
Cheshire Cat
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
I have a crazy amount of story ideas that I know I'll never use, so here I'm going to post them for anyone to use! This might update as I come up with new ideas.
Maybe use them for a RP you want to make, or maybe a story... idk, do whatever you want with them lol
If you want, you can talk to me to ask questions about specific stories, because I'm sure there's details I forgot to put in here or left out because they were too long *AHEMnumbereight*

Main plot
[Notes and continued plot ideas, optional to use]

#1 (Unnamed)
A seemingly normal girl finds out she has powers that nobody else has. She learns from the kings (twins) that there was a prophecy of two women that will show signs of having new powers that would marry the kings and battle, determining which one would be the final ruler. The dark king tells her alone that he wants to marry her. He doesn’t say, but he went to a prophet alone and found out that he will win as long as he marries the first queen. But the future might have changed…
Action Romance Fantasy

#2 (Come Little Children)
A young girl, not remembering her life, died and came to Neverland, the in-between from the human world and the afterlife for children. She is brought to a tree on a hill surrounded by black fog to wait until she moves into the afterlife. Against the rules, she goes out into the fog alone, and after she is attacked by a demon, finds a cherry blossom tree.
Action Mystery Fantasy
[Note: Second is The Hanging Tree.]

#3 (The Hanging Tree)
Under it is a powerful priest’s daughter, who heals her cuts and gives her a knife. She has to kill the caretakers that keep the children and destroy the tree. The caretakers made a deal with the devil that if they give them the souls of children, the most powerful souls, they will eventually be gifted with immortality. The girl brings the children back to the safe cherry blossom tree, which each of them touches and regains their memories. Their memories are pleasant, but when the girl touches the tree, she rememers the pain of her torture and becomes a powerful demon. She kills the priest’s daughter and runs to the fog, leaving the children alone and defenseless.
Action Mystery Fantasy

#4 (Unnamed)
A girl had been tested at 16 years old and has been found to have animal powers. She goes to a school of people like her, but most of the people her age already have trained their powers. She does not know at first, but she has fox powers, and foxes are hated in the school.
Comedy Fantasy School life Slice of life
[Note: There may be several moments before she learns she is a fox controller that she is called a fox. In mine, first an albino cat gets mad at her for being a fox, then a wolf.]

#5 (Unnamed)
A fallen angel took refuge in the human world, acting as a normal student. After a year of school life, she gets an invite to the Supernatural Club, where all the members are a different kind of monster!
Comedy Fantasy School life Slice of Life

#6 (Unnamed)
A man is on a very epic and serious quest to find the demon that killed his mother… that is, until a tiny, comical fallen angel drops down on him.
Comedy Fantasy Action Adventure
[Note: Make sure there’s a lot of funny contrast in these two!]

#7 (Unnamed)
A boy finds a group of demonesses that each give humans different negative qualities, such as confidence and thievery, with the lead demon being the demoness of karma. The karma demoness gets rid of the boy’s bullies, and they stay friends for a year, until monsters that are trying to kill the demons convince the boy to come to their side.
Action Fantasy
[Note: In my version, the boy becomes friends with the demons and the karma demoness gets rid of his bullies during a time skip (so it is not shown). Before the time skip is over the karma demoness tells the boy that she’ll get rid of the bullies. Also during the time skip is when the boy switches sides, so the time is put in the middle of when the battles started, but when the battles get more intense. Over time we learn about what the demonesses did for the boy, and we gradually learn about the details of him leaving. After a while, the demonesses frienemies, the demon versions of themselves, join together to try to protect themselves from and destroy the monsters.]

#8 (Unnamed)
After their ancestors mysteriously passed, there were only a few marked people left. They looked and acted differently, and were ridiculed by society. They also had unusual powers. The government had hid them for years, but they started to rise alone against the world.
Action Fantasy
[Note: I have a really showy first two pages of this somewhere if you want to see it… haha!]

#9 (Unnamed)
A world where there is a process similar to reincarnation, which has not been found, except for by a few magic users. There is a difference between having died and being dead. (If they die, they reincarnate. If they're dead, they do not reincarnate.) A boy that can die at will in any situation is able to possess other’s bodies. Is he good… or bad?
Action Fantasy Horror
[Note: Lots of directions you can go with this if you want!]

#10 (Unnamed)
The world was so technologically advanced, nearly to the point of making true AI, until they destroyed themselves. The world leaders, to protect themselves and their countries, decided to step back into the lifestyles of many in the year 1,000, and called the year of this decision “Reset.” 3,014 years later, they have continued advancement again, with the king and queen looking for power for themselves instead of improvement of life for their people. One young rebel girl who loves her country but hates her rulers decides to stop those rulers from continuing their plans. In this, she may become one of the kinds of people she hates...
Action Fantasy Sci-Fi
[Note: In her quest to destroy the royal’s technology, she herself has to embrace using technology (all she used before was a lighter). She also gains power over others, and does kill the king and queen, but becomes queen herself, and acts just as the last queen did.]

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