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Futuristic Exclusion




MAKE THESE DAYUM PRETTY! I see what skill you have and how creative you can be with your character sheets, SO IMPRESS ME!~! :)

1 like = Acceptance

I'll reply if you make a VERY GOOD CS, and even let you have a stronger power.





( Medium, Lower Medium, Low, etc)




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Aaron Hall




Aaron is not a very serious person, yet not the type of obnoxious person who think he's all bubbly and cheerful, making the place he's in quite unpleasant, an equal balance of both, yet not really going towards one side. Aaron loves singing, as a kid, many kids made fun of him for trying to sing yet he did his best to ignore them, practicing his voice until he reached some at least nice singing voice. A very loyal and trustworthy man, yet all depends on the mood he is in and how he views you. He isn't one to be egocentric nor sit on high horses, but he might make a slight frown if he sees you with dirty clothes or any type of baggy clothing, him being quite the eloquent individual. Yeah, sure, the earrings might give another look but he's mostly seen in suits, dark pitched ones of course, not feeling very comfortable with casual clothing. Even if he is living in the worst conditions, he always tries to be presentable, the closest to a high class individual. Sure, that is only talking for the physical part, but mentally he is also quite ''clean'', since he doesn't like thinking of any type of sexual or romantic themes, staying much away from any type of flirting or compliments, making him feel quite uncomfortable, not because he feels insecure, but because he feels like flirting is just a cheap way to make someone feel better and be attracted to you. This man is very sharp with his tongue, being able to be very direct and blunt with several insults, apart from using long words, making him seem nerdy, yet he looks at it like a high type of education. This sharp tongue is also a very fast one, being able to rap quite easily, his voice of course is quite elastic, smooth yet can sound quite raspy at times.


High Medium


Aaron is able to release EMP blasts, they disable any electronic device up to 20m from him


Street smart

Fast on his feet

Average combat knowledge


Isn't that quick-witted

Takes his time to perform tasks, making him a bit slow



180 lbs

Hazel colored hair

Brown eyes





Ciera Alex Belle


Name: Ciera Alex Belle


Personality: Ciera is extremely curious, and doesn't always think things through when her curiosity takes over. She is also very outgoing, trying her best to please people to make up for her harsh childhood. She has above average intelligence and may tend to babble on when talking about certain things. She has excellent analytical skills and works well under pressure, though sometimes she fails to grasp the severity of the situation.

Class: Medium

Power: Energy Manipulation (In the basis of all of creation, living, dead, and inanimate, there is an energy. This energy is pure white and is the only thing all things have in common. It exists in the heart of every super nova, and it exists inside every atom. Ciera can harness this energy, manipulating it into a solid surface. She can create blades or shields. Any simple solid surface you can think of she can create with the energy.)

Skills: Hand-to-hand combat, analytical thinking, especially good a wielding a battle ax

Weaknesses: Ultimately, her curiosity. Also, using her powers often wears her out immensely, so she tries not to use them


131 lbs

Brown hair

Blue eyes


Name: Aubrey Jackson

Age: 22


Aubrey is a very well rounded person, she is very companionate but knows when someone is just looking for attention. She cares about others and will fight for them the best way she can. When she was younger she loved to listen to music, she always wanted to play the piano or any instrument for that matter. She is actually quite shy, before she would always speak out and say what she was thinking but once she realized that no one would listen to her she quieted down. If someone starts to come at her she will stand up for herself she is not afraid to tell it as it is. She never really had anyone that cared for her as much as she had cared for them, caring for and loving someone is two completely different things in her mind. Once thing that definitely has helped her is her appearance, many people who go up against her vastly underestimate her skills. She does take advantage of her looks and makes sure that she looks good all the tim, she stays fit and is very comfortable in her body. She has learned to fight in heels and she will wear leggings and a sweatshirt but she can also figh in a dress. Because she doesn't think her powers are as great she needs to have extra fighting skills, she hates when people when they fight her fight her like they are fighting a girl. She would rather be beaten practically to death than to know that people we going easy on her just because she is a girl.


High Medium


Aubrey can create force fields, mostly using her hands she has been practicing using her mind


Skilled in boxing and karate

Very good persuasion


Overly emotional


Height: 5'5"

Weight: 130 lbs

Long blonde hair

Light blue/green eyes

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