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Fandom " evil can't be scientifically defined " — criminal minds.


𝖘𝖔 𝖒𝖚𝖈𝖍 𝖋𝖔𝖗 "𝖊𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖓𝖎𝖙𝖞" . . .
Roleplay Availability
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this is definitely a long shot, but who cares! not me!
hello rpnation, this is my first ever post on here despite not being new. wacky! to be entirely honest, i made this account and promptly forgot about it. most of my writing happens on tumblr or discord, so this wasn't exactly at the forefront of my mind for a while. especially because most of the fandoms i was interested in writing were generally popular and got lots of attention on tumblr rpfinder blogs. though, this time, my luck hasn't be so great! and viola, rpnation came back to my mind. without further ado, let me get into this.

𖹭 key terms: oc x cc, double up, beginner friendly, 18+ writers.
๑ tldr: seeking someone to write spencer reid against a female oc. lazy lit to novella writing style. on-site, but discord is available.

⪩ this has some semblance of order to it. most of my rp searches begin with an introduction followed my rules and guidelines, and then finally information about the rp itself. this might be a lot of text, lots of paragraphs, some spoilered in code so it isn't incredibly lengthy, but nonetheless this is a lot of text. if you don't care to read all of it, i included the tldr and key terms at the beginning of this for a reason. this is kind of your first and only very short warning for the chunks of text to come. if you do read through all of it, i hope i was a little bit entertaining throughout at least.
⊢ i go by lots and lots of things, i have many nicknames and whatnot that i've ended up sort of collecting over the years? though, to make it easy, you can call me batz or batty since it's just a shortened version of my username on here. i'm a college student who's majoring in psychology and behavioral sciences (shocker!), i just finished my semester a few weeks ago and now i have so much time on my hands without classes constantly. once june ends, i have all of july free and i barely have anything to do. i work three days a week for like four hours a day and the rest of my afternoon and evenings are usually entirely free. the busiest thing that's coming up is the last week of june where i'll be very inactive so this is probably a bad time to post this rp search, but whatevs! i need new partners and i've been rotting about criminal minds for the nth time. i've watched this show start to finish like four times and i have a very special place in my heart for it. i haven't roleplayed criminal minds in actual ages, but recently the craving hit hard asf and now i'm pulling all the stops to try and find partners to write it with in 2024. yikes ... on the same note as writing, i have a very fluctuating writing style. sometimes i'll pull out maybe five paragraphs, other times i can write upwards of like ten or more. i tend to write what i think is needed for the scene, so it shorter replies is kinda what i'm feeling for what's going on, then i will crank out rapid like 3 or 4 paragraphs responses. i'm also not a perfect writer. sometimes i'll write when im tired or distracted and there are some grammar errors here and there, but i try my best to not make it frequent. my activity for replies also fluctuates, but i do chat ooc pretty often even if i'm not replying immediately. motivation just goes up and down, but i try to not ghost. i do my best to communicate when i can and if i'm not clicking with someone or with a plot or it's getting boring, i do my best to let you know so we can figure something out.
⊢ i'm going to write these in list format just for easier viewing, but i do try to keep my rules short and simple since i write as a hobby and i don't care all too much about who i write with.
  • you must be 18 or older. i'm over 18 myself and usually i'm okay with writing with people who are like 16 or older, but for criminal minds specifically, there's a lot of darker topics due to the nature of the show and i would just feel more comfortable writing and portraying said topics with people who were closer to my age.
  • be capable of writing at least three-ish paragraphs per reply. while i did say i write regarding what i think needs to be written for the scene, i won't write anything less than three paragraphs. i say three-ish because like two long ones could be good, but i won't reply to something where i only get one paragraph in return for a reply. bouncing off of this, for doubling, i would also prefer an equal effort in both sides. i'm not saying both sides of a reply have to be perfect equal length, but not like nine paragraphs for an oc and like three for a canon.
  • be comfortable with ooc talk. i love to talk about ocs and headcanons and scenarios and share music and whatever. while this isn't exactly a requirement, it's more of a preference. i won't force ooc out of someone because i get it, sometimes people want to just write and not really chat too much, but it would be a big bonus if you enjoyed ooc as well.
  • be patient. god, this is a big one. i've met too many people that get pissy because i don't reply immediately or i say i'll reply soon and it takes a little longer than i expected to get back to you. roleplay is a hobby and i do my best to communicate within my capabilities, but sometimes life just gets in the way and i don't get a chance to send any form of update as soon as i would like. all i ask is for patience and understanding when things happen.
  • be communicative. while i won't be upset or come chasing after you if you decide you need to ghost because i fully understand, but if you do wish to keep writing, communication is always a big step. i don't immediate replies, i don't expect undivided attention all the time, but even minor communication works wonders. i've met people who didn't say anything in reply for weeks and then come back without reason expecting me to have kept replying ooc and irp despite getting no word in return. if something comes up, it comes up, i get it! life happens. just be aware that if you do go radio silent for a week and some change, i may only send one bump message if you are still interested. you are also more than welcome to do the same for me! sometimes i forget, sometimes notifications don't work, so if we have something going and i disappear, bump messages are totally appreciated.
⊢ finally, we got to the fun part! there isn't a lot to list here so this might be entirely shorter than i initially expected it to be since most of my partner searches are extensive regarding rp information, but since this is one fandom and i don't have many canon interests, this might be short! all in all, this is doubling friendly but not doubling required! if you just want to write a canon, i am more than happy to let you just write a canon! though, i will definitely be writing an oc simply because that is what i'm interested in.
𖹭 looking for: spencer reid. as of right now, he's my only interest since i've paired my oc with him for years and years. i'm a creature of habit! any era of reid is welcomed as well.
๑ can write: anyone! my favorites are jj, morgan, penelope, and emily though. despite this, i am open to writing whoever you want! i've seen this show enough times to say i have a pretty good grasp of all the characters.
⊢ plot-wise, that is something we can discuss in pms. i have some ideas that revolve around certain arcs in the show or certain episodes, but i also have a ton of original ideas that coincide with my own oc more instead of inserting an oc into an episode or whatnot. i'm very open to writing a sort of everything plot where it isn't just about the cases, but also involves what happens outside of cases or between nights during a case. i love building relationships and i love drama and angst. i'm open to any ideas if anything comes to mind! very, very flexible plot-wise. if there was a certain character arc or concept you wanted to explore, i am more than willing to indulge! this can also be long-term or short-term, i have no preference!

and that's it! thank you for checking this out and if it caught your attention, feel free to comment on this post and i'll reach out, or just send me a direct pm!
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Hello! I’m not sure if you are still looking for someone to roleplay Criminal Minds with, but I thought I would still message you. I just recently started rewatching Criminal Minds, and became very interested in roleplaying it with someone.

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