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Dice Eye of the Maelstrom [Apocalypse World 2E] (OOC)

Welcome to the game! I really appreciate you guys coming to play and I am super excited.

I know that some of you have never played before, I'll give you something to start with.

Welcome to Apocalypse World! This game is unlike any other. Well, as long as the game isn't based on Apocalypse World or it's principles, it's very different. Anyway. The point is, this game is very special. Here, we have the collaborative freedom to make meaningful characters with meaningful choices.

Now, there are some little bits of housekeeping to tend to.

First, your job is to play your characters as though they were real people, in whatever circumstances they find themselves—cool, competent, dangerous people, larger than life, but real.

My job as MC is to treat your characters as though ther were real people too, and to act as though Apocalypse World were real.

The apocalypse happened about 50 years ago. The oldest people still around have childhood memories of it. Nobody knows what really happened or why, though. Maybe nobody ever knew. "Hey MC, you mentioned 'the world's psychic maelstrom' what's that?" It's everywhere, just outside your perception, and if you open your brain up to it you can learn things from it. It learns things from you, too. If you know how, you can reach out into it to make things happen. It caused the apocalypse, or else the apocalypse caused it, nobody knows.

Now, for those who don't know the game, here are the basics:

Here are the game's stats and what they mean:
  • Cool means cool under fire, calm, patience, keeping your head.
  • Hard means hard-hearted, strong-willed, violent, aggressive.
  • Hot means hot, attractive, beautiful, inspiring, interesting.
  • Sharp means sharp-witted, alert, smart, perceptive.
  • Weird means a weirdo, psychic, genius, uncanny, strange.
  • Hx means history, how well your character knows them.
Stats can go from -3 to +3, but are usually from -1 to +2. That's the number you add or subtract from your roll when you roll+that stat. If a rule says, for instance, "you get hard+3," that means your hard goes to +3, no matter what it was before. If it says "you get +1hard," that means that you increase your current hard by 1.

To roll, you roll 2d6 and add your stat. Simple. A 10+ is a really good result and considered a "good hit". A 7-9 is a "hit" and usually results in getting what you wanted, but at a cost. Anything 6 or below is bad news.

Apocalypse World runs on "moves". These are the mechanical things your characters can do to effect the world. Everyone gets the basic moves and then each playbook (character type) has their own character moves as well.

Acting under fire
means doing something when there's danger, urgency, or somebody shooting at you. The move determines whether you can still go ahead with it and what it costs you.

Going aggro means attacking someone when they aren't expecting it, or if they are expecting it, when they're not ready for it. The move determines mostly how they react to your attack, like whether they stand up to you or get the hell out of your way.

Suckering someone means attacking them when they can't do anything about it at all, like when they're helpless or don't know you're there.

The battle moves are a set of moves you use when you're fighting with someone. The main one is seizing something by force, which is for when you're fighting with someone over something in particular. It determines who gets it and how much you both suffer for it.

Seducing or manipulating someone includes bluffing, fast-talking, or lying to them. The move determines whether they believe you, and whether they go along with you, as kind of separate matters.

Reading a situation means taking a quick look around to figure out what's going on. When you do it, you get to ask me questions and I have to answer them.

Reading a person means paying attention to their body language, eye movements, inflections, and all the other things that your character can see and hear but we can't. When you do it, you get to ask their player questions and they have to answer them.

Opening your brain means lowering your mental guard and letting the world's psychic maelstrom into your head. When you do it, maybe I have to tell you something you don't know, and maybe it'll be useful. I might ask you a question or two too, and you have to answer them.

You can also help or interfere with someone else who's making a roll, which can give them a bonus or penalty. If you're the one making a roll, you can call for help, if anyone's there to help you.

The sheets with all the playbooks have been attached to the character thread. Playbooks are essentially character classes. Pick one and tell us which you choose here.

cran cran , Soap Soap , Demose Fumetsu Demose Fumetsu , queanbean queanbean , ThaDruid ThaDruid , Squith Squith , Kitsu Kitsu
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I'd like play a Driver character if that's cool. For the character page would you prefer we write our character's basic details in text or just post a filled out version of the playbook character sheets as an image?
I'd like play a Driver character if that's cool. For the character page would you prefer we write our character's basic details in text or just post a filled out version of the playbook character sheets as an image?
Either is fine with me. However you'd prefer.
Wow Brainers seem like fun, but I'm torn between that, Maestro d', and the Child-Thing. I'm a brand new player, any suggestions?
Ok, I'm going with the Maesto D' and I'm pUMPED. A cute lil' lady running a diner that serves casual food and just as casual sex, ayeee *wink wonk*.
So, something to note: Apocalypse World is often very collaborative. We'll all be creating our little world together.

With that said, being a Maesto D', queanbean queanbean , you will be giving us our start as you'll be defining your establishment right off the bat. It will actually be a main focus for our play.

So, while characters are being made, let's talk about setting. Where are we? Let's throw out some ideas.

cran cran , Soap Soap , Demose Fumetsu Demose Fumetsu , queanbean queanbean , ThaDruid ThaDruid , Squith Squith , Kitsu Kitsu , NorthOfOrdinary NorthOfOrdinary
I'd be down for Canadian apocalyptica. I'd think the terrain in some of the rural areas would make for an interesting and challenging setting to travel through.
I don't totally have the establishment fleshed out yet but I'm thinking of it being super unassuming on the outside, maybe even with a front of a normal cafe (though I doubt people are very shy about their indulgences in this day and age).

Also quick question because I'm a newbie: When choosing a name is it restricted to what's listed on the sheet? Or is that just to kind of define the naming pattern. Also is it like, pick a first name from the first list and a last name from the second?
I don't totally have the establishment fleshed out yet but I'm thinking of it being super unassuming on the outside, maybe even with a front of a normal cafe (though I doubt people are very shy about their indulgences in this day and age).

Also quick question because I'm a newbie: When choosing a name is it restricted to what's listed on the sheet? Or is that just to kind of define the naming pattern. Also is it like, pick a first name from the first list and a last name from the second?
It depends no who's running the game, but for mine you can use any name as long as it fits the setting. I prefer to stick to the sheet names but it's cool if you want to run one by me.

How are the characters coming guys? Any questions? Let's set a deadline of tomorrow night for characters.

Also, Canada sounds awesome. So, lots of wilderness? Cabins? Forests? Mountains?

cran cran , Soap Soap , Demose Fumetsu Demose Fumetsu , queanbean queanbean , ThaDruid ThaDruid , Squith Squith , Kitsu Kitsu , NorthOfOrdinary NorthOfOrdinary
Seeing that we've got a good couple of Hot characters going, I dropped my idea of a Skinner duelist for a good ol' Faceless that's more mask than man. Let me know if I missed anything, and hope you don't mind if I took a couple liberties with my sheet.
Seeing that we've got a good couple of Hot characters going, I dropped my idea of a Skinner duelist for a good ol' Faceless that's more mask than man. Let me know if I missed anything, and hope you don't mind if I took a couple liberties with my sheet.
No, looks awesome! Nice work.

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