Fading Humanity {A realistic post-apocalyptic survival Rp}

Welp, this is something I just recently came up with; basically the world has went to shit. It's currently in a post-apocalyptic state and technology has nearly all but faded in the year since it's initial happening an unknown event is the cause of various forms of undead, some intelligent, some not but all running rampant across the face of the earth. Unlike most series all of my undead will be subject to the effects of sunlight.

Interesting enough, such a world has no need for traditional forms of currency instead things have reverted per-say and trade is wealth. Though some people may come across watches, walkie-talkie and ect. A majority of the time these items will not work but there are people that capable of fixing such things but primarily the source of trade is food, weapons and women.

Undead though dangerous are hardly the primary threat, there are murderers, thieves, kidnappers racist and let's not forget the cannibals even more dangerous then these individuals are are when they band together to form clans. These clans serve function pretty much how most gangs of today function and relie upon one another for trade, it's usually prohibited for clan members to kill or harm other members for fear of retaliation or whatnot. People involved in these groups have marks somewhere upon their flesh symbolizing this. A typical group is needs a minimum of 12 members to be considered a clan and perpetrators are dealt with harshly, groups usually max out about 50 members but some larger groups are known to exist.

Remember; everyone that dies becomes undead, prolong exsposer to the sun delays the transformation but traits of insanity usually set in upon those bitten before transformation. The transformation time between people vary from two minutes to a full night.

Keep in mind, weapons and animution are limited. I would like people to denote their rations including that of their food be reasonable people and everyone does not have guns.

You guys know how to make a character sheet, post an example and even a picture of your character and I'll tell you if you're approved. 
Twas it really not interesting?

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