Exalted: You Can Do That


New Member
I wanted to preserve a conversation that came up on the open-ended game where I'm intending to play my Abyssal Promise of Passage. We were discussing details of Passage's background, and wandered into some very weird territory.

Maybe someone else will find it funny. ;)

<Nerdy Stuff> The Cosimir says, "And then what happened?"
<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "He ended up as a guard for said Dynast's rather large harem, with all that implies. :x "

<Nerdy Stuff> Perfected Engine of Harmony says, "snip snip"

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist wonders if you could say that there's something supernatural a few generations up the bloodline, and it just remanifested in this guy. "Kinda like how Lost Eggs crop up in the middle of nowhere even though nobody in living memory has been Dragon-Blooded."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist thinks the implication of harem guard = castrated, but that's just him. :x

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "yes, that is exactly what i meant."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "then i guess it is not just me"

<Nerdy Stuff> The Cosimir says, "yes"

<Nerdy Stuff> The Cosimir says, "Have you decided how he Exalted?"

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "We (being Seph and I, since Seph is apping one of Passage's siblings) were toying with them possibly having a hereditary Wyld mutation somewhere in the family. I could swing it for them being an eighth ghostblooded or something, but it's probably unnecessary now that I think of it."

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "Yeah. :I One of the harem girls got pregnant, the Dynast threw a fit and had her and all the guards executed."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "Hahahah."

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "And the Bishop was like HELLO THERE LITTLE BOY"

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "Bonus points if it turns out none of the guards did it."

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "oh wait duh"

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "'OR BEING OF INDETERMINATE GENDER' 'I'm a boy -_- ;' '...well, whatever, want revenge?'"

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "haha"

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "i was about to say 'it would be more remarkable if they /did/'"

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "Well in fairness this is Exalted"

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "Yeah, I could make a case for one of them doing it with one of those purple demon things."

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "That make All Pregnancies Possible!"

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "In Exalted, a woman could get another woman pregnant if she had enough will and guts."

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "One of the guards did it, /in a stunt/."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist thinks he remembers having this exact conversation a while ago.

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "the setting lends itself to this."

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "A /combat stunt/ (the target of the combat is not the woman)."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "So wait, Gar."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "Are you saying one could make a completely unrelated bystander pregnant via a combat stunt?"

<Nerdy Stuff> The Cosimir says, "I think that's a Siddie Charm"

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "Well presumably she wasn't /unrelated/."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "Tertiary, then."

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "I was picturing more like they were going at while the guy was standing up and having a sword fight with a guy next to them."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "..."

<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "The worst part is, I can almost see that working."

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew chokes.

<Nerdy Stuff> Not a Lunar: Rhomarathin Feverfew says, "I love Exaltedi n all the wrong ways. :( "

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "Or maybe they were in free-fall immediately after they planted a bomb in the balcony above where the enemy lay."

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "And he was like 'I am so virile I will now get some before we land despite not having equipment to do so with.'"

<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "Exalted."
Feverfew said:
<Nerdy Stuff> Ashen Mist says, "Are you saying one could make a completely unrelated bystander pregnant via a combat stunt?"
<Nerdy Stuff> The Cosimir says, "I think that's a Siddie Charm"
Ahaha. That is an amusing conversation. Admittedly, if someone actually is sterile, I would require a little more than a mere stunt to get around it, but there are plenty of other ways...

And sadly, the Charm that did the quoted bit didn't get that translated into 2E. SMA Form of Citrine Poxes used to make any Water Aspects within a certain distance of the guy with it up spontaneously get pregnant. Joked about a few interesting character concepts this could create, such as the Immaculate who's kept all her vows, but ended up pregnant via this Charm and got booted from the order...

Ah well, this is what House Rules are for. ^.^
Feverfew said:
<Nerdy Stuff> Gar Maddox says, "I was picturing more like they were going at while the guy was standing up and having a sword fight with a guy next to them."
That's so wrong, but so funny. I suggest adding DB teamwork Charms for that extra bit of twist. *ba dump ching*
I suddenly have the idea that "immaculate" conceptions happen a bit more than once in a blue moon in Exalted. It'd have some interesting cultural impacts, especially on cultures that didn't know much about Exalted-level magic.

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