Fae Academy | Coven, Cliques and Hexes!

sunshine and whiskey

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The Students of Merlin are the typical heroes of any fantasy novel. They often practice White Magick and are skilled healers. Merlin students are often honest, brave, and wise beyond their years. They are often associated with healing and the bringing of fertility and fortune around them. They practice the ways of the light and can always be trusted. They have a long standing rivalry with the Coven of Circe.

1. Justin Johnson | 19 | W.I.P. | Hydrokinesis & Healing | Taken

2. Elizabeth Blackwell | 18 | Rebellious, Caring & Loyal | Ability | Taken by @MorticiansDaughter

3. Name | Age | 3 Personality Traits | Ability


Medea is the strangest coven on campus. They are typically outcasts, being that they're neither good, nor evil, but they aren't connected to the Earth like the Pucks. Their Magick varies widely, as do their personalities. They are very mysterious, but many of their peers don't pay them much attention.

1. Staz D. Bluud | 15 | Compassionate | Devourer | Taken by

2. Name | Age | 3 Personality Traits | Ability

3. Name | Age | 3 Personality Traits | Ability

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Insert IMG or GIF of character here

Name | Age

"Insert a Character Quote here."

Full Name:







[Give a brief description even including their clothing style.]


[Merlin, Circe, Puck or Medea.]


[Please explain what they can do with their ability]


[At least a paragraph]


[At least a paragraph]

Full Name: Staz D. Bluúd

Nickname: Black, Blood

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Staz's irritably short, only standing at around 5' 6". Sometimes being said to have a somewhat cat-like appearance. He's well built for his age and is physically adept, though not particularly obvious from his appearance, often wearing a thick black robe and hood that completely covers him, yet he's able to remain agile in it. In more informal occasions, he wears jeans, a black trench coat and usually a plain white t-shirt

Coven: Medea

Ability: Devourer; Devourer is the formation of a black flame, the flame devours most magicks, yet is highly unstable, meaning that even if he were lucky enough to get it to work once, the flame would most likely disperse on it's second use, another flaw is the fact that the flame will always and can only come from his right palm, if his fist is closed or bound, he cannot use his ability.

Personality: Staz would most likely be in Circe if it wasn't for the simple fact that he ACTUALLY possesses some compassion, often masking it or pretending he's cold and unfeeling by throwing on a 'hitman's facade' to make him seem unnerving or potentially scary to most people. He utterly adores cats and isn't shy or afraid of many things... besides the colour white, he possesses an odd fear of it. His compassion usually only goes out to people he doesn't know, pretending to be much kinder than he would be if he got to know people. A cynical pessimist loner with an odd, despicable taste of the world normally.

History: ((I really have nothing to put, can I potentially come back to this later?))
Adora| 18


"Leave me alone, you don't know the things I can do."

Full Name: Adora Lanslock

Nickname: Ora



Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Under all of those piercings and emo frowns, Adora is a beautiful girl. She was born with almost jet black hair that she has shaved at one side and is usually let down at the other. Altogether, she has 14 piercings that adorn her face and ears. She has a stern look on her face most of the time, which can often make her seem rude or nasty. She is tall, standing at 6ft 7in and weighs 172 pounds, which is a little low for her tall height. She is often found in skinny jeans with a comfortable t-shirt that shows off her chest and arm tattoos. On her left arm, she dons a full sleeve tribal tattoo.


On her right shoulder, she has a simple flower design.


She got all of her tattoos on her 18th birthday.




Electrokinesis: The ability to shoot extremely powerful shots of electricity. It can also be used to fix machines, or power something.


Adora is tough and covered in emotional defences. She likes to keep herself to herself and is not afraid to speak her mind. Although she enjoys being in her own company, she just wants to find someone who truly understands her, as her power is dangerous and harmful, she wants to find someone who gets that. That is why she joined Circe, because she thought there would be bad people there; bad people like her.

Adora enjoys little things, like the rush of adrenaline in a fight, or the feeling before a first kiss. She is sentimental at heart, but rarely shows that side of herself.

She is grumpy at times, and sometimes she needs to be left alone with her thoughts so she can figure them out herself. She likes partying, and drinking as they make her feel free and uncaring. The only time she could ever truly loosen up is at a party.

History: Adora was born to Faerie parents. They brought her up, making her fully aware of her powers. They told her that she was to go to Fae and become successful. She never wanted to go to a school, she just wanted to be free with her powers. But, when a terrible accident happened, she changed her mind.

At school, she was average. She never did amazingly well or exceptionally bad, but was just a perfect in between. She had a few friends, but she was only close to one girl, Liza. Liza had a power just like hers. They made plans that they would go out into the world when they were older and that they would live together and become a duo of power suppliers. They had fun, for a short time, messed with people's electricity chords, but when they were 12, Liza played with something she should not have played with.

They were playing at the power station, having sneaked in through the fences. Liza thought that putting her hand in a generator would sort of update her power, but boy was she wrong. She overloaded and killed herself in the process. Adora hated being too friendly with anyone since, i fear they too would end up dead like Liza. She thinks of herself as a bad omen.
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Freyja | 17

"Feeling so cold inside your shadow"

Full Name: Freyja Gotthard

Nickname: none


Gender: female

Sexuality: heterosexual




Freyja has black and blue eyes and is usually seen wearing a white cloak of some sort. She likes to walk around barefooted especially outside in the grass and earth. She loves vintage and velvet clothing and only wears long skirts or dresses. Her hair is also a snowy silvery white. She has some reds and greens in her wardrobe but she loves to wear black. Which is probably weird for some people! Since she was raised by a very celtic family she has some old family hairdresses that she wears at times.





Freyja can get in touch with the souls and life energies of plant life and keep them growing and more healthy then any other plant life on campus. She can grow a type of flower not known to the planet earth, let alone very known to her that has the abilities to heal any illness or injury though it is usually saved as a last resort as it normally causes a permanent side effect in the patient that is unique to each person.


Freyja has a curious soul and a mind full of wonder and magic. She enjoys magic and loves to learn all kinds of different spells from her teachers and friends. Freyja is..kind of like a hippy in terms. Shes a lover of mother earth and likes to keep the peace between everyone in the different covens. But she does have a temper to boot, one that she keeps hidden by occupying herself with spells work and plants. So I dont suggest making fun of her plants, it might just get you sent to the nurses office. But all in all she is kind and loves to help anyone she can in life.


Freyja was raised to believe in all kinds of magic. Her grandparents were around during the days where black magic was simply a type of magic..not something to fear. And though her parents werent into the magic life, she sure was. She found as many books as she could to start studying and by the tender age of 10 she cast one of her first successful spells. Only her parents and grandparents knew of her hobby and some wondered how they had such a beautiful garden all year round. One night while trying some new spells she managed to grow a beautiful flower that had a smell unknown to anyone she showed it to. When trying to figure out what this flower was she managed to cut herself on one of its thorns. The pain was harsh and hot and made her feel ill. She was sure it was toxic and quickly set out to figure out how to stop it, and when nothing else worked she figured the only thing she could use was the flower itself. By the time she was done, most of her veins had turned black including the veins in her eyes. Once the spell was done she drank the potion. Quickly her veins returned to normal and her body temperature had cooled down. But suddenly her eyes were in such pain she collapsed, and when she woke up her eyes veins were completely black and only the blue of her irises were visible. After that incident her parents knew it was best to send her to magic school where no one would figure out what she did.
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"The trees and ravens are my friends, hurt them and I hurt you."

Full Name: Morrigan Orin

Nickname: none








about 5'6 and medium build. she has long hair that is mainly brownish red with blonde and black highlights. Most of her hair is dreaded except for some that frame her face, the hair that is not dreaded is curly. She wears headbands that are adorned with feathers and various charms and some of her dreads are either, wrapped in leather or have charms. She is of European descent and has green eyes. She has tattoos on both of her arms and are vines with little ivy leaves and spirals. She always wears a triple moon necklace which has a goldish hue to it. She usually wears a tank top and a very full skirt. She never wears shoes.




Morrigan can speak to animals and plants and uses this to her advantage when finding out info or, in her case, to just have lots of friends. She is also very skilled at Divination mainly scrying and tarot cards. She can also manipulate fire but, she cannot create it only make it stronger and make it go in a certain direction. She hates this and rarely uses this power. She also does general magik work such as charms, protection, and healing spells. On occasion she is known for doing love spells or even hexes.


Like the raven Morrigan is very intelligent. She loves a good challenge and if she will stop at nothing to solve it. This makes her stubborn and if you try to interrupt her she will become very angry. She is very intuitive and tends to follow her instincts on certain things. She is very curious in nature and loves learning new things. She can be uptight and aggressive at times especially when it comes to questions about what she is talking to plants or animals as she sees that is no ones business but her own. If you stay on her good side she will help you out no matter what. She is friendly but shy at first since she never really had friends. She is getting better about but, she can still be awkward at times.


Morrigan was named by her aunt after the Celtic goddess of war. She grew up with said aunt, in a forest where she learned that she could understand animals and plants. Since it was mainly her and her aunt she made friends with various animals and trees. Her aunt thought nothing bad of it since Morrigan could grow very healthy plants since, she knew what they needed. She does not eat meat and mainly scavenges for food or grows her own. Her aunt decided to send her to magic school when she made a squirrel attack a boy for stomping on a plant, afraid that she would never truly fit in anywhere or that she would be hunted down.



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Justin Johnson | 17

"When a Merlin comes your way - It's best that you step back or feel their hidden wrath."

Full Name:

Justin Johnson.


Most people call him J.J. around the campus but he really wants to be called Justin.

Call him Prince Charming, he'll probably drown you.








Justin stands at six foot one and weighs one hundred and forty-five pounds of pure muscle. He considers himself to be quite good looking despite what anyone else thinks of him. He also has chestnut brown eyes that look hazel with a right amount of sun hits them. Justin's skin is sun kissed tanned from the amount of time he spent at the beach from his local hometown of San Diego, California. He also has a six pack, perfect muscles and a swimmer's body. His clothing style consists of blue jeans, t-shirts and sneakers. He'll only dress up if the academy is having a special event or function.




Hydrokinesis - The ability to manipulate and create water with one's mind. Along with this ability, he can also do a little healing but he cannot heal major wounds, only minor wounds..





- & -


Clarissa Bridges| 17

"Cross over to the Circe side - We have cookies."

Full Name:

Clarissa Bridges.


Clarissa doesn't really like nicknames so if you give her one, she'll either beat you up or torture you until she is satisfied.






Sapiosexual. You'll have to be intelligent to tickle my fancy.


Clarissa is what you would call the perfection of what a Circe member should look like. She has a rather dark appearance about her and she doesn't plan on changing that for anyone. Clarissa has emerald green eyes that sparkles when the sun hits them. She also have long, raven colored hair that cascade down her back and ends at her mid back. She usually has a few strands in the front of her hair dyed green to bring out the color of her eyes more. She also has very pale, milky skin, which she usually keeps covered with black clothing except her face. She powders her face every so often and that doesn't make it look that pale.




Mind Control. Clarissa can manipulates one mind into doing whatever she wants them to do but in order for that to happen, she'll have to focus on that person mind and stare at them in the eye. She also has a medium level of Telepathy but only uses it to read people's mind and to communicate with others.




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"Is my life and you know what? No one fucking invited you so... There's the door ."

Full Name: Elizabeth Blackwell

Nickname: Liz

Age: 18


Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight


Elizabeth appareance would make anyone think she is a Circe but no one suspects Merlin. She uses dark clothes and in special occasions she used dark makeup. She likes to die her hair a lot and has a dragon tattoo in her left arm




Light energy manipulation: Elizabeth can create, shape and control light energy. Her powers are weak against water but not very weak, she practices white magic like the other Merlins


Elizabeth would be the perfect Circe. She is rebellious, a daredevil and she is not afraid to break the rules but the truth is she is nothing like a Circe deep inside. She is intelligent and brave but she tries to help people when they are in trouble. Elizabeth can be sweet once you really get to know her and a very loyal friend.


Will finish later<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.c60e2bc4bd6b0879f05390f99d10c69f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/image.jpg.c60e2bc4bd6b0879f05390f99d10c69f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Adriana Luna || 18

"Everyone has their demons. I'm yours."

Full Name:

Adriana Lilith Luna










From the tip of her midnight black hair down to the soles of her feet her aura screams 'dark'.






Sassy, secretive and shrewd. That pretty much summarizes the main outer personality of Adriana. One could probably also topple along shallow, strong-willed, tenacious and tough. She isn't much of a Sadist though, she would have to actually have to find herself to care about somebody else's pain for that.



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"Things are much more complicated then you realize."

Full Name: Rose Avelyn Rein

Nickname: N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: Rose has lost interest in caring about her appearance, and throws on this first thing she can find when dressing, and usually puts her hair up in a sloppy bun. She tends to wear t-shirts and jeans and/or shorts. Casual style, no jewelry. She finds it to be annoying.

Coven: Medea

Ability: Body manipulation. She can control a human body, shutting off parts of it as she pleases, but she can also heal by molding the body back to it's original state. It's quite a creepy talent, and it takes a lot of energy for her to use.

Personality: Rose is a secretive, cold girl, who tends not to befriend or trust in anyone. Because of past experiences, she has matured much to quickly and looks on the dark side of life, rattling off strange quotes and sayings that make no sense. A peculiar girl indeed. She is neither delinquent or hero, either outside of those categories or in between. She fights for what she believes is right, and considers herself of rouge. You could call her crazy if you'd like, but I consider her to just know too much. If you had to use three words to describe her, they'd be; Cold, Secretive, and Unique [Aka Crazy :P ]

History: Rose was abducted at a very young age by humans who wanted to use her powers for evil. In trying to escape, she saw something mortifying, something that changed her, and I won't mention it here. Ever since then, she hasn't been the same.​
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Aurelia Lavesk | 15

"Those who don't believe in magic will never find it."

Full Name: Aurelia Rhian Lavesk

Nickname: Rhi








Aurelia is 5' 0" and weighs 95lbs. Her eyes are an unusual violet color. She has very pale skin. Her original hair color is brunette but she bleaches it white. She has five piercings in each ear. She doesn't have a specific clothing style, she just wears what she wants when she wants to. You'll see her in short and a tank top one day and the next she'll be wearing a floor-length dress.




Mediumship - User can view ghosts/spirits of deceased and communicate with them, even if they have possessed inanimate objects/subjects/people. They are able to repel and run spirits away from an area and may even view a visual conception of a spirit world in a trance if desired.

Telempathy - A kind of empathy where the empath can not only sense others emotions, but they can also send their own emotions to others. Users can communicate with one another emotionally and if skilled enough send images back and fourth.


Aurelia is a very compassionate individual. She tries to be as helpful and kind as possible, especially towards people that are sad or upset. She is normally very talkative and likes to be around people, but sometimes she just needs to be alone.

Being an empath is sometimes hard for her - especially when she's around a lot of people - because she can feel the emotions of everyone around her. Sometimes she has trouble distinguishing her own emotions from the emotions of others.

Aurelia often feels too connected to everyone, and it overwhelms her. She feels cut off from everyone because no one understands exactly what she's going through.


Aurelia Smith was raised by two very strict Christian parents. They wouldn't let her listen to music because they thought it was evil. Aurelia's best friend was named Layla. Layla dyed her hair and had piercings and wore band tees. Aurelia brought Layla to her house one day and her parents made Layla leave and grounded Aurelia because they thought Layla was a satanic devil-worshiper. While Aurelia was never close to her parents, she loved her Grandmother, a woman named Cynthia Lavesk. Cynthia, understanding how awful it must be to live with Aurelia's parents, would often invite Aurelia to stay at her house on the weekends. Cynthia lived in the middle of a beautiful forest, away from other people, and Aurelia loved it there. Whenever she would visit, she and her Grandmother would go exploring in the woods. They would see all sorts of animals, and Cynthia would tell her stories about faeries and magick. To her parents horror, Aurelia started introducing herself as Aurelia Lavesk, and the wouldn't allow her to stay with Cynthia anymore. Soon after that, she began developing the ability to sense and feel other people's emotions. When Aurelia was 14, her parents died in a car crash, and she went to live with Cynthia, who, upon Aurelia's request, taught her more about magick. A year later, Cynthia sent Aurelia to Fae's Academy.​
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Attica O'Sulivaun | 16 1/2

"I may not like you, but i will never wish ill towards you."

Full Name: Attica Amelia O'Sulivaun

Nickname: Call her anything but her name and she won't hesitate to hurt you.


16 1/2

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Hetero


Long red hair with a grey streak on the left side that runs to the middle of her back, Gorgeous green eyes, Always dresses up in that "preppy cheerleader that isn't a skank" kind of way.




Resurrection - She has the ability to raise people back to life with their full mind and soul back into the body, but at a major drawback... she loses a few years of her life.


She is a sweet, and caring person. That really doesn't give a damn what you may think of her. She really hates it when guys try and use vague ways of picking her up or trying to get into her pants, that is the only way that you would ever get her to truly hate you. She kinda wants people to just leave her alone but it seems no matter where she goes popularity follows.


She had led a somewhat normal life. She lived with her father who never talked about her mother. She was always running around with the popular kids. Until the day her and her father were going to her grandmother's house. On the way there she saw strange lights in front of the car. She asked her dad what they were and he was quiet the whole time... looking as if he had seen a ghost. When they were 10 miles out of town a kid about 9 years old was standing in the street with gunshot wounds all over him. As soon as her father saw this he tried to swerve to avoid hitting the boy but ended up wrapping his car around a tree. When she woke up she tried to wake up her father but when she touched him she noticed that he was colder that a blizzard. She then realized that he was dead. She put his hands on him and cried and cried and cried for him to come back. When she was close to giving up she found that he was covered in those strange lights. She begged them to do anything to bring him back. After that he instantly warmed up and took a breath, then he looked at her in horror and said "What have you done, foolish ignorant girl? I knew your mother's gift would find you but I hoped I would never be the recipient of such a horrid curse. I curse the day you were born." And looked away. She climbed out of the car and ran. When she reached the next town she asked if there were any wiccan cults around. She got no answer but a man chasing her out of town with a pitchfork. she lived homeless for 6 months when a strange man came up to her and said "I know of your gift. If you wish not to be hated and shunned come with me." She was leery to trust this man but figured that worst case scenario was that she died. And so she ended up here at this magick school.



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