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Multiple Settings Fadded's Partner Search ~ UPDATED July 18!


"Comparison is the thief of joy."
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello friends. The name is FaddedFox, but you can call me Fadded, Fox, Addy, Fay, whatever you decide as long as it is not offensive and inappropriate. I am looking for a couple new rp partners! I would love to potentially write with you! I am not great with coding and I know it is a little bit of a read but I tried to make it as easy as possible for each section. Main thing is, I am open to a lot and encourage you to reach out if you have an interest, even if it is not one listed here!

Want to know a little about me? I am 32, work full-time, have a side sculpting art business, and care for my grandmother. I have a fluffy doggo named Achilles who is just... a hilarious goof ball. I have been role-playing for ages and generally love fantasy, science fiction, and adding a bit of romance, angst, and character development in the plot. I am not shy of dark themes and stories and actually prefer a bit of darkness, as well as some fluff sprinkled in, depending on the story. I like to explore human nature in various backgrounds and plots. I am looking for long-term partners. And communication! I absolutely love to communicate about the plot, the characters, and getting to know my partner a little. I'll go ahead and list a few more things about my rp style and what I am looking for but I just wanted to give a little introduction before we jump in! Without further adieu, let's get into the important bits of this thread!

About my style+ I consider myself semi-literate to literate and prefer longer paragraphs. I generally match what my partner gives me and I want to see reactions and plots being moved forward. I understand things tend to get shorter if they are just having a conversation, but I don't want all of our responses to be a paragraph or a line. That isn't much to work with there. I want to write a story with you! Generally my post length is about 3-4 paragraphs, more if inspired or working novella style.
+ I will try to get a post out each week. Sometimes I can do more, sometimes less, it just depends on what is going on and how tired I am. If I don't respond in a week, you're more than welcome to poke me. I may have forgotten I wrote the post in my head and didn't actually type and send the post. I am pretty friendly and laid back so please don't feel nervous about it! It happens.
+ I do enjoy adding romance, but in accordance to the rpnation rules on site.
+ I do enjoy OOC chat, sharing memes, art, and whatever! Like I said, I am pretty chill. Just please don't be rude and aggressive. We won't mesh well if you are.
+ Cussing/dark themes - I enjoy dark themes in role-plays. I understand characters curse, they come from dark places. Character development is a must!
+ I write in third person. I shy away from first person.
+ I write multiple characters. Could be several mains or one and some side characters. Having a diverse cast is important and helps create a richer world with interactions!
+ For main pairings, I do tend to play male/male as my go to pairing, but I am open to others.
+I am pacific time, if time-zones mean something to you.

+ As mentioned before, I love fantasy and science fiction, but don't mind exploring various elements and themes.
+I use anime pictures and artistic character pictures for inspiration. I do not like using real people as face claims since they are real people, but if you want to, that's fine.
+ if something in the rp isn't working, I will tell you so. I want us both to have fun and if something is boring, that is okay. We can do something else, change things up, or just start over. As I said, I want us to be able to mesh well and have fun!
+I will not just vanish and never come back. As stated above, if I suddenly vanish, it is because I am busy (or forgot I haven't replied...). I will do my best to let you know if something is coming up but I may forget I didn't. So again, don't feel afraid to poke me. I'll respond. I will always come back and I will also always respond to ooc chatter.
+I have discord if you want to chat on there and plot stuff. I do prefer the rp to be here on site though. I also prefer private messages.[/font]

What I am asking for+Please be LGBTQ+ friendly in OOC chat. I totally understand if characters aren't. That adds to the rp but I don't want that in the ooc chat we have going on. I am an ally. Nothing derogatory about anyone or anything really. Also PLEASE don't talk to me about politics. We are here to enjoy ourselves and create something together. I am not interested in talking politics. Other than that, I don't have many triggers.
+Please be semi-literate to literate! I want to push my writing and push yours too! I understand typos. I have them lol. I just want to make sure I can understand what is going on. You don't have to write me a novel each time if you don't feel it, but at least 2 paragraphs if it is not a talking scene.
+Please be 18 and above. Considering my own age, I just find it more appropriate this way.
+I want a partner! This means I want to hear your ideas too! I want to create something with you so I would love for you to be able to add things to a plot, take away things, work things out with me. I don't want to carry it myself. I'll get bored.
+Character development. Did I say that before? Well here it is again.
+I LOVE having lots of characters. It helps create a richer world. So I would love it if you would share in that!
+Be okay with some dark mature themes, cursing characters and rude characters (depending on the plot). I won't ever be rude to you via ooc chat or anything. PLEASE tell me triggers so I know what to avoid if we explore these themes.
+OOC chat with me! I love to get to know my partners a little and share memes and songs and stuff about the rp or what helps me write, art work.
+Please don't ghost on me! I'll poke you if it has been a while or longer than usual to see if you're okay. If you are not enjoying the rp, just let me know and we can try something new together. Sometimes the first plot just doesn't work! It happens so I am okay if we do something else. I'm even okay if you decide we don't mesh well. Just tell me or tell me what the problem is so I can work on it. I can't fix it and be better if you don't tell me. I'm not snappy. If I'm doing something that bothers you, I want to know so I don't do that.

I think that is about it. I will update these lists as needed.

Vague themes of interest The more **** the more I am currently interested in that plot.

-Sirens. I just love sirens. I have my own version which we can talk about and mesh with your ideas.
-vampires -NOT Twilight. I also have various types of vampires in mind, and we can play around with that.
-Artificial Intelligence - also have lots of stuff with them. ***************
-Dragons. Just, who could not? I love dragons. Everything dragons.
-apocalypses. **********
-hunter/hunted type stuff *****
-demons/witches/nightwalkers oh my! *****
-I do enjoy adding romance if it is not forced.
-dark themes
-single parents, homelessness, human nature and stereotypes, addiction, selling ones self, gangs (usually fantasy) ** (I like adding these elements to other plot lines)
-plot with me!

Vague pairings- arranged marriages
- vampire - vampire/other supernatural
- witch/nonwitch/demon
- royal - guard/servant
- enemies to friends
- apocalypse survivor X apocalypse survivor

FandomsOne thing to note with fandom: I play OC X OC. I RARELY do canon characters. If you are dying for something though, just ask me and I'll see if maybe I will. I want to play our own story inspired by these worlds.
+Demon Slayer ****
+Fruits Basket
+Tsubasa Chronicles
+.hack// /Sword art online , anything with a virtual world dynamic ******
+Chobits *****
+Avatar the Last Earth Bender series *******
+Walking Dead **
+Rising of the Shield Hero
+Kingdom Hearts
+Zootopia/Beastars ***

Will updated as things come to mind. I just added some plots and things can be combined and stuff! Also, if you don't like any of these ideas, that's totally fine; message me anyway and share one of your own or we can start hashing things out! :) I have a hard time listing just 'pairings' since each plot is so dynamic with what is going on.

[COLOR=rgb(44, 130, 201)]Loose plots[/COLOR]

Lacoi Doctor
Muse A (my character) was a doctor in a war. He has PTSD, trying to go back to being what he was and having a hard time, and he's got a physical injury. His race is somewhat more aquatic. They have finned tails and a big frill around their head (think that dilophosaurus representation in Jurassic park). They are generally blue in coloring and rarely, we have a red one but they're usually from towns bordered with the ocean. I am thinking his side lost the war so your character can play same race, conquering race, or something else all together! There is a lot of open space here.

Demon Mage
Let's explore the magic of this realm first:

Mages are born with magic. Everyone has a little bit of it in their bodies but mages have more of it and are able to harness it. Each mage usually selects a type of magic to specialize in; elemental, will (incantations and long spells), runes, healing (dark side would be necromancy but that is forbidden taboo magic), potions. Any mage can use a will spell to call forth demons. Calling demons is also banned, considered forbidden magic and dark. Also usually, people think the mage is stupid because demons always win and the mage always ends up paying a higher cost than intended. Mages that call on demons tend to get possessed by them and go on rampages, destroy people and areas and causes a lot of havoc. These mages are called 'Anchors', as they are the anchor the demon gets into our world, like a portal. Dragons, and demon hunters scour the earth for these Anchors to destroy them and send the demon back to Abyss.

But what if demons and the whole process is really misunderstood? What if demons were actually familiars at at one time, similar to dragons? Maybe demons became a thing because familiars were tortured, abused, twisted to dark purposes and created a never ending, ravenous hunger of despair and anger?

So I am thinking my character is a mage who did in fact contract with a demon and the demon sometimes gets the better of him and escapes his 'prison' to cause some damage and take what the mage promised him, but the mage overall, is a good person and only did the contract out of desperation to save his people and usually keeps the demon locked up inside of him. He uses will magic, but with the demon in his skin, he now has a greater potential for magic that is more instinctual and instant than the other forms of magic. Initially I see him as running away to a new place, trying to start his life over and keep the fact that he has a demon inside of him secret. Someone finds out, maybe starts trying to hunt him down, maybe they got to them before the secret got out and so they know the person behind the demon. Eventually together, they learn more and more about each other and the demon and realize that 'demons' really aren't 'demons'. So this is very heavy on the character development aspect. Also doubling would be nice. I'll be playing the mage and the demon so some of my posts may get longer since I have two characters talking to each other.

Warning, this is a very dark themes role-play initially, and mature content (what he has to do to satisfy the demon, > cannibalism in a sense. More explained if you are interested in the plot).

:::: SIDE PLOT::::: ****
Similar world, or same world, but ALL magic is forbidden and we have mage hunters trying to track down all mages and either enlist them in the service of the king or eradicate them. So a bit of a crusade/witch hunt/bounty hunter-witch type thing. maybe a hunter gets cursed and needs saving from a mage, a hunter finds out he is a mage, oh the fun we could have.

In the Deep < Not particularly interested in at this time unless you have a really cool idea to pair.

1. Kinda want to play with a merman who'd just laid eggs (seahorse anatomy) and maybe is injured or something, humans could have captured him and the eggs. Maybe he is in a marine biology station area partnered with a zoo? Lots of different things to explore here and open to ideas!

2. Sirens. On another planet. Let's mix this up. I'd love to discuss lore, character ideas, this is very open. Main thought for this is sirens are living on a planet made almost entirely of water. There are several different types of merpeople here. I would love to play a siren, but the joy of having a big open world is that this has the potential for side characters as well as doubling if you want to do that and also play a siren. Also was thinking the main other character(s) comes from off the planet either to harvest something on this aquatic one, or try to settle here, or heck, maybe they get stranded here. Or, maybe they try to take one of the sirens off the planet for research purposes. Lots of different plots possible here and would love to develop the story with you.

NOTE: IF you are okay with it, there is also a chance for mpreg because I did see the sirens functioning like seahorses where the boys are the ones who carry the eggs, but if you are not okay with that, that's fine. We don't have to include that. Just a thought. :)

Cradle <interested in
This one is a little different, and again, a bit dark. The race in mind is technically hermaphroditic. I am imagining a race where the 'males' have antlers like a elk and male deer, and effectively called 'stags'. The slightly more female 'cradles' do not have antlers, but they can produce children. They tend to live in high altitude cold regions and have a society where stags are more dominant. They are also the ones more likely born since cradles need a lot of heat and warmth to actually become a cradle in the eggs. (yes they lay eggs). Stags claim a cradle if a cradle is willing and they create a family. It takes a village to raise a child as they say so close knit families band together and there are usually siblings in the mix. Since there are so few cradles however, there is competition and a Cradle can be taken from a Stag if another Stag challenges for rights and kills the original stag/ the other stag gives in. In a very animal kingdom fashion, the new stag usually wants to kill the unborn eggs of the previous stag to make sure their own children get the resources they need as food and resources are also scarce. This traumatizing dilemma often leads to Cradles fleeing for their children's' lives. Cradles can suffer big consequences for running away if they are caught since it is considered their duty to help provide for the continuation of the generation. Usually, the cradle and the eggs end up dead in the cold. It's a heavy topic.

I wanted to explore the race dynamic a bit but also what if a Cradle ran away and is helped by someone of other race? could be a much more open world with some drama there, and finding a way to change the hierarchy and relationship dynamic. I imagined siblings for the cradle some who want to bring the cradle back, some that don't, maybe one who is atypical as well; so a stag who likes other stags which isn't frowned on, but seen as deviant in some ways. No laws against it since there are few cradles; but it would be a huge no-no for two cradles to be together, so different things we can play around with.

Fall of Vampire's Reign **
1. In this story, I am thinking medieval. I am seeing vampires living in covens throughout the world and they used to have meets between the ones close to each other. They have their own society. Humans know of them and some may want to hunt vampires but for the most part vampires and humans live separately. Vampires can and do drink human blood but for the most part, they satisfy their hunger with the werewolves that protect each coven. That's right, in this rp, Werewolves work with vampires. These werewolves are treated well and have their own packs for each coven. Wolves are allowed their own culture and to live with the vampires. They serve as guards and usually the masters of the coven each get a personal werewolf guard. Werewolves also supply blood to the coven and the coven gives them land to farm and do whatever it is the werewolves need.

Now the problem comes when there is this... creature... that has started to hunt down vampires. They are big, gangly, and often hunt in packs. Vampires are being targeted for food and the werewolves are dying trying to protect the covens. Covens have stopped venturing out of their little cities and instead try to fortify their home from these creatures. But with werewolves dying, blood supply is thinning out and some covens are dying from some sickness as well. (vampires are a race rather than humans turned)

The story is about trying to figure out what these creatures are, why they are attacking vampires and how to stop them. First thought was that one character is a vampire and another is a werewolf. I do see romance, but again, very open world, and can potentially have side characters and doubling. Maybe we can do arranged marriages between the covens or something as well as they try to survive and figure out what is happening.

Foundling <<craving!!!!!! Please please!
Another vampire and werewolf idea but this was is a bit different. Werewolves and vampires are at war with each other and humans ask werewolves to protect cities from these creature nibbling their necks in the night. Vampires only seek human blood when they are trying to have a family. (yes vampires are a race rather than being turned.) So being prevented from drinking human blood is really putting future generations at risk for vampires. Of course werewolves don't know or care and humans certainly don't know about the connection. Vampires have their own cities and usually feed off the livestock they have growing there. Werewolves sometimes attack solitary inhabitants if they are further away from the main walled vampire towns and such but otherwise don't often attack an actual coven holding.

But what happens when a pack of wolves discovers a vampire family mascaraed and just a little child left alive? What if they decide to raise the fledgling and try to train it as a wolf and to go after its own kind? I think there could be lots of character growth and fun/drama to be had here. I would love to play the vampy and of course can play some wolves since we'll be in a pack setting and then eventually as we branch out there will be more vampires to play etc.

Also doesn't have to be vamps and werewolves if you have another idea, we can do other races but certainly want the dynamic of enemies here. We can always combine ideas from other plots too

The world of AI < CRAVING! Please!!!
I want to play with AI stories. I have severallllllll plot ideas for AI. If this is something your interested in, let me know. Here is a basic run down but would love to hear your thoughts.

AI robots have become more and more humanlike over the centuries. Now, AI have begun to have their own consciousness. The government doesn't know yet what they should or could do with these AI since technically, they are just machines. There is a huge controversy between AI life and consciousness and a plethora of backlash in every direction. For now, AI that have grown enough to have their own consciousness, are taken to a little ghetto where they are given homes to 'live' in. There are strict rules and guidelines and humans are not allowed to come in these districts, unless they are the Overseers. The Overseers are government employees that check on the AI and their programming to decide if these AI are and could be, a threat. If it is deemed that AI can be a threat, the plug will be pulled and all AI will be retired. AKA, shut off for good. AI living here are constantly aware of that and have to deal with bigotry and prejudice as well. They have jobs, but make less than humans.

I have several character ideas and plot lines for this!

Character plot < craving! but ask me about this
A character and race came up in world building for something else and I have a character I am craving to play and learn more about so if interested, dm me about it. It could be fantasy or science fiction.

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Your AI idea is pretty cool. I could play some sort of runaway girl and try to survive hidden in the city together. Wanna brainstorm?

Also, you might wanna fix the bad tabs.
Thanks! I am at work so I was going to try and fix it when I got home lol. see? I am not very good with bbcode lol
Mostly looking for sirens or something right now. Got several vampire ones going on so excited for other kinds of pairings. Also feeling more inspired with apocalypse rps or arranged marriages.
Hey howdy! If you're still looking, consider me interested in the sirens concept! :3 I'm Xeno, I'm 22, and if the username wasn't a clue, I'm into speculative biology both in fantasy and scifi settings! The concept of a water planet is honestly a favorite of mine right now. Lots of good things to work with there.

I'll give you the heads up that I will be as active as I can and should be fairly active right now because I'm currently not in my next semester of college just yet. But when that comes along my time will vary more. I'm also EST, so fair warning that if I disappear not long after this post it's because it's 1AM lol ^^;
Hi! Sounds fair. Sometimes I'll be really active and sometimes reply like once a week depending on how tired/busy I am. But always ip for once! I'll pm you <3
Bump! I just updated some plot ideas and can grab a few more role-plays. :)
updated some more plots ~~ still looking
Even if it has a cross through, if you have a great idea to add to it or combine it with something, I am happy to listen.
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Going to bump this a little. Currently super graving Foundling, most plots with sirens or AI ~~

Kinda getting an itch to play some werewolves or a hunter/hunted type pairing situation.
Still looking. Still craving a hunted/hunter type rp or sirens. Happy to plot with you if you don't like the loose plots I have above!
Okay bumped and updated a little more. Looking for just a couple more people; really interested in an AI plot, the character plot, or Foundling plot, if I have any takers! Also still open to hearing your ideas.
bump bump. love you forever if I could play one of the craving plots!

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