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Multiple Settings Everything You Can Imagine Is Real

Welcome to my thread, here are some things to note before scrolling to the fun stuff! (:

- The boring one: I am in my 20s, so I prefer to play with people who are 18+
- Throw all your ideas at me. I want to know. Want our characters to have random magic powers. Yes! Want our characters to discover a dark truth about their past. Yes! Want our characters to grow new limbs at random... maybe no. But really, I am open to hearing any ideas, and it actually motivate me much more when we can get excited about our story together.
- I really enjoy OC chatter, doesn't have to be about irl, but at least about our story. I find that rps where you chat last much longer
- I work. But I will try to reply as often as I can.
- It shouldn't be homework! If you don't like where our story is going, it's okay to drop it, let me know
- Pairing-wise, I think I am biased toward MxM, those are the ones I have had the best outcomes with, but if you have a good MxF idea I will definitely hear you out

I will play any
* crave​

My Hero Academia (aged up preferred ) *
Kirishima x Bakugo (any !villain combo also welcome)
Bakugou x villain!Deku
Hawks x Dabi
OC's welcome, but I don't have any of my own
I am willing to give any pairings a go
a) Works for 'Kirishima x Bakugou', and other hero pairings:
The two heroes are part of the same agency after leaving school, and have moved into the same apartment complex; apartments given by the agency. They have been steadily getting closer friends, visiting each other and often going on the same missions. Their job has not been easy lately: crime has been sky-rocketing. Not only that, but certain hero agencies have gotten corrupted, and made deals with villain organisations to save their own skin- and their families.
The villains overall goal is definitely to divide the heroes before a major attack. They tamper with footage to make the heroes look bad, and even use morphing quirks to look like them, and do everything they can to break down their forces and trust in each other. One of our heroes is the one who gets his reputation ruined, and only our other hero can vouch for him - because they were together when it 'happened'. But the public is not easy to forgive what they think is the truth

b) Works for hero/villain pairings
The two are enemies. Even if they shared a past, its long forgotten and they have been fighting each other more times than they can count. It is a miracle that none of them have diedt. In this particular incident the !villain is stealing a unique helmet, created with a mind-reading quirk, to allow you to read your opponents mind while in combat. As usual, the two of them clash and end up in a fight at the laboratory where they keep the experimental equipment. Experimental being the keyword.
The two of them ends up destroying the lab, and the blast accidentally affects them with the helmets powers. They gain the ability to read minds... but not everyone else's minds; just each others. Even after parting ways they start to have vivid dreams about each others memories, and whenever they are in the same vicinity they can read each others minds. The hero gains insight why the villain turned to the dark side, and the villain learns about the mindset of the hero to always protect the people he cares about.

Other ideas that are not fleshed out:
- Someone lose their quirk
- A new villain appears who has the goal of killing one of the characters
- Our characters have just started a relationship, and now they are over-protective of the other character on the battlefield, which bothers their partner to no end
- A !villain character genuinely wants to be good, but only the other character is willing to help
- Undercover

Harry Potter Universe (aged up preferred, last year or after Hogwarts)
(I have a marauder bias, I love those guys more than the other casts tbh, I will do them if you have a good plot though (: )
Sirius x Remus
James x Lily
Sirius x James
OC's are welcome
I don't ship Peter with anyone, he will forever be the cowardly villain in my stories xD
a) It's war times and our characters fight alongside each other in a battle. In the heat of battle, one person gets hurt, but luckily makes it out alive. The other character offer to take care of him until he feels better. During Hogwarts times one character have always shown interest, but the other has always pretended not to notice. Now that they spend all their time together it gets harder not to notice though

My mind went blank for a moment, but I will add more when I think of some (:

Jujutsu Kaisen
Pretty open to ideas
Seen the show, not read the manga

Pairing Ideas, to get some inspiration going:

  • Cop x Criminal with a bad attitude, but a good heart
  • Royalty who doesn't want to marry x Servant
  • Tutor x Extremely bad student, but-it's-the-last-chance-to-pass-or-they-are-goddamn-screwed
  • Fallen angel who tries to return to heaven x Atheist who doesn't believe them for a second
  • Scientist x Test subject who is madly in love with them
  • Roommate with a secret x Roommate who is extremely nosy
  • Addict with a heart of gold x Dealer who has a soft spot for them
  • Writer who can't take care of himself x Editor who has to keep him fed
  • Time Traveler who is hired by the government x Time traveler who is just messing around
  • Rebel leader x undercover guards who pretends to be a rebel
  • Priest x Demon who won't leave him alone
  • Free Spirit x Hitchhiker
  • Superhero x Civilian whose shop he accidentally destroyed in battle
  • Dreamer x perfect person in his dreamworld x imperfect real person
  • Bodyguard x Client who just want to have fun
  • hurt Explorer x Hermit in the woods


To be continued ...

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