, but later on realized it was meaningless to dwell on the past. Being secluded from the rest of the world, being locked away in a cell, she had a lot of time to read, being able to ask for books from the library (having originally thought she would have died in the prison). And read she did for years, gathering enough knowledge about as much as she could -magic, incantations, alchemy, supernaturals races, history, the many hidden schools of supernaturals, etc- so that one day she may get by and finally escape the wretched prison. Over the years she had met with many different guards assigned to watch her cell, sometimes even befriending them but they had never seemed to stay, what had happened to them she never knew but nonetheless didn't question it.

After being in prison for 7 whole years, 7 years of her life wasted away just because she was learning how to control her curse, and she was finally ready to leave. 7 years of gathering as much knowledge as she could and practicing her skills and magic before she finally figured a plan on how she would be able to escape and thus she did, using her Alpha Stigma for its other purposes and being able to navigate her way out. It might not have been the greatest way of escape but at least she was out. The following days to come she spent on the run, knowing full well they were still after her and ran for as long as she could. She went days living off of the land (having some survival skills from books she had read), but nothing saved her from the challenges she faced out in the wild freezing her ass off trying to find out where the hell she was. It wasn't long until she reached civilization, so exhausted that she collapsed on the middle of a street, mind you it was winter as well, right in the middle of a snowstorm. A nearby family had been generous enough to let her in and in return she helped them out with chores and what not until she figured it was high time to leave once again. At that point she had a set goal of where she wanted to go: Faereach. The place she had read about once, knowing that she'd be safer there being around other Supernaturals and Magic users. After stealing a new outfit -her all black coat and scarf- she set off for the magical city in hopes of starting a new life.

Weapons: Can summons various types of weapons, via magic, which is most commonly a curved long sword.

Types of Magic: She can copy and understand any magic she sees but particularly likes using Dark magic because she finds it reflects her own past and personality. She is able to so far use some divine spells and elemental based magics but other than that she tries to only use dark magic.

Abilities: She bears the magic eye referred to as an Alpha Stigma. The Alpha Stigma is known as a trait which happens in a rare few humans across the land of the series. It is the magic eye which is able to analyse and understand all magic. It is also possible for the Alpha Stigma to analyse structures around the bearer. The Alpha Stigma is usually activated by the death of a friend or family member, which causes the user to go on a rampage, seeking destruction and death for those around the user. Users seem to have a god-like persona when in the rampage (not literally like a god), which has to wreak havoc until either the body burns out and the user kills him/herself, or the Alpha Stigma is crystallized and gouged out.

Extra Info: When her Alpha Stigma is activated her eyes will glow with a symbol appearing over them (like this)

Theme Song:
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  • upload_2017-3-8_20-31-34.png
    Name: Yavanna
    Gender: Female
    Age: She lives and dies with the seasons, but she does retain everything that she learned from the last life.
    Race: Being of Nature.



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Winter and Laney both stand at 5'8", weighing in around 90-95lbs. Winter is essentially a shadow under her cloak, and normally phases through organic matter that she had not been bound to. This includes trees, people, etc. Winter's external points (nose, toes, fingers, elbows, etc) all fade out of their solid black color and more into a grey. She has no mouth, but speaks with a voice as smooth as silk. Her only prominent feature are her grey slits of eyes, which she normally hides under her hoods.
Laney has stark white skin and large brown eyes. She has a short, pixie cut hair, which is dyed red. Her mass behaves just like a regular human.




Quiet, reserved, soft spoken, wise, thoughtful, trustworthy

Sassy, blunt, dry, loyal, intuitive

Winter was brought into existence by Laney, and freely serves her because of this. It is completely her choice, as she feels she owes a massive debt to the girl. Laney, on the other hand, came into the world gift with her powers of necromancy. She developed them herself, crafting tools to aid her in her journeys. One of her first summonings brought Winter to life, and now the two accompany each other wherever they go.

Broadsword/Spirit Latern & Oak Staff

Laney can summon sounds of the dead near her and make them help her with her tasks. She uses the Spirit Latern to collect the stronger souls and save them for later.

Winter is extremely agile, seemingly teleporting from place to place. If she is touching an inanimate object, she can take this with her through her wall phasing/running.

Extra Info:
Winter is asexual and Laney is demisexual

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    Not Shown: Blue-Green heterochromia, sandy blonde hair, 5'1", 145lbs. Aged 25.

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    Not Shown: 6`3", 195 lbs, hazel eyes, lightly freckled. Actual Age: 1500, Appears to be early 20's.
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Well, since I'm new I'll only be using one character, and here he is (Feel free to point out any issues with him I may have left)
Appearance: black shaggy hair that runs to his neck, brown eyes, tall, lean build, but slightly muscled from his days working a forge. Tends to wear an everyday t-shirt and pair of jeans, with either a smithing apron when at the smithing district, or red leather armour styled to look similar in design to what the samurai of old would wear
Gender: Male
Age: Due to his race, age is irrelevant, however he's been around for near 18 years
Race: Golem, created by a wizard in an attempt to artificially create a being as near human as possible
Personality: Erik isn't explicitly outgoing, he will talk with people, but never explicitly seeks out conversation unless intrigued by other people. When he is comfortable, though, he isn't afraid of joking around and even teasing his friends. He is also very serious about his smithing work
Biography: Erik was created by a wizard who wanted to prove artificial life, when worked the right way, can become so close to any 'natural' living thing that it would be difficult to tell the difference. When he showed an aptitude for smithing, his creator brought him to Faereach as a good place to start, and figured that the academy would be good for giving him tips on his admittedly limited magical power. The wizard in question passed away some odd years ago, but Erik lives his life blissfully, like his father, he considers him, wanted
Weapons: Despite Erik's ability to craft any weapon, from daggers to halberds to bows, he prefers a simple hand and a half-hilt sword he enchanted with some light shock magic
Magic: Erik has the ability to apply any type of magic he has come into physical contact with to a weapon as long as the enchantment in its original form was offensively used
Abilities: Erik boasts a slight resistance to most magic, especially lightning-oriented, partially due to his golem heritage, and partially because his father wished for him to not run as high a risk of dying when trying to procure enchantments
Extra Info: Likes to read about history in his downtime

Here are my three characters (I still have to make some minor additions and add the other two but all in good time of course!)

Hitsugya Udaza



Extra Details: Usually wears all black, in all seasons, though he does where blue jeans sometimes. He has a Black Dragon tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that takes up the width and length of his entire right shoulder blade. His other tattoo/symbol is another dragon tattoo except on the front of his right shoulder.

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (can't age past that point)

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Is chill as all hell practically all of the time, preferring to keep up his stoic "I don't care, fuck off already" outward expression ever present no matter what. Living a life of recluse and neglect melded Hitsugya into the way he is today; anti-social, quiet, bitter, and secluded from others. He has never been one to go out of his way to make friends but he still remains decent. The couple friends he has he is about the only people he is actually social with but aside from them he is quite quiet. He is a decent guy to be around, humorous at times (rarely ever shows), sarcastic (occasionally laughing at others trivial problems). In truth, there is very little Hitsu cares about anymore but one thing is that he still cares even if he doesn't show it 100% of the time. That being said, Hitsugya is one of the most stubborn Fallen Angels ever met. He has a burning pride to show he isn't weak and therefore whenever he fights or is injured he refuses to accept help from others, wanting to do everything all on his lonesome which might be considered as arrogance but he sees it as proving just how weak he is not. Even in times where he's stared death right in the face he trudges on, willing to throw away his own life for another if given the chance making him a heartless yet selfless person.

Biography: Hitsugya's parents were both Archangels though they weren't very prominent in Heaven. They met while they were both on Earth, helping a life pass on and tending to the well being of those people's souls. Life was peaceful for them except when they began questioning things they shouldn't have and meddling with the black dragon Burraku, which led them to being corrupted and tricked into unbinding Burraku from his limbo like prison. After their superiors caught word of what they had done they were branded as "too rebellious" and therefore referred to as fallen angels and sentenced to death but with their young child, Hitsugya, they refused to have him too be branded along with them and so they revolted and therefore were executed for treason and heresy. Their son, Hitsugya, was then branded evil in the eyes of God and cast down to Earth at birth to live amongst mortals with the black dragon Burraku bound to him.

Upon being found in an alleyway, Hitsugya was put into the hands of authority and placed into an orphanage, 4 years he was there, alone, secluded, until a family finally came and he was taken from the lonely place that he spent most of his young years in. The family he was forced to live with was what you would say overly religious catholics. His step-parents were taken aback when they saw the tattoos on him his small black wings, his step-mother being freaked out by this supposed abomination, and sought to keep his oddity's secret and hidden by making him feel as though he was different. Thinking they could change him they kept him in hopes they could turn the child back onto the path of God, making him cover up his wings and hide his tattoo's that, in their eyes, was the act of a delinquent. The family was horrible to him, beating him every time he did something wrong, punishing him for no real reason, and deliberately making him feel as though he was truly evil and a child of the Devil. Throughout the rest of his childhood he was bullied and neglected by people at his school, leading him down the path of depression and loneliness during his younger years and as a way to relieve some of his stress he took up martial arts, being the only place he could take his anger out and actually practice something that came natural to him. Many competitions and tournaments he won with his talent of fighting but no matter how many good things happened he just ended up being shut down and his family continued the same thing, at least still allowing him to practice it but not allowing him to have any other freedom, besides the times he snuck out to try and practice actually flying. Hitsu soon began becoming better and better at sneaking out, going to the outskirts of the city and attempting to fly to the forest where he would practice for the hours on end throughout the night, trying out new abilities he had and training, until it was just before morning and he had to go back to the hell hole of his daily life. Three months away from his 12th birthday he was jumped by a group of classmates, beating him, shoved him and even strangle him until he was in tears. Nobody came as he screamed at the top of his lungs shouting out the names of his family but no one came. He got so angry that something in him just snapped and he lost all sense of emotion or care and ended up punching the first person he saw in front of him directly in the face and slamming him his head into a brick wall, pushing his nose into his brain, moving onto the next with an outburst of rage and shattered 2 of the kids ribs with such force that they punctured his lungs. He turned to the other kids and brutally murdered them, burning the rest. Nearly killing all of them in his rage he realized what he'd done but he couldn't stop himself. It was as if he wasn't in control of himself at all. A 5 month long suspension was his punishment, half the school year, lucky he wasn't expelled, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, they shunned him and swore at him whenever they saw him, not like it was much of a change but to him it was because he was the one who had done something. Even though he wasn't in control he felt as though it were still his fault that he couldn't control whatever it was that made him do it. Constantly he was haunted by this being -shaping itself as his 'alternate self' in his mind- that he tries so hard to suppress, and still is haunted by it every day which is why he can't ever sleep. One night he had decided to leave it all, let it all go away and seclude himself for real, leaving behind whatever it is he had and sweeping it under the rug as he ran. Now he lives in his own in an apartment alone like always and goes to school on his own.

Weapons: "Who the hell needs weapons when you have your fists?! Come on, fight like a man!"

Types of Magic: He doesn't really use magic solely because he can't and he has no reason to with his Fallen Angel abilities. Though due to the influence of Burraku he can sometimes use Draconic magic but is not able to use it at will, let alone control it very well.

Abilities: Hitsugya has two black wings that sprout from his back allowing him to fly, glide, and jump incredible distances and heights. He has an insanely ridiculous amount of strength and power bundled inside of him, more or less he is alike to a ticking time bomb because of this, but even using over half of that power is enough to kill him 10 times over. Combined with the additional power of Burraku's influence likely even more than that. Thus the reason he practices martial arts as a way to control himself, and his physical strength combined with his already immense power allows him to deal devastating blows while also keeping a high amount of agility. He mostly depends on his physical strength and endurance rather than his other powers. His other powers include his Fallen Angel powers (go into more detail another time), the manipulation/generation of Black Fire and Black Lightning, along with Burraku's Influence which allows him to take on some physical characteristics of a dragon along with being able to use Draconic magic and other abilities of Burraku (one's that I'll reveal later on.)

Extra Info: Works in the smithy part of the city part time while also going to school sometimes at Edgewater Academy. Smokes as well as listens to hard rock, also playing the electric guitar as well.

Theme Song:

Alexia Nighting


Extra Details: Her eyes are dark violet, making her stand out somewhat, has pale white skin, long ebony hair, and stands at a full height of 5'6". Aside from her small form, she is a lot stronger and more fit than most would think with a fairly toned physique, enhanced by her unnatural strength from being a Fallen Angel. For casual wear, which is when she isn't out or performing, Alexia wears a dark purple hoodie with black jeans. As for her work clothes she wears a barista uniform with apron. Due to her being able to shift parts of her body into that of a raven she covers her raven like wings up with her hoodie.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Familiar

Personality: Alexia is wild spirit, outgoing, and overexcitable. She's very encouraging in the sense that she can lift another's spirits when they are down. Never able to stay put, Alexia is always very jumpy, going out of her way to talk to others and make new friends while also talking to the others in the carnival. She's usually enthusiastic about everything, sarcastic, and loves humor. Seeing no point in moping about anything she keeps in mind to look towards the stars, not the ground. Alexia's very adaptable to many environments; when others would hate that it's raining or whatever she embraces it like she does everyday and treats it like a walk in the park, preferring to have as much fun as she can as if it were the last day of her life which it might very well be, one may never know. Lastly, she's very stubborn and hates when others try and bring people down.

Biography: Alexia comes from the slums of her home city where most of her childhood took place, some which were the greatest times of her life which she may never forget for as long as she lives, but also full of despair nonetheless. It was hard enough just to scrape by, both of her parents working themselves to the bone just to take care of her and themselves. It wasn't easy the life they lived but even so, Alexia never once was glum and instead embraced the positive things that happened, refusing to let life knock her down in times of hardship and found excitement in everything wherever it may have been and even if there wasn't anything to be happy about she always found a way to cheer others up just by being a free spirit. During her days at school she was shunned and seen as "weird" for having black wings sprouting from her back and her hands turning into raven claws, verbally assaulted on a daily basis for being a Familiar, of course she didn't dare say anything about her being a Familiar. The other kids would call her a freak, odd, monster, bird girl, and sure it hurt but she never let it drag her down and instead stood tall and proud about what she was. Back then her wings had been small, concealable only by a hoodie she had to wear just to cover them up but despite the constant hate she just trudged on not giving a damn about what other people thought, aside from the verbal debates with others she would get into. She had been quite young when her father died of lung cancer from working in such toxic environments, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. Her mother had fallen into a deep depression after that, losing the will to even go beyond the front door of their mediocre house, but Alexia refused to see her mother give up so easily and tried everything in her power to try and cheer her up. That was the day that she had revealed her last ability. Living in the slums, seeing scavengers like crows and ravens was an ordinary sight but Alexia had never once thought she could speak to, let alone understand, birds Most people would have assumed they had gone completely mad but not her, she had thought it a blessing that she could speak to her favorite type of bird; Raven's.

To this day, she still chooses to believe that this gift was a gift from her father passed on to her and in a way he lives on in the form of a raven. Alexia had remembered a particular Raven that hung around the house and that's when she got the idea of bringing it inside. The look on her mother's face when she revealed this news to her was priceless, being satisfied that she had finally given her mother hope that there was something more than just work. Alexia spent her last couple months in her current high school with her mother, saving up money so that one day she could go travel to somewhere else and after a long while of doing so, she did. Moving to Faereach City of Magicks. It wasn't long after that she had a run in with the owner of a coffee store after moving to Faereach, of course having worked most of her teen years from the time she could do so she was no stranger to work. Since having met with him she has been under his employ for quite a while, liking her interesting life as a barista while also going to school at Edgewater Academy.

Weapons: She can shift her hands and fee into raven's talons and use those as weapons.

Abilities: Alexia has two black feathery wings that sprout from her back at will, allowing her to fly, to a full wingspan of 8 feet and easily fold up against her back with minimal effort. Her second ability is being able to "speak" to and hear birds, thus the name she was given of bird whisperer, and call upon different kinds of birds while also command them. Lastly, she can shift into a raven and with this ability she can shift certain parts of her body to that of a raven, such as shifting her hands and feet into that of a raven's talons.

Extra Info: Works as a barista at a Coffee Shop owned by a man named Malorn.

  • View attachment 284649
    Name: Yavanna
    Gender: Female
    Age: She lives and dies with the seasons, but she does retain everything that she learned from the last life.
    Race: Being of Nature.


Winter and Laney both stand at 5'8", weighing in around 90-95lbs. Winter is essentially a shadow under her cloak, and normally phases through organic matter that she had not been bound to. This includes trees, people, etc. Winter's external points (nose, toes, fingers, elbows, etc) all fade out of their solid black color and more into a grey. She has no mouth, but speaks with a voice as smooth as silk. Her only prominent feature are her grey slits of eyes, which she normally hides under her hoods.
Laney has stark white skin and large brown eyes. She has a short, pixie cut hair, which is dyed red. Her mass behaves just like a regular human.




Quiet, reserved, soft spoken, wise, thoughtful, trustworthy

Sassy, blunt, dry, loyal, intuitive

Winter was brought into existence by Laney, and freely serves her because of this. It is completely her choice, as she feels she owes a massive debt to the girl. Laney, on the other hand, came into the world gift with her powers of necromancy. She developed them herself, crafting tools to aid her in her journeys. One of her first summonings brought Winter to life, and now the two accompany each other wherever they go.

Broadsword/Spirit Latern & Oak Staff

Laney can summon sounds of the dead near her and make them help her with her tasks. She uses the Spirit Latern to collect the stronger souls and save them for later.

Winter is extremely agile, seemingly teleporting from place to place. If she is touching an inanimate object, she can take this with her through her wall phasing/running.

Extra Info:
Winter is asexual and Laney is demisexual

  • shaman_by_marjoriedavis-d6uiatw.jpg

    Not Shown: Blue-Green heterochromia, sandy blonde hair, 5'1", 145lbs. Aged 25.
Nothing to see here yet!
Well, since I'm new I'll only be using one character, and here he is (Feel free to point out any issues with him I may have left)
Appearance: black shaggy hair that runs to his neck, brown eyes, tall, lean build, but slightly muscled from his days working a forge. Tends to wear an everyday t-shirt and pair of jeans, with either a smithing apron when at the smithing district, or red leather armour styled to look similar in design to what the samurai of old would wear
Gender: Male
Age: Due to his race, age is irrelevant, however he's been around for near 18 years
Race: Golem, created by a wizard in an attempt to artificially create a being as near human as possible
Personality: Erik isn't explicitly outgoing, he will talk with people, but never explicitly seeks out conversation unless intrigued by other people. When he is comfortable, though, he isn't afraid of joking around and even teasing his friends. He is also very serious about his smithing work
Biography: Erik was created by a wizard who wanted to prove artificial life, when worked the right way, can become so close to any 'natural' living thing that it would be difficult to tell the difference. When he showed an aptitude for smithing, his creator brought him to Faereach as a good place to start, and figured that the academy would be good for giving him tips on his admittedly limited magical power. The wizard in question passed away some odd years ago, but Erik lives his life blissfully, like his father, he considers him, wanted
Weapons: Despite Erik's ability to craft any weapon, from daggers to halberds to bows, he prefers a simple hand and a half-hilt sword he enchanted with some light shock magic
Magic: Erik has the ability to apply any type of magic he has come into physical contact with to a weapon as long as the enchantment in its original form was offensively used
Abilities: Erik boasts a slight resistance to most magic, especially lightning-oriented, partially due to his golem heritage, and partially because his father wished for him to not run as high a risk of dying when trying to procure enchantments
Extra Info: Likes to read about history in his downtime

Here are my three characters (I still have to make some minor additions and add the other two but all in good time of course!)

Hitsugya Udaza



Extra Details: Usually wears all black, in all seasons, though he does where blue jeans sometimes. He has a Black Dragon tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that takes up the width and length of his entire right shoulder blade. His other tattoo/symbol is another dragon tattoo except on the front of his right shoulder.

Gender: Male

Age: 18 (can't age past that point)

Race: Fallen Angel

Personality: Is chill as all hell practically all of the time, preferring to keep up his stoic "I don't care, fuck off already" outward expression ever present no matter what. Living a life of recluse and neglect melded Hitsugya into the way he is today; anti-social, quiet, bitter, and secluded from others. He has never been one to go out of his way to make friends but he still remains decent. The couple friends he has he is about the only people he is actually social with but aside from them he is quite quiet. He is a decent guy to be around, humorous at times (rarely ever shows), sarcastic (occasionally laughing at others trivial problems). In truth, there is very little Hitsu cares about anymore but one thing is that he still cares even if he doesn't show it 100% of the time. That being said, Hitsugya is one of the most stubborn Fallen Angels ever met. He has a burning pride to show he isn't weak and therefore whenever he fights or is injured he refuses to accept help from others, wanting to do everything all on his lonesome which might be considered as arrogance but he sees it as proving just how weak he is not. Even in times where he's stared death right in the face he trudges on, willing to throw away his own life for another if given the chance making him a heartless yet selfless person.

Biography: Hitsugya's parents were both Archangels though they weren't very prominent in Heaven. They met while they were both on Earth, helping a life pass on and tending to the well being of those people's souls. Life was peaceful for them except when they began questioning things they shouldn't have and meddling with the black dragon Burraku, which led them to being corrupted and tricked into unbinding Burraku from his limbo like prison. After their superiors caught word of what they had done they were branded as "too rebellious" and therefore referred to as fallen angels and sentenced to death but with their young child, Hitsugya, they refused to have him too be branded along with them and so they revolted and therefore were executed for treason and heresy. Their son, Hitsugya, was then branded evil in the eyes of God and cast down to Earth at birth to live amongst mortals with the black dragon Burraku bound to him.

Upon being found in an alleyway, Hitsugya was put into the hands of authority and placed into an orphanage, 4 years he was there, alone, secluded, until a family finally came and he was taken from the lonely place that he spent most of his young years in. The family he was forced to live with was what you would say overly religious catholics. His step-parents were taken aback when they saw the tattoos on him his small black wings, his step-mother being freaked out by this supposed abomination, and sought to keep his oddity's secret and hidden by making him feel as though he was different. Thinking they could change him they kept him in hopes they could turn the child back onto the path of God, making him cover up his wings and hide his tattoo's that, in their eyes, was the act of a delinquent. The family was horrible to him, beating him every time he did something wrong, punishing him for no real reason, and deliberately making him feel as though he was truly evil and a child of the Devil. Throughout the rest of his childhood he was bullied and neglected by people at his school, leading him down the path of depression and loneliness during his younger years and as a way to relieve some of his stress he took up martial arts, being the only place he could take his anger out and actually practice something that came natural to him. Many competitions and tournaments he won with his talent of fighting but no matter how many good things happened he just ended up being shut down and his family continued the same thing, at least still allowing him to practice it but not allowing him to have any other freedom, besides the times he snuck out to try and practice actually flying. Hitsu soon began becoming better and better at sneaking out, going to the outskirts of the city and attempting to fly to the forest where he would practice for the hours on end throughout the night, trying out new abilities he had and training, until it was just before morning and he had to go back to the hell hole of his daily life. Three months away from his 12th birthday he was jumped by a group of classmates, beating him, shoved him and even strangle him until he was in tears. Nobody came as he screamed at the top of his lungs shouting out the names of his family but no one came. He got so angry that something in him just snapped and he lost all sense of emotion or care and ended up punching the first person he saw in front of him directly in the face and slamming him his head into a brick wall, pushing his nose into his brain, moving onto the next with an outburst of rage and shattered 2 of the kids ribs with such force that they punctured his lungs. He turned to the other kids and brutally murdered them, burning the rest. Nearly killing all of them in his rage he realized what he'd done but he couldn't stop himself. It was as if he wasn't in control of himself at all. A 5 month long suspension was his punishment, half the school year, lucky he wasn't expelled, and once he was allowed back at school nothing was the same. Nobody talked to him, they shunned him and swore at him whenever they saw him, not like it was much of a change but to him it was because he was the one who had done something. Even though he wasn't in control he felt as though it were still his fault that he couldn't control whatever it was that made him do it. Constantly he was haunted by this being -shaping itself as his 'alternate self' in his mind- that he tries so hard to suppress, and still is haunted by it every day which is why he can't ever sleep. One night he had decided to leave it all, let it all go away and seclude himself for real, leaving behind whatever it is he had and sweeping it under the rug as he ran. Now he lives in his own in an apartment alone like always and goes to school on his own.

Weapons: "Who the hell needs weapons when you have your fists?! Come on, fight like a man!"

Types of Magic: He doesn't really use magic solely because he can't and he has no reason to with his Fallen Angel abilities. Though due to the influence of Burraku he can sometimes use Draconic magic but is not able to use it at will, let alone control it very well.

Abilities: Hitsugya has two black wings that sprout from his back allowing him to fly, glide, and jump incredible distances and heights. He has an insanely ridiculous amount of strength and power bundled inside of him, more or less he is alike to a ticking time bomb because of this, but even using over half of that power is enough to kill him 10 times over. Combined with the additional power of Burraku's influence likely even more than that. Thus the reason he practices martial arts as a way to control himself, and his physical strength combined with his already immense power allows him to deal devastating blows while also keeping a high amount of agility. He mostly depends on his physical strength and endurance rather than his other powers. His other powers include his Fallen Angel powers (go into more detail another time), the manipulation/generation of Black Fire and Black Lightning, along with Burraku's Influence which allows him to take on some physical characteristics of a dragon along with being able to use Draconic magic and other abilities of Burraku (one's that I'll reveal later on.)

Extra Info: Works in the smithy part of the city part time while also going to school sometimes at Edgewater Academy. Smokes as well as listens to hard rock, also playing the electric guitar as well.

Theme Song:

Alexia Nighting


Extra Details: Her eyes are dark violet, making her stand out somewhat, has pale white skin, long ebony hair, and stands at a full height of 5'6". Aside from her small form, she is a lot stronger and more fit than most would think with a fairly toned physique, enhanced by her unnatural strength from being a Fallen Angel. For casual wear, which is when she isn't out or performing, Alexia wears a dark purple hoodie with black jeans. As for her work clothes she wears a barista uniform with apron. Due to her being able to shift parts of her body into that of a raven she covers her raven like wings up with her hoodie.

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Race: Familiar

Personality: Alexia is wild spirit, outgoing, and overexcitable. She's very encouraging in the sense that she can lift another's spirits when they are down. Never able to stay put, Alexia is always very jumpy, going out of her way to talk to others and make new friends while also talking to the others in the carnival. She's usually enthusiastic about everything, sarcastic, and loves humor. Seeing no point in moping about anything she keeps in mind to look towards the stars, not the ground. Alexia's very adaptable to many environments; when others would hate that it's raining or whatever she embraces it like she does everyday and treats it like a walk in the park, preferring to have as much fun as she can as if it were the last day of her life which it might very well be, one may never know. Lastly, she's very stubborn and hates when others try and bring people down.

Biography: Alexia comes from the slums of her home city where most of her childhood took place, some which were the greatest times of her life which she may never forget for as long as she lives, but also full of despair nonetheless. It was hard enough just to scrape by, both of her parents working themselves to the bone just to take care of her and themselves. It wasn't easy the life they lived but even so, Alexia never once was glum and instead embraced the positive things that happened, refusing to let life knock her down in times of hardship and found excitement in everything wherever it may have been and even if there wasn't anything to be happy about she always found a way to cheer others up just by being a free spirit. During her days at school she was shunned and seen as "weird" for having black wings sprouting from her back and her hands turning into raven claws, verbally assaulted on a daily basis for being a Familiar, of course she didn't dare say anything about her being a Familiar. The other kids would call her a freak, odd, monster, bird girl, and sure it hurt but she never let it drag her down and instead stood tall and proud about what she was. Back then her wings had been small, concealable only by a hoodie she had to wear just to cover them up but despite the constant hate she just trudged on not giving a damn about what other people thought, aside from the verbal debates with others she would get into. She had been quite young when her father died of lung cancer from working in such toxic environments, leaving her and her mother to fend for themselves. Her mother had fallen into a deep depression after that, losing the will to even go beyond the front door of their mediocre house, but Alexia refused to see her mother give up so easily and tried everything in her power to try and cheer her up. That was the day that she had revealed her last ability. Living in the slums, seeing scavengers like crows and ravens was an ordinary sight but Alexia had never once thought she could speak to, let alone understand, birds Most people would have assumed they had gone completely mad but not her, she had thought it a blessing that she could speak to her favorite type of bird; Raven's.

To this day, she still chooses to believe that this gift was a gift from her father passed on to her and in a way he lives on in the form of a raven. Alexia had remembered a particular Raven that hung around the house and that's when she got the idea of bringing it inside. The look on her mother's face when she revealed this news to her was priceless, being satisfied that she had finally given her mother hope that there was something more than just work. Alexia spent her last couple months in her current high school with her mother, saving up money so that one day she could go travel to somewhere else and after a long while of doing so, she did. Moving to Faereach City of Magicks. It wasn't long after that she had a run in with the owner of a coffee store after moving to Faereach, of course having worked most of her teen years from the time she could do so she was no stranger to work. Since having met with him she has been under his employ for quite a while, liking her interesting life as a barista while also going to school at Edgewater Academy.

Weapons: She can shift her hands and fee into raven's talons and use those as weapons.

Abilities: Alexia has two black feathery wings that sprout from her back at will, allowing her to fly, to a full wingspan of 8 feet and easily fold up against her back with minimal effort. Her second ability is being able to "speak" to and hear birds, thus the name she was given of bird whisperer, and call upon different kinds of birds while also command them. Lastly, she can shift into a raven and with this ability she can shift certain parts of her body to that of a raven, such as shifting her hands and feet into that of a raven's talons.

Extra Info: Works as a barista at a Coffee Shop owned by a man named Malorn.

  • View attachment 284649
    Name: Yavanna
    Gender: Female
    Age: She lives and dies with the seasons, but she does retain everything that she learned from the last life.
    Race: Being of Nature.


Winter and Laney both stand at 5'8", weighing in around 90-95lbs. Winter is essentially a shadow under her cloak, and normally phases through organic matter that she had not been bound to. This includes trees, people, etc. Winter's external points (nose, toes, fingers, elbows, etc) all fade out of their solid black color and more into a grey. She has no mouth, but speaks with a voice as smooth as silk. Her only prominent feature are her grey slits of eyes, which she normally hides under her hoods.
Laney has stark white skin and large brown eyes. She has a short, pixie cut hair, which is dyed red. Her mass behaves just like a regular human.




Quiet, reserved, soft spoken, wise, thoughtful, trustworthy

Sassy, blunt, dry, loyal, intuitive

Winter was brought into existence by Laney, and freely serves her because of this. It is completely her choice, as she feels she owes a massive debt to the girl. Laney, on the other hand, came into the world gift with her powers of necromancy. She developed them herself, crafting tools to aid her in her journeys. One of her first summonings brought Winter to life, and now the two accompany each other wherever they go.

Broadsword/Spirit Latern & Oak Staff

Laney can summon sounds of the dead near her and make them help her with her tasks. She uses the Spirit Latern to collect the stronger souls and save them for later.

Winter is extremely agile, seemingly teleporting from place to place. If she is touching an inanimate object, she can take this with her through her wall phasing/running.

Extra Info:
Winter is asexual and Laney is demisexual

  • shaman_by_marjoriedavis-d6uiatw.jpg

    Not Shown: Blue-Green heterochromia, sandy blonde hair, 5'1", 145lbs. Aged 25.
Nothing to see here yet!
Species Name: Panthera obsessio

Nicknames: Displacer Beast; Leonardo's Beast
Age: 80 total years alive
Gender: Female
Race: Displacer Being

Appearance: Panthera is, as her name suggests, a Displacer Being in the form of a Panther. With her dark fur, she's often confused with the melanic variety of leopard, the Black Panther. However, the extra set of forelegs she sports, along with her twin, diamond shaped Obsessors on her back and pure white eyes make her easy to distinguish from others of her species. Like all Displacer Beings she is very large for her species's size, being just a little taller and longer than her male counterparts. However, she does not weigh a thing, and at a glance, may appear emaciated, due to her natural thinness. Perhaps her only striking difference with others of her species is a single red circle between her eyes, which appears to be painted on.

Personality: Though valuing her live above all else, Panthera, like some of her copied species, is maternal at heart, longing for a child of her own. Though unable to copulate with all species, it's rare for her to not at least consider caring for the children of even other species thanks to her sentience. Even so, I will stress this: she will not hesitate to abandon others to keep herself alive, and though she is maternal, and can (and does) express love towards others, places herself as the most important thing in her life. Also skittish, and quick to doubt others, even if she places her trust in them.

Backstory: Born 80 years ago, Panthera's life and name have changed many a time. She was not born a panther, nor has been one for much longer than four or so years. Much of her past was spent as a koi fish, swimming around the rare lakes of her birthplace, Mesopotamia. A large fish, she was always a target for predators, and given her intelligence, this only served to deeply root a desire for survival above even most common beasts. She even valued the prospect of surviving over protecting her children, of which in her life she's had many. (Though none as a Panther.) She had spent fourty years as a koi before metamorphizing after being captured by a fisherman. She was, again, an aquatic creature, though this time she was reborn a frog. Again, another prey animal, and again did she find life against her.

It was only after she used her toxic skin to kill a hungry snake did she experience the freedom of being a predator, with few creatures that could ever hope to be a threat to her. She was powerful, quick, and could crush a man's lungs in her coils like dry timber. However, this freedom, oddly enough, came with a deep sense of boredom. Yes, she still had predators who could kill her, hunt her, eat her, but they were few and far between. To alleviate this boredom, she cautiously began to follow humans, learning their language, though not speaking it, for she lacked the ability to as a snake. In the expansive arid lands of Mesopotamia, she'd spend time stalking humans, yet leaving them be. However, she couldn't be lucky enough to keep stalking ignorant humans, as one attacked her after realizing that they were being stalked by a giant snake.

Having been scared off by the human, in a far-flung and unknown human land, Panthera found herself as close to death as she'd ever been-- a thought which terrified her at a level deeper than she could hope to imagine. In a desperate bid to survive, she stalked, fought to death the closest animal she could find-- a panther. They fought for hours, before Panthera finally bound the panther, strangling it with her coils, and crushing its lungs. The deed done, and nourished on the panther's nutrient-lacking meat, Panthera began her final transformation, into what she is now: Panthera obessio. Now, she still stalks humans, and still puts her survival above all others, but she still finds humans and other sentient beings wonderfully interesting, and against her better judgement, can't help but huddle in the shadows, and observe.

Weapons & Armor: She wears no and carries no traditional armor nor weapons, but sports her claws, fangs, fur, and Obsessors.
Skills & Abilities: Night Vision, Above-Human Acrobatics, Above-Human Digestion, Above-Human Strength, Above-Human Scent
Spells & Magic: Metamorphosis, Displacement

Extra Info: Though Panthera enjoys feeding above all things, like a housecat she's been seen playing with her food before. Adores spying on other intelligent races, despite the risk of getting caught.
Theme: Marble Eyes - Marble Zone (Sonic OST)
Last edited:

Extra Details:
Crimson's natural eye color is Amber, but when angered they always begin to glow a bright red. He has a wolf tattoo on his left forearm.
Crimson is strong willed, and highly aggressive. He falls under the Chaotic Good category, fighting along side the forces of good, but with little care for the use of rules, laws, and regulations. Crimson is easy to anger, which causes problems for the person who anger him.The quickest way to calm him is to either offer him whiskey or a cigarette.
Crimson's past has been erased from his mind for about a total of 3yrs. He awoken in a forest outside of the city with only the memory of basic information about himself(age, name, race, and abilities) and a strong connection to his pet wolf, Zedd, who was laying next to him. He took Zedd into the city, where he began a new life as a bartender who spends his free time fighting creatures within the Emerald Enclave.
No main weapon
Types Of Magic:
Energy Magic
Crimson's Magic allows him to generate, and manipulate a red colored flame like energy that can burn Crimson's targets. This energy can also be used to create solid constructs that can be used in various ways. This magic also because stronger the angrier Crimson becomes.
Extra Info:

Gender: Female

Age: 1005

Race: Stella lapsa(fallen star)

Personality: Depite her appearance as creature from the night, she was very gentle and caring, if not sensitive. The long years had made her less gullible, but she insist in believing the good in men and would always listen and provide help. However, personally she find it difficult to be impulsive for quick pleasure, and though she was full of compassion, she had little to none heated passion in her. If she ever loves, it would be a quiet, subtle one.

Biography: Stellae lapsa are rare existence that happens when one cast a wish on a star, that in very slim chance the star descended onto the earth. It was recorded that they have very pale skin and glowing eyes, with breathtaking beauty, and often with powerful magic. There were many theories as to why they descend, a few popular ones are they resonated with the wish they received, or the person cast the wish must be a powerful one. Not all of them were good as Ayelet, but most of them composed. They honour the wishes received, then roam the land freely until their glow faded completely. Guesses are when Stellae lapsa had lost all hope and will, their glow dim, until finally they turn into stardust.
Ayelet descended when an ancient king casted a wish. She never spoke of the wish, only stayed by the king's side till his dying bed, and roam in and around places where human frequent, quietly watched as they rise and fall. She in fact helped a lot of people and creatures alike, but since she never talk about it unnecessarily, not a lot of people knew. A few scholars often ask for her help, in fact once someone tried to imprison her so he could study her, but she walked out immediately. She offered help as long as they have no ill intentions.

Weapons: None

Types Of Magic: She has powerful attacks that looked like explosions of stars, but her most frequent use is still healing. The knowledge of the property of her magic is still a study in progress. Her magic is the strongest during the transition of day and night, in which she could let a critically wounded man recover, and could single-handedly stop a squadron around her.

Extra Info: Besides the appearance and lack of passion, she is not unlike human. Ayelet likes seafood a lot, and enjoys string instruments and flutes. She found boasting unpleasant, and bats even more so. She enjoys the quiet field and the tranquil library, but dislike if a tavern is smoky and loud. It was more because of the smoke than the sound though.


Gender: Female

Age: 98

Race: Elf

Extra Details: She mostly appears with garments of multiple layers, covering most of her body and face.

Personality: Theruvial in private is quite normal --- in human standards. She enjoys jokes, a few drinks, with good curiousity that she took interest in most things. In work though, she is both swift and careful, and sometimes the angry, bitter side of her shows. If you manage to be a friend that she hold close to her heart, she is loyal and patient, but you need to gain her trust which is a hard task. In most cases she trust only herself, believing that trusting easily is the same as putting her neck close to a blade.

Biography: Theruvial was born into an elf clan in the desert oasis, one quite close to another human city. Like her kind she is light and swift, and an excellent hunter and sorcerer. Everything was blissful, but sadly it was not to last. One night the 20 years old Thruvial woke up (for elf that is a very young child), to the screaming and the smell of smoke. Beside her where her mother usually sleeps was empty, and she got up to check what happened. She found her mother at the main door, pressing against the door as her mother waved for her to go, but the door was pushed open.
A tall figure walked in, along with several men, put something on the mother's neck. The tail clanged on the marble floor---a metal chain, it would seem. From the opened door, Her father was on the ground, his eyes opened with sand covering his face.
They saw Theruvial of course, and proceeded to grab her. She slipped in between them, dodged the hands and ran, and when she was a few steps away, she got hit by something. It started with a pain in the back, then it spreads, then it burns, her eyes teared up but she didn't stop running. When her eyes were clear, she saw unthinkable things, but she did not stop. That night she was the only one escaped.
The tall figure turn out to be the noble governing the city. Three years later, they had a Massacre. First night, everyone but the noble in that gigantic mansion found cold, then the next night their soldier and guards, the last night the noble's body found on display at the city entrance. A hooded figure seen jumping off the city wall.
Theruvial worked as an assassin ever since. Agile and not leaving any trace, she managed a job which elves rarely do and excelled. She always covered her body in which a dark pattern crawls. Another problem is, fantasies that felt too real haunt her, it felt as if she had old memories of a time where her village did not get attack, her parents were with her, and she worked as an honest girl who wielded short swords and defend the weak. For now, only her daggers and her curse accompanied her.

Weapons: Two long daggers, one silver one gold. It was her mentor's gift, said to be ancient artifacts. It proved to wield well with her magic, unbelievably durable and sharp. Sometimes Theruvial wipe poison on it which dissolves in liquid.

Types Of Magic: Shadow magic. It helps to hide in the dark, and create wounds that is slow to heal. If Theruvial is in best conditions, it can even create illusions. Once you reach advance level in this magic you can summon shadow minions.

Extra Info: Theruvial still maintain some sense of moral struggle, like her hand might stay if the person was in good nature. However, she had seen the cruelty that children can achieve, thus if they do prove guilty indeed, she treated them the same as a guilty adult. This is not to say she only take targets that were evil, since she understood there was no fine line of good and evil.
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Grand Priestess of Night
Presumably Human(Possibly not)

Shade Empowerment- Empowered when in dark or shaded areas
Light Absorption-Extinguishes all nearby sources of light around Mae
Night's Veil- Can travel extremely fast in the dark.
The Witching Hour- Mae summons a chariot pulled by skeleton ravens. The sun is eclipsed for a short time.
Not much is known about the priestess, she has always been silent. Some assume she is completely mute. Most people claim to see her striding the streets, gathering homeless women and children. After the homeless follow her, they never return. Some say she resides in an abandoned shrine in the Emerald Enclave.

^Kinda a character i want to develop as the RP Progresses.
Auriel Fairchild
Fallen Archangel of Hope
“I believed in the mortal races and I was disgraced for it.”
Looks 26 years of age
True age unknown
6’3 ft.
150 lbs.

Due to her recent disgrace, Ari is considerably weakened
Aura of Hope- Surrounding sentient beings gain an overwhelming sense of hope and happiness; Ari cannot turn this off and is always emitting it.
Luminescence- Seemingly gives off white light.
Al'maiesh, the Cord of Hope- the chosen weapon of Auriel. The cord is said to be a manifestation of her positive qualities. Pulsing with glowing runes from end to end, the long, serpentine ribbon can heal and energize those it touches. In battle, the cord can be used as a whip, burning Auriel's enemies with righteous fire. It can also be used to bind enemies, and leave chains in its place after being retracted.
Levitate- Allows Auriel to float up to 20 ft. off the ground
Other various abilities such as blast attacks and minor healing capabilities
Her Wings are only for looks now that she has been banished
Can Wield any weapon that is nearby, prefers Al’Maiesh.

Auriel is optimistic, light hearted, and compassionate. It isn’t within her capabilities to hate, and if somehow she harbors hatred; she will lose her heavenly embrace entirely.
Known as the Archangel of hope, Auriel never gives up. She will sacrifice herself for anything she believes in. She is often maternal to everyone, even her enemies. She loves mortal races, and even demons.
The sky streaked with golden beams as a figure rocketed from the heavens, below it a scene of destruction. The figures decent slowed as golden light in the shape of wings unfurled from its back.
It seemed to glow as it neared an untouched chapel, and from within it a little girls voice echoed like a bell. “Auriel”
The sky rippled as the angels’ true name was spoken, allowing her more power. All around the battlefield cries echoed the first; echoing out the archangels’ name. Auriel landed in the steeple of the church, balanced perfectly. The source of the first cry standing below her. A small girl with golden hair, twigs and dirt smeared on her face. She waved up at Auriel, and smiled. With a crack, the ground beneath the girl cleaved open. She began to fall, but the glowing cords of Al’maiesh wrapped around her; embracing her. They pulled her into Auriels’ arms and returned to its holster. Auriel smiled at the girl and waved her hand over her face. The girl began to dream, and she giggled softly. Auriel placed her on the church steps with some human guards. She turned to the source of the destruction; Yogg’Aron, the seventh grand demon. His demonic voice rippled through the air, turning it cold. “They send a flicker of hope to deal with a force of despair?” Auriel shot into the sky, her wings unfurled fully. Her voice was like a thousand cheers at once as she spoke. “Stop harming innocents or face judgement.” She pointed at Yogg’aron. “You are not welcome here.”
Yogg’Aron smiled as he drew back his talon like arm. He slashed the air toward Auriel and a green crescent shot toward her. In a millisecond, Al’maiesh was hovering at her side, it lashed out and broke up the projectile. It continued towards Yogg’Aron, its golden aura burning his skin. It wrapped around his neck, and his eyes went wide. The Demon dropped from the sky, its head completely detached from its body. Auriel spoke to the entire battlefield. “And so is the price of arrogance.”
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Species Name: Panthera obsessio

Nicknames: Displacer Beast; Leonardo's Beast
Age: 80 total years alive
Gender: Female
Race: Displacer Being

Appearance: Panthera is, as her name suggests, a Displacer Being in the form of a Panther. With her dark fur, she's often confused with the melanic variety of leopard, the Black Panther. However, the extra set of forelegs she sports, along with her twin, diamond shaped Obsessors on her back and pure white eyes make her easy to distinguish from others of her species. Like all Displacer Beings she is very large for her species's size, being just a little taller and longer than her male counterparts. However, she does not weigh a thing, and at a glance, may appear emaciated, due to her natural thinness. Perhaps her only striking difference with others of her species is a single red circle between her eyes, which appears to be painted on.

Personality: Though valuing her live above all else, Panthera, like some of her copied species, is maternal at heart, longing for a child of her own. Though unable to copulate with all species, it's rare for her to not at least consider caring for the children of even other species thanks to her sentience. Even so, I will stress this: she will not hesitate to abandon others to keep herself alive, and though she is maternal, and can (and does) express love towards others, places herself as the most important thing in her life. Also skittish, and quick to doubt others, even if she places her trust in them.

Backstory: Born 80 years ago, Panthera's life and name have changed many a time. She was not born a panther, nor has been one for much longer than four or so years. Much of her past was spent as a koi fish, swimming around the rare lakes of her birthplace, Mesopotamia. A large fish, she was always a target for predators, and given her intelligence, this only served to deeply root a desire for survival above even most common beasts. She even valued the prospect of surviving over protecting her children, of which in her life she's had many. (Though none as a Panther.) She had spent fourty years as a koi before metamorphizing after being captured by a fisherman. She was, again, an aquatic creature, though this time she was reborn a frog. Again, another prey animal, and again did she find life against her.

It was only after she used her toxic skin to kill a hungry snake did she experience the freedom of being a predator, with few creatures that could ever hope to be a threat to her. She was powerful, quick, and could crush a man's lungs in her coils like dry timber. However, this freedom, oddly enough, came with a deep sense of boredom. Yes, she still had predators who could kill her, hunt her, eat her, but they were few and far between. To alleviate this boredom, she cautiously began to follow humans, learning their language, though not speaking it, for she lacked the ability to as a snake. In the expansive arid lands of Mesopotamia, she'd spend time stalking humans, yet leaving them be. However, she couldn't be lucky enough to keep stalking ignorant humans, as one attacked her after realizing that they were being stalked by a giant snake.

Having been scared off by the human, in a far-flung and unknown human land, Panthera found herself as close to death as she'd ever been-- a thought which terrified her at a level deeper than she could hope to imagine. In a desperate bid to survive, she stalked, fought to death the closest animal she could find-- a panther. They fought for hours, before Panthera finally bound the panther, strangling it with her coils, and crushing its lungs. The deed done, and nourished on the panther's nutrient-lacking meat, Panthera began her final transformation, into what she is now: Panthera obessio. Now, she still stalks humans, and still puts her survival above all others, but she still finds humans and other sentient beings wonderfully interesting, and against her better judgement, can't help but huddle in the shadows, and observe.

Weapons & Armor: She wears no and carries no traditional armor nor weapons, but sports her claws, fangs, fur, and Obsessors.
Skills & Abilities: Night Vision, Above-Human Acrobatics, Above-Human Digestion, Above-Human Strength, Above-Human Scent
Spells & Magic: Metamorphosis, Displacement

Extra Info: Though Panthera enjoys feeding above all things, like a housecat she's been seen playing with her food before. Adores spying on other intelligent races, despite the risk of getting caught.
Theme: Marble Eyes - Marble Zone (Sonic OST)


Extra Details:
Crimson's natural eye color is Amber, but when angered they always begin to glow a bright red. He has a wolf tattoo on his left forearm.
Crimson is strong willed, and highly aggressive. He falls under the Chaotic Good category, fighting along side the forces of good, but with little care for the use of rules, laws, and regulations. Crimson is easy to anger, which causes problems for the person who anger him.The quickest way to calm him is to either offer him whiskey or a cigarette.
Crimson's past has been erased from his mind for about a total of 3yrs. He awoken in a forest outside of the city with only the memory of basic information about himself(age, name, race, and abilities) and a strong connection to his pet wolf, Zedd, who was laying next to him. He took Zedd into the city, where he began a new life as a bartender who spends his free time fighting creatures within the Emerald Enclave.
No main weapon
Types Of Magic:
Energy Magic
Crimson's Magic allows him to generate, and manipulate a red colored flame like energy that can burn Crimson's targets. This energy can also be used to create solid constructs that can be used in various ways. This magic also because stronger the angrier Crimson becomes.
Extra Info:


Gender: Female

Age: 1005

Race: Stella lapsa(fallen star)

Personality: Depite her appearance as creature from the night, she was very gentle and caring, if not sensitive. The long years had made her less gullible, but she insist in believing the good in men and would always listen and provide help. However, personally she find it difficult to be impulsive for quick pleasure, and though she was full of compassion, she had little to none heated passion in her. If she ever loves, it would be a quiet, subtle one.

Biography: Stellae lapsa are rare existence that happens when one cast a wish on a star, that in very slim chance the star descended onto the earth. It was recorded that they have very pale skin and glowing eyes, with breathtaking beauty, and often with powerful magic. There were many theories as to why they descend, a few popular ones are they resonated with the wish they received, or the person cast the wish must be a powerful one. Not all of them were good as Ayelet, but most of them composed. They honour the wishes received, then roam the land freely until their glow faded completely. Guesses are when Stellae lapsa had lost all hope and will, their glow dim, until finally they turn into stardust.
Ayelet descended when an ancient king casted a wish. She never spoke of the wish, only stayed by the king's side till his dying bed, and roam in and around places where human frequent, quietly watched as they rise and fall. She in fact helped a lot of people and creatures alike, but since she never talk about it unnecessarily, not a lot of people knew. A few scholars often ask for her help, in fact once someone tried to imprison her so he could study her, but she walked out immediately. She offered help as long as they have no ill intentions.

Weapons: None

Types Of Magic: She has powerful attacks that looked like explosions of stars, but her most frequent use is still healing. The knowledge of the property of her magic is still a study in progress. Her magic is the strongest during the transition of day and night, in which she could let a critically wounded man recover, and could single-handedly stop a squadron around her.

Extra Info: Besides the appearance and lack of passion, she is not unlike human. Ayelet likes seafood a lot, and enjoys string instruments and flutes. She found boasting unpleasant, and bats even more so. She enjoys the quiet field and the tranquil library, but dislike if a tavern is smoky and loud. It was more because of the smoke than the sound though.


Gender: Female

Age: 98

Race: Elf

Extra Details: She mostly appears with garments of multiple layers, covering most of her body and face.

Personality: Theruvial in private is quite normal --- in human standards. She enjoys jokes, a few drinks, with good curiousity that she took interest in most things. In work though, she is both swift and careful, and sometimes the angry, bitter side of her shows. If you manage to be a friend that she hold close to her heart, she is loyal and patient, but you need to gain her trust which is a hard task. In most cases she trust only herself, believing that trusting easily is the same as putting her neck close to a blade.

Biography: Theruvial was born into an elf clan in the desert oasis, one quite close to another human city. Like her kind she is light and swift, and an excellent hunter and sorcerer. Everything was blissful, but sadly it was not to last. One night the 20 years old Thruvial woke up (for elf that is a very young child), to the screaming and the smell of smoke. Beside her where her mother usually sleeps was empty, and she got up to check what happened. She found her mother at the main door, pressing against the door as her mother waved for her to go, but the door was pushed open.
A tall figure walked in, along with several men, put something on the mother's neck. The tail clanged on the marble floor---a metal chain, it would seem. From the opened door, Her father was on the ground, his eyes opened with sand covering his face.
They saw Theruvial of course, and proceeded to grab her. She slipped in between them, dodged the hands and ran, and when she was a few steps away, she got hit by something. It started with a pain in the back, then it spreads, then it burns, her eyes teared up but she didn't stop running. When her eyes were clear, she saw unthinkable things, but she did not stop. That night she was the only one escaped.
The tall figure turn out to be the noble governing the city. Three years later, they had a Massacre. First night, everyone but the noble in that gigantic mansion found cold, then the next night their soldier and guards, the last night the noble's body found on display at the city entrance. A hooded figure seen jumping off the city wall.
Theruvial worked as an assassin ever since. Agile and not leaving any trace, she managed a job which elves rarely do and excelled. She always covered her body in which a dark pattern crawls. Another problem is, fantasies that felt too real haunt her, it felt as if she had old memories of a time where her village did not get attack, her parents were with her, and she worked as an honest girl who wielded short swords and defend the weak. For now, only her daggers and her curse accompanied her.

Weapons: Two long daggers, one silver one gold. It was her mentor's gift, said to be ancient artifacts. It proved to wield well with her magic, unbelievably durable and sharp. Sometimes Theruvial wipe poison on it which dissolves in liquid.

Types Of Magic: Shadow magic. It helps to hide in the dark, and create wounds that is slow to heal. If Theruvial is in best conditions, it can even create illusions. Once you reach advance level in this magic you can summon shadow minions.

Extra Info: Theruvial still maintain some sense of moral struggle, like her hand might stay if the person was in good nature. However, she had seen the cruelty that children can achieve, thus if they do prove guilty indeed, she treated them the same as a guilty adult. This is not to say she only take targets that were evil, since she understood there was no fine line of good and evil.

View attachment 285059
Grand Priestess of Night
Presumably Human(Possibly not)

Shade Empowerment- Empowered when in dark or shaded areas
Light Absorption-Extinguishes all nearby sources of light around Mae
Night's Veil- Can travel extremely fast in the dark.
The Witching Hour- Mae summons a chariot pulled by skeleton ravens. The sun is eclipsed for a short time.
Not much is known about the priestess, she has always been silent. Some assume she is completely mute. Most people claim to see her striding the streets, gathering homeless women and children. After the homeless follow her, they never return. Some say she resides in an abandoned shrine in the Emerald Enclave.

^Kinda a character i want to develop as the RP Progresses.

Veyd Sahvoz Veyd Sahvoz Accepted third!
Alabaster Der Cinn

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human(?)
Personality: Alabaster is a very social and active, always out and about every day living in the city and sort off acting like a beacon of cheer, a strange beacon but a beacon nonetheless. She dislikes mentions of magical talent or how great a someone is since she tends to compare herself to others and then feel bad about it afterwards. She enjoys being doted on and brightens up immensely during feasts, festivals and parties. She also tends to equate things to books she's read before.
Biography: Alabaster is a denizen of the Sapphire Palace only because someone there is related to her. That someone being the queen herself. Her life was kept a secret and Alabaster was locked away from the outside world, with nothing but tutors and books to keep her company. Her favorite place to go to was the Sapphire Palace's secret library, where she would spend hours on hours reading books on fiction and the world, amazed and jealous of the citizens beyond the walls of the palace.

Finally, she had decided to sneak out of the castle in secret to see Faereach in all its glory.
Weapons: She's physically weak when it comes to weapons.
Types Of Magic: Alabaster Der Cinn has immense magical power behind her and zero magical talent to back it up. Her spells are often considered to be a joke to magic since they all fail utterly or fizzle out with drastic effects. She barely knows any proper form of magic and if bound to pick up spells from different branches. She can cast minor elemental spells like Enchant Element and Conjure Element as well as Rejuvenate with consistent success but that's about it.
Abilities: The Royal Family is known for their immense abilities in light magic and combat, sadly, Alabaster inherits none of this and instead sports her own unique set of skills such as Carpentry, Cooking, and managing to evade people looking for her.
Extra Info: She's never had barbecue in all her life and is getting sick of all the fancy food.
White Leftenheim
Extra Details:
Stands at a daunting 6 ft 9
Race: Orc
Hardened by battle he is a force of ruthlessness upon the battlefield and fights with unyielding loyalty. However he is truly kind and a happy young man. He has a warming heart intuitive and gives insight on many things for he is also very wise person. His strategic mind is unique and his ability to flip a switch on his emotions makes him a dangerous person if manipulated by magic.

At the first meet White is very untrustworthy due to his background of War and often needs proving to or decent connection with at first. He also finds pleasures in the little things of life, such as a warm drink in the pub or watching others around him. White despises people who believe them better than others and has a great love for healers of the World. Finding their magic interesting and often carries a respective nature to those who try and do things for the World around him.

He enjoys the architecture too which is much different to his village and the ways of War.
Like many of his kind, White was integrated into War and violence at an early age. His mother and father were the leaders of a tribe up North and so was put into the position of a leader as soon as he could walk. However, lucky for White he had an elder brother, the first born to become that leader of the Tribe, take a wife and surge onwards. Layne was much more violent than White, was brash but despite these qualities he still showed very good leadership skills. The two brothers trained alongside, when at the age of 14, White was snatched by a raider who destroyed their village, he was trained, hit and brought up in a bone-crushing environment. Turned into a killer by 16, the boy served in Wars against his will but fought with honour and strength. Known as the Destroyer he was praised but with that brought fear. He longed for his old home, his brother with a wife of his own, to see his parents once more.

Having faked his death during the attack on their outpost, the story known is that him and a dragon went tumbling off the edge, both smashing. In truth the dragon was old, bored of being used and tired of his life, he worked with White, the two 'tumbling off an edge into a foggy lake below. The two flew to a reclusive area, changing names and developing new things for a new life. He returned home and was greeted with a niece and nephew as well as his mother, his father dying many years ago.

For now he is wandering, connected to his dragon friend Malthus by a rune bracelet. Embarking on adventures and putting his talents to use for coin. He also talks to many healers along the way and has a deep respect for those who have that ability.

A long spear like weapon.
Anything he gets his hands on.
Types Of Magic:
-None, he is an usual Orc and does not possess anything of that nature.
-You could include his strength and senses due to his race here however.
-Very good with most weapons that come into his hands.
-Tracking skills and hunting are very well practised.
-Excellent reflexes and advanced senses.
Extra Info:
He can snap a human spine in half with little resistance. Likes healers. Enjoys learning.
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Vix Kasai
Name: Vix Kasai

Extra Details: nine white tail that can appear and disappear on command

Gender: Male

Age: 321

Race: Kitsune

Personality: A very mischievous and playful spirit, Vix he is known to make fun of people and get himself into trouble most of the time. He is always down for a good time and love having fun in a crowd. This means he often finds himself being the center of attention and has no problem with that. A very social person, who loves having conversation with friends and strangers alike. He is very cheeky and witty, always trying to get the upper hand in conversations. He is very happy-go-lucky and has a go with the flow way with life. Even with qualities Vix has a fear of losing his freedom, something he holds with great value. On top of that because of his age and the way his age, he tends to put a little distance between him and others. He has a tendency to have fits of blind rage because of his animal side. On top of that he feels emotion on a stronger level so sad for him can turn deep self-loathing and depression rather quickly.

Biography: Vix is the youngest child of a very old Kitsune family. For his first 150 years of life he enjoyed having a carefree life. Because he was the youngest of three siblings, all he had to worry about was mingling with other spirit families and making sure that he didn’t being dishonored to his family. Overall, he had a happy life and had nothing worry about a thing.

One day he as returning after having a meeting with a noble Kitsune family when he discovered something that changed his life. His family home as destroyed and his parent were both killed. He has seen, both his parent’s tails cut off and their body left lying on the ground. He then notices he elder bother leaving the area. Since then he had given up on the spirit world and now resides in Faereach. There is more to his story that will be revealed as the RP plays out.

Weapons: katana, magic, claws, fangs

Types of Magic: illusion magic/dream magic, fire based spells, lighting based spells, transporting spells

And basic healing spells

Abilities: Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Predator Instinct, Claw Retraction, Decelerated Aging/Semi-Immortality, Enhanced Intelligence/Enhanced Wisdom thanks to his age, Fox-Fire Manipulation, Tail Manifestation, Prehensile Tail, Invisibility

Extra Info: He works as an information broker. Has his own apartment. Recently single.
White Leftenheim
View attachment 285560
Extra Details:
Stands at a daunting 6 ft 9
Race: Orc
Hardened by battle he is a force of ruthlessness upon the battlefield and fights with unyielding loyalty. However he is truly kind and a happy young man. He has a warming heart intuitive and gives insight on many things for he is also very wise person. His strategic mind is unique and his ability to flip a switch on his emotions makes him a dangerous person if manipulated by magic.

At the first meet White is very untrustworthy due to his background of War and often needs proving to or decent connection with at first. He also finds pleasures in the little things of life, such as a warm drink in the pub or watching others around him. White despises people who believe them better than others and has a great love for healers of the World. Finding their magic interesting and often carries a respective nature to those who try and do things for the World around him.

He enjoys the architecture too which is much different to his village and the ways of War.
Like many of his kind, White was integrated into War and violence at an early age. His mother and father were the leaders of a tribe up North and so was put into the position of a leader as soon as he could walk. However, lucky for White he had an elder brother, the first born to become that leader of the Tribe, take a wife and surge onwards. Layne was much more violent than White, was brash but despite these qualities he still showed very good leadership skills. The two brothers trained alongside, when at the age of 14, White was snatched by a raider who destroyed their village, he was trained, hit and brought up in a bone-crushing environment. Turned into a killer by 16, the boy served in Wars against his will but fought with honour and strength. Known as the Destroyer he was praised but with that brought fear. He longed for his old home, his brother with a wife of his own, to see his parents once more.

Having faked his death during the attack on their outpost, the story known is that him and a dragon went tumbling off the edge, both smashing. In truth the dragon was old, bored of being used and tired of his life, he worked with White, the two 'tumbling off an edge into a foggy lake below. The two flew to a reclusive area, changing names and developing new things for a new life. He returned home and was greeted with a niece and nephew as well as his mother, his father dying many years ago.

For now he is wandering, connected to his dragon friend Malthus by a rune bracelet. Embarking on adventures and putting his talents to use for coin. He also talks to many healers along the way and has a deep respect for those who have that ability.

A long spear like weapon.
Anything he gets his hands on.
Types Of Magic:
-None, he is an usual Orc and does not possess anything of that nature.
-You could include his strength and senses due to his race here however.
-Very good with most weapons that come into his hands.
-Tracking skills and hunting are very well practised.
-Excellent reflexes and advanced senses.
Extra Info:
He can snap a human spine in half with little resistance. Likes healers. Enjoys learning.

Vix Kasai
Name: Vix Kasai

Extra Details: nine white tail that can appear and disappear on command

Gender: Male

Age: 321

Race: Kitsune

Personality: A very mischievous and playful spirit, Vix he is known to make fun of people and get himself into trouble most of the time. He is always down for a good time and love having fun in a crowd. This means he often finds himself being the center of attention and has no problem with that. A very social person, who loves having conversation with friends and strangers alike. He is very cheeky and witty, always trying to get the upper hand in conversations. He is very happy-go-lucky and has a go with the flow way with life. Even with qualities Vix has a fear of losing his freedom, something he holds with great value. On top of that because of his age and the way his age, he tends to put a little distance between him and others. He has a tendency to have fits of blind rage because of his animal side. On top of that he feels emotion on a stronger level so sad for him can turn deep self-loathing and depression rather quickly.

Biography: Vix is the youngest child of a very old Kitsune family. For his first 150 years of life he enjoyed having a carefree life. Because he was the youngest of three siblings, all he had to worry about was mingling with other spirit families and making sure that he didn’t being dishonored to his family. Overall, he had a happy life and had nothing worry about a thing.

One day he as returning after having a meeting with a noble Kitsune family when he discovered something that changed his life. His family home as destroyed and his parent were both killed. He has seen, both his parent’s tails cut off and their body left lying on the ground. He then notices he elder bother leaving the area. Since then he had given up on the spirit world and now resides in Faereach. There is more to his story that will be revealed as the RP plays out.

Weapons: katana, magic, claws, fangs

Types of Magic: illusion magic/dream magic, fire based spells, lighting based spells, transporting spells

And basic healing spells

Abilities: Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Predator Instinct, Claw Retraction, Decelerated Aging/Semi-Immortality, Enhanced Intelligence/Enhanced Wisdom thanks to his age, Fox-Fire Manipulation, Tail Manifestation, Prehensile Tail, Invisibility

Extra Info: He works as an information broker. Has his own apartment. Recently single.
Personality:Axel is a emotional person but does not show it to people but inside he either explodes with anger or he is happy that he would jump or so sad he would cry for days but people just see him a robot on the outside
Age:240,000 years old
Weapon:reversed blade katana
Magic: enchanment magic

Extra Details: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 200
Race: Fairy
Personality: Faith loves arts and beauty, she loves to be a fairy because she looks beautiful. Faith is extremely emotional, when someone helps her, she makes them happy, when someone does any harm, she will torture them. She is known as the Snow Princess because of her addiction to the beauty of snowflakes. She can be funny at times, but don't get on her bad side.
Biography: Faith was born into a family of fairy's, each one with a power. Her mother had plants, her father had the sun, her sister had stars and she had snow/ice. She was the most interesting, she created sculptures of ice of animals like horses and pigs. Her room was decorated with ice sculptures, it was truly amazing. Faith lost her family at the age of 100, sadly evil spirits killed them all. Faith ended up in Faereach by a emergency portal her family set up. She's starting a new life, hopefully it's a good one.
Weapons: ???
Types Of Magic: Snow Manipulation, Size Manipulation and Shape-shifting.
Abilities: Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Durability, Fairy Aura and Empathy
Extra Info: N/A

Extra Details: N/A
Gender: Female
Age: 200
Race: Fairy
Personality: Faith loves arts and beauty, she loves to be a fairy because she looks beautiful. Faith is extremely emotional, when someone helps her, she makes them happy, when someone does any harm, she will torture them. She is known as the Snow Princess because of her addiction to the beauty of snowflakes. She can be funny at times, but don't get on her bad side.
Biography: Faith was born into a family of fairy's, each one with a power. Her mother had plants, her father had the sun, her sister had stars and she had snow/ice. She was the most interesting, she created sculptures of ice of animals like horses and pigs. Her room was decorated with ice sculptures, it was truly amazing. Faith lost her family at the age of 100, sadly evil spirits killed them all. Faith ended up in Faereach by a emergency portal her family set up. She's starting a new life, hopefully it's a good one.
Weapons: ???
Types Of Magic: Snow Manipulation, Size Manipulation and Shape-shifting.
Abilities: Enhanced Agility, Enhanced Dexterity, Enhanced Durability, Fairy Aura and Empathy
Extra Info: N/A
Accepted but please put in whether or not she uses weapons at all.
Name: Malorn Drakanos

Species: Grand Demon

Age: Looks 21, true age is unknown.




Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Malorn, while powerful and still just as sadistic as the next demon, is inherently lazy in some regards and careless. While he does enjoy the suffering of others he doesn't go out of his way to cause it, nor does he actually cause mass destruction. He isn't so much lazy in that regard as he simply feels no need to do so. With enough power to level a good portion of Faereach why would he bother? Malorn seeks a challenge, finding little joy in tasks he can easily accomplish. This however does not extend to menial more human life in Faereach, which he tends to actually enjoy and find a great relief from before he settled down.

For a demon is he actually quite reserved and laid back, hard to anger and even then not quick to jump to rage. He has a few triggers however, the most prominent being anyone causing destruction to his Cafe or otherwise doing things to impede it's success. Though, the one time it was destroyed so was all the surrounding buildings along with the perpetrator, so it's not advisable to do this. The same result, minus surrounding destruction as he doesn't want to destroy his own further, will happen if you cause any damage to his home. He is quite protective of his possessions.

Abilities/Types of Magic:

Malorn is a Grand Demon, as such he is extremely ancient and powerful. He could most likely level New York with a few blows if he set his mind to it, but such a thing doesn't appeal to him in the least. He can be killed, though, it is persistently hard to do so.

He has a wide variety of abilities, each with their own weaknesses and limits. They are as follows:
  • Demonic Shift: Malorn is able to transform between his human form and demon form at will, no he will not be naked throughout either transformation, he is an all powerful demon you don't think he can't keep his shirt intact? He is also able to summon and dismiss his wings at will, though for simplicity sake he usually leaves them out.
  • Phase Shift: Malorn is able to shift through solid material such as a wall, a car, that street pole careening for his head, etc. However, he must be in full Grand Demon form and it has a cool-down of thirty seconds(or one, count 'em, one object per post)
  • Elemental Fury: Malorn is able to control all elements with relative ease. Though considerably weaker in human form, he still can.
  • Regeneration: Malorn shrugs off flesh wounds like getting poked with a toothpick, you won't be able to kill him by trying to make him bleed out VIA shallow wounds. Deeper wounds take roughly 30 seconds to heal(again, a full post per wound). He CAN regenerate limbs provided he can place said limb near where it was severed. If the limb is destroyed he must shift to his demon form and re-grow it, the process is extremely painful and leaves him severely weakened for a good period of time after
  • Supernatural Strength, Speed, etc.: Malorn is a grand demon, no puny human can ever hope to match him. Those that can are considered the strongest humans alive. He will shrug off punches from mere humans, in fact if you did punch him you'd hurt yourself more than him. He is slightly stronger than a Vampire Lord, however not by much.
  • Flight: Malorn IS capable of breaking the speed of sound with his flying. However, doing so harms him both internally and externally, so he rarely if ever does it.
  • Cerberus Call: He is able to summon Cerberus at will. One head breathes fire, one lightning, and one air. Once all three heads are cut off, which is by no means an easy task, Cerberus cannot be re-summoned for a full day.

Bio: Malorn started out as a simple demon with a big goal, the goal to control hell and every other demonic realm. He knew it to be a hard task, but it was one he took up nonetheless. Over the centuries he slew dragons, powerful demons, mythical creatures, and even formed a blood pact with the almighty Cerberus. As powerful as he may be, he never considered himself strong enough, even after becoming one of the 10 Grand Demons of Hades (Number four to be exact.). He still wanted more, but at that time he grew lazy and unmotivated. Sure, he continued getting stronger, but not nearly enough for his tastes.

Eventually he came upon Faereach and took up a relatively normal life there. Since then he took up work as owner of the Green Leaf Cafè, he has been working there and living in Faereach for roughly 15 years.


Eons ago Malorn fought Cerberus and won, instead of killing him however he forced him into a blood pact in exchange for letting him live. From then on Cerberus has become a loyal companion whom Malorn can summon at will.


His chain-katars. The chain can extend as far as he wills it, though the farther it reaches the more unwieldy it becomes. That said, it can be retracted nigh instantly at will. When wielded a demonic blue fire surrounds the blades as well as the chain. These blades are able to tear through human flesh like paper and any known human metal like a hot knife through butter
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Name: Malorn Drakanos

Species: Grand Demon

Age: Looks 21, true age is unknown.




Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Malorn, while powerful and still just as sadistic as the next demon, is inherently lazy in some regards and careless. While he does enjoy the suffering of others he doesn't go out of his way to cause it, nor does he actually cause mass destruction. He isn't so much lazy in that regard as he simply feels no need to do so. With enough power to level a good portion of Faereach why would he bother? Malorn seeks a challenge, finding little joy in tasks he can easily accomplish. This however does not extend to menial more human life in Faereach, which he tends to actually enjoy and find a great relief from before he settled down.

For a demon is he actually quite reserved and laid back, hard to anger and even then not quick to jump to rage. He has a few triggers however, the most prominent being anyone causing destruction to his Cafe or otherwise doing things to impede it's success. Though, the one time it was destroyed so was all the surrounding buildings along with the perpetrator, so it's not advisable to do this. The same result, minus surrounding destruction as he doesn't want to destroy his own further, will happen if you cause any damage to his home. He is quite protective of his possessions.

Abilities/Types of Magic:

Malorn is a Grand Demon, as such he is extremely ancient and powerful. He could most likely level New York with a few blows if he set his mind to it, but such a thing doesn't appeal to him in the least. He can be killed, though, it is persistently hard to do so.

He has a wide variety of abilities, each with their own weaknesses and limits. They are as follows:
  • Demonic Shift: Malorn is able to transform between his human form and demon form at will, no he will not be naked throughout either transformation, he is an all powerful demon you don't think he can't keep his shirt intact? He is also able to summon and dismiss his wings at will, though for simplicity sake he usually leaves them out.
  • Phase Shift: Malorn is able to shift through solid material such as a wall, a car, that street pole careening for his head, etc. However, he must be in full Grand Demon form and it has a cool-down of thirty seconds(or one, count 'em, one object per post)
  • Elemental Fury: Malorn is able to control all elements with relative ease. Though considerably weaker in human form, he still can.
  • Regeneration: Malorn shrugs off flesh wounds like getting poked with a toothpick, you won't be able to kill him by trying to make him bleed out VIA shallow wounds. Deeper wounds take roughly 30 seconds to heal(again, a full post per wound). He CAN regenerate limbs provided he can place said limb near where it was severed. If the limb is destroyed he must shift to his demon form and re-grow it, the process is extremely painful and leaves him severely weakened for a good period of time after
  • Supernatural Strength, Speed, etc.: Malorn is a grand demon, no puny human can ever hope to match him. Those that can are considered the strongest humans alive. He will shrug off punches from mere humans, in fact if you did punch him you'd hurt yourself more than him. He is slightly stronger than a Vampire Lord, however not by much.
  • Flight: Malorn IS capable of breaking the speed of sound with his flying. However, doing so harms him both internally and externally, so he rarely if ever does it.
  • Cerberus Call: He is able to summon Cerberus at will. One head breathes fire, one lightning, and one air. Once all three heads are cut off, which is by no means an easy task, Cerberus cannot be re-summoned for a full day.

Bio: Malorn started out as a simple demon with a big goal, the goal to control hell and every other demonic realm. He knew it to be a hard task, but it was one he took up nonetheless. Over the centuries he slew dragons, powerful demons, mythical creatures, and even formed a blood pact with the almighty Cerberus. As powerful as he may be, he never considered himself strong enough, even after becoming one of the 10 Grand Demons of Hades (Number four to be exact.). He still wanted more, but at that time he grew lazy and unmotivated. Sure, he continued getting stronger, but not nearly enough for his tastes.

Eventually he came upon Faereach and took up a relatively normal life there. Since then he took up work as owner of the Green Leaf Cafè, he has been working there and living in Faereach for roughly 15 years.


Eons ago Malorn fought Cerberus and won, instead of killing him however he forced him into a blood pact in exchange for letting him live. From then on Cerberus has become a loyal companion whom Malorn can summon at will.


His chain-katars. The chain can extend as far as he wills it, though the farther it reaches the more unwieldy it becomes. That said, it can be retracted nigh instantly at will. When wielded a demonic blue fire surrounds the blades as well as the chain. These blades are able to tear through human flesh like paper and any known human metal like a hot knife through butter
Name: Renard (Ren) Kasai

Extra Details: nine white tail that can appear and disappear on command

Gender: Male

Age: 394

Race: Kitsune

Personality: Ren is a has a more subdued personality compared to his brother. He is calm and more mellow than most Kitsunes. This combined with his high-esteem and more restraint politeness make him seem snobbier than he really is. Attracting the attention and admiration of others is something that brings him great pleasure. He exudes charm in fact proves his worth by exercising his charm. Because of this he tends to find him trying to attain social superiority, or gaining status, social recognition and prestige. With all this in mind, he is mostly quiet, rather private, subdued in demeanor, and has artistic interests and aesthetic sensibilities. Has a value for intellectual matters, and judges in unconventional terms? He would rather talk thing out, but if fighting is to break out he uses his wits and defense to analyze his opponent. He then waits for the prefect time to strike.

Biography: Ren is the middle child of a very old Kitsune family. From early in his life, he always felt like he needs to prove himself to the family and the world. As a middle child, he had to learn everything to be an adviser to the future head of the family, but more importantly, he was expected to court someone to help expand the family's power. Overall, he enjoyed a happy life, but did feel the pressure placed on him and often felt like he was left to fade into the background.

One day he was busy with his lessons for the day, when commotion peaks his ears. He was told to stay where he was and to not venture outside his study room. That’s when he heard the screams of his mother and he couldn’t stay any longer. He came face to face with his elder brother, when went and attacked him. Not expecting the attack and being in such shock, Ren was wounded. He used his adrenaline to knock his brother off balance and teleport out of the clan’s home. He found refuge in some nearby mountains. There he fell into a slumber and recovered his energy. The rest will be revealed during the rpg.

Weapons: War fans, magic, claws, fangs

Types of Magic: illusion magic/dream magic, Wind based spells, Music based spells, transporting spells and healing spells

Abilities: Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Predator Instinct, Claw Retraction, Decelerated Aging/Semi-Immortality, Enhanced Intelligence/Enhanced Wisdom thanks to his age, Curse Inducement, Tail Manifestation, Prehensile Tail, Invisibility

Extra Info: Recent moved to the city
Name: Renard (Ren) Kasai

Extra Details: nine white tail that can appear and disappear on command

Gender: Male

Age: 394

Race: Kitsune

Personality: Ren is a has a more subdued personality compared to his brother. He is calm and more mellow than most Kitsunes. This combined with his high-esteem and more restraint politeness make him seem snobbier than he really is. Attracting the attention and admiration of others is something that brings him great pleasure. He exudes charm in fact proves his worth by exercising his charm. Because of this he tends to find him trying to attain social superiority, or gaining status, social recognition and prestige. With all this in mind, he is mostly quiet, rather private, subdued in demeanor, and has artistic interests and aesthetic sensibilities. Has a value for intellectual matters, and judges in unconventional terms? He would rather talk thing out, but if fighting is to break out he uses his wits and defense to analyze his opponent. He then waits for the prefect time to strike.

Biography: Ren is the middle child of a very old Kitsune family. From early in his life, he always felt like he needs to prove himself to the family and the world. As a middle child, he had to learn everything to be an adviser to the future head of the family, but more importantly, he was expected to court someone to help expand the family's power. Overall, he enjoyed a happy life, but did feel the pressure placed on him and often felt like he was left to fade into the background.

One day he was busy with his lessons for the day, when commotion peaks his ears. He was told to stay where he was and to not venture outside his study room. That’s when he heard the screams of his mother and he couldn’t stay any longer. He came face to face with his elder brother, when went and attacked him. Not expecting the attack and being in such shock, Ren was wounded. He used his adrenaline to knock his brother off balance and teleport out of the clan’s home. He found refuge in some nearby mountains. There he fell into a slumber and recovered his energy. The rest will be revealed during the rpg.

Weapons: War fans, magic, claws, fangs

Types of Magic: illusion magic/dream magic, Wind based spells, Music based spells, transporting spells and healing spells

Abilities: Enhanced Bite, Enhanced Durability, Enhanced Endurance, Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Stamina, Enhanced Strength, Predator Instinct, Claw Retraction, Decelerated Aging/Semi-Immortality, Enhanced Intelligence/Enhanced Wisdom thanks to his age, Curse Inducement, Tail Manifestation, Prehensile Tail, Invisibility

Extra Info: Recent moved to the city
Alyx Keddron, Dragon Tamer


Name: Alyx Keddron
Aliases: Alyx, Dragon Child, Bluescale
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Dragon Aspect
Weapons: Knife, Arm mounted crossbow, Crystalline magic


Sexuality: Straight
High Concept: Dragon Tamer with dreams of sharing the love and knowledge of dragons

Character Alignment: Lawful Neutral
  • Lillian Nightingale (Mother)
    • Tamer of dragons. Taught Alyx everything he knows about dragons.
  • Jackson Keddron (Father) [Deceased ]
    • Unknown

Alyx is a curious guy, often wandering into places he doesn't belong. However he is never afraid to take a step back and look at the bigger picture. He has difficulties making friends due to his relations with dragons, but those who befriend him will always have a valuable ally.

Even at a young age Alyx had always been exposed to dragons. His mother often cared for the dragons that dwelled in the area, often taking Alyx with her. Being an only child with a single mother he became very close to her, and eventually, even closer with dragons. At the age of thirteen he was given the dragon companion that now follows him everywhere he goes. At that time his mother taught him how to care for young dragons and how to make a living in his own way. Now he resides in the outskirts of Faereach, caring for his dragon friend as she grows.


Appearance: Alyx is a rather petite guy standing at a mere 5'3" and weighing only 110 lbs. His skin is a pale tone and he has a frail look about him, however he is very tough, as is needed to be a dragon tamer.

Items & Personal Belongings: Large satchel, Dragonflame lantern, Canteen, Sleeping bag, Pillow, Rations x7, Map, Knife, Amulet, Chain
Skills: Dragon Taming, Cooking, Fighting, Exploration, Survival


Alyx, being a dragon aspect, has access to many forms of magic that dragons wield. However he is still in the process of learning how to freely control these magics. (Upon first use or 'discovery' it will take him 10 posts to fully learn the new spell/magic).
  • Breath of the Dragon- By inhaling and releasing the power of his draconic blood he is able to breath fire just as a dragon does. However other dragons are unaffected by this. He is also immune to fire due to the dragon blood.
  • Dragonhide- Yet again due to being a dragon himself he is highly resistant to many physical and magical threats. His dragon heritage make metallic weapons difficult to pierce his skin. Magic also barely effects him as the dragon magic coursing through him negates most magic, although his youth has made this ability weak as of yet.
  • Dragon Sense- The dragon blood coursing through his veins allows him to sense things much as a dragon. Scent is his strongest of his dragon senses.

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