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Fantasy Evil Carnival roster


The one who made Aerth
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Heyo the cs is below, you can add more to it if you like but the bare minimum I need to accept a character is written below.
If I ask you to edit something don't take offense, nothing against anyone specifically I just wanna keep everyone on the same page lore wise. While it's a medieval fantasy where magic is about the cast won't have access to said magic.
There's two types of magic, first is human magic more akin to sleight of hand or alchemy.
"Hiding a vial in your sleeve full of a chemical mixture that catches alight to summon fire!" Human magic.

Second is demon/devil magic which is curses and anything unexplainable. A easy example of demon magic is turning something or some one into something different. "Changing a person into winged horse is demon magic."
No ones character has demon magic.

Keep in mind this is a group rp so it's implied early on that these characters will be working together.
The idea being my character hires a bunch of adventurers/bounty hunters who has reason to suspect the carnival.
If you make a edgy murder hobo incapable of being any kind of reasonable, sneaky or it just makes no sense for this character to be around I won't accept them.

Please don't ask questions here keep this page for sheets

Age: (be between 16 and 40)

Appearance: (picture required but describe them anyway. Height, hair colour etc)

Gear: (what they travel/fight/adventure/perform with. If it's important put it here otherwise I'll treat said character as a delusional psycho when they whip out something the clearly don't have)

Talents: (what your good at, from cooking to combat or creative arts. This can be a hobby or a skill that could be used in a act.
Knife throwing/juggling, sword fighting performances, musical acts etc)

Flaws: (no one's perfect)

Applying for...
(Your joining the carnival for whatever reason between revenge/retribution/money etc
what job are you gonna try and get?
This could be as simple as a wandering clown, more straightforward jobs like cleaning or cooking...
You could have a act of some sort like the medieval equivalent of pro wrestling or fixed fights.
Acrobatics, musical performances, hell you might set up a stall with a crystal ball and "read" people's future)

Optional history:
(What made this character who they are? Bonus points if family or friends have gone missing years ago around the time that famous carnival rolled past...)
Name: Wabo Shika

Age: 28

Wabo is shorter than the average man standing at 5ft8. A lean acrobatic build with a rugged face, handsome in a roguish way. Appears younger than he really is. Wabo has messy hair and piercing eyes both sporting common dark colours. The thing most remember of the man from a glance is Wabo has a noticeable scar across his face or a charming/friendly smile.

Wabo dresses in comfortable/common clothes whenever possible but when working/hunting he has a mixture of armour ranging from leathers and steel.
In terms of weapons Wabo favours the bow and smaller blades, he takes at least forty arrows and six throwing blades whenever he ventures out. His prized "Swordbreaker" is a dagger with teeth cut into one side designed to catch blades, this is usually always within reach strapped to his leg, arm or tucked at his hip.

1) Wabo is a excellent archer, practicing in his free time almost every day for the purpose of accuracy when hunting.
2) Wabo be nimble, acrobatic would be another word to describe the man but despite having the potential ability to tumble, spin and flip his talent comes in moving fast rather than a performance acts.
3) Wabo can understand animals, Ringmaster Rogier Rosefal cursed Wabo twenty one years ago using demon magic to turn him into a winged monkey. Wabo was able to escape the carnival before the transformation was complete and when he finally reverted back into a human he realised he could hear voices. Over time Wabo realised what was happening and it helped him in a number of ways.
4) hunter/gatherer, Wabo has experience in finding stuff to eat and preparing/cooking it decently.

1) Wabo can understand animals. Literally able to hear the voices and emotions of almost any living creature. It is somewhat maddening at most times and annoying at the very least to hear the inane thoughts of insects or the hidden bloodlust in most unassuming critters.
2) insomnia, be it from past trauma or the problem above Wabo can't sleep without medicine, alcohol or drugs.
3) terrible swimmer, won't drown in waist deep water but he cannot swim fast or hold his breath for very long.

Applying for...
Marksman, chef, guard, clown if need be...

Optional history:
Wabo was born into the carnival and raised by carnies who had no idea their beloved boss was a evil wizard using demon magic for the purpose of his circus. Wabo's family was unlucky enough to have been chosen for Rosewal's newest idea... "the flying monkey family!"
Unfortunately for all involved the Shika family either died fighting back or trying to flee, only the youngest son Wabo was able to escape. Flying into the wilds away from the lights and noises the monstrous freak eventually turned back into a regular looking human boy, though he would be altered forever.

It took time but Wabo was able to use his curse for the better becoming a knowledgeable survivor of the wilds. Eventually joining a small guild in the town of Serti which helped push Wabo into the man he is today, a hunter respected for his knowledge and a adventurer known for his skill.
Wabo lived as peaceful a life he could manage never wanting to cause conflict and pain when it could be avoided.
That changed overnight when word that a famous carnival was coming to town. Memories and trauma flooded back to the man who had to get closure.
Upon seeing the carnival Wabo was scared and confused for many reasons, it proved without a doubt his past was real and he needed revenge. Who knows how many victims Ringmaster rosewal has dancing like puppets that he controls.

Wabo attempted everything he could to get help from the kingdom but even close friends and respected acquaintances from the guild assumed the man crazy.
When he spoke of a traveling circus that's run by a devil most assumed him crazy.
It took time but Wabo was finally able to gather people who believed him, or were just loyal for money.
The time has come to track down that evil carnival and enact justice.
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Name: Kronya Recato
Age: 21

Standing at 5'5", Kronya goes about the world in a dress, a pair of heels, and some white gloves. And of course, she never forgets her purse. The redhead is very much a style-over-comfort gal as she refuses to wear any other footwear but heels, even if it means enduring an entire day of pain and discomfort, her one and only reason being they make her legs look good. Sometimes, when she feels like one of her previous and very angry clients are out to get her, she wears a hat that conceals enough of her dark brown eyes to not be identifiable by people.

The one thing Kronya always makes sure she has on her is her purse. She refuses to go anywhere without it. Inside are her favorite red lipstick, her worn down tarot cards, fake crystals, and things she has stolen such as money, jewels, keys, etc. She also has a small pocket knife laced with poison to protect herself and two pouches of powdered drugs-- one for blowing into people's faces to knock them out and one for spiking people's drinks and food.

1) Kronya can sing quite well and is decent at dancing.
2) From glamorously shuffling cards to sneakily pickpocketing unknowing individuals, Kronya has an elegant slight of hand.
3) Kronya is experienced at fabricating lies and arousing emotions in people as these are what she relied on when she used to be a fortune teller in another carnival.
4) Kronya can make basic poisons and drugs.

1) Kronya is not the strongest person around. She usually requires assistance with even the smallest things like opening a water bottle.
2) Kronya is rather materialistic. She will do almost anything to get what she wants, it doesn't matter if the work is dirty or dangerous.
3) Kronya can't handle dramatic temperature changes very well. She easily gets cold/hot.
4) Given how unimpressive her physical prowess is, she can sometimes be quite the coward. She will most likely run or hide when faced with any sort of intense physical fight, but of course, not without making sure her purse is safely tucked under her arms.
5) She's a lightweight. Kronya can be tossed, turned, and thrown around by pretty much anyone who isn't a small kid.

Applying for...
Fortune teller/Tarot reader (She has no real "gift" for reading though. She just lies to clients.)

Optional history:
When they were little, she and her younger brother visited the carnival during one of their orphanage's yearly field trips. Instead of keeping an eye out for her brother while he was playing a fair game, she was distracted by the necklace of a lady that passed them by. Her brother, noticing she disappeared, abandoned his game and decided to look for her, scared that he had just lost her. When he finally found her, she was already caught by security and was being reprimanded by them. She noticed her brother staring from behind the guards' shoulders and she was about to call out to him for help, but a huge figure emerged from the tent behind him. It was a clown. The clown held his huge hands over her brother's mouth and dragged him into the tent while the brother struggled to fight back. Kronya tried to warn the guards of what was happening but they didn't believe her, assuming she was just saying that to get away.
She was never able to search for him because the nuns of the orphanage spent the rest of the day scolding her. Apparently, the lady she tried to steal from was one of their top donors. And so, Kronya was kicked out of the orphanage and no searches were done for her brother. Ever since then, she's been stealing and lying to survive through the world. She spends her days going from carnival to carnival, all in hopes of finding out what happened to her little brother.
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