-Evilly cackles- Why hello there new minions!


New Member
My name is CJTaylor, I was brought here, as in literally dragged to the computer by my friend Dani, or as you guys may know her; TheCreativeUsername. I like Fantasy roleplays and realistic ones I guess. I mean, just going by the categories here. I'm from Australia. So. Nice to meet you guys! -Waves- Also I like Doctor Who... ADRIC IT THE BEST!
First of all, welcome to the RpNation CJTaylor!

Just wanted to thank you for posting an introduction. If you have any questions such as creating a role play, updating your avatar, earning achievements, etc.. please visit the following link:


Now if you have any more questions, please don't be afraid to reach out to one of our staff members!

Your new friend

So you're name is Maddy, eh? >83

Welcome to the site, glad to have you here and such.

As ace says, don't be afraid to ask us anything...

I'm sure Reav has shown you the shout box, but just in case she hasn't it's on the main forum page.

You can get there by clicking the "RpNation" logo or the Forums tab.
Welcome to the site. Everything's been pretty much said, so uhm, beware of the nicknames, don't feed the trolls, and most importantly (Run from the zombies!) Have Fun! Can't wait to see you on the forum~

Hello CJTaylor! Welcome to RpNation! I hope you're enjoying our community so far. If you need some help, I'd recommend checking out the threads and boards listed below if you haven't already. They're quite helpful, and give you a brief introduction on our community rules and regulations.

Welcome to the RpNation!

RpNation Rules and Regulations

Questions and Assistance board

Once you've done that, the few guides listed below are very useful. I would highly suggest reading them over. They both help you comprehend the general community of RpNation, as well as giving you a detailed passage on role play specifics. These guides were given special awards by our site's founder, GgAcE, so you can be assured that they are accurate and up to date.

Joining Role Plays - a Detailed Help Guide

Joining Roleplays on RpNation~!

Again, welcome to RpNation! If you have any questions, need any help understanding or finding anything, etc. please don't hesitate to ask me or one of the official RpNation
staff members. You can contact one of the moderators or I by sending one of us a private message, or leaving a short note on one of our profile pages explaining your problem. To private message, either select their name and then click the send private message button, or go to your inbox and compose a message with their name typed in the recipient box. To leave one of us a visitor message, just select his or her profile page and you should see a box where you can comment. Have a great time on RpN, and we hope to see you role playing soon!

Note: Esme is right. Especially about feeding the trolls. Do not give the trolls munchies to eat on, dear child, for it feeds their satisfaction.


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