Exalted MUSH: Where Rivers Meet


Long ago, the greatest of the Exalted defeated the Primordial titans in battle, imprisoning some while slaying others. In recognition of their accomplishments, the Gods bestowed upon their champions dominion over all Creation, by Mandate of Heaven. These shining heroes went on to rule Creation as its Kings and Queens, raising magnificent cities, uniting the lands under the guidance of a grand Deliberative, and bringing forth the glorious First Age of Man. But the death knells of their slain foes dug deep into their souls. Though felt by all, madness brought on by this Great Curse affected the Sun's Chosen the most. The Solar Exalted were driven to unthinkable acts of paranoia, decadence, extremism, and madness threatening Creation's very existence. The Lawgivers were abandoned by their Lunar mates, betrayed by their trusted Sidereal advisors, and slain by their Terrestrial subordinates. Their potent Essences were cast into the depths by the victors seemingly for all time. The First Age fell, its legendary infrastructure unsustainable without the Chosen defined by their ability to push beyond all limits, but those who remained to witness it knew they had saved Creation from a worse fate.

Time moves on however, unfettered by such quarrels. A little over a millennia later, Creation is a faded wreck of its former glories. In the panic of a double blow from a plague that brought Creation's population to its knees and Fair Folk invasion that trampled it underfoot, a Dragon-Blooded officer unleashed an ancient superweapon to save Creation. Crowning herself with the Sword of Creation's cataclysmic wrath, the Scarlet Empress rose to power and began a mighty Dragon-Blooded dynasty now renowned and feared worldwide.

Though Creation was saved, the Second Age of Man is a time of tumult. The Scarlet Empress is gone from her throne. Her mighty empire stands on the verge of fracturing into civil war. The Deathlords of the Underworld field dread forces into Creation, bringing new souls to their horrific forges. The Lunar Exalted brutally harass and hound the Realm's holdings while propping up savage nations across the Threshold, driven by revenge and necessity. The Sidereal Exalted stand paralyzingly divided on what might be the most important matter: the Solar Exalted have returned, some twisted into the Abyssal and Infernal Exalted championing death and demons.

Even in lands where the Realm holds no power, unrest is the norm. Great Forks. City of revelry, city of temples. Ruled by three patron deities, the city's known for its constant energy, amazing education and health, wondrous entertainment and thriving trade - all fueled by impressive slave-tended drug fields. Weakened by the recent decimation of its armies, all forces with even a remotely vested interest have begun closing in to snatch up the city for their own purposes. Things could get worse very easily indeed, and while Great Forks is still living in a constant festival, the gaiety has the febrile edge of a party that may come to a very abrupt and dangerous stop.

Exalted MUSH: Where Rivers Meet begins in Great Forks, a city with many stories to tell. Should the game reach enough momentum we plan to open up the Scavenger Lands to the devices of PCs. The River Province is a land ripe for the return of the Celestial Exalted, where the Wyld Hunt cannot operate openly and freely. Storytellers are ready to spin tales in the path of PCs, with the fate of Creation itself to be decided by player choices. All character types save Akuma and Alchemicals are available and supported by an expansive, polished set of House Rules. Where Rivers Meet also marks the first use of the Creation-Ruling Mandate system detailed in Masters of Jade in any Exalted MUSH.

You have been Chosen to leave your mark on a world in need of heroes. What will you do with your power?
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