Exalted metaphysical mechanics

What are the stars made of?

How large are they?

What happens if I throw an arrow to a star? (with There Is No Wind any Solar can...)


I think this is physics. oO
Actually I believe the maidens are constellations. And every other god(aside from the other Incarnae) are represented by stars all though stars a way of viewing the loom of fate I know that. And stars are made out of Starmetal what kind of silly question is that.

Edit: And I think since there made of a Magical Material that makes them invulnerable so if you throw an arrow at it the arrow breaks.
xarvh said:
What are the stars made of?

xarvh said:
How large are they?
I would assume that varies based on the deity's Essence score.

xarvh said:
What happens if I throw an arrow to a star? (with There Is No Wind any Solar can...)
Normally? Nothing. However, it is stated that knocking a god's star from the sky kills them. Knowing Solars, this could very easily lead to mass deicide.

xarvh said:
I think this is physics. oO
Kind of.

Here's a question: Why do human souls reincarnate instead of just dispersing into component motes? Did the Primordials want to preserve something about them? Was it out of kindness? It is noted that the Primordials were once significantly less of a bunch of dicks than they are now as Neverborn or Yozis. Or perhaps this design was more energy efficient?
What would happen if you used summon the loyal steel to place the lighting torment hatchets into else where then summon them to you using the torment hatchets ability then resummoned them using the charm?

Sanguine said:
Here's a question: Why do human souls reincarnate instead of just dispersing into component motes? Did the Primordials want to preserve something about them? Was it out of kindness? It is noted that the Primordials were once significantly less of a bunch of dicks than they are now as Neverborn or Yozis. Or perhaps this design was more energy efficient?
I think they were used to the endlessness of they wyld and didn't even thing of the idea of a soul ending.
Clearly they did, though. Only the Hun soul reincarnates, while the Po dies with the body and disintegrates.

As for the Charm v. Artifact question, I figure pulling them from Elsewhere would cause Charm conflict. You'd roll Essence vs. Artifact rating and whichever won would take precedence. If the Hatchets won, they return to you. If the Charm wins, they remain in Elsewhere.
Sanguine said:
Actually I believe the maidens are constellations.
They each have five associated constellations, but I swear I saw that Mercury, venus, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter are visible much like they are on Earth.

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