Exalted Timeline.


New Member
Hi, I've been storytelling exalted for a while and I'm looking for a good static timeline for the world of exalted and either by complete idiocy or otherwise I can't find one. Anybody help?

I know in some of the books there are things like "The history of creation according to *.*" but I'd rather have something more concrete.

If a good one doesn't exist I'd motion for the creation of one.
Dragon blooded book has from the time the empress took over to current era, while its not excatly fully descriptional, it is a good point reffrence
Aedryan said:
If a good one doesn't exist I'd motion for the creation of one.
Motion seconded. Thanks for volunteering.

WW have screwed with the timeline a bit, creating a few continuity problems.  Autochthon left about 4600 years ago, which would have marked the beginning of the First Age.  The Usurpation happened fifteen centuries ago and the Empress took over 768 years ago.
With the DotFA out, we can have a very clearer idea of the timeline. We know exactly know much the Second Age has lasted, and we have a very good idea of the canon duration of the First Age. Is there any official data on the duration of the Shogunate?
Arthur said:
Is there any official data on the duration of the Shogunate?
See page references on the previously mentioned wiki link. This page hasn't been updated for DoFA yet. That will be an interesting task, because the Time of Cascading Years tends to make duration subjective (which may allow a bit of hand-waving to fix canonical inconsistencies).
Considering the Timeline of DotFA there are several things to be corrected in the wiki Timeline. Someone of Good Will should do it (eg: if the Primordial War end in -4500 RY then Autochton leaves on -4380 RY and not -4110 RY, since it says in DotFA that it leaves in year 121 after the PW).

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