Exalted and Decapatation.


New Member
Alright, I've been thinking, and a thought struck me: Can a Exalted survive beheadings? After all, a normal human can survive decapatation for a few seconds at least, so how much longer can a exalted survive? My guess is a Exalted's head lives and remains conscious for 30 seconds per point of stamina, so with stamina five they remain conscious for 2 1/2 minutes.

Personnally I think this wound couldn't be healed, not without a special high essence charm, say essence 7 charm?
I'm not sure if surviving decapitation by re-attaching your head is fitting for all Exalt types. Lunars technically can with the Chimera knacks, and maybe an Abyssal could with a high Essence form of Resistance.

Personally, I'd use the extra time to give whatever monologue, curse, or dire warning I'd want to give through the head. Death speeches are supposed to be very important after all.
"Ya know the worst thing about all this? My nose itches. All the damn time."

Captain Hesperus
Some high-essence Chimeric Lunars can live and regenerate from just a drop of blood, so I don't see why an Exalt couldn't survive with his whole head intact.

I mean, you're going to have to expend a lot of essence constantly, but I imagine it's possible, and gets easier if you get yourself to some life-support. However, considering you're still alive, you would keep your shard, and couldn't become a mentor for your next incarnation. Have to die before that can happen :/
One SMA charm, from Scroll of the Monk but I can't atm remember its name, smashes a bodypart to atoms and it states that you have a tick or two to put everything back together, so I don't see a reason why you can't do the same with your head.
Cryoseraph said:
I'm not sure if surviving decapitation by re-attaching your head is fitting for all Exalt types. Lunars technically can with the Chimera knacks, and maybe an Abyssal could with a high Essence form of Resistance.
Personally, I'd use the extra time to give whatever monologue, curse, or dire warning I'd want to give through the head. Death speeches are supposed to be very important after all.
That monologue thing was the whole idea of this thought. They would have to use essence to talk though, unless they can read lips. :mrgreen:

Dragonmystic said:
Some high-essence Chimeric Lunars can live and regenerate from just a drop of blood, so I don't see why an Exalt couldn't survive with his whole head intact.
I mean, you're going to have to expend a lot of essence constantly, but I imagine it's possible, and gets easier if you get yourself to some life-support. However, considering you're still alive, you would keep your shard, and couldn't become a mentor for your next incarnation. Have to die before that can happen :/
If you want mentor your next incarnation, be a ghost. Also, why do I imagine the Head Jars from Futurama?
Look... either you go full retard and they can survive decapitation (and possibly even reverse it with Wholeness Restoration Method), or they can't... there's no in-betweens and I'm pretty sure that even if a human brain can remain viable for a few minutes after decapitation; whoever gets decapitated will instantly fall into a coma or at least lose consciousness.

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