

New Member
At that one disgustingly preppy private school, a 17 year old blondie named Stone entered the talent show his senior year to show who he truly was. He was always passed off as easygoing and mild and frankly uninteresting. He had brains and musical talent, but that was about all anyone knew about him. Then he came out in the gym with a black cloak, dark checkered Vans and dark black jeans frayed at the bottom. His white skin seemed even paler in comparison to the jet black studded choker and wristbands and he wore at least 5 chains, each over 3 feet long. His band came out dressed similarly and began to play "Eyesore" by Janus. His growls and screams penetrated the crowd and scared them a bit considering what they formerly thought of him. At the end of the song he fell forward and coughed dark red blood onto the freshly waxed floor, simply smiled, and said "That was hot." With a sudden bright flash of light, a man dressed in a red t-shirt, jeans and converse was suddenly floating beside Stone. He looked to the band and smiled. "Congratulations. You've brought about all the proper conditions to become an eyesore." He pointed his finger at all of them and one by one they started screaming and fell to the floor. They bled from their mouths and in massive quantities. Everyone was evacuated when the man disappeared, and the medics could not break the diamond-hard layer of dried blood surrounding each band member. Three months later, just a day before they were buried still stuck in their black armor, they woke. Now they all lay together in a huge operating room emerging from slumber to find they have powers of their own. Able to bend reality with simple thought, they now face new identities, and new responsibilities.

(Sorry for the crappy intro, I have limited time and I didn't sleep well last night :P I suggest listening to eyesore before joining this RP)

Character Form:

Name-(or nickname)

Gender- (transponders allowed and welcomed)

Age- (13-19 please)

Personality-(try to be descriptive yet concise as possible.)

Description before eyesore transformation-(Picture or text)

And after transformation-(pic or text. must be different than before. with your new power you can change your appearance at will, but when your power is depleted, you revert to this state)

Speciality-(what kind of power will you be best at, try to be unique)





Kind, loving, caring, with a bit of a dark hardcore side. Loves a good mosh but doesn't like too much pain. Cries easily. Is very romantic, and will stick up for his friends.

Tall (6'1"), medium build, a little chubby (250 lbs, but doesn't look it) always wears jeans, a jacket and Vans. Silvery blond hair. Dark sapphire blue eyes. a bit of an underbite and thick, sharp canines. Usually also wears a chain, beanie, and a thick class ring with a royal blue crystal and a calligraphic "S" on his index finger.


6'3" (literally) silver hair, almost snow-white skin, Icy blue eyes, thin, almost no body fat. Wears Dark black jeans and chains, no shoes, a white shirt under an open black button shirt. Red metal bands hover and rotate around his wrist, and long talons of the same material hover above and follow his fingers

Specializes in hard light and Fire

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