Exalted Comic general discussion


Ten Thousand Club
There are already threads for the mechanics in the Exalted comic and for a specific issue (#0). This thread is for general comments about any and all issues of the comic.


I'm disappointed. The art is at times fantastic, and the characters are certainly Exalted, but the writing hasn't been better than functional, and there are certain parts where even the art fell flat (Drogath casting Infallible Messenger, for example - the lights show was far below what I'd expect from sorcery).

The story thus far is the worst part. A boy Exalts, gets rescued by another Solar, who immediately explains what he is. The very next issue, they find his tomb and his old magic sword, in a conveniently nearby tomb.

Now, there's some muttering about destiny, and I can accept that, but I'm annoyed that they couldn't drag out the exposition for at least half a dozen issues. I know non-players have to get their bearings in the setting but a little mystery in a story isn't a bad thing!

And that scene where Drogath personally goes and gets pwned by a Tri-Khanate bureaucrat? A secreatry?! Prince of the Earth my ass. Where's his servants? Where's his demands for recognition as part of the Perfected Hierarchy?

I'm going to stick with the comic though; the art can be really good, and so what if it doesn't exactly capture my preconceived ideas? Besides, the writing has shown a bit of potential (a wisecracking circle of Solar tomb-robbers? Count me in) and I'm hoping the story will get better now that they've done the "boy meets magical powers. Boy meets giant sword" bit. Fingers crossed for some "boy meets giant robot" action later on :twisted:

And yeah, I'm holding out for it to turn into an Aztec steampunk anime.
I think the art is good in that now we can more easily imagine what places and peoples look like. I also think that they're still relatively new to it so we'll probably see a series of subtle changes to it before it becomes "all grown up".
In the interest of pimping Lore5, I'll mention that you can now comment on the comic here, as well as rate it for the benefit of others.

BurningPalm said:
The very next issue, they find his tomb and his old magic sword, in a conveniently nearby tomb.quote]
WTF? Has issue 2 been released then? I've got issue 1 but not 0, but that's it.

Yeah, I gotta admit that, despite the fact that I was utterly entranced when reading it, when I looked back it felt a bit... as if the characters had just finished reading the Exalted core and decided to start their first session.

"You're a solar"

"Doesn't that mean I'm a demon?"


"Oh.  That's good then."

It's like they made an attempt at RPing, but without thinking about what their characters should know.

I LOVED those two Realm DBs who showed up at the start of issue 2 :D they rule!  So much how you'd expect real DBs to be, but I was still pissed at how Drogath wasn't really Prince of the Earthy enough.  Also... I feel that maybe too many of the DBs were using sorcery (isn't it meant to be a rare art that only those few among the Dragon Blooded who have attended the Heptagram have learnt?), but that's just me being nitpicky :P
Kajata said:
I LOVED those two Realm DBs who showed up at the start of issue 2 :D they rule!  So much how you'd expect real DBs to be, but I was still pissed at how Drogath wasn't really Prince of the Earthy enough.  Also... I feel that maybe too many of the DBs were using sorcery (isn't it meant to be a rare art that only those few among the Dragon Blooded who have attended the Heptagram have learnt?), but that's just me being nitpicky :P
YES to all the above.

Oh, and, um, spoiler warning. Sorry folks.
Got issue 2 today.  I liked it very much, but still felt a little cheated at the section on the differing Solar Castes.  I understand that the comic is aimed for those who are new to Exalted, trying to get them into the role-playing aspect itself, but I can't help feel that the space could have been used better.

Overall though, I thought the art and inking was spot on.

Yeah, you've gotta say that the actual story in the comic is a bit short :(

The rest of the info is nice and fun, but I'd MUCH rather seen some nice nitty gritty story and proper exalted combat.  The fight with the tomb guardian is alright... just not awesome... which is something you'd think they'd do with the first fight of the series.  I don't expect every fight to be full of essence slinging goodness, but at least the first big one :P
Kajata said:
YThe fight with the tomb guardian is alright... just not awesome... which is something you'd think they'd do with the first fight of the series.
lol yeah, that fight. I was pissed off that the tomb didn't have more potent defences, until I noticed that the guardian spirit was dominating that Solar circle. Weird how something like "dominating a Solar circle" could fade into the background to that extent, but that's how the fight was treated.
Ahh... Your sig is giving me a brain-ache, Haku. Please stop it.

I think the comic was ok.  Felt short.  And the setup of the story for 15 pages then 10 extra pages of explination ihope goes away cause it feels like they are jipping the story by 5-10 pages to add the extra breif history which I wonder if that stuff even makees sense to someone who hasn't read the whole story.

Anyone got impressions form any non exalted players?
psychoph said:
Anyone got impressions form any non exalted players?
Yes: "the art is great but I have no idea who these people are or what they're doing." From the guy who does schlockmercenary.com and from my local comic shop people.
BurningPalm said:
psychoph said:
Anyone got impressions form any non exalted players?
Yes: "the art is great but I have no idea who these people are or what they're doing."
I got pretty much the same from several friends who I showed it to.  They've heard about 'Exalted', but nothing about it.  This comic didn't help.  They also felt it was too short.

Ive really enjoyed the comic, i think that having to balance between true exalted fans and those that know nothing is a daunting task at the best of times.

I feel that they reached it as best they could, I find the story while touchie in a few places has a nice and slow momentum that may very well be on the edge of boring to non exalted fans. Each of the comics are decent in their own right but not until they come together do they truly shine through.
I take back most of my criticisms, they've been dealt with (even if only by having a couple of characters say "man, that tomb raid/Drogath was STUPID"). The comic started off pretty average but it looks to me like it's steadily improving. Like, Kidale's ST has finally gotten the prelude out of the way and is starting the actual story.

And, um, I basically have no internet in my new flat... should be fixed in about a week. So that's why this is my only post in a couple months.
Does anyone know when or have issue 4 yet? I'm dying to know what is in it. I love the comic personally. I find it an amusing and wonderful side of Exalted so I don't have to dream all of it up in my mind.

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