[Evolution] Thread Index


mad to live
Thread Index

This thread is a one stop shop where you can find out what everyone is doing in our world. Below are the role-play threads sorted by date with a little synopsis. Browse these from time to time to stay up to date on the plots around the forum. You never know when you could find a new way to get your character(s) involved!


[Aug 31, 2030] Moving into your life

Characters: Nadia Rosenburg & Darren DeLuca (1x1)

Nadia joins the Resistance and is assigned to live in an apartment with a bunch of young E-Gens. Her first assignment? Pulling a drug addicted DeLuca back from the edge. They need him and his abilities to survive, but the way he is headed... he could put them all at risk.


[Jun 12, 2034] A capella Apprehensions

Characters: Donovan Terell and Rori Hutchins (1x1)

Donovan approaches Rori about Sector Ten and the possibilities that it offers.

[Jun 20, 2034] Cupid's Arrow Struck

Characters: Ina Ewald & Darren DeLuca (1x1)

Darren approaches Ina at her home in regards to his feelings towards Nadia. While the doctor gives her advice, a past hurt is revealed, and tensions rise as Darren broaches the subject further.

[Jun 25, 2034] Resistance Mission I: Oklahoma Rescue

Characters: Open (Main)

The Resistance leads a mission to rescue spec prisoners that are being taken to a quarantine camp in Oklahoma. The specs set up a road block to ambush the military vehicles. A battle is waged between E-Gens and soldiers who are escorting the prisoners to the facility. Things go to hell fast and not everyone survives to make the trip back to Texas.

[Jun 30, 2034] Contact from the Matrix

Characters: Nadia Rosenburg, Michael Niall, Open

Nadia and "the geek squad" get a cryptic message from an unknown spec who is on the run from the government. He wants to be brought in, to join them... but he isn't very trusting. He wants to meet up... alone, to be sure the Resistance deserves his trust. Of course, Nadia agrees to the meet but as always, she is never alone.

[Jul 1, 2034] Emotional Exercises

Characters:Holland Davenport, Thomas Gregson, Nadia Rosenburg

Thomas calls the Resistance for help controlling his powers. Nadia and Holland agree to meet him and give him a crash course. The new telekinetic gets more than he bargained for.

[Jul 2, 2034] Old Flames Spark

Characters: Ina Ewald & Jessica Chapple

Ina is tending to those injured in the last mission, when Jessica, a new addition to the Resistance, enters her office and rekindles old flames.

[Jul 4, 2034] Operation Boom-Boom

Characters: Open (Main)

Sector 10 takes out Texas' independent power grid and blankets the state in darkness. Seizing on this weakness, they attack the Resistance Headquarters where the group is in the middle of a BBQ. The long feared nightmare of the government finding them has finally come...

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[font=Tahoma][size=5][b][Jun 25, 2034] [url='http://www.roleplay.zone/threads/resistance-mission-i-oklahoma-rescue.61037/']Resistance Mission I: Oklahoma Rescue[/url][/b][/size][/font]
[font=Verdana][size=3][b]Characters:[/b] Open (Main)
The Resistance leads a mission to rescue spec prisoners that are being taken to a quarantine camp in Oklahoma. The specs set up a road block to ambush the military vehicles. A battle is waged between E-Gens and soldiers who are escorting the prisoners to the facility. Things go to hell fast and not everyone survives to make the trip back to Texas. [/size][/font]
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I assume since you've got the code-thing up I can post here??? O.o

[March, 2034] Seeking Shelter

Characters: Esmeralda & Alfred Dyson, resistance members (?)

The Resistance leads a mission to rescue Alfred and Esmeralda had fled America because of the segregation, going to Mexico in hopes of hiding amongst the many displaced people that lived there. However, now they must flee again and head back to the very place they had left in the beginning. They can't do it alone though, so in one last attempt to find a place to go they contact the Resistance.
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