Factions of the Milky Way


Scifi Commando


The Grand Republic


Beginning on the world of Elysium Prime, the Illustrati and Felinae Peoples formed a unified government. After Centuries of advancement, they soon took to the stars, colonizing habitable worlds in their system before spreading to others outside. 




The Grand Republic are is extremely fond of kinetic weapons, such as mass drivers, and other electromagnetically accellerated weaponry. 



The founding and main inhabitants of the Grand Republic are the Illustrati and the Felinae. While over the centuries, through exploration and diplomacy, have absorbed numerous races into the Republic, strengthening them as a whole through diversity. 



The Grand Republic as a whole are militaristic Xenophiles, believing in strength through diversity. While they are extremely militaristic, they prefer to try diplomacy before resorting to conflict. 



The Grand Republic is a Martial Democracy, meaning that in order to vote or run for office, one must have served a minimum of 15 years in the military. This government is an advanced form of militaristic democracy, where rulers are randomly selected from a pool of qualified candidates. Qualifications are based almost purely on military achievement. The leader being named Imperator



The United Systems of Terra


Beginning on the world of Terra (Earth), Humanity quickly spread to the star by 2209. By 2257, The UST had spread to neigboring systems, growing as an empire and people. 




Like the Grand Republic, they too are fond of Kinetic weapons, but have taken strides towards Directed Energy Weaponry.






Industrialistic and Xenophiles (Previously Xenophobic prior to the First Contact War.) Despite their rocky start, with the guidance of the Grand Republic, the UST have become a people of science and discovery, yet still maintain a strong military. 



 The UST is a Science Directorate. This government is a materialist form of oligarchy, where a committee of scientists supervises the government apparatus for maximum efficiency. This means only scientists, prior rulers, and faction leaders may be candidates. The ruler is titled as Director.

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