[Exalted] (Solar/Sidereal game) A New Dawn in Yu-Shan


August Personage of Jade
So... I had an idea for a combined Solar/Sidereal game, based off of the following Premises:

  • The Scarlet Empress is dead-- though no one really knows how, and it is not common knowledge. She did not pick a successor, and the Realm is buckling down in preparation for a cold war between Mneumon and Roseblack, as all the houses bolt down and focus on their own affairs. No civil war has started yet, but with the rumor of the Scarlet Empress' death slowly spreading, how long will that last? Neither side is capable of one-upping the other quite yet, but with the return of the Anathema, that cannot be guaranteed to last for long...
  • Simultaneously, Chejop Kejak is dead-- though unlike her, he entered Lethe. Indeed, he died at the exact same moment. Is this an auspicious sign? And he never left an official successor either-- though the Bronze faction outnumbers the Gold faction, many of its leaders are approaching old age as well, leaving many of the gods that support the Bronze faction panicking... and desperate to maintain a stranglehold on their power.
  • In the time that the Scarlet Empress died until modern times, she has formed a rebellion in the Underworld, one which plays each Deathlord against each other as she attempts to gain the same power over the Underworld as she once had in Creation. The Deathknights are tied up in the political and military intrigue, delaying the plans for Creation's destruction. In the process, some renegades have managed to escape notice and re-enter creation, mostly ignored by their Neverborn and Deathlord masters...
  • The Bull of the North has united practically all of the North direction under a loose and yet surprisingly prosperous, if a bit barbaric, empire. Several new Solars flock under his wing to help build this Northern Confederacy and defend it from all comers, promising to create a power that will soon rival the strength of the entirety of the Realm.
  • Having planned on taking over Creation through the Scarlet Empress, her sudden demise has left her entirely free of the Ebon Dragon's grip... and effectively destroyed his long-standing scheme from the bottom up. Malfeas descends in to anarchy and civil war as the Primordial prisoners pass blame and revenge for this failure on anyone but themselves. The Green Sun Princes are caught in the middle... some dutifully doing what their masters say, but others, like the Deathknights, instead enter Creation, seeing a chance at independence.

Finally... a Gold faction member decides now is the time to take a few of the newly exalted Solars, guided by a few Sidereals, in to Yu Shan as part of a gamble to force the Bronze faction to make hasty mistakes. The purpose is three-fold: keep the exalts out of the influence of the Bull of the North; endear promising new Solars to the Gold Faction's goals; and to find out just how much support-- or hate-- the gods have for the Solars after all this time. But this is risky... who knows how the Solars will act to entering the City of the Gods-- or how the gods of Yu Shan will react to seeing Solars for the first time in an eon!

So as one likely gathered, it's an idea for a Celestials game where the player characters are newly exalted Solars brought by the Cult of the Illuminated, and Gold Faction Sidereals. Maybe one member of the circle could be a deathknight or green sun prince, but ideally it would have three solars and two sidereals, or two solars, two sidereals, and one gsp/abyssal, just to see how heaven might react to the latter (but with the focus still being on them being a Solar, if a bit of a weird one). It would likely have more social combat and intrigue than physical combat, though assassins being sent by the Bronze Faction seems probable. Ultimately, where the game would go, I have no idea, but the Sidereals would desire to see the defeat of the Bronze faction as their primary goal, giving at least one long-term plothook.

As I'm nowhere near experienced enough to GM this, I'm mostly offering the story idea itself, in case someone else wants to be the storyteller. I'd gladly play, and I could probably fit this in to my schedule myself-- though I would need help with the system. Can't promise the game will start unless we get a storyteller who likes the idea and wants to do it though.
Interesting idea. I don't have the Sidereal book for 2e, so I'd be out as the ST, but I'll be watching this thread with some interest.
Though I would be willing to play any appropriate character to suit the circle, given how new I am, I'd probably be best off playing a Solar, who seem to be the simplest of the splats aside from DBs (who wouldn't be a part of this except as potential enemies).

Perhaps a Zenith, Twilight, or Eclipse (I'm leaning towards Eclipse) would be appropriate for me.
I wouldn't mind trying my hand as a Sidereal in this, but I have too many games under my belt right now to try and run another one.
Looks like we have enough players at least? Could use a couple more, and then if we get an ST this can probably happen.
By the way, I was intending for this to be a text-chat based roleplay, rather than play-by-post... I suppose it's up to the storyteller in the end of course, but it'd probably help to see which you guys would prefer.
Need a response here. Do you guys want it to be a weekly chat game, or a play by post game? I'd prefer the former, but if I'm out voted we'll go with the latter.

And we're still looking for an ST....
Melissia said:
Can't promise the game will start unless we get a storyteller who likes the idea and wants to do it though.
I love this idea and wish I could ST it, but unfortunately I just do not have the time...nor the Sids and Yu Shan books :( I might be able to play as long as it is a play-by-post game. I could run a Solar, Abyssal, or GSP. Although, I'm not sure how well a GSP could fit with a group of Solars and Sidereals. GSP powers are just so freakin weird (awesome, but weird). I'm leaning toward a Night/Day caste assuming we do it play-by-post and find an ST.
So that's one vote for play-by-post, one for weekly chat.

Anyone else who wants to participate going to vote?
I take it that's a no, then. Hrm. Well, we haven't gotten an ST yet anyway, so I suppose this doesn't look like it's happening.
Melissia said:
I take it that's a no, then. Hrm. Well, we haven't gotten an ST yet anyway, so I suppose this doesn't look like it's happening.
Try making a thread called looking for Exalted ST for this game.
Well I came here looking for a game to play, but depending on times I might be interested in being ST. I like the premise but I'd be apt to make some tweaks--one or tow might be major. In any case I'd be open to at least discussing it. :)

EDIT I suppose I should add that this would all be in the event that I don't find a game to play in--as I only have time for one right now:oops:
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If this is still being considered, I would be interested in playing as a Solar, though I don't know which Caste as of yet. However, I'm not sure if I'd be able to do a weekly chat. Play by post is much easier for me.
I might be willing to run. I have everything but autocthonia.

I am new to online RP though. Only run maybe 6 games in my life, in a few systems.
I'm interested in playing, but I'm sure there's a queue by now. I might also be able to assist Grokk with the storytelling, but probably more as a tutor than in picking up an extra time burden. Wish I could, but those are my shakes.
If someone else wants to take the idea, feel free. I switched ideas to the Heroes of Whitewall idea and that's what we're running on sundays.

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