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Fantasy Excelius: Academy of the Arcane Arts

Veyd Sahvoz

Master of Resonant Souls
Let me accept your character before you post, also PM me if you'd like to be a Proffesor. Please know your limits no being super OP and no godmodding either. Please read ALL tabs and rules before making a character.

You may use the RpNations fantasy cs but if you want to use thus outline you may you don't have to. Another thing is you don't have to be supernatural or anything like that if you don't want to and you may be any kind of mythical or supernatural. creature. Not to mention, also PM me if you'd like to be a member of The Cult of Scorro.





Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you use)

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Appearence: (Please no anime pics, keep it semi realistic or realistic pics)




Likes and Dislikes:


Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

Home: (Where you are from)

Other/Misc: (Any kind of rings or necklaces etc. or just anything else you want to add)
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Name: Fuyuki Saito

Age: 15

Gender: male

Race/species: banshee

Skills in magic: doesn't use magic

Weapons: none


Backstory:Fuyuki lived in a village of supernatural beings. One day it was attacked, killing everyone in the village but him. Fuyuki was traumatized, and covered in blood. Fuyuki left to find somewhere to stay, and found this school. He decided it was good enouh, and will approach covered in blood.


sonic scream: User can generate extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes. death song:The user can cause death by emitting sound, user can induce death only using voice or during dialogue others use musical instruments. supernatural detection: The user can sense the presence of supernatural beings and identify them as such on sight. may come in the form of a physical pain sensation. sound manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.

User can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.

In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool.

Personality: shy, innocent, trustworthy, kind, clumsy

Likes and Dislikes: Likes: reading, the outdoors. Dislikes: his banshee voice (scared he will hurt someone he cares about with it)

Sexuality: straight

Crush: no one

Classes: (can i fill this in when there are more options?)

Class: banshee (don't know if that counts)

has this marking which is his village's symbol. everyone in the village had it.

Home: a village of supernaturals

@Veyd Sahvoz
Ldybug123 said:
Name: Fuyuki Saito
Age: 15

Gender: male

Race/species: banshee

Skills in magic: doesn't use magic

Weapons: none


Backstory:Fuyuki lived in a village of supernatural beings. One day it was attacked, killing everyone in the village but him. Fuyuki was traumatized, and covered in blood. Fuyuki left to find somewhere to stay, and found this school. He decided it was good enouh, and will approach covered in blood.


sonic scream: User can generate extremely powerful scream of a high amplitude for a variety of purposes. death song:The user can cause death by emitting sound, user can induce death only using voice or during dialogue others use musical instruments. supernatural detection: The user can sense the presence of supernatural beings and identify them as such on sight. may come in the form of a physical pain sensation. sound manipulation:

User can create, shape and manipulate sound, a periodic disturbance of the medium (air, ground, water, etc) that radiates outward in straight lines in the form of a pressure wave. The effect these waves produce upon the ear is perceived as sound. From the point of view of physics, sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion themselves, whether or not they are heard by the human ear.

User can mimic, intensify, hush, and distort, as well warp, strengthen, echo, speed up, and slow down sound, using it as a powerful physical force and high-speed movement.

At low frequencies, sound is potentially fatal to living beings by causing internal damage, while high frequencies cannot be heard by normal humans but can be used for sonar-like effects. Since sound vibrations can travel through the air, ground, water and any form of medium, defense by using physical barriers is difficult. The vibrations can also affect at a molecular level.

In essence, sound is an invisible, deadly weapon and a versatile tool.

Personality: shy, innocent, trustworthy, kind, clumsy

Likes and Dislikes: Likes: reading, the outdoors. Dislikes: his banshee voice (scared he will hurt someone he cares about with it)

Sexuality: straight

Crush: no one

Classes: (can i fill this in when there are more options?)

Class: banshee (don't know if that counts)

has this marking which is his village's symbol. everyone in the village had it.

Home: a village of supernaturals

@Veyd Sahvoz
Cool character :D though for his class I will allow you to put Banshee but usually it's supposed to be like if you are sorcerer or wizard etc. Accepted.
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Name: Senki Tazuya

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Half Dragon

Skills in Magic:

Draconic Magic

Weapons: She is able to summon Dragoon armor and a lance in combat. Said armor gives her an immense speed boost.




Backstory: TBR(If that's okay?..)


Seeing as she is part dragon, she is immensely stronger than she actually looks. She can punch through brick and dent steel, eventually punch through it too if she punched the same spot repeatedly enough.

Despite it not being immediatey visible, her skin has a slight scaled texture. Due to this, she is practically immune to fire(though, her hair and clothes isn't) and resistant to cuts. Punches from a normal human or being with strength around those levels do little more than make her feel pain, not actually damaging her.

She can fly, yo? She has large(A wingspan of 8 feet and as tall as her), blue, draconic wings that sprout out of her back below her shoulder blades. These wings are also incredibly durable, allowing her to shield herself from any and all physical blows dealt by the strength of a normal human if given time to react. Normal arrows and other such projectiles just bounce off.

She is able to call upon her guardian Atsuko when in danger or if she requires transport.


Personality: Senki is extremely exciteable and carefree. She makes every effort possible to make new friends, so much so that she may seem rude or a creepy stalker at times. She is extremely kind to everyone, unless of course you're someone that somehow managed to get on her bad side or hurt her friends.




Ramen(I shall assume this is a thing)



Rude people


Sour things

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Crush: No one


Class: Dragoon


Home: Doesn't remember

Other: Things.
Naoko Shimakage

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/a.jpg.b801378013608c8cf9532abda7c2d965.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96918" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/a.jpg.b801378013608c8cf9532abda7c2d965.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Neko

Skills in magic: Healing, Aether (pocket dimensions, calling down stars, etc.)

Weapons: (Varies due to his Aether Magic)

Backstory: Coming from a small and aggressive town Naoko always had to fight for his safety. Growing up with his master he kept to a mostly quiet life. Receiving training in his master's Aether magic he learned all the skills his master had known and still learns. Now attending Excelius Academy he is seeking training in healing magic to complete his personal training.


Pocket Dimensions: Using dimensions Naoko can transport many things and even himself through space. This is how he has access to almost any weapon. (A small side effect of this is the distortion in time, how long he or another object is in a pocket dimension time seems to have barely passed outside of these dimensions)

Starfall: Focusing the Aether Naoko opens dimensions to call down stars to strike his enemies.

Astral Blades: Focusing the Aether Naoko uses its magic to create copies of a weapon of his choice and fly at his target(s) upon command.

Aether Shell: As a passive of extended training and exposure to Aether magic Naoko has a shield around him that repels almost any attack so long as he can still cast magic.

Personality: Calm, Kind, Socially Awkward

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Training Combat (And Tournaments)

+ Sushi

+ Honor

- Sleeping

- Unneeded violence

- Vegetables

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: Anything that allows students to spar against each other, Healing magic classes, Blacksmithing classes

Class: Battlemage

Home: A random home in the mountains with his master. Temporarily living in a tent in the forest outside of Excelius.

Kimie Ayugai

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/B.jpg.f35454833cedd98ea142193e8a564dc8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96931" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/B.jpg.f35454833cedd98ea142193e8a564dc8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race/species: Neko

Skills in magic: Fire, Transformation

Weapons: Dragon's Wing Blade (In picture)

Backstory: Living in a mountain town Kimie hadn't known much. Simply kept to her home and defended them since she was young. Teaching herself everything she knows she constantly hones her skills and will defend anything she chooses. She is very adamant on attacking anyone who tells her otherwise.


Dragon's Rush: Using fire magic to propel her forward she strikes with a blade engulfed in fire.

Twin Dragonsnap: Using fire magic she summons a blade made of pure fire and attacks, first with her blade, then making the injury worse by setting the blood in the area to boil with the second blade.

Dragon's Flame: Using fire magic she ignites the air and sends a stream of fire in the direction she faces for a few seconds.

Dragon's Rage: Using transformation magic she turns herself into a dragon and acquires all the properties and abilities of a dragon.

Personality: Aggressive, Short-Tempered, Quick to act

Likes and Dislikes: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: Combat classes, Transformation magic classes, Fire magic classes

Class: Battlemage

Home: Lives in the school's dorms while attending. Returning to her home town during holidays and the summers.



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Crimson Achers






Pure-Blood Witch

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)

Neutral Magic and Classic Fortune Telling

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Her Magic also Compulsion


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e076d1a_images(16).jpg.92c936d2d93fa179fc9bbece88b40595.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96945" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c6e076d1a_images(16).jpg.92c936d2d93fa179fc9bbece88b40595.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Crimson lives with her Grandmother in the forest after her mother died from a Spirit Attack by half bloods when she was 15. She never knew her Father. She only trusts full blood witches.


Basic magic. She is still a basic Student. Her Main Talents is compulsion, or a form of hypnosis. She finds it easier to do this with men, girls are more driven and harder to trick. She can also read palms and Tell futures. Her powers grow stronger when she trains, but that's exhausting.








Likes and Dislikes:


~Spicy Food

~Energy Drinks

~Musical Theater

~the smell of Lavender




~Thunder and Lightening


~Nosy People


Bi curious (she hasn't had any romantic experience)


Literally anyone who talks to her.

Classes: (What classes you have in the academy)

1) Earth Powers

2) Protection Spells

3) Spell brewing

4) History of Witch-craft

5) Love Spells

6) Revenge Spells

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)

Full-Blood Witch (class B)

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

A small crescent moon on her heel, all full bloods have it.

Home: Salem



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Zadaine 'Zane' Graham







Skills in magic:

Water and Healing


Razor Sharp Claws and Twin Daggers (Clipped to his belt)

If we ever get to the point he master's his fear of Water, these daggers will help him (Much like a wand) focus his energy.

Though he can cast magic without it, it is more taxing on his body.



Height- 6'3

Female- 5'8

Body Build- Athletic



** Note that the following form is only applicable if Zadaine get's wet in his Human Form (Which he will mostly be in)**



Zadaine is the son of a Fire Dragon and a beautiful human woman, Aka a 'sacrifice'. Not much parental love, though his mother took his birth surprisingly well. He left the mountain top home with his mother and settled in a quite village. Zadaine knew of his heritage from the beginning but the powers didn't show-up until he was 10. Beside gaining extra strength and his burning belly, Zadaine learned of the family curse. Whenever Zadaine gets water on him in his Human Form he becomes a Human girl. It is a curse made long ago by the first 'sacrifice' to the dragons. Cursing the dragon's offspring with a maidens appearance. After scaring the villagers for 7 years he decided try out this thing called Excelius Academy... Or maybe just check it out.


Zane has the power to consume fire, but that is it. His highest element conpadibility is Water but since he is afraid of his element he will most liking try to stick with being a 'Medic'.


Zadaine is a bit arrogant like his dragon father. And way too over confidant with his un-matured physical powers. But don't let his cockiness fool you, at heart he's a total Mama's boy and would seek approval by women. Or at least do what you ask even if it's not the proper way. Oh, and don't even mention a drink of water or swimming pools to this guy, no matter how strong he is or how many Verbal-fights he starts. He will ALWAYS cower from water.

(Because let's face it, he's all talk ATM)

Likes and Dislikes:

+Long Jump (Jumping in general),

+Short Sprints,




-Over Sensitive to Touch (Mainly in Female form)


-'Yo Mama' Jokes; Or dissing anything of his mother

(Dosen't mind you talking crap about his Dad lol)

-People knowing of his Dragon Lineage

(He feels it is 'Dirty')


(There is a reason for this :b)


May be confused.

(Undecided ATM)




Magic 101 (Basics of Magic)



Water Class (Hates this)

Phys Ed.(?)




In his human form he has the markings of his father's dragon clan on his left cheek and back of his right hand/wrist.


GreenFlower- A small town known for making bouquets of flowers.



He can Fly but will not do so because of a promise made to his mother.

(If I missed anything specific or something needs elaboration; Please let me know^^)
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Akane Hakashi




Female, Gender-queer


[Fake] Zombie - Akane died moments after having a large series of chemical toxins inserted into her bloodstream, therefore bringing her back to life as a fake Zombie; she can be killed, and also isn't mindless, she was just brought back to life like a zombie.

Skills in Magic:









As a child, Akane grew up with her 'family' or human scientists whom experimented on her for a while with various torturing of the worst kind; making her pretty immune to emotion and a little... messed up in the head, to put it easily. Eventually, they created a bunch of chemicals and experimented by inserting them into her blood stream - killing her. But the chemicals also brought Akane back to life, and she was the first successful experiment unlike the dead ones who came before her.

Later, magicians stormed the secret laboratory, killing the scientists but leaving Akane and instead taking them with her. She learned of necromancy and it came easy, being a creature of the undead herself. Unfortunately, she remained mentally ill still and they couldn't control it. Eventually when she surpassed their teachings they had to quickly abandon her before she got too out of control. Abandoned her to the school of Excelius, of course.



Summoning the Dead - Akane can summon few mindless creatures of the dead, but they are weak and only serve as a distraction or a mild attack on someone.

Binding of Stitches - Akane can summon threads of death from the ground and bind someone's feet and skin to them, not only making them bleed but keeping them there. This only lasts a little period of time, and when it is done her power also diminishes slightly.

Transfer Healing - Akane can heal someone by transferring their wound to her own body. Her body is stronger than a usual person's and can with stain more pain but this power is a sacrifice of herself, making it rare for her to do for someone.

Scythe - Not only is the scythe she wields an essential part of magic, it's also a normal weapon.

Enhanced Speed - Contrary to the belief that Zombies are slow, fake Zombies like Akane are very fast.


As a child Akane’s personality was somewhat normal, albeit a tad twisted, but as a result of the scientist's treatment, she no longer feels fear, nor does he have any morals. She can be described as a problem child. Despite her childish and playful demeanor, she is also extremely violent and highly disturbed. She usually describes her killing methods to be clean, without needless movements, which is a skill she seems to take pride in. She shows no hesitation to kill someone if needed.

Because of her lack of emotional understanding, she is willing to confront any opponent head on, no matter how dangerous they are. This has proven to be disastrous when she decides to take on far more powerful opponents alone when cooperation was necessary. Originally she showed no signs of empathy whatsoever and did not understand the emotions of others.

But a part of her former self remains and she is still capable of loving and caring for individuals close to her. She is kind beneath a violent and childish demeanor, and incredibly loyal if trust is earned. She always seeks vengeance if someone close to her is hurt; no matter at her cost, or the enemy's.

She is childish and playful, violent and disturbed, as well as secretly sweet, all rolled in one big ball. Eek.

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Sweets

+ Rabbits

+ Stitches

+ Drawing

- Rudeness

- Boring things

- Being alone

- Being touched (despite not knowing what personal space is when it comes to other people!)


Straight [heterosexual]


None at the moment.




Phys. Ed [if there is one] - Enjoys this due to her speed.

Sparring Classes

(Will add more if needed, and when I know classes... ^^"")


Necromancer [Mage]




Doesn't know - First raised in an unknown, secret laboratory.

Some mountains of some sort, with the mages


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Mitchs98 said:
Name: Senki Tazuya
Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race/Species: Half Dragon

Skills in Magic:

Draconic Magic

Weapons: She is able to summon Dragoon armor and a lance in combat. Said armor gives her an immense speed boost.




Backstory: TBR(If that's okay?..)


Seeing as she is part dragon, she is immensely stronger than she actually looks. She can punch through brick and dent steel, eventually punch through it too if she punched the same spot repeatedly enough.

Despite it not being immediatey visible, her skin has a slight scaled texture. Due to this, she is practically immune to fire(though, her hair and clothes isn't) and resistant to cuts. Punches from a normal human or being with strength around those levels do little more than make her feel pain, not actually damaging her.

She can fly, yo? She has large(A wingspan of 8 feet and as tall as her), blue, draconic wings that sprout out of her back below her shoulder blades. These wings are also incredibly durable, allowing her to shield herself from any and all physical blows dealt by the strength of a normal human if given time to react. Normal arrows and other such projectiles just bounce off.

She is able to call upon her guardian Atsuko when in danger or if she requires transport.


Personality: Senki is extremely exciteable and carefree. She makes every effort possible to make new friends, so much so that she may seem rude or a creepy stalker at times. She is extremely kind to everyone, unless of course you're someone that somehow managed to get on her bad side or hurt her friends.




Ramen(I shall assume this is a thing)



Rude people


Sour things

Sexuality: Bi-Sexual

Crush: No one


Class: Dragoon


Home: Doesn't remember

Other: Things.
Kihara017 said:
Naoko ShimakageView attachment 215699

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Neko

Skills in magic: Healing, Aether (pocket dimensions, calling down stars, etc.)

Weapons: (Varies due to his Aether Magic)

Backstory: Coming from a small and aggressive town Naoko always had to fight for his safety. Growing up with his master he kept to a mostly quiet life. Receiving training in his master's Aether magic he learned all the skills his master had known and still learns. Now attending Excelius Academy he is seeking training in healing magic to complete his personal training.


Pocket Dimensions: Using dimensions Naoko can transport many things and even himself through space. This is how he has access to almost any weapon. (A small side effect of this is the distortion in time, how long he or another object is in a pocket dimension time seems to have barely passed outside of these dimensions)

Starfall: Focusing the Aether Naoko opens dimensions to call down stars to strike his enemies.

Astral Blades: Focusing the Aether Naoko uses its magic to create copies of a weapon of his choice and fly at his target(s) upon command.

Aether Shell: As a passive of extended training and exposure to Aether magic Naoko has a shield around him that repels almost any attack so long as he can still cast magic.

Personality: Calm, Kind, Socially Awkward

Likes and Dislikes:

+ Training Combat (And Tournaments)

+ Sushi

+ Honor

- Sleeping

- Unneeded violence

- Vegetables

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: Anything that allows students to spar against each other, Healing magic classes, Blacksmithing classes

Class: Battlemage

Home: A random home in the mountains with his master. Temporarily living in a tent in the forest outside of Excelius.

Kimie Ayugai

View attachment 215728

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race/species: Neko

Skills in magic: Fire, Transformation

Weapons: Dragon's Wing Blade (In picture)

Backstory: Living in a mountain town Kimie hadn't known much. Simply kept to her home and defended them since she was young. Teaching herself everything she knows she constantly hones her skills and will defend anything she chooses. She is very adamant on attacking anyone who tells her otherwise.


Dragon's Rush: Using fire magic to propel her forward she strikes with a blade engulfed in fire.

Twin Dragonsnap: Using fire magic she summons a blade made of pure fire and attacks, first with her blade, then making the injury worse by setting the blood in the area to boil with the second blade.

Dragon's Flame: Using fire magic she ignites the air and sends a stream of fire in the direction she faces for a few seconds.

Dragon's Rage: Using transformation magic she turns herself into a dragon and acquires all the properties and abilities of a dragon.

Personality: Aggressive, Short-Tempered, Quick to act

Likes and Dislikes: N/A

Sexuality: Straight

Crush: N/A

Classes: Combat classes, Transformation magic classes, Fire magic classes

Class: Battlemage

Home: Lives in the school's dorms while attending. Returning to her home town during holidays and the summers.
Annie said:
Crimson Achers






Pure-Blood Witch

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)

Neutral Magic and Classic Fortune Telling

Weapons: (Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Her Magic also Compulsion


View attachment 215745


Crimson lives with her Grandmother in the forest after her mother died in a Car accident when she was 15. She never knew her Father. She only trusts full blood witches.


Basic magic. She is still a basic Student. Her Main Talents is compulsion, or a form of hypnosis. She finds it easier to do this with men, girls are more driven and harder to trick. She can also read palms and Tell futures. Her powers grow stronger when she trains, but that's exhausting.








Likes and Dislikes:


~Spicy Food

~Energy Drinks

~Musical Theater

~the smell of Lavender




~Thunder and Lightening


~Nosy People


Bi curious (she hasn't had any romantic experience)


Literally anyone who talks to her.

Classes: (What classes you have in the academy)

1) Earth Powers

2) Protection Spells

3) Spell brewing

4) History of Witch-craft

5) Love Spells

6) Revenge Spells

Class: (If you are a Battlemage, mage, wizard, warlock, etc.)

Full-Blood Witch (class B)

Markings/Tattoo's: (optional)

A small crescent moon on her heel, all full bloods have it.

Home: Salem
@Annie[/URL] could you change your characters backstory a bit? Like change from it being a car accident that killed her mother to like bandits or something. Other than that accpted.

Name: Sebastian Verlac

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Shadowhunter

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)

Weapons: A sword that he uses to conduct magic(Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Appearence:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.84a8b1c57cfa9df864574c8be95fae93.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/images.jpeg.84a8b1c57cfa9df864574c8be95fae93.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory:He was four when his family was murdered. He grew up alone and never forgave society.



Likes and Dislikes:

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush:Crimson Achers

Classes: Magic,

Class: Warlock

Home: He currently lives with just enough currency to survive



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AstronomyNerd said:
Name: Sebastian Verlac
Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race/species: Shadowhunter

Skills in magic: (Any kind of magic you specialize in etc.)

Weapons: A sword that he uses to conduct magic(Optional. This also counts as staves and such)

Appearence:View attachment 215935

Backstory:He was four when his family was murdered. He grew up alone and never forgave society.



Likes and Dislikes:

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Crush:Crimson Achers

Classes: Magic,

Class: Warlock

Home: He currently lives with just enough currency to survive
Accepted but could you perhaps find a medieval(ish) looking pic. If not that's fine but if you do could you swap it?
(This is my character, the headmaster Draconus)

Name: Draconus

Age: 5, 879

Gender: Male

Race/species: Human

Skills in magic: Specializes in phantom, light, and void type magic but knows all different kinds of magic due to studying for the past 5, 000 years.

Weapons: His 'Staff of Draconus' that he built himself to channel his magic through. The staff itself holds a bit of his god-like power and, in the wrong hands, can corrupt or completely destroy someones soul.

Appearence: His eyes glow light blue when he uses his god-like power.


Backstory: Has the power of the God of Magic. Draconus is extremely powerful and can create spells along with being able to use many kinds of spells and shouts. He is very old but his power and manipulation of magic is so strong that he doesn't seem to age at all, he has seen many things happen along the ages of and helped in some wars. His family was killed by an unknown cult, but all he does now is help people and awaits when the time comes he must aid in another crisis.

Once Draconus grew up he went in search for more knowledge. After one of the wars in the 1st age he had the power of Magnus, The god of Magic, absorbed into him. Ever since then he has been searching for more and more knowledge on magic.

Abilities/Powers: (WAY too long to list so I'll say a few of his abilities) He can fade, control shadows and darkness, can use many kinds of magic, ones you probably haven't heard of. He mostly likes to use Void magic, Dark Magic, Draconic Magic, and Light Magic. As you will see.

Personality: A kind of guy that always wants to do things fast, no wasting time. Always has to do something, like studying about magic or writing in his 400th or so notebook. Likes to joke around and has a very good sense of humor but knows when to be serious.

Likes and Dislikes: Likes to do something to keep him occupied, hates to sit around doing nothing.

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Crush: N/A

Position: Headmaster

Class: Battlemage (More of a mage)

Markings/Tattoo's: Doesn't have any.

Home: His home is Excelius pretty much but he does travel around whenever he isn't particularly needed at the academy.

Other/Misc: To be revealed
Veyd Sahvoz]All are accepted but none of the modern-like stuff in your cs will matter due to this being in medieval times. Also [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20538-annie/ said:
@Annie[/URL] could you change your characters backstory a bit? Like change from it being a car accident that killed her mother to like bandits or something. Other than that accpted.
wait I don't have anything modern do I? I honestly don't see it if I do... 0-0
Name: Prof. Sheltaea




Skills in magic:He specializes in Necromancy, Healing, and Illusion spells

Weapons: A cold iron sickle that can trap the soul inside it if used to kill a person (can only hold one soul at a time) and the Staff of Worms, which empowers all necromancy spells used by Prof. Shaltaea



Backstory: As a child his home was conquered by invading forces and he was conscripted into services. As the years went on his little village found itself taken again and again in the territorial war it was in the middle of. When his home country finally reclaimed the village, Prof Shaltaea was already a young adult. Seeing many of the horrors of war first hand, he dedicated his life to the healing arts.

He lived many years in relative peace, even eventually falling in love and marrying. Then in his mid twenties a foul sickness took hold in his homeland. Despite his best efforts there was little to nothing he could do to stop it. He tried and researched, even up until his he and his wife caught this plague. In a desperate last effort he resorted to necromancy, an art often considered the opposite of healing, to find a solution. On death's door he finally achieved a type of immortality: lich-hood.Unfortunately, his experiment came too little too late: his wife and his home village were both wiped out.

Knowing that he would likely never be allowed in normal society if his new form was discovered, he donned his plague doctor mask and uniform and set out to try to help other afflicted areas. The fact that he was always on the heels of this disastrous sickness

eventually made others suspicious and downright hostile when he appeared, being considered a harbinger of doom. After several centuries, he finally found a place to call home and continue his doomed research.


Limited Immortality- Unless the phylactery containing his soul is destroyed, he will come back to unlife in 1-7 days, depending on how much damage he received upon his "death."

Deathwatch- His intuition gives him a quick, accurate reading of how close living beings are to dying.

Spiritual Sensitivity- His years practicing and general talent for necromancy has enabled him to sense souls and even see/interact with some of them.

Astral Projection- He can displace some of his essence and can appear outside his body somewhere else within a mile. However, he cannot physically interact with wherever he astral projects to.

Personality: Often quiet, and normally patient and very cautious. Prof. Shaltaea takes the utmost care in his work. He has no problems in taking time and planning very far ahead.

Likes and Dislikes: He likes planning, perfecting his magics, learning and willing students.

He dislikes recklessness and obstructive people.


Position: Professor

Class you teach: Healing Magic and Illusion magic

Class: Necromancer

Markings/Tattoo's:The sickness he had in life left many scar and abscesses in his body, all covered by his clothing.

Home: Excelius

Extra: He has an unending fascination with the macabre. He owns several pet ravens.
Name: Gol'diir/Ko'Do'Kar (or Gold/KDK, respectively)

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Race/species: Gold is an Argonian, Ko'do'Kar is a Khajiit

Skills in magic: Gold is good in Destruction, and not much else. KDK is good in Conjuration, Alteration, etc., just not Blood, Deadric, Dark, Divine, etc.

Weapons: Gold has a Dwarven Greatsword and a weapon he got from Sheogorath: a staff known as The Wabbajack. KDK has all bound weapons known to Skyrim, as well as a Blade of Woe, stolen from a dead Dark Brotherhood member (Skyrim version). They both have two Keyblades: Gold has Ominous Blunder
(Original name: Ominous Blight, a Keyblade that is canon to the series, appaerently, and is found in 358/2 Days [pronounced "3 5 8 days over 2"]. It is a keyblade Roxas and Xion use.) and Blue Soul
(Non-canon Keyblade made by Demonic-Lunatic on DeviantArt). KDK has the keyblades Whitebird and Blackbird <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-55-9.jpeg.efbbf42445f3ea0b650ae5c94d031743.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97053" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-55-9.jpeg.efbbf42445f3ea0b650ae5c94d031743.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Non-canon Keyblades made by akarubasa on DeviantArt) summoned when the active one crushes the Form Orb

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-56-35.jpeg.7baca97643e4a23426366d93c3bcdc40.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97055" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-56-35.jpeg.7baca97643e4a23426366d93c3bcdc40.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-57-12.jpeg.c6a0f0c872139c897456022ab87d8609.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97058" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-57-12.jpeg.c6a0f0c872139c897456022ab87d8609.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> which is changed into those at will. Learn about forms Drive Form

Appearence: Gol'diir is an average Argonian, with horns on his head arranged in a pattern specifically his own (vertical Big Dipper on each side of his head, at an angle), golden scales, and eyes not unlike blue marbles. Ko'Do'Kar is a Khajiit with tan fur, eyes not unlike golden marbles, and, for he is a druid, a wolf snout instead of the normal catlike snout.

Backstory (No links posted have to be read. If it's a picture, I'll show it): Gold was born in Cyrodiil from immigrant parents (I don't know if it'd be emigrate or immigrate in this context. It's really confusing) who had come there to find work in the Imperial City. When he grew to 12 years old, and this was during the civil war between the Imperials and /stormcloaks and the Cult, his parents made one false move, and died. It was during his grief for them that he met the wolf Amaterasu, which he called Ammy for short, who had a brush for a tail. Not much later, Gold was back to normal, and they traveled together. It was then they had an encounter with a "man" named Veyd Sahvoz, who was more skeleton than man. They had a long adventure together, in which, sadly, (@Veyd Sahvoz spoilers for something I got planned for our 1on1 RP), Amaterasu died.

After the adventure, Gold had joined the Thieves' Guild in Skyrim to make money. It was during an early-morning pickpocket that he found a man named Sauriil Adorin. You can find that adventure here: [M] [sD] A New Destiny . . . A New Legend (Ended) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. After that, Gold visited other countries, finding work where he could. He was in Valenwood, land of the Wood Elves, when he sensed Sauriil nearby. Luckily he had not drunk any water, as it was corrupted, as he found later. You can find that adventure here: [M] [sD] Flesh of Man (Complete) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. They went their separate ways afterward. After that, Gold went dungeon-hunting, knowing about the money that was commonly there.

In those dungeons, Gold found odd runes he could only know as Dovahzul after being with Makor (One of the characters in the RPs. He's Dragonborn.) for two adventures. He wrote them down, and took them to the Greybeards. After learning the words' meaning, he chose three of the words he liked, strung them together, and Shouted, transforming him into Ko'Do'Kar the Khajiit. Ko'Do'Kar panicked, and chose two words that he thought would turn him back. He Shouted, keeping Sii, and returned to normal, but Gold felt another mind in his head: KDK's.

Over then next couple months, Gold traveled more, eventually finding a cabin full of black soul gems. The inhabitant, Marana, apparently needed them to live. Anyways, Gold and KDK met up with Sauriil again there, for some reason. That adventure is found here: [M] [sD] The Immortals (Ended) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. During those days the Immortals were gone, Gold stayed with Marana, mining for Soul Gems, filling them, the works, while getting payed in the process. Then Sauriil's brother, Dovathur, attacked, swiping him/them and possibly screwing over Marana's life by burning her house down. In Dovathur's possesion, Gold was faced with horrible... lessons that will not be spoken of. Gold was also whipped, although, with his scales, he was fine. He was underfed, dehydrated, and by the time the Immortals, he was almost completely dehydrated. Gold never got the chance to switch to Ko'Do'Kar during the time he/they were with the others again.

Latstly, Gold met with the others one more time for a final battle against... Sauriil's daughter, Mortha. That adventure is found here: [AO] [sD] Blood of the Gods (Finshed; Don't Post) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. After that battle ended, they went their separate ways, and Gold went back to dungeon-hunting, when he found another word wall. He repeated what he did to make KDK, and suddenly sprouted wings (Image: Gold's Wings:) Redirect Notice, and when he flapped them, he actually went into the air. For the last year, Gold/KDK has been traveling the world in search of stuff to do. He heard of the academy, and ran /flew as fast as possible to the school to apply. The rest will be located in this RP, as well as in the RP which takes place after Excelius: Casual - [M] Elder Scrolls: Dovahthur's Return

Abilities/Powers: Gold has two Shouts, as does KDK. Gold's shouts are both his own creation: Become Other; Sii Griid Nau; lets him turn into KDK, and Angel Wings; Suu viing frul; which gives him wings like an angel once a day, for five minutes at a time. KDK has a shout of his own creation, and one that was previously known: Revert Self; Sii Bo Hond, which turned him back into Gold; and Slow Time; Tiid Klo Ul, which, as the name implies, slows down time for all but him.


Likes and Dislikes:

Gold Likes:

  • Weapons
  • Fire magic
  • Enchanting
  • Nice people
  • Himself/His other self
  • Animals

Gold Dislikes:

  • Jerks
  • Evil overlords like Dovahthur
  • Dragons, especially Dovah-Vokun (Don't ask)
  • War

KDK Likes:

  1. Animals
  2. Magic
  3. Himself/his other self

KDK Dislikes:

  1. War
  2. People who harm animals
  3. Evil overlords, like Dovahthur

Sexuality: straight

Crush: N/A


How Gold and KDK have different classes
Gold attends some classes, but when the bell rings, he goes to a place no one will hear him, becomes KDK, and KDK goes to the next class. KDK is the same way.
How Gold and KDK attend the same classes
Gold or KDK is out front, and KDK's spirit goes to Gold's ear, or the other way around, and listens through one ear, while the other listens through the other. This tends to make Gold grow a cat ear, or make KDK lose an ear, replacing it with scales.
Gold's Classes (In order)
Alchemy, Enchanting, Blood

Class: Gold is a Fire Mage, as Fire spells are his best spells, while KDK is a battlemage, good with magic and weapons, though he prefers his Bound weapons.

Markings/Tattoos: purple, smokelike paint protruding from their eyes, sort of like this:
(Both Gold and KDK have this)

Home: Cyrodiil/Gold or KDK's mind (Depends on who's out.)

Other/Misc: Gold is KDK, and vice versa. Gold swaps out to KDK when he shouts "Sii Griid Nau," and KDK switches out to Gold when he shouts "Sii Bo Hond." Ko'Do'Kar likes to quickly finish tests by slowing time.

Bold= conversation to KDK by Gold

Italics= conversation to Gold by KDK

Both= thinking to himself

Underline=telepathy (Because they can do that. Thanks, Sauriil)

Normal=Talking<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-56-50.jpeg.a7cd34683282dddf172dcd1d25c3087f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97056" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-56-50.jpeg.a7cd34683282dddf172dcd1d25c3087f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-57-3.jpeg.65d96a5345499aa2426459e2036d981d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97057" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/upload_2016-1-6_20-57-3.jpeg.65d96a5345499aa2426459e2036d981d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Last edited by a moderator:
. It is a keyblade Roxas and Xion use.) and Blue Soul
(Non-canon Keyblade made by Demonic-Lunatic on DeviantArt). KDK has the keyblades Whitebird and Blackbird View attachment 215978 (Non-canon Keyblades made by akarubasa on DeviantArt) summoned when the active one crushes the Form Orb

View attachment 215982 View attachment 215981 View attachment 215980 View attachment 215983 which is changed into those at will. Learn about forms Drive Form

Appearence: Gol'diir is an average Argonian, with horns on his head arranged in a pattern specifically his own (vertical Big Dipper on each side of his head, at an angle), golden scales, and eyes not unlike blue marbles. Ko'Do'Kar is a Khajiit with tan fur, eyes not unlike golden marbles, and, for he is a druid, a wolf snout instead of the normal catlike snout.

Backstory (No links posted have to be read. If it's a picture, I'll show it): Gold was born in Cyrodiil from immigrant parents (I don't know if it'd be emigrate or immigrate in this context. It's really confusing) who had come there to find work in the Imperial City. When he grew to 12 years old, and this was during the civil war between the Imperials and /stormcloaks and the Cult, his parents made one false move, and died. It was during his grief for them that he met the wolf Amaterasu, which he called Ammy for short, who had a brush for a tail. Not much later, Gold was back to normal, and they traveled together. It was then they had an encounter with a "man" named Veyd Sahvoz, who was more skeleton than man. They had a long adventure together, in which, sadly, (@Veyd Sahvoz spoilers for something I got planned for our 1on1 RP), Amaterasu died.

After the adventure, Gold had joined the Thieves' Guild in Skyrim to make money. It was during an early-morning pickpocket that he found a man named Sauriil Adorin. You can find that adventure here: [M] [sD] A New Destiny . . . A New Legend (Ended) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. After that, Gold visited other countries, finding work where he could. He was in Valenwood, land of the Wood Elves, when he sensed Sauriil nearby. Luckily he had not drunk any water, as it was corrupted, as he found later. You can find that adventure here: [M] [sD] Flesh of Man (Complete) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. They went their separate ways afterward. After that, Gold went dungeon-hunting, knowing about the money that was commonly there.

In those dungeons, Gold found odd runes he could only know as Dovahzul after being with Makor (One of the characters in the RPs. He's Dragonborn.) for two adventures. He wrote them down, and took them to the Greybeards. After learning the words' meaning, he chose three of the words he liked, strung them together, and Shouted, transforming him into Ko'Do'Kar the Khajiit. Ko'Do'Kar panicked, and chose two words that he thought would turn him back. He Shouted, keeping Sii, and returned to normal, but Gold felt another mind in his head: KDK's.

Over then next couple months, Gold traveled more, eventually finding a cabin full of black soul gems. The inhabitant, Marana, apparently needed them to live. Anyways, Gold and KDK met up with Sauriil again there, for some reason. That adventure is found here: [M] [sD] The Immortals (Ended) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. During those days the Immortals were gone, Gold stayed with Marana, mining for Soul Gems, filling them, the works, while getting payed in the process. Then Sauriil's brother, Dovathur, attacked, swiping him/them and possibly screwing over Marana's life by burning her house down. In Dovathur's possesion, Gold was faced with horrible... lessons that will not be spoken of. Gold was also whipped, although, with his scales, he was fine. He was underfed, dehydrated, and by the time the Immortals, he was almost completely dehydrated. Gold never got the chance to switch to Ko'Do'Kar during the time he/they were with the others again.

Latstly, Gold met with the others one more time for a final battle against... Sauriil's daughter, Mortha. That adventure is found here: [AO] [sD] Blood of the Gods (Finshed; Don't Post) | Thuum.org - The Dragon Language Dictionary. After that battle ended, they went their separate ways, and Gold went back to dungeon-hunting, when he found another word wall. He repeated what he did to make KDK, and suddenly sprouted wings (Image: Gold's Wings:) Redirect Notice, and when he flapped them, he actually went into the air. For the last year, Gold/KDK has been traveling the world in search of stuff to do. He heard of the academy, and ran /flew as fast as possible to the school to apply. The rest will be located in this RP, as well as in the RP which takes place after Excelius: Casual - [M] Elder Scrolls: Dovahthur's Return

Abilities/Powers: Gold has two Shouts, as does KDK. Gold's shouts are both his own creation: Become Other; Sii Griid Nau; lets him turn into KDK, and Angel Wings; Suu viing frul; which gives him wings like an angel once a day, for five minutes at a time. KDK has a shout of his own creation, and one that was previously known: Revert Self; Sii Bo Hond, which turned him back into Gold; and Slow Time; Tiid Klo Ul, which, as the name implies, slows down time for all but him.


Likes and Dislikes:

Gold Likes:

  • Weapons
  • Fire magic
  • Enchanting
  • Nice people
  • Himself/His other self
  • Animals

Gold Dislikes:

  • Jerks
  • Evil overlords like Dovahthur
  • Dragons, especially Dovah-Vokun (Don't ask)
  • War

KDK Likes:

  1. Animals
  2. Magic
  3. Himself/his other self

KDK Dislikes:

  1. War
  2. People who harm animals
  3. Evil overlords, like Dovahthur

Sexuality: straight

Crush: N/A


How Gold and KDK have different classes
Gold attends some classes, but when the bell rings, he goes to a place no one will hear him, becomes KDK, and KDK goes to the next class. KDK is the same way.
How Gold and KDK attend the same classes
Gold or KDK is out front, and KDK's spirit goes to Gold's ear, or the other way around, and listens through one ear, while the other listens through the other. This tends to make Gold grow a cat ear, or make KDK lose an ear, replacing it with scales.
Gold's Classes (In order)
Alchemy, Enchanting, Dark, Divine, Destruction, World Manipulation (Telekinesis, creating rifts/portals, etc.), healing
KDK's classes (In order)
Destruction, Divine, Blood, Conjuration, World Manipulation, healing

Class: Gold is a Fire Mage, as Fire spells are his best spells, while KDK is a battlemage, good with magic and weapons, though he prefers his Bound weapons.

Markings/Tattoos: purple, smokelike paint protruding from their eyes, sort of like this:
(Both Gold and KDK have this)

Home: Cyrodiil/Gold or KDK's mind (Depends on who's out.)

Other/Misc: Gold is KDK, and vice versa. Gold swaps out to KDK when he shouts "Sii Griid Nau," and KDK switches out to Gold when he shouts "Sii Bo Hond." Ko'Do'Kar likes to quickly finish tests by slowing time.

Bold= conversation to KDK by Gold

Italics= conversation to Gold by KDK

Both= thinking to himself

Underline=telepathy (Because they can do that. Thanks, Sauriil)

Accepted and I'm looking forward to that idea for our 1 x 1 RP. Also the reason your accordian didn't work was because you have all the 'S' in capitals, they need to be lowercase.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Accepted and I'm looking forward to that idea for our 1 x 1 RP. Also the reason your accordian didn't work was because you have all the 'S' in capitals, they need to be lowercase.

(No, I just spelled Accordion wrong, and forgot to put the [/accordion] at the bottom)

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