[Evolution] Aya Ananta


New Member
Name: Aya Ananta

Age: 18

Appearance: Aya has long, black hair that is shiny and very smooth. Her body is very slender, yet she is very toned. Her skin is pale and smooth(the kind of skin every girl wants). She has red eyes and a very proportioned faced. Aya is considered very beautiful. You will usually see her in a black hoody that hides her face. She also wears jeans with holes in them and wears no shoes(hers finally fell apart). Aya carries brass knuckles to defend herself.

Personality: Aya has a very sympathetic/empathetic nature. She tends to get along with everyone she meets despite being a more introverted person. Despite all this she has a temper that is easily triggered, which can be a major problem. Her moods tend to change rapidly(not in a bipolar sense). She is shy at times yet will definitely speak her mind. She is usually good at sensing or picking up on the moods of others by reading their facial expressions.

She tends to play well with others unless they cross her; she likes to get even. She tends to hide her emotions from others because her emotions tend to get her in trouble. Not much of a leader, Aya tends to be a follower. She cant stand having to lead people because in her mind it will lead to disasters. People love talking to Aya though, because she is a good listener and sympathetic toward their problems.

Ever since Aya has discovered that she was a E-Gen she has become very quit and tends not to speak and hides her emotions even more(her emotions tend to affect her powers). She doesn't like big crowds and try to avoid them at all cost. She likes her powers and find them pretty, yet she wishes she was normal. Aya has started to hate normal people, despite wanting to be one, because how they treat her kind.

History: Aya's life was pretty normal. Her parents adored her and gave her anything she wanted. This never made her spoiled, she rarely

asked for anything. When E-Gens started to be segregated it never affected Aya. Her parents didn't know that there own daughter was one of them. Later on when the E-Gen situation got worse Aya's parents got the "we are human papers" immediately.

Life continued on from there uneventful, yet Aya noticed that her eyes were gradually changing in color. Eventually her eyes were a blood red color. This concerned her parents but they didn't do anything about it. One night when Aya was a sleep they took her blood and sent it to a doctor. The doctor came to their house the next night. Little did they know Aya was awake and curiously watching. Her parents find out Aya was a E-Gen flipped. They wanted to know where they could send her, they didn't want a freak as a daughter. Hearing this Aya ran into her room and packed a book-bag with clothes, food, and her papers saying she was human. Still crying anger also filled her and her room lit on fire. The whole house went up into flames. This is how she discovered what her powers where.

That happened only a couple of years ago. Now being 18 she walks the streets alone. She has to steal in order to get by. She hides in the shadows ans silently mourns. She no longer has a family or any friends.

E-Gen traits: Her eyes are red, she doesn't know what this has to do with her powers but they changed when she got her abilities. She knows she can set things on fire, but she has no idea she can also freeze things. She would be able to control her powers if she practiced but she is terrified to even try. Since she cant control them her emotions tend to set them off. For example if she gets extremely angry she can end up setting a whole building on fire. Her flames do not spread slowly either. Everything all at once will be burned.

Her abilities also make her immune to fire and she can handle extremely cold weather. Even on hot summer days she can could be dressed for winter and never feel hot. This comes in handy for her because the ragged clothes she wears are perfect for any whether. She never gets sick anymore since her powers have come into her life. She counts this as a major blessing.

There less noticeable changes to her body as well. For example she can see and hear much better. Suddenly she can run and jump faster then the average human. She is even a lot stronger. She still gets fatigued like humans though so she tries to stay in shape.

Writing sample: I was walking down the with my bag on my back, which i am quite tired of carrying. Causally walking in a store I have a goal in mind. "Do you have any aces bandages by any chance". Not even looking up the cashier pointed to the back corner of the store. They were in the back of the store in the blind spot of the cameras. " I guess it is my lucky day." Taking one i shoved it into my hoody pocket and started to walk out of the store. "Did you find them?" The cashier asked suspiciously. Calmly I answered saying I did but didn't have enough money with me to buy one. The cashier thought nothing of it. Walking out of the store I walked to a nearby alley and threw my bag on the ground. "Today my friend we part". Grabbing my papers and my brass knuckles out of the bag i strap them under my clothes using the bandages. Smiling to myself I leave the alley and my bag behind. The day was going so smoothly until a scream rang out. Running toward the sound I find a girl being towered over by a man with a gun. "What are you doing?" I yelled out. The man turned around and looked at me then focused on the girl again. The poor thing whimpered and started to cry. Guy screamed at her calling her a spec and to shut up.

"Filthy." The guy mumbled under his breath. He moved his finger to she trigger.

"No.....NO!" Rushing towards the poor girl I try to save her but I am too late. I hear the gun shot, it rings in my ears. Freezing I see the girl's lifeless body fall to the ground. Anger starts to feel me, all I can see now is that horrible man. Filled with rage i let out a scream. He burst into flames, he yells for help and rolls around on the ground. In horror i watch him burn alive. "Not again, please no." I hear screams of terror behind me and I run away in a panic leaving a trail of flames behind me. I turn around to see buildings on fire and armed men chasing me. Feeling a sharp pain in my neck I fall to the ground. My vision starts to fade, then I see nothing. When I wake up I realize I am in a vehicle chained. I somehow still have my papers and brass knuckles. "I am so screwed."<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/123.jpg.9ce3db4c865b23fb2b8ddd03a204bb39.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24605" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/123.jpg.9ce3db4c865b23fb2b8ddd03a204bb39.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Accepted! Wolf0fArtemis, welcome to Evolution! I just wanted to post officially accepting your character. Thank you for bringing Aya over from RPN! I really appreciate you sticking with us! Aya is such a great part of the main thread I can't imagine it without her!

You may wish to check out the Beginner's Guide if you haven't already. Just a quick guide to this new shiny RP system and how I have things set up. You'll also notice I created a fancy character sheet template you may want to use! Check it out. =) As always, if you need anything I'm only a PM away on RPN or RPZ!

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