Ezekiel Savitr [One Hour to Midnight]

Crafty Banana

New Member

File 4478AB/12: Transcript of Interview of Subject 27, recorded during the aftermath of the cleansing of Vallombrosa

Thought for the day: Heresy begets retribution

+++Transcript Begins+++

Mikhail: This is Interogator Mikhail, conduction the interview of Subject 27. For the record, Tech Priest Arodbeg is also present to tend to the machine spirits of the voxcorder and the truthseer engine. Subject 27, please identify yourself for the record.

<Transcriptual Note (TN): Low human speech is identifiable, but it is too quiet to make out individual words>

Mikhail: Please speak up for the voxcorder.

Subject 27: Enforcer Ezekiel Savitr, Vallombrosa planetary marshals.

<TN: Subject's voice is slow and slightly slurred. Medicae advice gives likely cause (84% probability) as being injury to the jaw or throat>

Mikhail: Very well, Enforcer. You understand that, whilst discomforting stimuli is being withheld at this time, it will be applied should the truthseer engine detect that you answers contain a falsehood?

Subject 27: Naturally, sir.

Mikhail: Good. Then perhaps you would care to relate to us how it is that we find you in the Lord Governor's...ex-governor's I should say...dungeon?

Subject 27: It's fairly straightforward, sir. When the governor declared independence from the Imperium, he gathered the local contingent of marshals to witness the announcement. Vallombrosa's a backwater, and we were the largest contingent of armed, trained men on the continent. About fifty of us, all told.

Mikhail: Go on.

Subject 27: I guess some of us must have already have been turned. Certainly most of the lads didn't seem surprised by the announcement, even if not all of them looked happy about it. But no one was raising a finger against him.

Mikhail: So what did you do?

Subject 27: What my duty demanded, sir. I declared the governor guilty of treason, heresy, and demanded that he immediately submit himself for arrest.

Mikhail: Just you?

Subject 27: Yes sir.

Mikhail: Surrounded by fifty of so of your apparently traitorous fellow officers, you stood up and denounced the governor?

Subject 27: Yes sir. And then I fired a warning shot.

<TN: Sound of papers shuffling in the background indicates that Interrogator Mikhail consults his notes at this point>

Mikhail: Indeed? When we interrogated the ex-governor, he appeared to have narrowly survived a shot in the chest in the recent past. From a shotgun.

Subject 27: Yes sir. I wanted to impress upon him the gravity of my warning.

Mikhail: Are you trying to be amusing, enforcer?

Subject 27: No sir. I don't find treachery against the golden throne to be a laughing matter, sir.

Mikhail: Good. Continue.

Subject 27: Not much more to say, really, sir. After I fired the shot someone cracked my on the back of the head, one of the other marshals I suppose. When I came round I was in the dungeon.

<TN: There is a long pause at this point>

Subject 27: It was a rough few weeks. The governor survived, as you know, and took great pleasure in exacting revenge for my actions. Then you showed up. I hope the governor suffered for his crimes.

Mikhail: The ex-governor's fate is not your concern. But yes, he did. Briefly.

<TN: There is a persistent taping sound at this point. It is speculated that Interrogator Mikhail may have been drumming his fingers on the interview table>

Mikhail: Impressive. Very impressive. My superior would like to meet you, enforcer.

<TN: There is a metallic sound in the background, likely the door to the interview room being opened>

Mikhail: Allow me to introduce Inqui

+++Remainder of recording expunged from files+++

+++Transcript ends+++

Character Name: Ezekiel Savitr

Player Name: Crafty Banana

Homeworld: Vallombrosa

Career Path: Arbitrator

Rank: 1

Divination: “The gun is mightier than the sword†(BS + 3)

Gender: Male

Build: Stocky

Height: 5'9â€

Weight: 15 stone

Skin Color: Dark

Hair Color: Grey

Eye Color: Green

Age: 29


Weapon Skill (WS): 23

Ballistics Skill (BS): 34

Strength (Str): 29

Toughness (T): 35 (re-roll used)

Agility (Ag): 33

Intelligence (Int): 31 (+5)

Perception (Per): 40

Willpower (WP): 37

Fellowship (Fel): 30


Walk (1/2 Action): 3

Walk (Full Action): 6

Charge: 9

Run: 18


Speak Language (Low Gothic) (Int) [skilled]

Literacy (Int) [skilled]

Common Law (Adeptus Arbites) (Int) [skilled]

Common Law (Imperium) (Int) [skilled]

Inquiry (Fel) [skilled]

Drive Ground Vehicle [skilled]

***Talents and Traits***

Melee Weapon Training (Primitive)

Pistol Training (SP)

Sound Constitution

Basic Weapon Training (SP)

Quick draw

Blessed ignorance


Liturgical familiarity

Superior origins


Handedness: Right


Name: _______________ Class: ________ Damage ________ Type ____ Pen ____ Special Rules ________________


Name: _______________ Class: ________ Damage ________ Type ____ Pen ____ Range ________ ROF #/#/# Clip ____ RLD ______Special Rules ________________

***Armor, Health, and Fate***


Head (1-10):

Right Arm (11-20):

Left Arm (21-30):

Body (31-70):

Right Leg (71-85):

Left Leg (86-100):


Current/Total: 13/13

Critical Damage:



Current/Total: 3



32 Shotgun Shells

Stub Automatic

4 clips of 9


Brass Knuckles


Uniform (Good quality clothing)

3 doses of stimm


Arbitrator ID


Pack of lho sticks

Flak vest


Thrones Gelt: 8

Monthly Income:

***Misc Stats***



Insanity Points:

Degree of Madness:






Corruption Points:

Degree of Corruption:





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